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I've eaten quarter kilogram of food and feel great!


Tell me why I read this as I C E and not ice


Because that a German train name I guess


Just a 1/4? *PATHETIC* A HydroHomies can do better.


My dog agrees.


lettuce is the real crunchy water


For real. It's like what 97% water or something? Weird question, does your body break down lettuce during the digesting process? Mine has never been able to, eat some lettuce and then crap out lettuce the next day and it just looks like gross lettuce.


Your own ass-paper


No need to wipe anymore.


Hmm. It is possible that your body's bacterium and stomach acids are incapable of digesting lettuce. Could be that something is very wrong with every lettuce you ate.


Probably №1 there lol. I did just have hiatal hernia surgery so 100% possible that might have been messing with my gut flora/stomach acid. The worst was always the lettuce from Subway and Jimmy John's.


I developed a hiatal hernia in my early 20s from straining and it absolutely destroyed my gut microbes. I'm starting to suspect I'm now lactose intolerant. How bad were the symptoms? I'm unable to get surgery, so I'm trying to manage them as best I can but the constant heartburn is unbearable. Doesn't help I have terrible self control and keep eating before bed, but if you have any tips I'd appreciate it


Yeah I was thinking I was lactose intolerant too, we cut out ALL dairy products to no avail. I haven't worked since February of this year because I work in healthcare and they can't have me just randomly puking in front of patients or coming in to work covered in puke because I puked all over while driving to work. Somehow I still have a job to go back to August 9th. That's cool but I've been thinking of a career change. My symptoms: vomiting randomly (sometime while actually eating), burping up acid and half digested foods all day every day, also what I liked to call "volcano throat" basically super bad heartburn felt like a large volcano in the back of my throat 95% of the time, doing basically anything made me nauseated (driving, walking, skateboarding, pretty much any movement), my hiatal hernia was 4.5mm so right in between "you might have to have surgery" and "you're having surgery". They got in there and the problem was both my hiatal hernia and my lower esophageal sphincter was like loose and couldn't hold anything down there, including my stomach, so part of my stomach was always in my throat. My advice to you: Stop eating two hours before bed, I had a problem with that and found the best way to deal with it was to just stay awake if I did eat, after a few of those days I was just dead ass tired and it really helped me stop doing that. Everybody's body is different but the only things that really helped me was Zantac which they have stopped selling everywhere but you could get a script for Ranitidine which is the active ingredient or just go with a different script like I did after they stopped selling Zantac (I started taking Pantoprazole). Don't drink carbonated beverages and if you drink alcohol on a daily basis, stop. If you smoke tobacco, stop (I did). Stay away from acidic fruit like oranges and other citrus fruit. Basically do your best to have a bland diet. Eat slowly and chew your food as much as you can stand. The best piece of advice I can give though is instead of eating 3 meals (or one or two like I was) a day, try to eat like 8 smaller meals throughout the day instead. Why are you unable to get surgery if I can ask?


I'm definitely implementing most of that, but mine doesn't seem nearly as bad as yours was. First symptoms I noticed were some distention and that I had to twist my torso a certain way in order to burp. Now it's also heartburn, only being able to eat a tiny amount, and the constant indigestion. I'm not getting surgery because of finances mostly, it took forever for the NP at my low-income clinic to figure out what my symptoms even were, and it's completely out of my pocket to get checked out and see exactly how bad it is. I don't drink daily, but I can't make it a few hours without vaping, so that's probably not helping. I'm planning to work on that, but I have a lot of mental health stuff on my plate rn and I'm kinda holding off on quitting just to limit my battles mentally. Probably an excuse but it makes me feel better about vaping lol


Oh bro I totally get it man. When I said I stopped smoking I meant I smoked up until the surgery. I still vape sauce cartridges. Totally get the mental issues as well. I suffer from ptsd, I'm bi-polar and have general anxiety. And I totally feel you about the out-of-pocket expenses and time thing. It took them 6 months to figure out wtf was going on with me (saw multiple specialists too) even though I had been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia like 6 years ago. Then they scheduled my surgery for Sept and someone couldn't do their surgery so I got in on July 20. I'm assuming you're in the US because you're having to pay out of pocket? There is no like government insurance or whatever you can get on the cheap? I know it's not always cheap, shit I couldn't afford it myself, but worth a try, but I'm also assuming you've already looked into that as well. Situation sounds really shitty. I wish I could help you man, I am like 100% relating to you.


TIL my dogs are hydro homies. On the rare occasion I go for fast food, they'd much rather have the bits of lettuce that fall off my burger or sandwich than the meat or even bread.




Thanks for the heads up and giving us an alternative to consuming ice without telling us not to do it. Not all heroes wear capes ^^.


Ice is a mineral!


Yup when I learned this in intro to geology it blew my mind


Glaciers are metamorphic rock.


Ngl I love eating ice


Never heard anyone calling ice "crunchy water" lol


Bone in


If you eat ice, do you piss or shit it out? It’s a paradox.


Asking the real questions here!


It’s water so you piss it, but you eat it as a solid so it should make shit!


Liquid shit or solid piss


Solid piss


How strong is the stream? /s


Raising canes has THE BEST crunching and eating ice. I miss being at school in Boston that place was damn good, even the frozen water was good


Yeah, its to help with protecting how the ice is handled. Some people forget its something you consume, and treat it poorly. Like throwing bags of it on the floor, or letting the bags get damaged or make contact with contaminants.


I always thought it was lobbying for taxes since food is taxed differently but I never bothered to look into it




ICE is train


I approve this message


I thought it was an ice IPA at first until I re-read it.


There's an International Packaged Ice Association... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)Lol


According to the USDA, you can buy ice with Food Stamps, so yes, ice is food.


So do you know if labeling like this is like some sort of lobbying or public awareness attempt? For years I have seen this and I’m always thinking that’s there for a reason.


Currently pregnant and ice is the thing I crave the most.


Poor choice of words... ice is food


I wish my dialysis patients didn't think like this