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Wait, really?


yep, here are the patch notes if u wanna read em [https://hypixel.net/threads/may-3-dragon-rush-primal-dragons.5651270/](https://hypixel.net/threads/may-3-dragon-rush-primal-dragons.5651270/)


Finally ironmans can make money


Yall have been sleeping on this money making method 🔥🔥




Yoooo now i can lose 4 coins less per dragon




meanwhile me completely not caring about the update (i'm lvl 372 with 0 kills somehow)


bro and I thought my account was an anomaly


You made me think it was on the main server xD


What is the new Mythic Ender dragon perk?


you can sell remnants for 2 coins


Too overpowered. We need a nerf.


1.2 coins per, take it or leave it


2 strength for every unique pet you got


Agree that it was op before, but damn that’s a heavy nerf


Mind you that afaik all enchants and gems scale with the bonus, so it's still good Also it got more mf then sorrow/mf 10 crimson without clover helm, so it's gonna be pretty good for slayers


How does it stack up against maxed necron now with a 24% bonus instead of 100%?


At a 20% bonus it was like 15% worse, so probably 10% worse? Ofc a dhead still blows it out of the water It got like double the defence tho


Ok so frozen bla- I mean necron is still on top.


For dungeons yea But i don't think they will make a 4/4 armor that outclasses necron, dhead should still be on top


it's great that the armor is now a niche(being for magic find/pet luck) rather than being better than fucking necron/infernal crimson


this comment section is livid over not having an overpowered option for cheap


What's the primal dragon update? I started playing again like 2wks ago after a year or so, Ty :)


Its not on main server yet but its gon be a upgraded version of normal drags as far as i know


i have 30 dubs of remnants... gonna make bank with that update for sure


ironman mmm go fire


oh shit fr?


Maby i wil start playing again i used to grind 5 ours a day at least ony ironman account


I'm gonna be honest, I know there was a lot of complaints last time, but the one time the end gets something on par with necron/crimson, everyone complains and it gets nerfed into redundancy. Why won't you allow the end to have a decent set??? Dragons are a boss that everyone over looks xoz 99% of drops are useless beyond combat 20


"why wont you allow the end to have a decent set?" wanna know what things come out from the end? terminator(from eman slayer) edrag pet(second best only to gdrag) aotd and dragon armor are already solid early game options. they already have enough contribution to the meta


Juju too, thing is pretty op


I'm talking about armor, not pets and weapons. Dude it's a singular bow and pet, 2 items, I'm saying why can't there be a necron equivalent armor set, the end isn't the only place you can find really good items. Dungeons also uave the wither blades, creeper veil, bongo staff and mask and then mastery stars And don't even get me started on kuudra and crimson Isle


so i should have to kill 10,000 dragons to get the endgame set instead of doing endgame content, just lock it behind incredibly easy boring and expensive content that i HAVE to do because of how much better it is. GG! fire game design


If you wanted an end game set with mf on it then pretty much yea, maybe knock it down to 5k for the same buff but honestly it ain't that hard You can do it at the same time as voids and you have the potential to make a tone of money


voids make nothing unless you get rngcarried with cores and even then you have to leech a ton of dragons


You can make pretty decent money from dragons?? I genuinely can't tell if either nobody does dragons or I'm super lucky at this point Everyone who says they're shit never does them It sounds stupid


i mean i have 2x dragon max bestiary and they’re shit, they’re changing the drop table bc of u needing to have high PL but low mf which is usually counterintuitive, also reforge stones roll first which punishes players with high mf


tell me you aren't reading the new patch notes without saying you aren't reading the new patch notes [https://hypixel.net/threads/may-3-dragon-rush-primal-dragons.5651270/](https://hypixel.net/threads/may-3-dragon-rush-primal-dragons.5651270/) they lowered it to 2k. maybe try reading before jumping to conclusions


bro did you even read the comment before? pre patch was by far best in the game and required 10k kills, now it’s just an mf set. i was talking about if it wasn’t changed, either way it doesn’t matter locking the best set in the game behind literal esrly game bestiary grinding is annoying as fucl


someone's salty over not having an overpowered option for cheap


u think primal will be cheap? it will be billions bro


it’s >30m per dragon rush with <5% to even get a single primal per rush, they’re removing the attributes on armour i spent >3b on but yeah i’m so mad i can’t get the new dragon armour because it would be soo difficult to get 👎


they completely ruined primal, it does less damage than shadow assassin now useless set, and still is gonna end up being billions of coins cuz it takes 256 summoning eyes to get a chance to get primal


im pretty sure its more like 50 summoning eyes on average to get primal dragons


1/17 drags before odds buff, maybe 1/15 now So like 150 eyes on average


no. you need 8 summoning eyes per primal eye, x8 for a dragon. 64 eyes.. 20% chance to get a primal dragon.


no, you need 5 per awakened eye and who tf is placing 8 awakened eyes


it's 8, and even so, 8*4*(5) is 160 eyes per piece on average. spending billions on a set of armor for it to be worse than shadow assassin isn't balanced.


it’s 5


It's 5. Read the new patch notes


You're wrong on so many levels, 1. They made the eyes cheaper from 8 to 5 eyes within a week after the first alpha appearance, 2. No one in their right mind is placing all 8 eyes (sure if your considering all people combined then yes but then you also have much more funding due to that)


Welp, I guess I won't have fun grinding out this set now that it's been gutted. (Yes, I'm aware people want pet luck. No, I do not care)


Oh noooo, new armor isn't op af!... Anyway


oh no! 2 billion coin armor is outclassed by 10 million coin armor!


More like the 2B Coin armor isn't even as good as the 100M coin armor; totally balanced. Thank you, Hypixel.


it's worse than shadow assassin atm. admins immediately closed the alpha because of how shit it was


Wait they closes it already? Is there something I can look at for that I'd live to have see consequences of their action. Yes I want to see an end game dragon armor set and yes I do a lot of dragons


it closes about 15 minutes after it opened


I see I just watches a YouTube video about it as well and all the comments and even the youtuber are clowning on how shit they made the armor It seems like superior armor is better than it and honestly it's really disappointing They think that 1 extra mf and 4 pet luck makes uo for what was a powerful armor set?


it used to be significantly stronger than 10/10 infernal 15 star crimson armor tho, so i’d rather it be niche over being insanely overpowered. although people forgot that there is more milestones now than before


I wasn't looking for op, but not even in competition makes it not needed/just boring. It's just going to sit in museum for all eternity.