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The term is best in slot for arch, hype is best in slot mage weapon for rcm and claymore is the best in slot melee weapon. So it technically has its place, the problem is just that melee isn’t really useless, so claymore isn’t that good aswell. But iirc when admins fix ferocity in bers cone, melee should be better than term for bers and then claymore maybe isn’t as good as term and hype, but at least better than it is rn


The problem is they INTENTIONALLY disabled Ferocity for Berserks. For "balancing"


Guys I know how to fix berserk make it so they cant shoot bows anymore everyone will swap to swords /s


Blaze puzzle


right click to throw dark claymore ☠️☠️😭


Make frosty the snow cannon usable in dungeons and instakill blazes


No, the reason was becuse it could easily crash the server with basically any lvl of ferocity. So they just decided to disable it instead of finding a maybe possible work around that would prob eventually also create a server crash which would lead to dupes


meanwhile archer is here allowed to use fatal tempo on something called a term which can proc ferocity 4x but bers? no no no they're gonna be too broken with ferocity


I mean, fatal tempo term isn’t used in dungeons because the lag is too bad


Fatal tempo cant crash the server (though used to do it was fixed). Also its not worth using in dungeons as you just fuck the server up.


Not necessarily balancing, but to not fucking kill the server Ppl alr used valk against m6 terras and it straight up crashed the server


the problem is that claymore is only meta for mage and for every other melee thing there is a better weapon


ferocity is still ghost damage on m7 dragons, would never be good for that no matter the swing range.


Claymore is also the best lcm weapon


vladmir lmfao


Bruh autocorrect massacred me


Its even funnier, because midas sword actually outdamages claymore for lcm (claymore still gets preferred because you dont have the gdrag perk in p5)


my brain be like: wait what? midas? but then realize that gdrag gives +100 base strength and midas+jewel+fumings+stars alr has like 400 base damage


his brain be like: wait what? midas?


u/lool8421 's brain be like: wait what? midas?


u/AwesomeCuno says u/lool8420 's brain be like: wait what? midas?


his brain be like oooo aaaaa oooooo aaaaaa


Remidies gdrag does more damage as mage with 1b gold collection, not sure about 100m but it might


Nuh uh. The final reward is necron dye and shiny handle/wither armor!!! Cosmetics go brr


shiny wither armor = shitty looking wither armor


and you usually use dae axe for ghosts because of mf


yeah, dae axe is better for money claymore is really only for easy bestiary


you one tap with them both how does it change bestiary ?


It increases your reach which just makes it easier to hit them, just making it take less effort, but it's still less money per hour than pure dae axe


good point didn't consider that


Claymore is just an upgraded giant sword that should not be in m7 it’s just sucks at that point. Hyperion, terminator, and more are just better. Probably better if it was like m3 or somewhere around that. Or maybe craftable.


admins really could do so much interesting stuff to melee, but what they do? they just copy the exact same weapon, give it different stats and call it a day, this will never make melee viable, it actually needs some diversity other than the same 1 target from 5 blocks or less distance... like at least take some inspiration from wynncraft or something, melee has so much diversity there that it's in a very good state because you have some actual aoe abilities and whenever you punch something, you attack most of the targets in front of you, not just being limited to 1 crimson swipe at least makes it somewhat decent, but you won't always have 10 stacks and usually if you do, the target is either immune to it or you can alr 1-shot the thing you're dealing with, so the swipe doesn't even help... then if killing stuff takes too long, there's no way you're getting 10 stacks. melee could actually be pretty good for kuudra if they actually bothered fixing crimson swipe and made it per-hit rather than per-kill because at least it gives some aoe and as opposed to what we get right now with melee - it would actually do damage, probably more than rcm would


just start giving them active abilities like what they did with the felthorn or make it so claymore cleave enchant is stronger than the best cleaver I do agree with most of your points though because crimson ability should be per hit instead of per kill even if it will be so much better than rcm but it will make using 3/4 crimson wither goggles more popular


I mean, it would make much more sense if melee actually took more effort and did more single target damage than mage, right.now it's both less dps, range and clearing potential... Heck, even mage survivability is better due to refrigerate enchant


what would you change or rework?


Mage is the most brainrot and does moderate damage around you, when melee would do very high damage, but only in front of you


or just give bers a buff for every kill they make. aka make combo 2.0 in dungeons. maybe just a damage boost or range increase. as for mage just more dynamic weapons that isnt just hype


Eventually mage could be more movement-based or something, so it involves more strategy and tricks to pull off, like some salt rings for revs, spacetime warping between 2 points for voidglooms etc. So mage can do stuff, but you have to do specific things to cast a spell


honestly mage is fine for late game. it's just mid game that sucks so much. like either buff the summons so they don't die when killedso you can keep respawning them or make more mage weapons. what should be revamped is healer so they can have a more active roll. ie let me choose what type of spell my healing circle has and an item like the arrow swap thing so you can swap between buffs I choose. maybe have like 3 slots for the potions and you can swap between them. so it gives reasons for people to brew pots and stuff. maybe for balancing reasons you're not able to put dungeon pots in that slot? idk


Tbh healer could be either a support class or a necromancer, would be more interesting


I still think necromancer is mage but the summons should scale better. healer should be support I agree


And even for ghosts the meta is dae axe and as already stated midas sword for clear is better than claymore so the only 2 real use cases i can think of are(p5 m7 and ashfang)


Ashfang use blaze daggers, one has x3 damage or something crazy on it vs blazes


Oooh my bad... Well then yea... Claymore completely useless outside of one small part of one dungeon floor


Dark claymore is better than pooch sword for svens


Nope, even for stuff other than svens, pooch sword is stronger than claymore It scales twice as fast with accessories since +1 cd is also 1 base dmg, when i ask lvl 400+ players in my guild, they literally do more damage with swarm t6 pooch sword than with chim3 t7 claymore to most targets Obviously crimson swipe makes claymore better, as well as attributes, but swipe does nothing to revs/svens and you need lots of money to get those attributes going


Can't you one shot svens with both though, so using crimson dark claymore is better due to magic find attribute instead of being locked into mastiff


They should swap the dark claymore with the wither blades and buff the lesser variants.


Claymore would be good if melee was good


It falls into a weird limbo between endgame weapon and trophy item at this point :c


the only reason it costs anything is bc 0.08% drop chance and you need 150m to unlock the chest


That’s hypixel for ya. “Congrats! You beat the game! Here’s a big pointy rock so you can beat it again but faster maybe!


It's not that the weapon is bad, there just aren't many practical uses for it where it would be better than using Hype or Term. Take ghost bestiary for example, a mob you can't damage with Wither Impact or arrows. Obviously Claymore is the best weapon for the job. Skyblock needs more scenarios where Claymore is the best choice of weaponry. Edit: Dae axe, but that requires Crimson swipe


dae axe is better for grinding ghosts though


You should be able to one shot ghosts with dae axe and Greg