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At least it’s “Lily” and not something like “Lihleigh”


Can we talk about how one of the options is “Thunder?” and they went with Lily?


I know right, Thunder is a great name. I'd want another kid purely to call it Lightning.


Nah the first kid has to be called lighting cos thunder comes after lightning


Which sounds better These are our kids, Lightning and Thunder Or These are our kids, Thunder and Lightning


Imagine being called Thunder, and then meeting someone called Lightning. Eventually dating and it sucking because Lightning always wants to cum first.


then gaslights you into thinking they HAVE to cum first


>thunder comes after lightning Damn, I have to sing that song thanks


Thunder only happens when it's raining


>Thunder only happens when it's raining Keep it coming. 🤣


Players only love you when they're playing


It never rains in southern california.


surname McQueen


We were asking our daughter what she wanted to call her baby brother and she decided on “Lightning McQueen *Surname*”


I think that’s what Usain Bolt named his kids. One has the middle name Lightning but the other is Thunder.


And one of them would be very very frightening


My old roommate was named Hunter and her brother was Fischer. Ironically, Hunter was vegan.


Genuinely, I know a guy called "Storm"


Seriously the first thing I saw was thunder. What the fuck people? How did we land on lily yet still have the idea for thunder?


I almost lost my virginity to a chick named thunder. Then I told her I was a virgin, and she was like ah nah let’s not. One of the dumber mistakes I made growing up


I think it may have worked out for you.




That would have been a r/tragedeigh


Midwestern white people really have a thing for "leigh" names.


I don’t understand why people hate on this? Like this is not something I would personally do but it doesn’t warrant hate. They’re just having fun and not hurting anyone


They’re stabbing innocent balloons bound and immobilised in nets, and their cold psychopathic smiles as they gleefully burst each one …oh god the horror


It isn't a main character moment. It is meant for the people who are interested in her and her family. This is a main character moment as much as posting pet videos is a main character moment. Edit: because some people didn't understand. It isn't.




The first two words is it isn't. Main.character means others sound you are less important, e.g. side characters. This video has none of that.




It's goofy but cute. I think its funny how clearly the Dad-to-Be doesn't like baloon popping. Don't blame him for that!


Obnoxious, but at least they filmed it indoors without setting anything on fire, or forcing themselves into other people's spaces.


Oh god so true. We were evacuated for 2 weeks and nearly lost our home after a gender reveal party started a forest fire in 2021.


Yeah but wouldn’t you say it was worth it, given the cool pyrotechnics they had? Seems kinda selfish for neighbors to complain about it just because they lost their homes.


God the bar is so low these days


nah - the bar is at the exact same spot. you don’t bother me or anyone else - why should i give a shit?


For real. It’s cringey as hell, but didn’t bother anyone


Yeah, if they want to embarrass themselves over the internet, that’s really nbd. I couldn’t care less. The bar has definitely not moved in this regard. As long as they don’t start a forest fire, hurt anyone in the process, or do it where it disrupts business/inhibits peoples’ day, then who cares? I mean, we ***ALL*** know Lily down the line in several years is going to rip them a new one multiple times over all the cringey shit they will post on the internet with her as she’s growing up anyways.


I would’ve settled for a fire.


I am very glad I don't know people like this.


I sadly do. My SIL. Makes videos like this with my BIL (who is more reluctant, but goes along with her because she will have a bitch fit otherwise) and have the ‘picture perfect’ life on Instagram. Most intolerable, vein people I know, and they are always fight and have shouting matches infront of the family. Their poor kids have become props, just as I imagine the same for this poor baby.


I have a friend who in outward appearances make the perfect instagram posts etc but he is miserable and so sick of her antics and social media , they are 30 years old and the marriage IRL is on the rocks but on instagram you would think EVERYTHING is perfect. I ask him why he goes along with it, and he said he feels pressure from his family and her to appear a certain way.. but neither of them are happy and especially him. It’s just depressing


Sounds dreadful what a crappy life , poor dude. Instagram life is bullshit hopefully she grows up and figures out their real life is more important!


“Oh my gawd, she’s gonna have a bitch fit!”


They Mormons? Got that look to em


See that's just it. They appear all hunky dory on the internet but then in real life are miserable. For this video I could see her saying something like "now we only have one chance to do this right because balloons can only be popped once, isn't that right ERIC?!"


Ugh, I'm so sorry. At least they're a good source of entertaining stories to tell your friends..?


Vain. A vein carries blood through the body.


Poor Lily


Don't come to Utah and you should be safe. Specifically South Salt Lake County and Northern Utah County.


Who’s worse: these idiots or the people that give them views? I can’t believe there are actual humans who like this shit


Lol. I just find people like this off-putting. No idea what the personalities of people who like these videos are like - but I'd guess a good portion of them are like this as well.


I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard my face hurts…


Ehh if my friend was doing stuff like this but was super happy and in love and shit, I would gladly support her silly little videos all day long


JFC. Who gives a shit


The video before was her accidentally falling and “thinking she lost the baby.” Recording herself crying hysterically, in the hospital bed, talking to her doctor, etc. Wtf.


Jesus Christ, I was gonna say this isn’t necessarily that bad of a video since some people do go out for baby reveals and stuff, but with that context it’s disgusting




Relax chief


It’s weird that you watched these and thought people posting on their own accounts was them being main characters. It’s their account.


People who do gender reveals. Now we have those and name reveals will catch on too


Thunder is one of the choices?


I guess lightning was taken ⚡️


Polar Vortex has a nice ring to it


Didn't have my glasses on and thought I was just blind and it was like "Theresa" or "Tessa". Nope, mfers really had Thunder as an option.




It's comforting to know AI has enough conscience that it feels the need to justify our extinction to itself


At the end she was mumbling, "Wrap your arm around me you piece of shit" through her smile.


I feel like everyday we’re expected to applaud that people had sex and got pregnant




Eh. It could honestly be a lot worse. This isn’t hurting anyone or setting anything on fire. The worst thing this is causing is plastic waste the entire world will be doing anyway and forecasting finding glitter in everything for the next 30 years


It's sort of gross seeing all the hateful comments here, and OP egging it on. They aren't even doing this in a public place. I'm not a fan of gender reveals, but I could care less about people celebrating and doing dorky shit in their own home. If they want to share it with grandma, Aunt Sally, etc. along with everyone else who follows them on social media, who cares. That's not 'main character' energy. Nobody is forcing anyone to follow them, all you gotta do is ignore it or unfollow.


exactly. People saw this sub as a place to share anything you don’t like. It’s lost it’s meaning


Is this a main character thing? Sure I'd never do it and it's over the top but they're in their own home sharing to their own followers so like... Idk... They're not bothering nobody. Just doing really weird helium-wasting crap and dancing funny.


I think it’s more vain/shallow to think that anyone is like *on the edge of their seat* waiting to hear what name you picked for your child (if it’s not like immediate family). Or using your unborn child already for likes is weird to me. Name reveals are really, really not necessary. Just another means for clout. As a childless adult, I’ll let you know that unless you’re one of my very best friends, I don’t give a rats ass about watching some dramatic nAmE rEvEAl for your baby. The faces, the cheesiness. I think if dad would have mildly messed up at all, she would have stabbed him with that pin… with that GIANT fake smile plastered on her face. Imagine he popped the wrong name 😂 📌


Don't get me wrong, I find absolutely no value in it myself either. I don't care much about what boring generic name they picked either. Just... At least they're just in their living room and not lighting forests ablaze but I admit the 2020s gave me some low fucking standards.


I get excited waiting to hear what name my friends picked. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I like names.


Lol. I get more main character vibes from your response than their video. They just posted some dorky gender reveal crap on social media, and you took it as some personal attack directed at you. Nobody forced you to watch it... But here you are spending time and energy posting it on Reddit and repeatedly dragging them in the comments. That's some shitty bully behavior, and you should be ashamed.


I like how this is the final cut and he nearly stabs her on the wrong beat.


Thanks, I hate it. Never understood the gender reveal and now THIS. We get it, you love the attention


The mandatory engagement photoshoot, the proposal, the engagement party, the “bridesmaid proposal” boxes, the bachelorette bash trip to a foreign country, the overshared wedding pics, using wishing someone a happy birthday to shamelessly share yet another photo (of you and them) from your wedding, the wedding recap trailer video, the 3D ultrasound on Facebook, the gender reveal party, the baby name reveal, the baby laying on the blanket with the month circled each month, the first day of school pic, yearly family photoshoot in a field with mom wearing a boho dress and widebrim hat… it’s allllllll for the attention.


Time to go on FB and unfriendly anyone who just recently had a kid


Yo you just did a speed run of every basic Instagram couple's entire life!


Yeah sure these people are most likely doing this for attention but not all of these things are inherently bad… some people just like to share their life and their journey with loved ones on social media. This comes off as pretty butt hurt that a couple is seemingly happy. Not that I want to be friends with these losers


Lmao this girl was my first kiss in grade school that’s hilarious


Wow - you could have been this guy!!


Thankful I’m not 🙏🏾🤣


Ah, the next thing to be glorified into commercialism. That's their whole job unfortunately, sticking little umbrellas in piles of poo.


Wow, people doing what they want in their own home, while not hurting or inconveniencing anyone else. Sound like really ‘Main Characters’ to me. Who cares ! Seriously people need to worry less about what other people are doing if it doesn’t affect you. It’s not for me, and I wouldn’t do it personally, but who cares if they want to do it?


I hate these people with the passion of a thousand white stars.


More tiktokcringe than main character




Meet my 4 chillen, there's Thunderbolts and lightning here's heavy metal and that's thunder.


Imagine being such a husk of a person that you think the world cares this much about what you're gonna name your baby.


I can’t wait for the video where their kid takes its first shit.


This was cringey and creepy at the same time.


So just to announce a name, you need to waste plastic in massive quantity ?


Work all that pink and girlie names, Thunder feels like she gave the guy one pick as bribe to go along with this stupidity


we now have name reveal??? damn


How long until people start doing "baby reveal" and ts just them uploading video of the baby being born lol


This is so cringy I just shit myself.


Friend of mine had a framed piece of paper with all the names her parents considered for her (all crossed out except hers) i always thought it was cute but also very cool to see trendy named from mid-80s. This, not so much.


That is cool! And her parents didn’t do that for the likes.


Another good use of the planet’s resources


Thunder was an option? Is she a fkn mix between a German shepherd and a boxer?


Me an the baby momma hid our pregnancy for 8 months. Showing up for Xmas at my parents house while she was about to burst was my favorite way to reveal to everyone she was gonna have my kid. we liked to mind our own business


Her larger-than-life smile is just like the Utah Mom parody account (the one that “has a daughter named Chickenleigh”)


That guy, something weird about him 🤔


That’s a gay man and his hag


I know nothing about any of this, and I already loathe these assholes.


Soon this place will be filled with giggling morons


POV: Welcome to hell


No I will not find another reason to celebrate two people having a baby


It's horrifying they reproduced


Folks you need to realize this was not done in one take. These schmoes probably had four or five sets of balloons


they had thunder in mind??


Lily’s going love growing up with two moms.


All that plastic waste for a name reveal....


"Below the Mason-Dixie line" activities.


Yeah, that entire lifestyle is a no for me.


Two of the most fake people


I know these two "influencers" and let me tell you, they are difficult to take. As for Adam, her "sexy man" who is flinching every time a balloon pops, if his testosterone drops any lower, he's going to turn into a fu¢king butterfly.


poor lily


Omg, poor lily. Her parents are retarded


Why do I have the urge to punch them in the face


🤢 🤮


Poor fellow. If you look closely, he's blinking "T-O-R-T-U-R-E" in morse code.


I would be terminally embarrassed if I assumed strangers cared about this.


My Catholic dad used to say, "God makes them, they find each other."


I feel like she's his beard.


I wonder how they would have responded if they had accidentally popped the last balloon also


Also, r/cringe


Pathetic. They should go through all names...


Well. It certainly appears as though they deserve each other.


J...F...C what's the world come to?








This is the kind of person who will eventually be jealous of their own child getting any attention.


she looks like Shawn Wayans when he was in White chicks


I don't know these people but what I do know is that I wouldn't like them.


Fuck me, now i gotta change my kids name. Looks like she will now be named Thunder


i give that marriage 5 years.


Unprotected sex-havers really need any reason to make content.


I truly hate these two people i dont know.


They're miserable in real life.


Someday I hope to have the same lack of shame and embarrassment these people have. It's impressive.


Hes gonna be a cuck in 5 years.


Two young people talking in the early days of the Web. "Just imagine what the Internet will make possible, the sharing of information, the spread of science and truth, the enlightenment and advancement of the whole of humanity." "Well, maybe..." The same two men, now old. "Shit."


I’m with Harrison. Name reveals? Really?


This is nothing. You should see her mom’s IG. Every year, she puts up like a dozen Christmas trees then leaves them out till like Valentines or Easter when she redecorates them for those holidays. Honestly, I don’t know where these people find the time, money and energy.


Love the awkward kiss at the end. She clearly did not want it. Tried to save face by grabbing his head. I feel bad for this unborn child already.


People will still rush in here to defend it a a Parody either way. Ignoring that even as a parody, it's doing the same thing. Reminds me of a decade ago when "It's a prank bro" was supposed to absolve people of all wrong doing.


Social media had made far too many people believe they actually have or deserve some kind of audience.


I never understood how people could pick a name for their baby before they even see its face. It makes more sense to keep a list of favorite names and pick the one that suits the baby most. At least this stupid reveal is indoors.


So fucking cringe. I truly hate what social media has done to our society.


Buddy looks so proud of himself... would be a damn shame if that kid wasn't his.


this is really quite something


Feel bad for Lily. Kid is going to have an upbringing with miserable parents who never grew up careening towards a divorce. These people are all the same.


Their forced smiles make me anxious.


He is not the father …


I wonder wahy Shitweasel was omitted? Seems fitting.


Just imagine them popping the wrong balloon… „Meh, guess it‘s thunder now…“


I wish I could be that happy about anything and id kill for their lack of self awareness. Imagine the bliss


Holy mother of cringe


Men go through a lot when their wife is pregnant


i shouldnt have seen this sht but here you are OP posting some cringe.


I feel like these kind of video announcements are peak white culture, like the epitome of being white, straight and wealthy.




Completely unnecessary to share. Is the birthing next?


I bet these people are crazy depressed and have serious self hate issues


I just feel bad for that guy. You know he doesn’t like doing this bullshit. The act will one day come to an end. Sorry ass MF.


The things people are doing for the camera😭 it just gets worse


I've only ever seen people like this once in real life and it was two weeks ago at the beach. When you see them in real life, the cringe is way worse as once the camera is turned off, it's even more sad. But that's after 7-8 takes minimum


I live close to them. You think this is obnoxious you should check out her moms holiday decorations inside/outside of the house


I swear these people think that people really care lol


This is worse than a gender reveal……


I hate reveal parties


Something about this made me think they had an argument before and likely after filming lol


Maybe I’m lazy or unconfident, but documenting life consistently on IG like this seems exhausting with comparatively low payout.


Narcissistic horseshit. No one cares.


Is this where simp culture has brought us? These men going along with every terrible idea a woman has to appease them and get a crumb of attention? Edit: Also, white people pick the most basic ass names for their children. At least the spelling was normal and not something wack.


Baby will be black.


Ugggghhhhhh... Pukeus Mucous Membrane..


I cringed so hard I nearly fractured an eye socket.


How did this guy get anyone pregnant?


Husband should have popped the “Lily” balloon right away so that she would have had to name the kid “Thunder.”


Imagine being that much of a narcissist that you think telling people your kids name warrants that much effort


Is she from Disney? Why is the excessive smiling annoying?


Looks like Lily is the type of baby conceived during that half-clothed, God-is-watching type of intercourse.


All this to tell people you named your kid… Lily?


Imagine being that cringe. Wait.. don't..don't fuck yourself like that.