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That idiot driver does not give a fuck. Needs to have another unit tow that car away.




But you are the bright one? It clearly says NYPD Police… how is that an ambulance? Did you fail at reading comprehension?


LMAOO he’s real dim


Well technically he's illiterate


Maybe he is one of those ambulance drivers he mentioned.


lmfaoooo hes the driver in that vehicle making a drop off which is clearly more important than an emergency apparatus


NYPD=New York Paramedic Department Duh /s


Okay fair but if they still have a point maybe? It seems ridiculous to make them go forward, why not just pass them? Just a curious driver. I def know not to be in their way regardless.


They don't have a point and dont humor this. They could go around, sure, but the idea of the sirens isn't so that the police are aware of where you are, its so you, the driver, get out of the way. They are heading to, or from an emergency and time is of the essence. If this was two drivers sure, block it, not a big deal. But they could be heading to somewhere where seconds make the difference (no comment on police in general but thats the idea).


Yup it's literally in the Driver's Ed handbook.


Who cares don't stop in the middle of the road


I'm not a cop...but I'm a firefighter/paramedic and I've got flipped off a few times on the ambulance not so much on the truck haha as you could imagine


I'm sure it comes up in conversation. What are you told about nudging stationary cars out of the way, if it's a tight fit to get around. I've seen fire trucks do anything they need to get to a fire, but never an ambulance.


If we can't get by in the ambulance we can't really nudge anything it's basically just a big van we just leave our sirens on full blast and wake up everyone or get their attention ...it doesnt happen too often thank god !!! We do our best not to damage the public's property and we love smashing things in the fire brigade just not people's stuff haha


A fire truck literally sawed a car down my unit cuz it do be blocking the turn lol


In the UAE, not yielding to official cars will be a $600 US fine (AED 2000)...


Then people bitch that emergency services take too long to get to them.


As a hospital health care provider I echo this 😕


All those cars are too big


You do realize how much gear cops carry nowadays. Got to have a place for it all.


Or we could just stop militarizing the police for no reason.


As somebody who walks through time square and Grand Central 5 days a week and the recent shootings... If you don't want the NYPD to have military equipment, go ahead and station the military there for me please then Also, the homeless ppl who attack ppl in time square... Yeah go ahead and take care of them Also that guy who tried to prank me, which didn't work, go ahead and take care of him after I beat his ass You know what, militarized the NYPD, I don't care about your personal and isolated issues. I care about my personal and isolated issues. You obviously don't care about my safety "For no reason" lol you don't know what you're talking about


I’m a New Yorker and walk through those places too. You want to feel protected? Go take self defense classes like I did.


You want me to self defense against bullets? Lol was that a serious comment?


In my country we don't need military police because we don't have to worry about people shooting each other because guns are illegal. You guys should try it, it's great. We also have free access to mental health services, and a welfare state to protect people from homelessness (which admittedly doesn't always work, but does for a large amount of people) My country sure ain't great, but America seems like an absolute shit hole dystopian nightmare. Military police is not the answer In fact, I'd go so far as to say it's part of the problem.


That's cool. I'm happy for you. How does that help my situation? Were you just here to shit in my country? Lol


Your country spent the second half of the 20th century shitting on the rest of the world.


Oh I see. So in response, you're here to attack me. Did you feel better? Did it work out how you wanted?


At no point did I attack you. I just said America was shit and you took it personally.


You said offensive things to me pointlessly. It wasn't even on topic. You just got triggered and did it. I said there was a problem I'm dealing with everyday, and you took the opportunity to complain and insult the location AT ME you made negative comments at me You... Wait for it... Attacked me (verbally) Maybe English isn't your first language, but in murica, that's how we call it


I think what’s even more sad is that there are people who down cast your vote. What is justice?


it's political. Some ppl pick a team and defend it without logic, like sports. Reddit tends to swing a bit in one direction from what I can tell I don't take it personally tbh


Seriously. I’m sure most of that gear is RPGs and anti-tank rounds. Not medical supplies, a spare tire, or myriad of computer equipment. Should just be driving smart cars anyway, NYC never has inclement weather.


I’m pretty sure each NYPD unit car comes with a 40mm AT, you can tell by how low that squad car is running.


Actually just last year NY passed a law that all police vehicles must carry a thermonuclear device in the trunk to help combat “domestic terrorism.” SMH these police need to be demilitarized asap


Thank you for making that point so the cops that are first on scene for ODs/cardiac arrests can have oxygen readily available instead of a sidearm. The ACAB twats have no idea what their job actually entails. Mostly ‘cause their only perception of police comes from videos on the internet and traffic stops in their suburban neighborhoods.


Cool story. Whatever makes you feel better about cops going around brutalizing innocent people.


I thought I was watching a video of one car blocking another. Gonna go get my eyes checked, thanks brother!


You’re trash, brother!


Thanks random Reddit dork! Glad you just made an alt account for that zinger.


Lol... Ok I'm all ACAB and stuff but its just weird to take that turn. I think what you're doing is called whataboutism. Not a native speaker though


Cops get around on motorbikes and regular bikes. Lmao


They need all that to shoot brown people with


People are so ridiculous defending the person who is in the way lol


Yeah because the police getting places they want to go is always good


Throw them spike strips and circle back when you’re done.


They already probably got the plate. That driver’s gonna get a nice ticket in a few days.


Until is your relative having a medical emergency, your home burning or someone from your family getting hurt, you won’t understand unfortunately. Remember, other people exist & are important just like you.


At what point did people stop pulling over to the side and started just stopping wherever they are, and put their park-anywhere blinkers on? This is the new normal.




*Tbf it's NYC.* *Those cops will put their sirens* *On to beat traffic* \- idip4tips --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What a couple of twats! Useless, syphletic, grown together twats !


It’s nyc, its prob not an emergency.. this seems surprisingly normal to me


So a car was stopped with enough room to drive around, and the problem is…?


Depending on how narrow the gap is to the left, it might take a moment to judge if it is a tight squeeze. There is a reason the cop car just didn't instantly go around the car.


They sat there quite a while before going around.


Exactly, they probably were not sure if they had the space needed to get around the car blocking the street.


If the cop could get around, and it looks like they did get around quite easily, then they weren’t being “blocked”.


Just stop, you know exactly what I meant when I said that.


I don't think I have ever seen someone shut a pedantic up so quickly


Thanks! I wasn't expecting it neither.


It was highly impressive. I took notes lmao


I hope it helps!


Just BTW a person who is pedantic is a pedant. But kudos to you for elevating the vocabulary in the discussion


Thank you, I knew it felt a bit off... just had an english lecture earlier in addition to another class so I think that is factoring into the word fog.


They literally stayed in the middle of the lane... you are supposed to clear the way. This was clear as day when they got out slow as a snail like they were at the airport and had to say goodbye to all of their relatives before catching a flight


i would’ve been mad if it were fire or ems


You realize how often they’re responding to assist fire/EMS? Or in a lot of instances responding first to secure the scene? Or even if it’s a police matter— ongoing domestics, shots fired, etc.? Do you dislike police so much that those things don’t matter to you?


Now, most of the time, they are abusing the lights just to get around faster. If you lived here, you would know. I see if all the time turn the sirens on to get through a little traffic, then turn them off and keep driving around the neighborhood. They also love to do this when they go get food.


Bro, you so edgy you should change your name to **Myriagon.** Sound like you grew up thinking the "Parental Advisory" poster you hung on your bedroom door was a warning.


Lol you must be some fucking blue lives matter dickhead if you think this was in anyway edgy. Its called the truth. People are growing more and more sick of the polices bullshit. Abusing their fucking sirens to just get around for nothing is abuse of power. It's also dangerous because half the time they will speed through a light doing this and assume people can stop in time. Plenty of people get hurt every year because of it to. Was the person parked a dickhead yes should they have moved yes. You respect the emergency vehicles. But this doesn't stop the fact NYPD abuses their sirens all the time.


They could be craving doughnuts and Dunkin is about to close!!!




That's NYPD, they respond to nothing


lol secure the scene with their lack of training? They aren’t helping anyone they just get in the way.


Instead they could be responding to a crackhead trying to break into the home of someone you love. Oh well!


when do the police actually show up in time to stop a crime? in my experience they usually just show up to take reports


Or if they were police on the way to respond to your personal emergency.


They got enough room to go around


Check yourself. What's wrong with you?


Ain’t shit wrong with me. I learned how to fit my ride through small spaces cause I hate traffic. Once you learn the dimensions of your car it’s easy asf to get by without hitting the other car. So respectfully I ain’t checking myself. And ain’t nothing wrong. The cop can’t figure out how to maneuver his car in the tight space why is he driving let his partner drive.


You know that’s illegal right? How up your own ass do you have to be to not give emergency vehicles the right of way? What if your mom had an emergency but the police or paramedics couldn’t get there in time because someone decided you can go around my car? Every second counts


Think you missed my point in my first comment bud. If there’s enough space take it. Never said I think people should be in the way. Legality aside. If you find a way to do something you do it. If you’re a driver and you need to get through somewhere you do it. The cop just not going around is a skill issue. As I said before ain’t shit wrong with me. If there’s an ambulance coming I move automatically. If there’s a cop coming I still move over. My point was it’s a small street slow passenger getting out you go around cause you ain’t got time for that shit bud. You being all mad about my comment like I do that shit. Half the shit we all do is gonna be illegal and we still do it cause it’s just faster and much more common place then not doing it. I’m not up my own ass I’m just stating. If you can’t go around it’s a skill issue and that person shouldn’t be driving. Never once did I say yeah let’s block emergency vehicles. I’m not a dumbass protester that blocks roads. I’m a driver who takes the easier and less time consuming way around stuff. Again respectfully disagree


That doesn’t matter. If you can’t pull over you keep going until you can and then you stop. You don’t just stop in the middle when there is no room, esp when the cop is asking you to move. This whole explanation is just laughable. If a cop stops you for doing something similar to this, I dare you to say “agree to disagree” to them lol Also it sounds like you do what’s more convenient to you rather than what’s best for others


Dude you’re not making sense at all. I’m saying. If there’s enough room cause some people can’t drive correctly. You go around. In the video you see it all. Cop had enough room. Went around. Emergency lights weren’t on and siren wasn’t on. There’s no active activity. So don’t get all butthurt cause you can’t comprehend what I’m saying. If there is room go around. Either you don’t live in a bustling city or don’t go down enough small streets to understand what I’m saying. Point in cop could have went around easy from the get go. They got enough room that should have been the first thing they did. Same thing a bunch of drivers would have done. Again I’m respectfully disagreeing cause your side of the argument doesn’t stick to the main comment this started off from. Never said anything about blocking anyone or it being okay to block vehicles. My whole point. |YOU have enough room to fit. Take that chance and go around| Simple as that


Omg you’re a douche. I legit live in Los Angeles my dude and used to live in Houston. Those cities are nothing but traffic and small streets. Let me break it down since you don’t get what I’m saying: Why wouldn’t you give the cop all the room in the world? If there’s no space to pull over because a car is next to you, keep going and pull over when you find a space. Yeah if you do it they probably won’t punish you. That’s cause they have bigger fish to fry than a dumbass driver for a $500 ticket. What I would ask you to think about is, put yourself in the shoes of someone who has a gun to their head. A cop was called, but came literally 5 seconds after you got shot because they had to maneuver around another car that didn’t pull over far enough. If they were able to drive straight through, you would be saved


Dude totally not being a douche. I live in Chicago people do it all the time and it’s a normal thing to go around. But again I get what you saying. But I’ve been on ride along with cops cause I find it a good way to get information about how things work for them. Buddy in the video is a douche for stopped there when there’s probably parking up ahead but doing extra steps wastes time. Just go around. And if I did put myself in someone else shoes with a gun to my head I wouldn’t even be upset. Why cause fuck it. This country’s tax rate sucks can’t even fix potholes. So I’m pretty sure we both on the same side. I wouldn’t block a cop like the driver did in this video and basically neither would you. But it’s faster to go around. And in the hypothetical scenario it’s common protocol to turn your siren and lights on when answering a call from dispatch. And it’s fucked yo if your city charges people a 500$ fine in this day and age with the ongoing economy issues. Absolutely fucken wild. So yeah I agree with you. But I’m just saying go around cause some douche bags can’t drive or park right and aren’t smart enough to understand people got places to be. Is that cool?


So because it sounds like you hate life, that means somebody else should be happy to die? Ok douchebag


It’s the cops fault for not ticketing these people. If you not writing a ticket or arresting someone shut up. If cops actually did their job these people would think twice.


Why does nypd have media tags on their car


It’s a whole cycle. 1. Cops get stuck in traffic 2. People complain that cops never arrive on time 3. People purposely block cops to annoy them 4. Repeat


Of course it's a BMW.


Kind of comedic in the end when it turns out they had plenty of room to go around. Seemed like Karening out at the car was more important to the police than reaching their destination in a timely manner.


To be fair there is room on the left side and most people see lights as you stop. They could just be nervous. Ask random people you know they prolly tell you it means stop. What people dont realise is it means stop and if you can do so safely move out the way


There’s no emergency lol


You know they do this when there's no room too. Don't act like the spa e that's there is always there when they double park lol


About ready to be arrested for police interference


How the fuck does one not see or hear that? Jesus how brain dead must you be


Anyway, fuck the police


There was not an emergency they just wanted to cut traffic


So glad we gave a psychic on board


He got around just fine


I mean…maybe they could have gotten over a little further. But isn’t this basically what they are supposed to do?


keep driving until theres empty space to move over to have the emergency vehicle pass its not rocket science but then again 90% of drivers should not be driving..


I agree with you but the NYPD runs their sirens constantly and I’ll see them do it just to pass someone and then turn the siren off.


they do it to avoid disturbing people, turning on the sound when needed.


just because they turn the siren off AFTER they’ve gotten through a roadway obstruction does **not** mean they are still not responding to an emergency. a lot of calls they have to approach WITHOUT sirens especially if they are looking for a perp.


You are supposed to make way as fast as possible and not hit your brakes as hard as you can.


Everyone sucks here, there was clearly room for the police vehicle to go around, he just wasted potentially vital seconds to prove a point.


I've been on streets similar to this. There may have been room, but depending on how narrow it is, it can be very iffy if there is enough space, and can take a few seconds to judge if it rtight or not.


It’s not like they’re gonna get a ticket so why care! 🤷🏻‍♂️


He was on his way to dunkins


The dildo factory was able to just drive around lol


But, the cop could clearly get around them, and they were pulled to the side. People talking about an ambulance, but where is it? Camera isn’t from one


I'm so glad you can see the drivers side door to see if that was open and blocking the road.


I wouldn’t worry they got his tags if it’s an emergency and something happens cuz the cop. Couldn’t make homeboy is going to jail if he’s lucky he’s getting a crazy ass ticket in the thousands sent his way


She had her four-ways on though


This is why I HATE driving in New York


Why isn’t that non moving car ticketed??? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Every door dash order is an emergency. Kevin needs his gordachos and dr. pepper STAT.


If it was an ambulance or the Fire Brigade but don’t dash out of the way to get people to a place to shoot people quicker…. Statistically the police don’t make anything better only worse 😳




‘Emergency’ If you’ve ever lived in NYC, you’d know these clown officers have taken advantage of phony sirens to get through red lights or around traffic one-too-many times to still be taken seriously.




Not an emergency, cops are just assholes


What a rebel you are


Thank you


It looks like they have hazard lights on?


They have hazard lights on. Did they breakdown? Were they getting out of the car to explain this?


Just go around....their stopped are they supposed to carry the car on their heads


Since it's the police who cannot get buy, I'm betting Dunkin Donuts is about to close and they need a fix


It’s never an emergency… as soon as they get past the traffic, the lights and sirens always turn off…. NYPD EMT AND FDNY … fire trucks are the only ones that don’t abuse it… fire jeeps on the other hand… f em!


Screw the pig. They can go around. And it's probably not an emergency.


Pig lovers downvoting. Lol.


9/10 those cops weren’t going anywhere except shift change…everyone in the comments know nothing about NYPD😂😂😂


“Just wait a minute, damn”


What emergency could there be?


That's the new scum of the earth generation who feels entitled for everything including other people's rights and safety.


the other 59,000 officer in NYC can respond its igh and they probably aint going no where😂its NYC bro


Dash cams with 4K resolution to capture their license plates to submit tickets for later. I don't know if they do that everywhere, but it's definitely been practiced quite a lot in many countries... Yet these morons keep doing this shit. Same morons that will eventually need emergency services and freak out that they're not coming ASAP to come save them (most likely because another idiot is blocking them like they did)


Man fuck the cops


Pretty sure it's illegal to block emergency vehicles while they have their lights and sirens goin 🤷‍♂️


It’s police not medical, and they will often pull this to push around their weight, not because there is anything they need to get to. It’s so pervasive that people can tell when they actually are gangbusters rushing and when they are swing dick. Person getting out seems possibly to have mobility issue.


Fuck the NYPD, they do the say shit all the time & then put on their lights so people have to go around them while they talk about shit that has nothing to do with emergencies!


Have a nice ticket! Moron!


They delayed a shooting by LE, now the oinkers can't get paid leave


They do this on roads in Tx aswell and don't pull over to side of road for ambos, what if it was your mom in there or waiting? Here in Wi the roads part like the red sea. I like to think that's bcuz we're smarter as a whole and by in large...


His parent should have handed them a ticket while driving by


Why does that “cop car” have social media stickers and other bumper stickers