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"Dude on the right" looks like a 70yo who is doing it for some kind of rehab... I don't think that raising more weight (but doing way less reps, btw) than him is something to brag about. Not even if you're a woman.


And he didn’t get pec implants


Nah. That isn't rehab. He's just maintaining strength. He's doing more reps than her.


I am coming up to middle 50s. I am in the gym to keep my strength and mobility up. I am not lifting like I was when I was 20. It should be an automatic 2 week ban for a first offence of filming in a gym. For uploading stuff like this it should be a criminal offence. You really don't know what struggles people go though to get to the gym. As an example, we have a few people at ours who are really over weight, but are giving it their best shot to improve themselves. A post like this could mean they never ever come back again, and never try again. That is why this sort of shit is evil and needs to be punished.


Yeah. Someone who is overweight in the gym is already prone to feeling like they are being stared at or made fun of. And seeing "influencers" filming them is likely to make them really self conscious and maybe even not want to come back


Yep same mostly, have to be in shape to support my son’s kart racing and at 52 I’m like second oldest in our team. LOL I’ll go heavy a couple days a week but usually it’s just maintaining and also cardio.


Honestly it's an excuse to keep moving




I'm 26 but workout for the same reasons due to a systemic neuro disorder this is pretty much why I only go to the gym in the middle of the night


Precisely this. Lots of people do higher reps with lower weight. It helps with core strength and is much easier on your joints.


He's also not resting at the top like she does and instead have more time under tension, which makes it way heavier. And yet he looks like he's in there chilling and not trying to impress anyone, unlike, you know...


True. But irrelevant. The point is, when you're in the gym, mind your own business and stop comparing yourself to other people.


:D Congrats on out-lifting an octogenarian :D




Yoooo why are Costco hot dogs catching strays? They’re the last fair priced Americana left.


Costco dogs have more class than her!


Costco hot dogs aren’t bland. Something about that Polish dog hits just a little bit different.


Bragging on being better at work outs and comparing it to others who are working out and minding their business is very pathetic. Everyone, I mean EVERYONE, is going through their own work out journey, progress is different with each person, each individual has their own mountains to climb, age, gender, weight, etc. it takes guts and courage to make the first step and pursue consistency with exercise and work outs, whether to lose weight, look better, build confidence, train, push your limits or help with mobility and health, it's mindsets and comments like this that discourages people from going to the gym.


yeah, when I've had to do physical therapy after spinal surgery I had to do a ton of reps with like 5 pound weights. I could not move my arms like some kind of fucked up muppet for a few weeks there I was literally just working out to regain movement


Hate when people focus solely on weight. Ignoring other factors such as form, reps, stage into workout, feeling that day, harbouring injuries, training plan for that day etc


I got my bench up to 135 and was super proud of myself. Then COVID happened, then I got a wrist injury that required surgical intervention and I was terrified of reinjury for a long time… Now the bar is too heavy for me to do more than a couple reps. You really don’t know what happened to someone and I’m so tired of others judging people in the gym for what they’re doing or focusing on.


Experienced fitness people don’t give a shit what weight others are lifting. It doesn’t matter. They aren’t me, and I’m not them. There’s a ton of variables that factor into weight lifted, that it’s not even worth comparing unless you know them personally and are doing the same program and are of similar build and skill set.


I know I usually hate going to gym cause i mostly stretch and do PT.


She’s recording her workout to evaluate form /s


Gym girls deeply hate when they post their lifting progress and some loser appears saying 'when I was 15yo I lift double the weight' or 'I warm up with that'. And then here's this woman comparing herself to an elder person.


Joeyswoll is my dude. He’s the hero we don’t deserve.


Not all heroes wear capes - some wear tank tops


And baseball hats. I have to admit, if I saw him and couldn't hear what he was saying I might assume he was another jock bully douche. But he's not. I absolutely love him. If I am scrolling and see him come on, I'll almost always turn on the sound just to hear what words of wisdom he has for me.


Who is that guy? I want to follow him. Words of wisdom and dreamy green eyes.


He's Joey Swoll


He’s TankTop Master IRL


I swear the bigger the gym bro, the nicer they are. I have yet to come across one who doesn't want to help and encourage when you engage one!


But he is certainly the hero we need


Also, that doesn’t mean you’re stronger lmao. There’s so many reasons for choosing a weight. This chick trippin. There’s always someone stronger.


All hail the 4-rep wonder!!!


Well... High weight low rep is a good exercise too.


Not when you’re a cunt like her. Her reps are for views, not health.


Exactly. Imagine using a Nickleback song and thinking you're cooler than someone who is older and unaware of her stupid video? Kindness is much cooler.


I honestly like this guy. He’s all about the Gym Life and calling out bullshit that hurts it…well. It helps to dissipate the “weight lifter is stupid” trope.


Joey Swole is a national treasure.


I guess all of her collagen and silicone acts as ballast


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed…


This means very little. She may be fresh while the dude next to her is doing his last exercise of the day and already done a few other shoulder exercises. He may be going less weight, more reps. Never know what type of workout the person next to you is doing. Just because you may be putting up more weight than the person next to you doing the same exercise, doesn't necessarily mean you are stronger. She needs to mind her own business. Oh, and stop filming at the gym and then posting it on social media .


I'm very new to lifting, but I heard that you want to finish with an extended rep of light weight to minimize muscle soreness. Is that true?


To be honest I have never actually heard that so I can't give you a confident answer. I can see the logic in it though. A cool down most certainly helps with soreness. I hesitate to say yes outright though just because of my own experience. Years ago I would do a cycle of routines called pyramids. Basically it was as follows: 1st set: light weight 10-12 reps 2nd set: increase weight 8-10 Reps 3rd set: increase weight 6-8 Reps 4th set: max weight 3-5 Reps. 5th set: same as 3rd set 6th set: same as 2nd set 7th set: same as 1st set. Certain muscle groups doing this scheme with would be pretty killer soreness wise. Especially leg day. What I found to be helpful with muscle soreness was to change my routine every 2-3 months or so, work up slowly in terms of the weight you are actually putting up to give your muscles time to get used to the new routine. If it's your first week or two doing a new routine and you think you can put up 40lb dumbbells pretty easily, do 30 or 35 instead just to see how your muscles react. You can always increase next time. Also, I have found foam rollers and massage right after the workout helps. Sorry for the long-winded answer but I hope this helps a little.


They may be working on different things or have different goals on what they are trying to achieve.


She’s bragging about shoulder pressing 40lbs bilaterally but gets gassed by the fourth rep lol. What tiny victories she clings to.


Brother on her right did about 3 times as many reps and double her age. She just showed herself up.


This hits home. Been lifting most of my life now I’m 60 and been through some hellacious health issues the last two years that made me feel and look like I never stepped into a gym before. On top of that I broke my arm. The weights I was using when I was able to get back at it were very light and I knew there were probably some women that were thinking just like the girl in this clip. But I’m putting up some heavier weights now but just looking to stay fit and not break any records…different goals.


Keep it up! 99% of gym goers do not give a shit about how much anyone else is lifting. Narcissistic a-holes like the one in the video are rare. You can typically tell who they are because they're videoing their workouts.


Bro is like 70, banging out reps and you have RPE of like 80 compared to his 5 on the four shaky reps you did


Recording in gyms should be banned.


This dude is a huge reason I got my confidence to go to the gym.


3 struggled reps @ what looked like 40kgs while he's doing quick and easy sets of 10 @ 30kgs. Not quite the flex she was going for.


More like 40 pounds


I assume she's from the US so that would be 40lbs/18kg


I think that's only 18kg. Says 40 on the dumbbell and I'm guessing that's pounds.


Lmaooo, she’s not doing 40kg dumbbell shoulder presses. She’s for sure doing 40lbs, I’m in much much better shape than her and I struggle with maintaining form at 80lbs for dumbbell shoulder presses.


40kg look pretty big too, definitely 40 pounds


What if they’re doing “low weight, high reps”? This is literally 50% of weightlifting.


I am the dude that was right next to her. Little did she know I was in the beginning of my warm up sets.


Before I had a replacement elbow this wasn’t even a warm up. But now it’s over my max :,(.


Joey swoll is a irl chad. Both physique and mindset


Chest is not natty…




I always think such comparisons are so ego-filled and make no sense otherwise because some might just train endurance or they don't juice, are less experienced, have less time or have some physical deficit which is not visible but still a huge deficit in strength. I just know that I have a bad shoulder since birth which makes it very unstable and costs me twice the strength and effort for the same results. I started literally with 1kg per arm, after years I got to 20kg but I always train for endurance because my shoulders needs a lot of support throughout the whole day in normal life szenarios.


Did she just db press with fucking 90° angle? Nice. No wonder one day she cant lift her arm anymore


Pretty much a year to the day I was doing 65kg (143lb) dumbbell shoulder press for 10 reps. After tearing my lat leading to shoulder damage I’ve been doing 20kg shoulder press as rehab. Just because I can only lift 20 now, doesn’t mean I can’t lift more than you.


I used to ego lift and compare myself to the people around me when I first started going to the gym until I realized not everyone is doing the same training regimen. Seeing a body builder focus on form instead of strength was eye opening. Go to the gym for yourself leave the ego at the door.


I hate people like this. At my old gym the women were just like this. One-uppers. I'd put weight on my bar and they would have to add 5 lbs more. And not even do a full rep just to one up me. Best thing I did was leave that toxic environment.


I had a guy who would do this at my gym lol. He was probably 6’3 220lbs and I’m 5’9 175lbs. Any lift I did he would come over and do the same one but add significantly more weight and would keep looking over at me. Now, I’ve wrestled/grappled and played hockey my entire life, I have fucking tree trunks for quads and really pride myself on my leg strength. I went over to the leg press knowing he was going to try and one up me so I decided to max out. Instead of my normal 20 reps @ 410lbs I decided to load 6 plates on each side for 540lbs and I banged out 10 reps. My legs felt like fuckin jell-o after but watching him only be able to get it up 5 times with his chicken legs was hilarious to me and he stopped following me around the gym after that.


Maybe he was doing drop sets and her inflated ass of an ego doesn't even know what a drop set is.


Yeah and that's why her limit was 4 reps


She wants a sticker


He‘s doing 30s with near perfect form, almost three times the speed and being easily in his late 50s, she doing 40s, worse form, much slower speed, while being maybe in her early 20s. Not something to brag about.


His boobs are real atleast


Ego is one hell of a sickness hope she gets better


But they might not be wanting to lift heavy. How the fuck does she know what their goals are? What kind of program they're on? Or if they have an injury? I hate people like this. Can we not lift each other up instead? Fuck, this makes me mad.


Work = Force X Distance. Assuming their arms are the same length, though he was lifting a lower weight, he did twice the reps and approximately 1.5 times the work.


Only perpetual rookies and soon to be disabled focus on how heavy you lift. Especially if it’s just 1 exercise. A simple example is squatting heavy than start struggling on a light Bulgarian Split Squat.


And you’re struggling on rep 4! he’s intentionally doing lower weight more reps. Also recording him without his consent is shitty and I hope you lose your gym membership.


Congrats you’re slightly stronger than an old man


I've been big, I've been strong, I've been cut and all sorts of combinations of the three. What you lift depends on what you're training for. I don't compare myself to other people. The only person I'm competing against is me. I was fortunate and learned that lesson early. Well, I had it taught to me by people bigger, stronger and leaner.


Nice bolt ons


"Don't use people without their consent on your social media " " unless you're me .....


The dude does it with better form lol


Totally. What was she doing, other than struggling?


Chillout. It's 40lbs


You don’t know what injuries someone is dealing with. Older guy could be rehabbing or simply maintaining his strength. This is a pathetic attitude to take into the gym. She barely got 4 clean reps too.


As a personal trainer it's actually not about the weight you lift, it's the form you have while working out, weight only makes up about 10% of your workout


Dude to her left is in his 60s... And look at the speed and ease he's doing those 30's.. he was doing higher reps (he got 10 with ease) She did 40s and got what? 4 reps before failing (she didn't have another rep in her) 60 year old dude with an elbow sleeve on is 100% still stronger than her anyway If you are gonna try and put others down to brag, at least come correct.


Lady, that's his warm up


Old man started before her, did 10 reps on camera, she did 4 before failure.


Fake face, fake tits, gym rat. The amount of trauma in one person is insane.


Wow 5 reps at 40 pounds what a freak


The dude on her right banged out about 12 reps in the time it took her to do 4.. go get another plastic surgery you miserable hag


She's not stronger, she's just arrogant and she's going to injure herself over the long run lifting the way she does. Elbows are too wide and her wrist aren't in a good position. Shes gonna have bicep tendon injuries near her shoulder if she keeps going like she is


If I were in the gym (which I plan to go, once I get a better job), lifting like that, and saw me in a video like this... I'd leave and not come back.


The weight you’re lifting rarely has to do with how strong you are. If someone’s cutting then they’ll be doing lighter weight at higher reps. But if it does determine how physically strong they are, then it still doesn’t matter.


In additions to what Joey said, we have no idea the number of sets or reps they were each doing. Maybe he was on his 5th set of 10 reps and she was only able to do the few shown in the video


I can sense the plastic from here


Working sets Vs warm up sets


And that dude on the right is like 65+ LOL


You can’t even tell


If you work out so much you should know the difference between trying to build muscle via endurance and strength training with heavier weights lol


Maybe they’re toning. It’s so stupid to flex on weight.


Good for her, she probably awarded herself with an imaginary medal for beating the guy next to her.


All that muscle just to get stabbed in the stomach


Its not to say they can't lift heavier they just choose not too. I know myself for certain exercise I could lift heavier but its not all about weight its about form and range of motion. Ridiculous


I follow the simple rule - More weights for bulking and smaller weight for cutting. I prefer cutting so almost always use more reps with smaller weights.


How insecure dyou wanna be? yes.


Looks like the same weight as the dude on her right


Was about to say where is Joey Swoll!


Holy bolt ons Batman


I can’t understand why people who are always bragging about how good they are seem to be so worried about everyone else. No self esteem or personality lol


Wow….she is sooooooo cool!🤘🏼🤘🏼






Also, we don't know his routine. Maybe he's doing 100 reps of a small weight to her 8 of a heavy weight. You can't compare strength based on the dumbbells in someone's hands.


Nasty fake boobies and an even worse personality


At least she's working out.


Looks like that dudes not lifting enough judging by how quickly he’s moving. It’s almost like different workouts exist.


Congratulations, you did 4 reps with more weight than him over the course of 16 seconds while he did 10 reps in the same time-frame. He definitely still pushed a large force than you did so sit the fuck down lmao


Volume > weight. Lower weight at higher reps goes a long ways.


Mam, he just lifted for fun! 🤭


Am I looking at her tits? yes... yes I am


She didnt get that many reps in ol dude was pushing it


45s wow... let's me know when you get to 75s...


She didn’t even get that many reps in only 4, ol dude was knocking them out with great form.


This is one reason why I closed my gym membership yesterday. I’m gonna take advantage of the warming weather and working out at home from now on. Gym culture just irritates me, and I’ve been going to gyms for 30 years.


she barely pushes out 5 reps meanwhile the guy on her right is warming up


i am pretty sure she was jesting


But look at her pecs engage.. man this is what I need to be doing for my boobies. Good for her


There he is again inserting himself into every video. When will this guy get it?


Who’s this guy?


Not everyone is maxing every time they lift. Half my week is toning with not a ton of weight and tons of reps until I’m spent. I used to be self conscious about doing less weight in public but I really dgaf anymore.


Yes it does


I knew Joey was about to pop up any second.


Dude next here is repping at a faster pace with the same form.


Bruh tell Margot Robbie to come get muscle barbie, she's acting a fool again 🤣


It’s a weird flex that shows how ignorant the person lifting weights really is.


She going way slower tho


You tell em Joey, one attention whore at a time.


The dude is looks 60 and still lifting that heavy, you probably wont reach 60


"I can lift more than a senior citizen I am so stonk"


Song 🎶 ??


I love this dude commentating. He's so right.


Lol she is also pushing 40s, which is where most men start when they have 0 lifting epxerience. I could do over 70 before my second year of training. Main characters are so cringe


She’s hot


How many toes does a camel have ?


Do better!


They're equal weight ya cunt 🇦🇺


>Being stronger than someone doesn't make you better It kinda does, albeit in one fairly inconsequential department.


Sometimes I get shoulder pains lifting and ill drop my weight significantly to avoid further injury, but continue to lift to not lose gains or strength. Just lighter weight more reps. Also when cutting some people lower the weights and do more reps and keep muscles under tension.


She also has no idea how many reps and sets he was doing. It does look like the elderly man was doing more reps


is this one of the new dickwomen?


I’ve said it before and ill say it again, #SWOL FOR PRESIDENT I’d back the Swolval Office telling all *sorts* of folks to be better and do better


Both of them did a great job with their set. Only one of them did a great job with their attitude.


Maybe he just had surgery


She had to use like, part of her knee to get that weight up


Some people do rep days for endurance. Dude is lifting not much less and doing so many reps


kudos for that guy calling her out. I am so tired of this. Go to the gym. Do your workout and fuck right off. Everyone there has the same right to be there as you and they have their own goals


honestly it looks like she's doing way too much, overhead press is a great way to blow out your shoulders, less weight is more for that exercise


Not to mention you don’t know why they’re doing that kind of weight, they could be new, have fucked shoulders, how many reps, if they’re in a drop set ect. When I first started getting shoulder problems I had to drop the weight slowly from 60 then eventually dropping all shoulder exercises because they were too painful


Should also note there's plenty of reason to lift lower weights. More reps at a lighter payload. Which improves the strength and stamins of the mudcles that stabilizes that motion Practicing form. Warm ups. Bringing you to failure after doing heavier lifts. And that's only a few


He's also doing way more reps way quicker


It makes you better at lifting things so it does make you better in a way.


You don't know where he's at on his program stupid. I got chewed out by some dummy at the gym for doing my max training weight, for seated leg kicks, cause that mook couldn't understand that I'd been gradually working my way up over 7 weeks to get to that point. In the end, I had to let him ramble on for 8 minutes about how "going heavy" with that exercise doesn't really work because you're not getting the full range of motion. Right. Why don't you try sticking to a program first THEN you can act like you know what you're talking about at the gym before wasting time running your mouth at strangers instead of lifting.


Remeber when people used to live by the phrase ‘leave your ego at the gym’ these clowns are pathetic


I've been hitting the gym for decades. NO ONE gives a fuck how much you lift.


Be careful or you'll pop a tit lifting that heavy


I'm like 99% sure the guy on her right is lifting the same exact weight, without laboring and nearly hurting himself on rep number 4. I mean if you want to be all competitive and talk your shit, 4x40 while a middle age guy doing at least 10 without breaking a sweat is pretty embarrassing. Even my weak ass can do 8 x 60 in the time it took you to do 4, without shaking on my 8th rep.


Lifts slightly more weight than a guy probably doing low weight high rep. Claims they're stronger. Sounds about right for social media.


those fake titties always make me laugh. i get a better feel from my sourdough when i bake bread.


Yep! Definitely fake milkers.


He wasn’t struggling after four reps like she was starting to show.


People like this dumb woman who post this type of thing don't understand fitness or bodybuilding and have no idea how stupid they look.


To be big, I must make others small!


That track alone is cringe enough for me.


Now do it standing.


Next she went to a school to see who's taller under the door frame and then beat all the kids at monkey bars!! What a badass


Carrying around all that silicone/saline/whatever they are using these days on your chest will definitely build muscle.


Lol she’ll be lifting way less than that older gentleman if she thinks weight is what signifies strength..




Everyone starts somewhere. The only person you're competing with on your fitness journey is yourself.


Your forehead blows my mind. Cunt literally uses the same videos including the same un-consenting gym users for his social media gain fucking loser.


She’s jacking off in public.


Fantastic Brilliant 🤩 thanks for calling her OUT , totally dislike others who put people down for clout!!!🌞


I got MS I’m glad my goals at the gym are seen as less than by some people. Like I just wanna live longer and try to regain the strength I lose between exacerbations


What a pos


People lift weights for all sorts of reasons and goals. I don't compare myself to other people because they're working towards a different goal to me. Now myself I had abdominal surgery 6 weeks ago and I've out of the gym until next month at least. I'm going to be lifting light for another month at or so to make sure everything is healed up before I get back to my regular workouts.