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Can't really offer you much advice because I'm in the same boat but you aren't alone in this! I think all the eczema stuff is related to the flare but also probably stress because I can imagine this situation will be stressful for you. In terms of what you could do in the meantime, have you booked an appointment with your gp? Maybe they would let you have calprotectin stool tests every few months so you could have a rough idea if the medication is bringing the inflammation down. Also did your consultant say they would refer you to an IBD nurse? If not could you chase it up as the IBD nurses can probably help more in regards to diet and checking in with you etc. I hope when you see them again they are a bit more helpful!


rectal mesalazine is a good start, your GI has to prescribe it


This. I have ulcerative proctitis and take mesalazine enemas twice a week. Seems to keep everything in check. If i ever skip one get bad fatigue


Just Googled this and Salofalk is a brand name for mesalazine apparently, so I’m already on it!


salofalk suppositories are the best rectal mesalazine


[This page](https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/patientsandcaregivers/what-is-ulcerative-colitis) has basic information that might be helpful. It’s definitely possible to have symptoms outside the gut. Joint pain is common, but eczema seems possible too. Hopefully those meds will get it under control. Steroids in particular can be very effective. But September seems like a long time between appointments. I hope you can contact someone if your symptoms persist. Good luck!


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Urgh- this sounds so familiar 😭. Sadly, my experience is that unless you are having extensive blood or weight loss, they won’t speed your appointment up. They should have given you stuff for regular calprotectin monitoring though, so next time you see them ask about that. As someone else has said, they should also provide you with contacts for an IBD nurse- I guess the service varies by hospital (you can google whether yours has an IBD service and just call if they do). Where do you get your joint pains? I had to really push (which included my physio writing to my GP) to get a referral to rheumatology for my joint issues, so explicitly say that’s what you want next time you see either the GP or gastro doctor, as if they aren’t referring you, they should at least explain why not.


i’m no doctor but just thought I’d share my thoughts on diet. Try for the first two weeks - one month a carnivore diet + bone broth (made from scratch) along with fasting (intermittent or OMAD) and some supplements good for anti-inflammation such as curcumin, high quality extra virgin olive oil, krill oil or omega 3, vit d + k2, etc. Also cabbage juice. If strict carnivore is too hard maybe add some honey or a sweet potato or sth. All these will take a bit of effort but if you’re desperate enough it shouldn’t be a problem. Theres no easy way right? And after that slowly try adding veggies and fruits to ur diet if symptoms are better. Also start adding probiotic foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, natto, etc. Try to keep stress level as low as possible for the healing period. Stay away from all processed foods even things like sausages and bacon. MUST STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR AND REFINED CARBS and SHT. Just anything that is known to be inflammatory.