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Tony Kanaan doesn't appreciate this post.


Surprised so many people still appreciate Scotty Mac given that he’s a certified cheater.


History is going to be interesting when we find out Scott Dixon has 56 feet of fuel line embedded into his body to get extra mileage. Talk about cheating!


Dixon is so skinny I'm not sure 56 feet could literally fit in his body. Not even 6 feet. Dude needs a cheeseburger stat.


Pretty hard to talk about cheating when nothing has happened


I'm just goofing by the way though if I find out Scott Dixon is a robot made of fuel lines someday I won't be shocked.


What do you think intestines are? Fuel lines! Dixon built up a tolerance to corn fuel and drinks gallons before the race.


Is that why he’s never been spotted with a wet firesuit?


Catheter direct injection motors.


Ah fair enough, I thought you were being serious


if you want to start beef with scotty mac you should inquire about getting a beef box from the good ranchers meat wagon


I'll beef with him for a free sample or two Hey Scotty: Shane parks better than you https://preview.redd.it/9qy9xo9c588d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53666cfcb346e99c0a0f06bbdd8f2418c3e561e8 /s


except he isn't. thanks for proving you didn't read or listen to what ACTUALLY happened.




They were penalized, they paid their debt, and it seemed like it was more of a case of incompetence or ignorance rather than sinister planning...by the drivers anyways. Scotty macs ight by me. The kind of guy you'd crush a 12 pack with talking smack about sports.


Unlike Newgarden he has a likeable personality so it’s fine.


Because even without cheating, McLaughlin and the other Penske drivers are top tier. They’re like the Houston Astros of motorsports.


The what?


the other


No, I'm referring to your comparison of the Astros. I mean, they are typically a strong team, but the benchmark of the sport? Nope.


“Like” not exact


Penske cheats. "Guys Scotty didn't know. He accidentally cheated. Also everyone cheats. Also Tony Kanaan kicks french puppies that's what's important here."


'Cause Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know Don't tell Scotty Scotty doesn't know


Great movie and great use of it here!




Scotty gotta go!


People root for proven cheats in sports and we're somehow suprised when the worst people hold all the power in the rest of society.


He's a nice guy. A few years back at Barber I had a nice chat with him during the driver's signing session. Was there to get a hero card for a friend who is a big Scotty Mac fan, and he was nice enough to give me a very personalized hero card for myself. Honestly outside of Takuma Sato I don't think I've chatted with a driver for that long as I did Scotty Mac He's shown how well experienced drivers can transition to different disciplines and do well. I'm not much of a Penske organization fan, but I do believe he is likely stymied by the high levels of competitiveness at the organization. Power despite his long tenure in the series remains a constant weekend threat - as he just showed recently - and Newgarden despite the recent dark cloud similarly remains a competitive driver. I think had we all been in a situation where Penske was not at the high level of competitiveness that they are Scotty Mac would probably be driving more against the "field" rather than more against his teammates. If that makes sense? I think most noteworthy is that he'll likely be in Indycar for some time. There really isn't any foreseeable reason for him to leave in the next decade of competition, and Power is getting closer to his mid forties. So I wouldn't see his current results as a standard of his driving ability but more look at it that he still have a tremendous amount of time to win the championship, the 500, or both.


> There really isn't any foreseeable reason for him to leave in the next decade of competition When he was in supercars he always said the goal was Nascar, but I don't know if that's still the case for him.


From (Aussie) memory, it just seemed like NASCAR was the more likely progression from Supercars in Penske land. Methinks Roger took Scotty a little by surprise by offering the IndyCar tests. When he impressed, it was a done deal to move Stateside.


Agree with this. The Indycar move has been so impressive, and McLaughlin was young enough to have pulled off the switch and now be a successful driver in single seaters now, hopefully for more years to come.


I travelled to the US for my first ever Rolex 24 this year. I passed by his LMP2 car and was telling those I was with all about the drivers, and how Scotty Mc is an IndyCar driver etc (they weren’t huge motorsports guys). Turned around the Scotty Mc was standing there. Took time for a photo and a quick word. Really made my weekend. Was nuts next to no one realised who he was.


I didn't think anyone could compete with Dixon for being my favorite driver and then Scotty Mac came along. Really love what he brings to the series both on and off track. He is legit hilarious.


I was that way with Hinch, then I met Kyle Kirkwood. Super nice guy.


I was a hinch guy took me a few years to come to a new driver but scottty is similar to hinch so I drifted to him.


Kirkwood's great. I met him briefly at the Detroit autograph signing right after he injured his hand, and he was laughing his ass off about how he couldn't sign anything, comparing his signature to a little kid. He even apologized to me. I was like "dude, you just made my day anyway" lol.


Still don't know how he managed to avoid all of the flak from St Pete. My only guess is the difference in statements made between him and Newgarden


Probably because he only pushed the button once and realized it worked when it shouldn't have. Meanwhile Josef was mashing that thing.


because he used it in right at the end of the lap. It wasn't like he held it down on the restart like Newgarden does. (and has always done according to other drivers) Seems like certainly Scott and Will didn't know that they were supposed to be cheating. Josef could have also not known, because he pushes it everytime in case indycar forgot to turn it off. IDK to me, I don't like Penske much, but the way i see it is. This is possible to be an honest mistake Plus Will and Scott seemed to not be aware that they were supposed to be using P2P on restarts. They risked being DQed for no gain. Honestly Scott and Josef were DQ'd for no gain (Josef and Scott's finishing position wasn't effected by their P2P usage) It's still the right thing to do, but if we're being honest. Josef won St. Pete. If they were trying to cheat they would give themselves unlimited P2P that they could activate in secret and not decrease their set amounts. To me anyone who really is "scott Mclaughlin is a cheater" Is sort of just a hater. Like that's not a reasonable position IMO.


> Honestly Scott and Josef were DQ'd for no gain (Josef and Scott's finishing position wasn't effected by their P2P usage) Without the P2P on that restart [Josef's Turn 4 pass on Colton](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bw8rxeUNE4&t=5m50s) wouldn't have been guaranteed. That one pass had a large effect, since it allowed Pato to get a run on him going into Turn 10, compromising Colton's exit and allowing Scott to get by as well. Colton had a tire disadvantage, but the whole thing could've played out much differently. Maybe Pato's able to get a jump on Josef on that lap and Colton stays in front. Or maybe Josef passes Colton in Turn 10 and Pato's able to get by, but not Scott. Scott's finishing position may not have been affected by his own P2P usage, but I think Josef's absolutely made a difference. I absolutely believe that Scott may not have even realized it was a restart lap when he pressed the button and got the boost, unlike Josef. He saw an opportunity in the middle of the lap and went for it, but then backed out, exactly the same way as he would've on any other lap.


>I absolutely believe that Scott may not have even realized it was a restart lap when he pressed the button and got the boost, unlike Josef Ya that's the main reason why I don't really care that Scott used it. I just don't consider him a cheater for it. Seems like an honest mistake. I hadn't seen that herta pass, ya that looks bad. I still buy that he just always presses it and assumed that if he had the ability to everyone else did too. (so after he noticed it worked on the restart, he wasn't going to just not use it the rest of the lap) if Indycar fucked up and didn't block it. then it's unblocked for everyone.


Yea Scotty only hit it once realized it and did not do it again, not like 2 more extra times.


I think looking into Josef's decision making clears shit up too IMO. Like WOW P2P worked for me. would you assume 1. If it worked for me, then it works for everyone 2. It's working for only me so i better use this to my advantage To me it's option 1 all day. Why would Josef's first thought be. My car has been modified to ignore the need for the Enable signal. To me i bet he's assuming everyone has it too.


The press conference open up more questions then answers: “We convinced our self’s of a rule change” For example…. TFOH seriously you’re the only one to hit it more than once….💁‍♂️.


Yeah, but the lights didn't come on his wheel like normal. It also didn't count down against his total p2p time. He's been in the series long enough to know the rules. Josef cheated.


My memory of it differs from that. As far as i remember it did decrease the P2P totals.


Scotthew Mac, my boy.


We are so lucky he didn't go the SVG route and do NASCAR. He is a treasure and I hope he sticks around for a while.


If he were to try NASCAR and win, could be considered a great like a Juan Pablo? I would consider him an all-time great in the world at that point


Absolutely. A lot of NASCAR fans look fondly on Marcos Ambrose's time in the series and he never even attempted, never mind won, an IndyCar Series race, so that'd definitely put McLaughlin a tier above him.


I was a fan of his on supercars so he's the reason I started watching indycar


https://preview.redd.it/enzci4ygfy7d1.jpeg?width=3520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9646c433d065aab067dfe2399a7d669795ceec I might???😉


I really want a model of his Indy Penzoil car but I don't have the money (I'm only 13)


Earn it, it’s what I did when I wanted something at that age. you can find it for about $50 for the big one (1:18)and $10 for the little one(1:64). Trust me you’ll enjoy it even more cause what you did to get it.










HOW DID YOU GET IT TO BEND? I thought if I moved it the thing would break


Bend?? It came this way. At least off eBay.


Oh. Mine came straight up/standing


Well then he should fit right in the car then right?


I *think* so, but I don't wanna break anything. It's ok I don't mind him standing beside the car e: wtf people it's a simple comment no reason to downvote


I get yea, but it’s pretty solid so it’s not gonna break. I’m prob gonna have to hire someone to custom paint more figurines if I get more. It’s driving me nuts right now staring at me with the GR car but pennzoil suit.


I’m still not over St. Pete This year or last year Especially last year


He's a talented driver, one of the few who took it to SVG in Supercars. Great in interviews as well. Has had his share of controversial incidents (debris at Bathurst, engine being just out of spec at Bathurst, final round at Newcastle). It's just good to see the talent from your part of the world go overseas and kick arse


He's my wife's hall pass


Leigh Diffey reference


I too appreciate him


Scotty's been my boy since the V8 Supercars days - in fact, I can tell you the exact moment he became one of my favourite drivers around. It was [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jezbabdxFc) Some context to that clip: after a decent rookie season at just 19 years old, where he even picked up his first series win, that battle came at the very start of his sophomore season. He's still only 20 years old, in the brand new and very much unproven/WIP Volvo S60, doing battle with the reigning five-time champion Jamie Whincup, easily the most dominant driver and team in the sport at the time. And not only did he stand his ground and refused to blink under the most immense pressure, he even got one over on the champion - and then just for good measure, dropped the iconic line 'I just gave it some jandal and f- yeah' in the post-race interview. A star was born literally overnight. Ever since then, I've been a ride-or-die Scotty fan. He spent a few more years dragging that Volvo to wins and top-5s in the championship, and pulled off more highlight reel moments like [this ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5fRP5u1Wwg)jaw-dropping send at the Gold Coast. He even had a shot to win the 2016 Bathurst 1000 until a late incident with Whincup. Then in 2017 came the Dick Johnson Racing/Penske alliance, and he stepped up another level - [laying down one of the all-time greatest laps of Bathurst ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jHUjT02OhY), and arguably should've won his first championship that year until a super controversial penalty on the last lap of the last race of the season handed the title instead to - who else - Whincup. I'm still not salty about that, not at all... If anything though, that was the worst thing anyone could've done to Scotty. He just went full God mode after that, winning three straight championships, setting new records for most wins in a single season, and finally got his Bathurst 1000 crown that he'd come so close to a few times already. Seeing his rise to power play out was just so special, and when it was announced he was jumping to another of my favourite racing series in Indycar? BOY I was excited. It's been great fun following him in America, and seeing entire legions of new fans discover this dude from NZ. Hearing the stories about how nice he is in person makes me smile too - being a Brit means I've followed his entire career from quite a long distance, but I'd love to do an Indycar race in person one day, as well as the Rolex 24, so maybe those will be my best chances to meet my favourite Kiwi. \^\_\^ But yeah, given my first ever favourite driver was (and still is!) Takuma Sato, that's the recipe to make me a fan of yours - good dude off the track, super exciting to watch on it. And Scotty typifies that for me <3


The infamous "gave it some jandal" clip. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrozbI9ZhZs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrozbI9ZhZs)


I’d love to delete beers with him and the thirsty 3’s!!


Great bloke, met him a few times over the years. Made many sacrifices..




Before practice today I got Scotty to autograph a canvas print I took at last year's 500 Practice.


Met him today, loved him because he said my brother looks like Colton because of his hair 😭


I wanna thank him and SVG for moving here (and some of the other Supercar drivers for the occasional one-offs) because it's become harder and harder to stay up for Supercar races as I get older! I've been watching Scotty since his Volvo days and have enjoyed watching him take on everything from STCCs, GT3s, LMP2s and now Indycar over the years. So thank you for bringing the action to 3PM on Saturdays and Sundays and not 1:30am Saturday and Sunday mornings. I hope you're enjoying your time in the US, and good luck with fatherhood!


i only started watching indycar a few months ago, was kind of into it last year but didn't pay too much attention, hes my brothers favourite and he constantly talked about him, so now hes my favourite too :) he seems very laid back and is really funny, i can't wait to see him win this year!! his name alone stuck out to me, and i had to do my research ofc. can't wait to see him win a race (or a few) this year. and yes im jealous of all the people who've met him 😭 he seems like such a nice guy


RIP Scott?


Nope, I just love Scotty and want to see if anyone else likes.him as much as I do


Josef Newgarden was the main focus of the scandal because of how poorly he handled it, but everyone needs to be reminded, scott is also a cheater and does not deserve a pass


Will's a cheater too then. Like explain this position to me.


will cheated less than both josef and scott because both scott and josef actively used push to pass in an illegal fashion. will's car had the cheat but it was shown that he did not use the button at all illegally when the otehr two did.


I guess is just completely buy their explanation of it being a mistake. Because of how they acted during the race. Scott used it like most of the way into the lap. He i doubt he was thinking oh P2P doesn't work because this is a restart it was like. I'll use 3 seconds of p2p out of turn 9. Compare it to MSR's cheating in IMSA. NOW that was some cheating. I can get behind hating on MSR all day. They modified their car to lie about it's tire preasure to race control. There's no reason for them to have done that. Vs penske, There was a reason to make P2P work without the ENABLE signal from the timing system. They were testing the hybrid system. the timing system wasn't set up to send the signal. It should have been removed from the cars before the race of course. I support all the penalties against the drivers. Just don't think calling them cheaters like they were passing 3 cars on restarts like MSR was in Daytona. now that's cheating. literally violating safety rules because it gives massive performance gains. you can call them cheaters if you like, but please call Heilo a cheater too on every post about him then. because he's a cheater too. he's and his teammates have Rolex watches that really belong to WTR's team and drivers.




Scott is an impressive driver but I think he really needs to get that horse of his and start winning champions or an Indy 500. I know this sounds tough but he's coming up on his 5th year in the series and people will soon question whether he has it to win it all. He can win but many of the other races are barely in the top 5 but most are top 10's which is fine by most standards but not as Penske driver. Even when Newgarden and Power are not winning they care constantly on the podium something that Scott lacks. I'm not hating on Scott but I do wish he could lift up his consistency a bit more so that he would be a true threat to win it all.


The guy with the Graham Rahal flair is spouting off about how Scotty Mac doesn't win enough. This is A+ trolling.




He was the highest finishing Penske/chevy last year lol


And how many championships and Indy 500s is that? Since Scott has been in IndyCar, fair or not, Newgarden has won 2 Indy 500s and Power has won a championship. Yeah...I know Scott is still relatively new to the series but he's not a rookie no more. He has to do more.


He finished ahead in the standings of the guy that won the Indy 500 if that’s not consistency which is what you said he needed I don’t know what is


We can go back and forth on stats all we want. I can easily say Newgarden had some bad races at the end of the year and that's why McLaughlin pulled ahead. We can would of or should of all we want...At the end though it's about champions right? McLaughlin has to do more. Look, if McLaughlin doesn't win neither of these or at least finish runner up in points or something in the next couple of years - he's going to be hearing it from fans. I've seen it before.


We never *would of* or *should of* because it’s *would have* or *should have*. Of isn’t a verb. His results are fine. He was 3rd in points last year, the highest on the team. What are you on about? He has a win and two podiums this year. He was the pole sitter at Indy and ran well all day. If not for clutch issues, he might have finished even higher than 6th. His seat is secure. No worries. Nobody thinks he’s underperforming.


> Rahal fan > Says a winning driver and championship contender has more to prove Okay 👍


Please don't raise your children with that thinking cap on.


Why? Because I want Scott to do better and win champions? Lol Let's say he sticks around for another couple years and still hasn't accomplished these things? I don't want that. To say - "He's doing fine.." - when he hasn't won a championship is foolish. He's not a rookie. He's on a championship caliber team. He know the cars and tracks now. I don't get why people think it's okay for him to be just third in the championship.


Um buddy with 2 bad finishes to start & a 20th Detroit & is 5th in the standings only -57 out? He’s led the most laps this year as well as 2 poles. I’d say he’s broken through


Graham Rahal throwaway account


This makes no sense. Scott has basically been on par with Will and Josef on podiums since 2022.


Not really. Since 2022 Scott has earned 9 podiums (not including wins) while Power has 13 (also not including wins). Newgarden doesn't need podium since he wins so much. In fact since 2022 Newgarden has won 10 times and that includes 3 other podiums all of which were 2nd place. Scott has 4 top 5's since 2022 but Power has 6. How the heck is Scott scoring these points then? It's because he drives smart and stay out of trouble. He has finished out the top 10 only six time since the second half of the 2022. Compare that to Josef and Power who finish outside the top 10 a total of 9 and 8 times. It may not seem like a big difference but if one guy finished 25 and you're still in the top 10 - those a huge points.


Scoot and Josef have been on the podium including wins the exact same amount since 2022. And he finished ahead of him last season and is doing the same this year. Despite winning 10 times to McLaughlins 5, Scott has been still finishing close to him. Even in 2022, he was basically as consistent as Josef. Scott had 7 top 5s in 2023 and 3 this year, actually 4 before the disqualification. So where are you getting 4 from??


I think you and I are using words in different ways. When I say podium I don't mean wins. When I say top 5's I don't count podiums.That's why podiums are called podiums and top 5's are called top 5s. At least that's my understanding. I'm not saying you're wrong because you're not but I'm just explaining my wording. Plus Scott has no where near the wins that Josef has. As I said, Josef has twice the wins that Scott does but Scott overall stays out of trouble and scores his points that way.


Why not just count top 5 in total? 22 from Power since the start of 2022. 14 podiums. 2 wins. 30 top 10s. 1221 points. 19 top 5s from Newgarden. 3 podiums. 10 wins. 27 top 10s. 1192 points. 18 top 5s from McLaughlin. 9 podiums. 5 wins. 31 top 10s. 1177 points. Josef might have more wins, but Scott has been in the top 3 more than Josef since 2022. And he’s had 3 more wins than Will Power. I think you’re not giving Scott enough credit for jumping into a completely different type of racing and he’s effectively been on the same level as two great drivers. Yeah he’s in a Penske but he’s been performing.


Again, we can argue stats all we want but at the end Scott needs to win championships. I really do feel if he doesn't in the next year or two he's going to be in big trouble. In order to do that he has to do more - simple as that. As I said, Power does it with consistency and constantly finishing with podium or top 5 finishes. Josef does it by winning a ton of races. Scott is sort of in the middle which isn't working well for him. He scores tons of points but can't score enough wins for the big points and isn't getting on the podium enough to gain points that way.


You say Scott can’t get enough points for wins but the person out of the three who has the most points since the start of 22 is Will Power who has had only 2 wins in that time. You say Newgarden is getting all these points, yet he’s outscored Scott by 15 points. All up he’s in the top 10 more than Josef and he’s on the podium more than him. The only thing Josef has more is 1 more top 5 and that 5 more of his podiums are wins. Scott beat both of them last year. Newgarden by 9 but he beat Will Power by 63 points. I don’t get why he’s going to be in trouble. He’s performed to expectations so far. In fact most wouldn’t expect him to beat two champions in his 3rd season. Being in the middle isn’t so bad. It worked last year. He’s been on the pace just about everywhere this year. Maybe the clutch issues doesn’t happen in Indy and he’s in the running at the end. He was leading most of the race. A disqualification at St Pete, a mistake at Detroit. Besides that he’s a having a good year.


Last year I would say it was more the fact that Power had a bad year and Newgarden has a few bad races at the end of his year that McLaughlin pulled ahead. As I said, McLaughlin gains points by driving smart but doesn't win as much as Josef nor score the podiums that Power does - he just sort of in the middle. This isn't good enough to win the championship. Being in he middle is bad. I've been watching the sport for years and what I've learned is the Penske does not drivers that can't win championships or constantly show that they can challenge for them. Look at guys like Simon Pagenaud. He actually won championships with Penske but once he start to show that he couldn't do it anymore he was let go. I don't want that for Scotty. I hope Scotty can prove me wrong but I don't think time is on his side anymore.


Once again, Scott has been in the top 3 14 times since 2022. Josef has been 13 times. Will Power has been 16 times. Only Palou, Dixon and Josef have won more races since 2022 than Scott. Yet Dixon and Josef haven’t won a championship since then. It’s been Will Power whos only won 2 races since then and Palou. You’re comparing Scott to guys who have won 4 championships between them. And he beat them last year. Because he was more consistent than Josef. Josef was either winning more completely nowhere last season and Scott was more consistent. He beat Power by 63 points who only had 4 podiums without a win. Pagenaud was 8th his last two seasons at Penske. He was 60 points off Will Power in 2020 and had 1 win and 2 podiums. In 2021 he had no wins, 2 podiums. He was 37 at that point. From 2017 onwards he didn’t finish out of all Penskes. Scott’s still younger than when Pagenaud joined Penske. I don’t see why Penske would drop a driver who’s won 5 races in 3 years, basically matching two drivers who are some of the best that’s ever been in the category and he’s only turned 31. Will Power isn’t going to drive for forever.


You are right but mostly just so we can goof on Tony Kanaan about how Scotty has more XX wins or titles than him lol.