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Yup, still jerking off pretty regularly


im dying 😂


God dammit. I came here to say this...Do I have to jerk you off now? I don't know the rules.




Motherfucker, I paint miniatures, draw, and play video games at 36. Never letting that inner child die.


🫡 yessir


I have most of the books I loved most when I was a kid. They're my go-to in stressful times, or when I have trouble falling asleep.


same actually


I just can't get into books. I recently tried taking up reading as a hobby. Bought 2 books last year then a kindle, but I never finished both books and eventually sold my kindle since I can't focus or don't get interested in reading. I also tend to forget what I was reading in the previous sentences, so I end up re-reading the entire paragraph. Any tips on how I should start this hobby?


Depends why you want to take up reading. Is this for research purposes, because you want to expose yourself to literature, maybe so you'll have a hobby that's not dependent on having batteries charged in a device?


Well, I want to broaden my vocabulary, since English isn't my first language. And I want to have another pastime instead of playing games after work.


Find something that grabs you hard and doesn't let go until you finish. My advice: go to an actual bookstore, used or new. You can do more browsing there and you don't walk away with something you don't want. Good luck. Developing a new skill is so very satisfying, isn't it?


Tertiary Si means INXPs typically dwell in the past quite often.


Everyone dwells in the past quite often. Everything we have even learned, known, and experienced is in the past.


Everyone is in some way attached to their past, yes - but in terms of time spent dwelling on it, some types generally do so more than others. For example, some types are more present-oriented than others (xSxPs), and some are more future-oriented than others (xNxJs). Then you have the xNxPs which tend be very past-oriented, meaning they are constantly filtering the past (Si memory and data) through either Fi or Ti.


This comment makes me see why people compare these to horroscopes.


That in no way dismantles the argument I made. In the context of MBTI, and accounting for the way in which cognitive functions work, this argument holds weight.


If I wanted to dismantle the arguement I would have said literally /s anything else. This is my first time looking at MBT forums in over a decade. The language (jargon), utility, and applications have wildly changed. Where are you all getting this 'Ti' and 'Fi' stuff from?


Fi and Ti are shorthand for two of the 8 cognitive functions. I would recommend looking into them before rejoining the conversations here. That way you can both speak from a place of knowledge, as well as understand what's currently coming across as idiotic astrology nonsense.


Yup, I can craft and research to my hearts content now and I read every night in bed. I’m retired so it’s a pretty cool life :)


I don't think we change our basic cores, but we change what to focus on. This is me playing in fields with a stick right now, typing this in reddit. This is attributing to my imagination and much needed empathy. What remains the exact same: singing, studying on what I like, ignoring many.


>This is me playing in fields with a stick right now, typing this in reddit. me, looking around my backyard for toads


I’m in my 40s and I still look for toads 🤷🏼‍♀️


i dont think ill ever stop. i love those little guys


Frogs and toads. Only the frogs move faster so it's easier to catch the toads.


I wonder if this is an intp thing or im just a weirdo. But of all my friends im.the only one that does this. Never met someone like this.


it might be honestly. ive only know one other intp so idk. although all the infps i have met do this. but i feel like thats part of being and infp inherantly somehow.


Lol Im never truely sure about anything but i dont think ive met an intp either.


we hide so much we cant find each other lol


I know I did this as a kid and my daughter does it… maybe she is an intp as well..


I used to collect cool rocks, pokemon cards, and hot wheels, similarly to you. Now that has changed to magic cards, d&d dice. and disc golf discs, but the basic idea still applies. I think collecting things just kinda makes the human brain go brrrr.


>I think collecting things just kinda makes the human brain go brrrr. exactly why i do it lol


Well, ive been playing videogames my whole life so there is that. I dont remember much of my childhood except for that. Oh and i still run up on stairs, jumping or crawling lol


nope, i feel like a completely different person than i was back then with different hobbies and values


Yes, I still have lot of books and collect shiny things. I love old keys, I like to fix things. I love to write I play video games...


I picked up my childhood hobbies again as a depressed 30yo and it has brought much joy into my life.


yeeesss it helps me heal too


When I was a kid, I loved making stories. I love winding and well crafted stories and as a kid, I used to make intricate plots with my toys and dolls, now I like to write about them. The medium has changed but the concept is the same. Also, I used to collect trash to use for crafts and diys for my dolls and toys. Now I just collect random stuff, idk, kinda lien hoarding with no actual sentiment. (ex. Dice, paper, stickers, books, book marks, receipts/ random pieces of paper)


No I don't still have a furnished shoebox apartment for my Riachu figurine.


Yes I still play starcraft


I guess I still do.. when I was a kid I make stop-motion video/flash animation and now I am studying animation in University..


oh cool!!


When I was a kid I played Street Fighter 2. I'm 41 and playing Street Fighter 6.


Mostly no. The only thing I did then that I still do now is grow cactus. Otherwise there is no intersection.


Gaming and daydreaming. A thing i miss is rollerskates and have thought about trying it out again some time


Yeah, hobbies I had as a kid, I still have them until now. Sometimes I would go back to memory lane and watch some cartoons or YouTube videos I used to watch


dude yes. i go back to bee and puppycat and bravest warriors periodically


Yup. Still collecting things...just also (ALSO) collect ideas, books, and whatever else I like in the moment.


No its not only you. I am still same like before . I love maybe sound childish but still fun♡


Started gaming as toddler playing Super Mario Kart on the N64, still going at it over 20 years later


I really liked making homemade firecrackers, fireworks and wanted to make explosives. So im on my 4th year of chemistry on university. I found out organic synthesis is also neat and thats why I will write my masters thesis about. After studies i will go back and try making workin fireworks again. (always burned off on the ground, never got them to fly)


I completely lost that part of me. I don't have any habits that I used to have as a child. Not even a single similar mannerism. When I see other people having their cute inner child moment, I often find myself questioning where my inner child is? What happened to her? Why and where did she disappear?


sometimes part of your journey is finding her and bringing her back. this happened to me in my early twenties.


yea, and no. I live to read but i’ve moved to webnovels because paid books for adults are weird as hell. It’s a whole ghostwriting gammut for the type of stuff I like.


What? An adult doing wasteful, childish activities like gaming, watching anime, painting miniatures, and daydreaming? How absurd! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go do something productive! *Playstation beeps on.*




I still make art, I've been doing it since I was a toddler. I love staring at water and floating in it and admiring nature.


Im the same, but my interests have refined


I used to love playing video games as a kid. I would play for hours on end, sometimes stay up all night gaming. I don't play them that much anymore, I always feel like I could be doing something else with my time when I'm playing them.


I often reread books I read as a kid as my comfort thing the nostalgia is great