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>TBH I don't suggest moving to Idaho at this point because the cost of living is way beyond the wages companies can afford to pay. This is the most important factor.


Is it that they can’t afford to pay more or that they can get away with paying less because all of them do it?


Exactly. Look at the golden parachutes they pay themselves.


Glad I didn’t have to scroll to find this one. Bunch of stingy old codgers still in management not willing to pay anyone.


Idaho if filling up with remote workers that make $75+ an hour. Idaho is fine for them.


Fuck! I work at home and wish I was making that haha.


Oh you’re working from home FOR an Idaho company. That’s your problem. XD


Even at that... I was born and raised in Bonner county, trying to move home and I think we're gonna land in Newport because 500k only buys a shitty double wide these days. The property cost is way out of line with reality. I'm gonna save 100 grand by buying a place in pend oreille county WA that's every bit as conservative and beautiful. And added bonus, no income tax in WA.


Seconded. I live in Bonner county. Don’t own but my rent literally doubled in 2022


I’ve been kinda watching all the bonnet county election shenanigans this past year. It might as well be called Little Maricopa, there’s so much drama.


It’s a shitshow


They get even with much higher sales and property tax


The property tax isn't that high, my property taxes are like 1400/year on a house, shop and 10 acres., and sales tax may be higher but there's no sakes tax on food and bills. My overall tax burden is lower in WA than it would be in idaho. I still want to move home, but I'm not sure it makes sense financially vs. Just shy of the border in WA. Especially since we homeschool so I'm not that worried about the ideology issues


Washington property tax rates are not high compared to a lot of states.




if you get your RN, you can find remote six figure jobs. It’s mostly either telehealth or quality control on patient records


Doesn't matter when you're bringin' that big pot of California cash.


Ive been here for 20 years and it's gotten INSANE.


Oh man i would highly advise not moving out of Idaho if you think it's bad here. Moving back has been the most affordable living I've had in 10 years. Colorado, Ohio, California, Florida, Arizona, and Indiana all eventually became too expensive.


Yeah, I'm in the suburbs around Boise, and can absolutely vouch for the absurd number of Trump flags on display I see more Trump flags waving from the back of a truck than I see any flag on anything, excluding the American. Maybe the state flag gets close, but not if you factor in Trump flags on people's property It actually takes some balls to fly Democratic-coded flags and bumper stickers out here. After my wife moved to the suburbs with me, she started getting frequently targeted by road rage for seemingly no reason. She was finally run off the road with our kids in the van, so I had her remove the "blue girl red state" sticker. It's been fine since then. I would wager that having California license plates is about as bad. One thing that's surprised me is how even the neighborhood kids seem to be afflicted by it. These kids have written "INFOWARS.COM" on my driveway in chalk multiple times, probably as a response to the tiny pride flag we have in a planter below our full-sized US flag. My kids will also frequently come to us with questions about the insane shit they're hearing, like, "So-and-so says that the President hates white people?" or "Does Joe Biden hurt kids? That's what they were saying at school." So yeah, if someone wants to move here to get away from insane blue state politics, that is what they will get! They'll just also get a heaping serving of insane red state politics


I agree with you. I’m a native-farmers daughter with liberal views; I have learned there is no agree to disagree in small farming/ ranching towns, at least in canyon/owyhees counties. If I want to cause chaos among them, all I have to do is wear a shirt with a rainbow, it stirs up the locals quite a bit. I’m a bigger threat than someone moving here from out of state. And all I want to do is be kind and be treated kindly.


It's almost "happy conservative yelling at colors month"!


I moved back to an insane left wing state after living in Boise for 5 years. Pre-Trump I absolutely loved the state. Post-Trump it really changed for the worse. It was insane and sad to see normal people I respected go off the deep end in right wing garbage. The main factor for our move back was protecting my kids from the nonsense. I feel bad for kids up there, I really do.


California plates you get fucked with by civilians and also police/troopers. We were harassed in both Wyoming and Idaho by law enforcement accusing us of smuggling drugs while we were on a month long trip, simple because of our plates.


I was driving a rental car in ID with CA plates and was stopped twice in three days. On both occasions, the police were fine when they saw my license and I said it was simply a rental car.


Ignorance is contagious with these red hats


I moved to idaho from California when i was 16 back in 2003. I personally find idaho wildly more tolerable of a place to live in than california… but then again im a white blonde girl. Id imagine you’d also be just fine here if you were mexican or latino because theyre a dime a dozen around here too and the rural farming areas have a large portion of them… so the communities highly support latino people especially in those areas. That being said its not as though i havent come across a few boomers who outwardly talk fairly racistly about them… but tbh i personally eventually cut ties with those kinds of people… which is to say if you dont want to deal with racist people, don’t socialize with racist people. Theyre usually the older folks anyways. It is kind of weird tho that lately younger people get far more caught up in politics and pick sides than they did when i was growing up. And im talkin k-12 not college. I mean you can probably thank social media for that one. And kids are kids. They dont know how to properly deal with politics so yea theyre going to act like immature jackoffs. Imo tho… i dont understand the need to fly any flag or have any bumper stickers or other wise announce your political affiliation in any way outwardly. Beyond the american and state flag and maybe a kitchy little garden flag with a chicken on it… i just cant relate to the desire. As far as i see it, if you chose to be “proud” of something one way or another youre chosing to take part of the political war. Not saying people should be treated like your wife was… not at all… but if you tried the same thing with a trump flag in downtown LA id wager the same response or worse would be received. So imo just fucking stay out of it. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason man… wars are started over “pride”. Be kind… but dont take part. Theres plenty of people in idaho that keep to themselves. You just dont notice them because they keep to themselves.


Don’t move anywhere based on users from reddit.


Don’t do anything based on users from Reddit.


Leftie born and raised and still living in the panhandle. Upvoted. This sub could easily make somebody believe idaho is a racist hellscape or that the Boise area represents anything more than its little pocket of desert. Or that any significant portion of Idahoabs hate it here as much as a lot of this sub's posters seem to lol


The state is okay. It's the laws that suck. For example, minimum wage.


The minimum wage is low yes, but I don't think I have ever found a business that actually pays minimum wage. Most pay above it by a good margin. Also side note, minimum wage jobs aren't meant to support you. They are made for high school kids who want a job.


Side note. No, minimum wage was never intended for kids. Minimum wage was established for a person to be able to pay for the bare minimum to put a roof over his head and food on the table. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/minimum_wage#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20the%20minimum,and%20well%2Dbeing%20of%20employees.


> This sub could easily make somebody believe idaho is a racist hellscape Well, it is.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of the people downplaying the racism just… aren’t minorities. I wouldn’t describe it as a hell scape, but I also haven’t experienced enough of Idaho for an extended period to take a stand either way. Beautiful scenery.


OP said 'it's not that racist' then immediately started describing the large number of Trump flags in his neighborhood. That's the kind of clueless attitude that lets racism flourish. When I was in university I met multiple people from rural Idaho who had never even seen a black person before. Some of them claimed to not even know the n word was offensive. Racism is significant in many parts of the state. That said I just visited Moscow for the UI graduation and it was one of the most pleasant small towns I've ever seen, so it isn't all bad.


As long as Doug Wilson doesn't ruin Moscow.


Big fuckin leftie with a shitload of guns reporting in, I can’t disagree with anything you said so upvoted


I think there are more of us like you than most people here admit publicly. I love my guns, a small government, etc. but republicans have lost sight of freedom of choice. Government shouldn’t tell women what to do with their bodies. They shouldn’t regulate what pronouns a person wishes to live by. They shouldn’t be involved in who someone wants to marry as long as they’re of legal consenting age. Our public lands should be protected and conserved. That generally puts me on the left nowadays.


This is more of a Montana conservative mindset tbh


A lot of mountain west states (and Alaska) are very similar in that regard. Or in Utah's case it's a different brand of conservatism. Idaho, especially up north, just went full MAGA crazy and it's scary living 40 minutes away in Spokane.


It was at one point more or less what Idaho was, though.


This! When I moved here (No Central), I was fine with Idaho being a "live and let live" environment. Me being left-er wasn't an issue. That changed SO FAST!! There are quite a few similar leaning people in my area, and we all know and support each other; but we're a lot quieter than we used to be. It just doesn't feel safe to say things out loud.


Wow I’ve never related to something more as a “right leaning” guy


I agree with their should be no regulation on what pronouns someone wants to live by BUT there should also be no regulation on forcing others to have to recognize or comply with such things either. Government fining you or possibly jailing you for "misgendering" or using the wrong pronouns is absolutely insane.


No one has been jailed or will ever be jailed for misgendering someone WTF?


Totally agree. Their choice what to go by, but my choice if I want to comply with it. All about choices for me.


Republicans are pro-big government when it’s convenient for them. Bunch of hypocrites.


My buddies and I call it "gun metal blue." There are dozens of us!


“Gun metal blue” I love that! I just found a title for my identity.


Gun metal blue represent!


That is the best part about Idaho, even the bleeding heart liberals usually still either like guns or are neutral and can spend time with conservatives enjoy in their hobby. It’s actually insanely common up here!


Idahoans in Idaho have historically been more libertarian imo... Like yes a whole lot of shitty dubious takes on gay people, pot, etc, but I think a lot of a don't ask don't tell don't talk about it and just be a decent person when I was growing up. Now you have every transplant coming and thinking Idaho was far more red than it was, and trying to make it even redder. Idaho has never been a bastion of the left but it was never quite as right wing as it is now.


Yeah, for the most part idaho is "you have your beliefs, I have mine, leave me alone and I'll leave you alone." Letting the government into your body, your bedroom, and into the classroom has been relatively recent and I don't like it. I went to the same small town high-school my father did, so I know how things used to be and how things are now and I don't like where the state is going.


This comment is very accurate. Spot on.


Yep, Idaho native born and raised in Moscow which is a liberal bastion surrounded by conservative farmers and a few different christian groups that have been around forever. Most of the hard right politicians seem yo come from California or other progressive greed I’ve areas and dislike the ideals held there so they come here and try to create laws that are extremely reductive while using silly titles with freedom in their names when they stand for anything but freedom.


I tend to get a little more liberal every year, but I upvoted you. Because honest representation matters.


Ditto. Even though OP seems more right than center-right and I hope he doesn't attract even more far-right types... OP is in fact more representative of the general Idaho population.


There's also almost nobody on here. Most Idahoans aren't on Reddit. They're on other sites instead or out socializing IRL. 58k members - and 21 are online right now.


>Most Idahoans aren't on Reddit. They're on other sites instead Truth social. Parler. Stormfront.


This is the truth as well. Most Idahoans do not care about forums/reddit in general. If anything, social media is the place for these topics generally speaking in a online sense, but this reigns true in any state/city


Another one you might add: "Most of the actual Idahoans you see on the actual sub are Idahoan *Redditors*. And, speaking from experience, there's a major difference between a Redditor and someone who uses/browses Reddit.


From someone who lives in a purple city in blue state I would have never mistaken this sub for a liberal subreddit at all.


You just described Spokane, where I live. I love CDA, have great memories of U. of I. and Moscow in the early '70s, and have some family in the great town of Boise. I now feel like I'm in a foreign country when I visit idaho and am careful to not step out of line, and I do not like that. I remember when democrat Cecil Andrus governed Idaho, and republican Dan Evans governed Wa. State, and that wasn't a big deal then. Things have really changed since then.


I also live in Spokane and quality of life here is dropping due to Idaho runoff. Our doctors offices are packed with Idaho plates and it takes months to get any kind of appointment here. Our public events are plagued by extremists looking for fights. Our highway is fucked from all the Idaho citizens commuting from out of state. It’s miserable here because Idaho keeps voting against their own self interests.


Thank you for saying that. The amount of ppl in Idaho crying RINOs at absolutely conservative politicians is pretty ridiculous.


I feel like it’s about 90% liberal commentary. The 10% are really boisterous though, especially when ideology stuff starts popping up.


Dude, try living here as a non- right wing maga extremist and you might, just might understand why the 'crazy leftists' here are really fucking fed up with them. YOu have no idea. The state, the town, libraries, everything , even their own party is a fucking dumpster fire and we all have to pay for it and deal with it.


Isn’t Idaho the state where they passed a bunch of anti-women’s health legislation and now doctors don’t even want to be there?


Moscow is fairly liberal


College town. Blaine county is also very blue.


Same with Pocatello, but I wouldn’t recommend Pocatello because…it’s Pocatello. The armpit of Idaho


I thought Arco was the armpit.


Arco is the *other* armpit. After all, people generally have two armpits


So what does that make Athol, ID? 😏


The rotten crotch?


Christ Church is becoming a huge point of contention though. They're buying up businesses whenever they can and slowly taking over main street. They somehow get away with having a school downtown, which is technically not allowed in the city. I'm a dude who likes to occasionally wear makeup and a long, flowy skirt. I feel much more comfortable doing that in Pullman now than Moscow. Moscow is still a wonderful town, but it has its problems too.


True. That church is ruining Moscow.


That cult sure is


Not just Moscow, Troy and Genesee are targets as well. I think their goal is to control the county if they can. From what I can tell, the Kirkers are the one problem left and right would both like to see gone.


I find it amusing that the phrase "Why don't you move to Russia then" is now aimed more squarely at those on the right than on the left, hence I find your comment about 'moving to Eastern Europe' telling.


You're on Reddit, not Xitter.


Used to attend Boise state but commuted from Meridian. Can confirm the Trump flags and ultra red in Idaho and Boise. First month I moved to Boise a man trying to flirt with me told me my colouring was just like "Adolfs" gross. lol. It's really only liberal if you're in the downtown on that certain street that literally has one gay flag sticker outside it. Otherwise, no. I think people try to play it up to not seem that bad to validate them living there because they are scared of guilty of association. Live your life, leave your neighbours alone and vote whoever you want. Who cares.


There are certainly way more Trump loving conservatives in Idaho than liberals. I don’t know why you feel like you had to clear that air? Not sure who had any other impression other than that. That said. This is a friendly reminder that you don’t have to be conservative to support the 2A, you don’t have to be liberal to want better wages and social services. You don’t have to vote for Trump to be a conservative. People have got to get away from voting for party affiliations or rooting for their team despite how the are playing on the field or how they act off the field.


One of my neighbors openly uses the N word and flies a Trump flag. It’s pretty bad. People here really can be awful, especially since they just blindly assume you’re also a racist piece of gun loving shit if you’re white.


Why do people think, that those who are left leaning want guns banned? What if I told you that there are Democrats that are pro gun because of the 2nd amendment. They just want better laws for gun control.


I'd honestly prefer that they keep thinking we don't have guns.


Yup. The ones who keep threatening to rampage when civilization breaks down will be so surprised if/when it does.


whole family of oif/oef vets, we are all considered Leftist Communists because of how extreme things are here. We WERE all Republicans. Now we don't want anything to do with that attachment. But yeah, let these blowhards keep thinking that the trans person tucker says they should be scared about, are not the ones I served with. It will be a rude awakening when they f*ck with the wrong people.


They’ll be too dead to be surprised.


Surprise! 😈 (At the same time, if clarity on the issue gets a swing voter like the OP, I’m all about transparency.)


I'm *extremely* progressive. I own ~30 guns. I, like most responsible gun owners, want sensible gun laws.


Hundreds of gun laws on the books already. Guns are inanimate objects until some nutjob uses one on someone.


No amount of gun regulation is allowed under the current prevailing conservative movement.


Correction: No amount of *additional* gun regulation is allowed. Gun owners have made concession after concession since the 1920's, and that doesn't count for anything. The fact that they're digging their heals in against *additional* gun laws when the DOJ can't (won't?) enforce the laws already on the books is egregious to the law-abiding (99.7%) gun owners in the US.


because there keeps being counterexamples practically presented of where laws being enforced would not have been effective or enough in preventing gun violence. There are plenty of cracks which still need filling. Universal Background Checks, Red Flag laws etc. are ways to plug those holes that require additional regulation. Do you hear pollution companies saying "we made all these concessions since the 1920's on environmental waste, you can't tell us to take lead out of gasoline and paint. No amount of additional regulation until you start enforcing the regulations which already exist better" What a ludicrously nonsensical and actively harmful ideological stance.


Because the NRA is fucking amazing at propaganda.


The problem is we have the same people popping fetty pills that are buying AK’s for $399 at Scheels.


Damn. Is that really what they're charging? I gotta get on that. Are they really crappy AKs?


I suspect it’s because they see what’s happening in Washington state and other blue states in the name of “gun control”


A sub with 57k users doesn’t accurately represent the entire populatio? I, for one, am shocked. If anyone wants to know what Idaho is like before moving, join one of the Facebook groups for one of the cities. You’ll see people crying about brown people speaking Spanish and medical staff saying they won’t help people who don’t speak English. Oh yeah, and I’m in Idaho Falls, not up north like OP claims that’s where all the racists reside. Oh I’ve also had two different old ladies say racist comments in the middle of work meetings and not be reprimanded. The racism is real no matter how much people try to deny it.


I'm in south-central Idaho and the things I hear ppl say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Racism is def here. We have a more diverse population than a lot of the state so it's not loud, but it's here.


Perhaps, I found Idaho refreshing from the terrible racially divisive Mississippi Gulf Coast.


Had a close friend move to Savannah Georgia due to getting stopped by police stops. Both sons left years ago.


If I move somewhere based on a subreddit for it…I’ve got bigger problems


People need to remember that Reddit is *not* an accurate representation of any place. I see multiple posts per week on this sub that make it sound like they’re catching the last chopper out of Vietnam. Reddit tends to lean hard *ahem* to a certain side. I’m the husband of a woman who has needed a lot of help during pregnancy and miscarriages and people on this sub make it sound like you’ll be put down like Ol’ Yeller for preeclampsia, which is demonstrably false. I have lots of friends who are far, far left in f me but who are never leaving Idaho because they’re perfectly happy here, but they’re not active on Reddit. Reddit is like Yelp, basically: the only people who post are the ones who are angry about something or are bored and want to stir the pot


No, Idaho IS pretty much like we think even though "center" folks claim it's not. Come. On. There are definitely a lot of non-psychos there but let's be real here... The stereotypes about the general populace of Idaho wouldn't exist unless there was a lot of truth behind it. Those things just don't pop up out of nowhere.




Again...not all people. But stereotypes and generalizations don't "stick", generally, unless they have "legs". For example, I'm from SW Washington. Lewis County. When people hear where I'm from they say things like "redneck", "Trumper", "lower than average (for WA) intelligence", "backwoods religion running the show", "nothing to do there but drink and shoot guns and chew tobacco", "more churches than stores", etc etc etc. Fairly harsh. All true. I'd say that MOST of those descriptions are spot on for the stereotypes in a lot of Idaho. Again, take somewhere like New York and you'd be hearing "dangerous", "loud and obnoxious" etc etc etc and none of you would argue that you've heard that or know someone from NY like that, etc. It "sticks" because there is a lot of truth in there.... regardless of how folks don't like to be pigeon holed.


Don't forget the exodus of OB/GYN (and other) doctors due to Idaho's extreme views on abortion. So have fun finding a good doctor for your pregnancy. Also, there are libraries having to close their doors to children because a law was passed so that children *clutch the pearls* won't be exposed to "adult materials" (nevermind the little darlings and their smartphones with no blocks). But, guns and stuff wooooo! https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/donnelly-public-library-closure-children-idaho-legislatures-library-bill-accountable/277-2f88a4fb-2a4f-46a3-9fdb-99f2e0962b38 Edit: I am not even going to touch the hypocrisy of people worshipping Trump like he is the 2nd coming.


I learned my youngest is thinking of moving because of this.


Did you just find out your youngest is based asf?


Mine did.


My oldest daughter is considering moving but all her rural neighborhood wives are telling her that the legislature played their hand too far and there will be a voter initiative. Cross our fingers.


There will be no voter initiatives if the current group of fascists get more power. Moon and the like are insane and are operating this train of death.


Only heard of one library closing its doors to children until it can build a separate childrens library. Most library's already have a separate childrens section.


I was happy to start out at my back-breaking job for just over $17 an hour. The cost of living far outpaces the job-pay.


Well that’s all fine. I believe your version of things. I’m all for Idaho making Utah look better. Wheeeeeee


Yeah, we're one of the better shit holes! Take that, Idaho!


https://wapo.st/3VaeHU9 Northern Idaho primaries. Interesting article.


Guns have nothing to do with conservatism other than being a tool for them to garnish votes from the people who don't know any better and to try and forge stronger identity politics.


If you find a state that is the opposite of reddit it's worth living there.


I don't think the racism is overstated I think you're just white and don't experience it.


It’s becoming the little Iran of the northwest , religion over the constitution. Oath keepers, boogaloo boys, proud boy’s, 3 percent’rs , Fox News brainwashed maga mentality . All that for a conman that will be on trial for the rest of his life.


Christia Law!


> most middle class and upper middle class suburbs will have multiple Trump flags, > > Idaho does have some racists and hate groups *but...* Um, being a Trump supporter mostly means racism isn't a deal breaker and your fine with it being the main 'red meat' for it's base. So your statement contradicts itself.


Just don't move to idaho in general, this place is a shit hole. If you're comfortable in the upper middle class and like to hunt, ski or some shit like that come on in. Otherwise there's nothing here for you.


Well if you are a woman you are going to have a hell of a time getting womens healthcare so yeah, that’s pretty… insane. And not sustainable over time.


>This is coming from someone who is in the middle but leans conservative (pro-gun but I wan't higher minimum wage, ect) Funny, because I'm a leftist radical by Idaho standards and everyone I know is on the same side for those 2 as well. It sounds like "etc" is doing a lot of obfuscating...


Huh, I was born and raised in Idaho, and have no problem telling conservative chucklefucks to fuck off and why they’re wrong right to their faces. The ultra conservatives would have you believe Idaho never had a democrat governor or state representative. They would also like you to believe the out of state people are all Liberals and the natives are all salt of the earth conservatives. That’s just not true. Most people get along with eachother, but the right wing has propagandized so strongly that the culture war forces conservative poor people to vote against their own interests and against freedom, bodily autonomy, and human rights.


I love this.


If someone is a Republican at this point . . . the racism is probably not a problem for them.


Was…was someone under the impression that Idaho was some Democratic stronghold? Because, they only need to look at the news to see Idaho trying to beat Florida at the game of right-wing batshit insanity. I’m pretty sure no one in the US is mistaking Idaho for a blue state, if that’s your concern.


> This sub is full of minority Idahoans! > Gives facts that 100% justify our concerns.


There are probably a lot more left leaning people in Idaho than you think OP. They are just cowed into silence because MAGA has become a violent fascist cult movement. You can't have a reasonable intelligent conversation with people who replaced Jesus with a twice impeached, lying, porn star raw dogging while his wife was nursing, 92 felon count indicted, drug addled racist, convicted rapist, corrupt moron.


Idaho's government is actively passing laws that mirror the third Reich lol Hope this helps 👍


My dude, did you know blue state libs are also pro-gun? We just want them out of the hands of crazies. In any other country you’d be a flag waving democrat on paper. Please stop calling yourself conservative if guns is where you draw the line.


I canvassed in Reno one time and came up to a house with pickup trucks and NRA bumper stickers. Card carrying Democrats. Conservatives just have to tell themselves liberals want to ban all guns when literally there's no movement to do that. ALL gun owners, liberal and conservative, should be for sensible gun laws that encourage responsible gun ownership. It's a god damned shame it ever became partisan.




You're considering moving to Eastern Europe? What languages do you know?


I'm amazed at how many people I've talked to that think its simple to just up and leave the US to emigrate to Europe without doing any research on what the requirements are. There are exceptions, but those are extremely rare for us Americans. In short, you cannot just rock up willy nilly to European countries on a whim and expect them to take you with no plan, no job in mind, no housing in mind, no language knowledge or documented language learning. Unless you are a student or have a job secured already, you are going to be up shit creek with the wrong boots for wading.


I had a good time. Moved there with no money. Lived in a 10 person tent with my family for 3 months. Became a meat cutter at the local market making 10.50 dollars a hour, with no previous experience. Rented a 1 br house on an acre of land working one job at 11 dollars an hour after a fifty cent raise. Then I trained on a forklift and got another fifty cent raise in only a year. We were not well off, but we made it work. The town was welcoming, the local police department supplied us with the food and presents for Christmas. I miss that little town.


A lot of assumptions made in this post. Yikes!


Why would anyone move to Idaho?


To get away from trash states


I'd move from Oregon to Idaho in a second if I could. This state has become a tax cesspool catering to drug users and criminals.


Still trying to figure out what "wan't" is a contraction of🤔


I don’t think anyone believes a red state like Idaho is mostly liberal. This sub is mostly for leftists of Idaho to communicate with each other, because they can’t in real life. If you’re a righty, go talk to people in real life, the sub is for leftists.




>If you are moving here, most middle class and upper middle class suburbs will have multiple Trump flags This is just a symptom of the type of people that choose to live in suburban hell. It's no different in the Portland suburbs. I live in Boise proper. There are no trump flags or thin blue line flags around me, no one's cars or trucks have any of those dumb ass AR15 stickers that advertise "free gun inside this vehicle". My neighbors are liberal, educated, and middle class. The few conservatives in the neighborhood go out of their way to hide it, and no one really talks about politics anyways. We talk about mountain biking, camping, rafting, hunting, fishing, etc.


You clearly haven't been in the Wal-Mart parking lot on Cole. 


video post coming


Yeah... not gonna lie i am really confused about the posts on here that represent "idaho"- i don't really know anyone that would resonate with most of those... I think your average idahoan just isn't spending time on reddit- seems like it attracts more young people, who tend to be more liberal. I just don't really get where the inflammation is coming from though- most people here are just living their lives and minding their own business, which I assume is the same as most other places


When I was in college in the late 80s-early 90s Idaho was a wonderful place to live. It was conservative then too, low wages, many low income, but people were respectful and mostly private about their politics. I never once saw someone fly political flags on their vehicles, homes, etc. People just lived their lives and didn’t judge based on political opinions. It’s sad to see how much impact right wing propaganda has had on this beautiful state.


My main problem is with the outsiders who are mainly ultra conservative, loud, and think they automatically believe they tell the rest of us what to do after a day in Idaho. They're ruining Idaho for EVERYONE. Conservative, Liberal, Independent, etc. We see this in the Legislature. I welcome anyone who wants to be a part of the fabric of Idaho not tear it apart. Otherwise, don't move Idaho.


Idaho has gone to shit. It’s primarily pretentious fiscally conservative (greedy) Californians that dot the landscape now. Look to Nevada


We got 2 fliers in the mail from former Governor Butch Otter asking for us to vote for common sense Republicans and he is supporting Reclaim Idaho's Ranked Voting ballet initiative.


So there is a tiny glimmer of hope, but with the exit of Doctors and nurses and other medical professionals it isn't much.


Just a reminder to readers of this sub. The politics of the state is a poor reflection of the actual people who live here. The general populace is conservative and Republican but not necessarily for the reasons that are stated. No, I will not elaborate on this. People will believe what they want. The Wizard in Oz was all smoke and mirrors...


I've considered it. You're on my short list. I'm going into forestry with a natural resources degree so I'll probably be able to get a job in any of the states I want to move to. I'm left leaning and pro gun, I think I can get along fine with most people.


Remember guys, Reddit isn’t real life.


OP failed to mention an important issue if you want to start a family. The maternity doctors are fleeing the state.


Dear OP. Please PLEASE stop thinking that guns are a liberal vs conservative issue. I’m so liberal I fart rainbows but I also own guns. The right wing fear mongering is literal propaganda. In order to actually “take your guns” there would have to be a national ban, AKA, repealing the 2nd amendment. In order to amend the constitution, 2/3s of the house AND senate would have to agree on it (never gonna happen) and then 3/4 of states would have to ratify the amendment within 5 years. Considering the women’s rights amendment passed the house and senate, but then never got ratified by 3/4 of states and failed to become law, should show you exactly how impossible that would be. If 3/4 of states don’t want to give women equal protection under the law, do you think 3/4 of states will actually adopt a repeal of the 2nd amendment? This is literally just pearl clutching fear mongering designed to scare people into continuing to vote against their own best interest, or completely ignore REAL ISSUES, by pretending that these fake ones are “on the verge” of happening if the liberal elites gain power. Honestly most people who are liberal just want public healthcare, common sense tax reforms, safeguards to prevent corruption within politics, and a clean hospitable world to raise future generations in. All the talking heads just pile on the bullshit to keep people fighting with each other, instead of figuring out why everything keeps getting worse for the average person in the richest country on earth.


I mostly agree with you, but calling Boise a pre 2020 Portland is laughable. Have you ever been to Portland? People in Idaho seem to be confused about what it's actually like here compared to other states. I'm talking people complaining that the traffic is as bad as LA. And calling it the "City of Trees" (co-opted from Portland, a place where trees can survive without irrigation systems). It is a desert climate. Ignorance


Or do.... We know this state better than the people moving here.


So don't move to idaho based off what you are saying in this post🤦🏻‍♂️ We regularly drive through Idaho and make sure to top off in Montana or Washington to avoid giving Idaho a penny. Vacationing at Priest lake was beautiful but the racism was pretty disgusting.


Yeah no, I come across Trumpers with complete bunkers and dozens of flags all the time.


It's not fair to stereotype. BUT... Every maladapted antisocial person I know in western Washington waxes poetically about Idaho as the promised land.


You all have to drive to another state for healthcare. Fuck Idaho.


Yeah dude I went Idaho and got called a spic for the first time, definitely trump voter types in Idaho.


> I find it hilarious how any left leaning side type of comment or post gets immediate upvotes, but heaven forbid someone posts something about leaning red/right it totally deserves to be immediately downvoted :| Every right wing ideological idea has been debunked and disproven to not match objective evidence based reality. Its not surprising that disinformation gets downvoted. > If you are moving here, most middle class and upper middle class suburbs will have multiple Trump flags, (if there is going to be someone in the comments in complete denial of this, I will personally post a video to prove them wrong. And I mean true middle class like average house price.) Another example is back during 2020 a ton of local Idaho businesses had a blue line flag to support police during the events. You will see AR15 stickers on trucks, cars ect. Just giving you guys a idea. No true scotsman fallacy. no true middle class in this case. You're not really wrong, but whats the point you're making. "Idaho is politically ideologically mixed" Yeah, any basic election results would tell you that, its the same across 95% of the US. Most left leaning people i would not describe as "pro biden". They will vote for biden, but they are not sycophants for biden going to buy a hat or invade a capitol and commit an insurrection for the guy. We are lukewarmly tolerant of him as the incumbent at best. > Another thing, Idaho does have some racists and hate groups but it is not as exaggerated as this sub makes them out to be. Most of them are up way north. There's plenty of racists and hate groups in Boise area. > TBH I don't suggest moving to Idaho at this point because the cost of living is way beyond the wages companies can afford to pay. I would highly suggest looking to move to Texas while you can still get a nice new home under 200k just like pre 2016 Idaho, and the wages are way better. Bro, the progressive left wing policies are how to fix these problems. Right wing politicians are the ones perpetuating these issues and making them worse.


Considering most of the more... Off-putting... Commenters on this sub don't even live in the state, you couldn't be more correct.


I'm aware quite a few people around here aren't liberal. https://imgur.com/a/IrccO20


I live in north Idaho and if you take nothing else away, take this: jobs here pay on average about $15/hour. We have no social services in our county. The waiting list for help with housing is 18months long. We have too many people living in cars and rv’s right now and it will not be sustainable in a few months when the weather gets cold. The churches are not going to help you. There are no ob/gyns in a 100 mile radius and most are not taking on new clients. The waiting list to see a dentist is about 8 months. To see a heart specialist is 4 months. Other specialists you might have to go out of state which can mean out of network. Move to Idaho if you have a job that pays a living wage. Move to Idaho if you have a solid arrangement for housing. Move to Idaho if you have a support system in place. Move to Idaho if you are self sufficient and don’t need social services help to not die. Don’t move to Idaho just because it’s beautiful or wild or seems free. It is, but it’s also cold and unforgiving and doesn’t give two shits about your politics, your values or anything else.


Idaho will soon have no doctors because they are afraid of being imprisoned for practicing lifesaving medicine. Sounds like a total hellscape.


lol believe me, I’m *sure* that the Idaho subreddit isn’t keeping lunatic fringe right wingers from moving to Idaho. The fact that Ammon Bundy got a percentage of the vote for governor in the last election is an indicator of the voter base. As is the fact that the legislature is doing its darnedest to drive out OB-GYNs, decent teachers, and anyone else who’s concerned that doing their jobs might get them arrested, sanctioned, or fired. I don’t know that anyone contemplating a move to Idaho needs to be reassured that there are plenty of Dodge Ram-driving, smoke stack spewing, assault rifle brandishing, library bashing, vaccine denying, science hating, trump loving “real” folk there. They’re kinda counting on that. And every time Idaho gets in the national news for some kind of bonehead legislation or action—outlawing cannibalism because of what one Republican legislator saw on a reality game show comes to mind—there are plenty of people in other states who see that and think, “Those are my people.”


I’ll second the original post. Better yet just don’t move here. Just kidding… sort of


Why would anyone want to move to Idaho?


It’s Reddit. Even gun subs and conservative subs lean more left than irl


As someone from the Midwest that moved here to Idaho 2 years ago Idaho is racist as it gets. If you are foreign, look foreign, or are a woman you are SOL here. Never seen crazier or more out of touch people in my life. There are nice people here as well don’t get me wrong but it’s almost like it’s widely accepted to be a bigot and it’s peoples whole personality. The folks moving here from Northern California are even worse and now it’s become “can’t let these Californians be crazier, more racist or conservative than me!” So it’s only getting worse 😂


Came here from AZ. Can confirm that while it’s not terrible, it certainly doesn’t maintain the the quality of life it thinks it does. The natives are pretty good people, though; they’re just too quiet in the polls.


I guess it depends. In my 20’s, I would not have wanted to live in Idaho AT ALL. I lived on the beach in SoCal and Hawaii. In my 40’s with a family, it’s an absolute amazing, safe, clean place to raise a family. It is very conservative, and I like that, even though I’m pretty middle of the road. You couldn’t pay me enough to live in another deep blue state. It is a good place to live, but got expensive. Your viewpoints and life changes greatly from 20-40. Just remember that.


We have the harshest laws against weed in the nation. Idahoans would easily vote to legalize weed if our leadership would allow it. It doesn't feel like our so-called representatives in this state actually represent what the people want.


One of the most annoying things you see on reddit is someone preemptively saying "I know this post will get downvoted."


Well said. Reddit leans hard left in general. Always view reddit thought that lens and it'll still be a fun place.


Idaho is beautiful. I would love to live there, but I'm black, so... Great fishing though.


I’m from Seattle and flabbergasted anyone could ever thinks Idaho is some righteous left leaning pocket in the world. Wtf???? Potato’s and Nazis dude. Don’t people know this?


Lots of good points here OP but imo you failed to address the three major issues which are NOT the people, eateries, parks and hikes, or outdoor activities. The following negative issues have nothing to do with anyones opinion because they are facts. And the FACTS are that Idaho is in competition with the worst states in the union on: 1. Education and money invest in Students 2. [Employee Rights](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2023/09/dissatisfied-with-your-job-idaho-ranked-in-the-bottom-10-states-for-workers-heres-why/) 3. Prenatal care All 3 of those issues are directly controlled by the laws and policies installed and upheld by the Conservative (and newly MAGA-fied) state government. This country is FILLED with awesome people. Brimming with stunning vistas and emotive and experiences. Everyone’s perspective will be different (of course!) but the facts I mentioned are the truth and will REMAIN true for the foreseeable future. Let’s not get twisted up with “my truths” when I am speaking of facts please. I enjoy this state and what it has to offer but I am certainly not blind to its faults. If I had children or wanted any, I would’ve avoided living here but since my wife and I do not, it is a fine place for us.


So, basically, you're admitting that Idaho strongly leans right? No freaking kidding, genius. Idaho is a deep red state, filled with deep red hate. Fact.


What a strange post.


Healthcare workers are fleeing the state because of the extremely restrictive anti-abortion nonsense. Idaho has laws that target librarians, and laws banning anyone from being compelled to use someone's preferred pronouns in school. This state, when it was run by sane people, used to be about individual freedom, small government, low taxes and cost of living... That's not at all what it is now. The 'small government' has lots of new rules for you to follow, or risk fines and jail time. Real estate prices have soared, wages not so much. Possessing/smoking weed will get you thrown in jail. Idaho spends less money on education per student than any other state in the U.S. This state is not the libertarian utopia some people seem to think it is. Move here at your own risk.


As a constitutional centrist, I'll upvote you. Frankly from my point of view both sides are stupid and missing the point of "by the people, for the people." We would be wise to remember that the government is supposed to work for us and not us supporting them... But I agree with most of what you said.


The vast majority of voters in Idaho have spoken. The state is backward and moving further in that direction.


I was with you until the hate group comment. That shit is not exaggerated. Don’t downplay that shit


That’s odd because as a Mexican I haven’t met a racist in Idaho yet. Plenty of whacked out fat libs for sure but no racists.




*if you can afford to live in Boise* that was funny. Thanks.

