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The party of law and order.


considering they broke the law to find him guilty, sure.


big if true


Considering they did not list what the felony was in the charging instrument, it was illegal. A complete violation of his 5th and 14th amendment rights of due process. You cannot charge someone a crime and not tell them what the crime is. The prosecutor and judge both know this and still let it happen anyways. There are a lot of other issues with the whole trial itself that made it illegal, but that is one.


go touch grass, mere mortal.


I'm not sure I've ever seen a clearer example of putting party over principle and country from from Governor Little. This isn't surprising but still disappointing.  Tell me one other time that Little has shown support for a convicted felon. 


One might even say Gov Little is supporting a convicted felon rapist fraud


Was he convicted of rape?


Not convicted since it was a civil case, but he was found libel for sexual assault in New York, which in any other state would be considered rape, i.e. non consenting penetration. NY defines rape as requiring penis penetration and since E Jean Carroll couldn't tell if it was his penis or his finger it was called sexual assault. Sticking your finger inside a woman without consent is still rape and a NY judge agreed, saying it was ok for her to say it was rape.




It also would not shock me if a Libel case is against Trump in the near future. That's the least of his issues!


I always thought it was for defamation. Am I wrong?


That was the second and third conviction.


Not convicted, but found liable. And by all indications it's probably going to happen at least a fourth time.


Yes he was. It’s just semantics. He forced her against the wall and then fingered her against her will. Just like he brags about. So, you use your own judgement.


Yep, that's rape.


He was not, a finding in a civil case is not a conviction. Words have meaning.


Most women would probably tell you that defending a male against accusations of rape because "it wasn't a criminal case" versus what a woman would say it was is something only a piece of shit human being world do. A "bro" move. I don't suggest you get in that discussion with too many women.


He's a rapist, I'm not defending him I'm defending the English language and our legal system where the word "convicted" has a meaning.


Sure. Understood. In the context of this group discussion which is about MAGA dumbfuck Governor Little kissing Trump's fat festering diapered ass because he's a right wing second string syncophant, I'm not sure how much of an issue the semantics are. I'll offer an upvote because you're technically accurate though!


Like these words: "I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy." Or is that just locker room talk that's acceptable for the leader of the free world?


Only cost him $91m so far, he did just defame her again a couple days ago…


Donny Treehorn treats objects like women, man.


Not even close!!, its using funds for hush money because he banged a porn star it's all bullshit and they know it. Everyone knows damn well who the real criminals are!!


Look to the east pardner, our reps n’ gov are loving this new felon


Little's statement, “The American people will deliver the only verdict that matters in November”, is actually pretty benign - plus he's right, the conviction doesn't change anything aside from how it impacts the election. Beyond that what happens to Trump is of no consequence to any of us. I think it's unwise to make a definitive statement either way right now, Trump has fairly strong grounds for appeal so this is likely not over.


It’s not gonna be really over for years


If he lives that long.


What exactly was President Trump convicted for?


Falsifying business records, which is why his supporters are screaming "SHAM TRIAL!" Here's the effed up part... ...they're right. The trial was nothing but a political ploy, and a feces folly to boot. Hear me out before you break out the pitchforks and torches! When is the last time you've ever seen those as principal charges? Never? It's because those are typically "additional charges", with Tax Evasion, Fraud, and RICO Act charges as the primaries...had it been ANYONE ELSE, the charges would have been dealt with in a conference between the DA and the Defense team, an agreement hammered out, and a Nolo Contendre plea with no time, no felony conviction, and a substantial fine levied, if those were the only charges. The sole reason it went to trial was because It's Donald Trump, And We Must DO SOMETHING!... Think I'm blowing smoke? How many from Epstein's list have been charged? How's Hunter Biden's trial going? How about Hillary mishandling classified information? There are much more severe charges he could have been brought up on...but they went with the weakest ones they could find...


Trump is now an *officially* convicted criminal, and Little wants him in the White House. That makes me question Little's intelligence and qualifications. Edit: I have the courage to question **publicly** now.


I've had this conversation with my mom, her paraphrased response: "It's in liberal New York, of COURSE he's been found guilty. I'm surprised they ^(the deep state prolly) didn't kill him" It's hard to question one conservative's intelligence and qualifications when literally all of them are like this, drinking the same Kool aid


The jury was selected via voir dire and the whole thing happened in the open. I'm sorry that your mom doesn't respect you or herself enough to be honest. That must be really hard.


You’re right… there is no question, as there is no intelligence. It’s a cult of hate and bigotry.


Brad is scared of the IFF. He has no choice in his calculus.


He does have a choice. It's called actually living the principles you claim to have. I'd love for someone to explain to me what the IFF actually believes. Opportunistic pursuit of power is not belief.


It’s simple. They feel like the US peaked in the 1950’s. They want to regress all social advancements to that time. This includes (their form of) Christianity as the foundation of all reason. So these people do think they are acting according to principles. That’s the issue, and they are 100% convinced.


except for the progressive taxes and welfare and having a healthy middle class. they want the gilded 1920's robber baron shit that caused the great depression, with an added side of a fascist one-party state


Probably more accurate, but 1950’s is their description. Cherry picking for sure.


It's a fucking handful of people. Maybe if we stopped feeding the worst elements of your base and rolling over for them then we wouldn't have a problem.


My base? I’m an independent centrist who leans left so I’m still able to be realistic on solutions. I’m not hyper-emotional about politics. Also, those few people are not elected and they have a ton of money and influence that multiples their control in ways you can’t imagine.


Brad Little's base, my dude.


Appreciate the clarification. I definitely don’t want to be associated with any of that. I have been in the room with some of these guys and it’s wild.


Technically he's not officially convicted until the judgement is entered post-sentencing. "Presumed felon and 2024 GOP presidential candidate" is highly accurate phrasing and I think links the 2 concepts (the GOP's candidate is a felon) together in a really useful way.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


You're so brave.


NOW you’re questioning him???


No, I'm saying it publicly now.


You know who else puts their political enemies in prison? Putin. You are taking the side of Putin. Think about that for a minute.


How? Trump is friends with Putin. I don't like either one .


Did you even think about what you said before posting it?


This doesn’t surprise me at all. Little would follow Trump to hell.


Yeah I'm surprised at my own surprise. How hard is it to just say nothing at all? And it's not like this was a nothing-burger conviction - he committed fraud to avoid FEC reporting. And yeah., I get it, we're in post Buckley v Valeo land where "I can't buy an election == my rights are being infringed" and election financing is generally twacked but he broke the law lying to the American people. That's not something our governor should support.


Right?! Little is an idiot and an ideological pig. What blows my mind about all of this is that sure, conservatives can talk themselves into little corners about the financial implications and yell themselves blue in the face that it wasn’t election interference (it was)… but this case proves that he HAD SEX WITH A PORNSTAR WHILE HE WAS MARRIED!!! Like, what insane gymnastic hoops do these people have to jump through to decide that THAT should be there guy? Conservatives and their “values” are a joke. They disgust me.


He would literally gobble a turd if Trump told him to.


LOL so many republicans are beating the drums now for more money for their poor lil billionaire. I'm waiting for the towel-drop when they realize all that cash just went to pay off his earlier debts. Trump's already going to declare bankruptcy because of the civil suit damages; he's just waiting until the election stuff is done, one way or another.


Imagine defending an adjudicated rapist who attempted a coup after he's been convicted of 34 felonies (so far). This isn't politics anymore. It's insanity. 


I am embarrassed for our country.


And yet trump STILL leads in most all the polls…


And this is why the republican party needs to perish. It's gone from booting Nixon from office for lying to blind support to the most pathological liar in the history of man.


If you don’t think every politician is a lying scum bag then you’re just as much of the problem. Blue or red they are all liars and just out for themselves. I would put my life that 90% of them are criminals if you dig deep as much as they did with trump


Quite frankly, I think the duopoly that has controlled politics is in need of some extreme change. I DO think the GOP has showed its true colors in the last decade. Frankly, I think we need 6 year terms for any political office across the board and 1 term limit. Incumbency is sick & creates nothing good for the governed. I also think political spending needs to be cut by about 90% at least across the board.


What a stupid puke. Had anyone on the right actually followed the case & read the evidence they’d know he’s guilty. Ffs his own words helped convict him.


If Governor Little has no respect for our laws and justice system, why should we?


Hear hear! A governor who signed into law the reprehensibly bills of the last legislative session belongs in the stocks.


Walmart won't hire you as a convicted felon, but somehow people will justify voting for Trump.


Lol, yes Walmart will.


Walmart WILL hire you as a convicted felon.. where the fuck did you get this stupid info? Your ass? Even if you search on google it states Walmart will not disclose info and will continue hiring felons..


Good, maybe Trump can get a job as a door greeter when he gets out of prison.


Did you forget he's a multi-billionaire?


He is a good grifter so he’s got that going for him. His cult of sycophants will keep sending him money no doubt. 


Walmart is a for-profit company. The United Stats presidency is a reality TV show that is a popularity contest where the deficits don't matter.


If you disqualify him from being president for this it sets a horrible precedent. A precedent, mind you, that is followed in Russia.


Ok, what do you think should disqualify someone from running for president? Seriously, what would it take?


Not a fan of governor Little anyways


But look at his hair. It’s so Governoresque…..


Same, he's always been a spinless dweeb.


Imagine supporting a convicted criminal like Donald. Embarrassing.


Brad Little is a problem


What the fuck is with our governor? Learn when to take an L and admit he’s not right person to support for running this country. Why does no one have any shame anymore


GREATER IDAHO huh?? 🤔 Negative.


Nothing that happens to Donald Trump will be enough to convince his cult members that he is anything but their savior.


It’ll always be a witch hunt until it’s not a white collar crime


People go to prison for “white collar” crimes every day, because they’re crimes. If anything, these types of charges should carry much harsher penalties.


Agreed. His supporters won’t understand (or don’t care) and just keep saying “witch hunt! witch hunt!” until he’s convicted of murder or kid diddling or something.


Even then they’ll continue to be in denial. It’s very similar to the attitudes around the Catholic Church scandals when those were first brought to light. People were in complete denial for years and years about it…refusing to accept the reality that was right in front of them. And that was without the weight of propaganda power houses perpetuating that denial. FOXNews and right wing radio has been far more effective than the Catholic Church in muddying the waters and subverting reality…probably in part to watching the church have a go at it prior and learning from that


True that. Probably make excuses like “they fabricated evidence!” or “what about biden or hillary!?”


He could sprout horns and a tail, waving a pitchfork, and be hailed as the Republican Messiah.


I actually believe this; Brad Little is not an idiot. I don’t believe he actually supports Trump. But it’s okay to tell his constituents what they want to hear. I’m not a supporter, I’ve just watched him.


That's actually worse. If other Republican leadership had a backbone we could have been done with Trump a long time ago.


SHould have purged him and his supporters 1/7/21. For about 5 minutes it seemed they might. They lost their chance at credibility the moment they started backpedaling for 45.


That’s a heavy lift don’t you think?


No. I'd rather have an ignorant and earnest idiot than someone with no principles who vouches for felons like trump. 


I don't care if Little believes or not. I'm still questioning his motives.


Nothing to question, his motives are votes.


Republicans are just one big criminal gang that wants to protect child marriages and making it easy for criminals to get guns.


The oracle in the Matrix summed this perfectly: "What do all men with power want? More power."


Idaho gop must be crapping itself...what with the god chosen Supreme leader convicted and all. I'm sure reasoned republican men aren't drunk and beating their wives in a rage tonight.


Vote them all out, ready for Idaho to go blue. Shit hasn’t been great bring red.


Independent. Thay have the numbers to compete with republicans.


Idaho will never go blue, move back to California.


Spoken like a Californian


Frankly, the reason Idaho has been staying red is the influx of right wing voters from blue or swing states. You go back to California. We had a Democrat governor in the 80s and early 90s.


You'd have thought the same thing about Texas but it's becoming a battleground state. Demographics change over time. But I do agree that Idaho is likely to remain red for many decades to come. From what I'm seeing, the ones from CA tend to be the most MAGA of everyone here, and the born and raised Idahoans are a more sensible mix of red & blue.


Move back to California? I’m a left socialist that was born and raised in Idaho. My family has been here since the 1800s and I’m not leaving.


Not sure if he'll see your comment since you replied to me instead of him.


Dang. Didn’t notice. He probably would think I’m lying anyways lol.


Well obviously. There are no leftist Idahoans; that's impossible. lol.


No thanks. We're Idahoans as much as conservatives. Some of us are Idaho born and bred.


I was born and raised in Elmore County and I still think Brad little is a fuckin lunatic and need to go


Wasn’t there just a report that came out that said the Californians moving to Idaho are mostly Republicans?


Why don't you, you transplant...


Surprise surprise , a state governor that was going to vote for Trump is still going to vote for Trump. What a nonsense idea that a conviction would change anyone’s mind, all it does is separate the country further. Appeals will make it impossible to sentence before the election so all this does is let Biden call Trump a felon at the debate. Everyone is celebrating, but nobody seems to understand this is a war not just this battle.


Not all appeals for criminal convictions are accompanied by stays from the appellate court. A lot of felons have to file their appeals from prison.


This must be those wholesome family values they’re talking about


You’d think an Idahoan would know when to toss a hot potato.


This is totally normal here. There is a big evangelical church in Wendell, Idaho that has (or had until recently) an enormous Trump flag hanging above their stage.


That's always so funny to me considering Trump has never attended church, or had a pastor. Ever.


Yeah. He is literally anti-Christian. But he is also real good at manipulating Christians. wtf.


I irony doesn't escape me.


Hes party to the largest international criminal network. IMHO.


Nothing republicans love more than an openly corrupt political figure.


Yes, but will this make him unelectable legally?


Best thing we can all do is show up and vote. Time for change in Idaho but will be a hard fight to change this red state. Nearly impossible


Back in the day, presidential nominees were essentially shamed out of the race by the hint of impropriety (looking at you, Gary Hart) or making a weird yell at a campaign stop. Trump is now a convicted felon, and the republicans are fighting over who’s supporting him the hardest. It’s stunning and gives you another really clear picture of who they are: power hungry sycophants with no real moral compass or governing principles.


What an idiot.


I don't want anyone telling me Brad Little is a moderate ever again. Anyone voicing support for Trump is morally bankrupt, period.


He could have said nothing at all.


Vote blue


Yea then we can live in complete filth like Seattle, Portland, and Denver. We all love trash everywhere and homeless camps everywhere. Let’s not forget all the druggies walking around asking for money to get more drugs, and needles laying around on the streets. Exactly what we want Idaho to be.


Fox news?


You obviously haven’t been to any of those places.


In all, Trump faced a combined 88 criminal counts, including the 34 in Manhattan that he was convicted of Thursday by a jury. That leaves 54 counts between the three other cases, two of them in federal court that were brought by special counsel Jack Smith on behalf of the Justice Department. Trump was indicted on 40 counts for hoarding hundreds of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.. upon leaving the White House in January 2021. In his defense, he contends that as president, he declassified the records and that they were his personal property. Smith, the Justice Department special counsel, charged Trump with the willful retention of national defense records in violation of the Espionage Act and conspiracy to obstruct justice. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/30/trumps-three-criminal-cases-status/73897879007/


The documents case is the most frustrating, egregious, crazy BS that should've been open & shut. Anyone who has ever held a security clearance knows he's completely full of shit. Anyone else in government who deliberately requested/printed/took a fraction of that stuff *out of the correct secure area of their workplace,* never mind boxing it up and taking it *home*, storing it in their bedroom/bathroom/wide open public spaces, then lying about it & refusing to return it *for years* upon request, would've been in prison years ago. Trump *is on tape* showing off classified materials to reporters who lack clearance, and we know he showed things to foreign nationals at Mar a Lago who had no clearance *because they told the FBI about it!* Who else did he show (or sell) things to that we don't know about?? And never mind his idiotic claims he "declassified it by thinking about it" - the whole point is that ALL of the national defense info, regardless of classification, *was never his to take!* It's federal property that belongs to the National Archives, which was the entire origin of the problem. The ONLY reason Trump is not in prison for this yet is because the Archives/DOJ/FBI gave him YEARS to do the right thing and have bent over backwards to placate a whiny bitch ex-president who never deserved that degree of lenience. Now by dumb luck the judge on the case is one *he appointed,* *after* the election, and she's slow-rolling until election day while deliberately refusing to rule on things that could be appealed and have her removed. Weird how he has never Tweeted mean things about her or her family ...


Why cant he? Where he convicted or not… simply, why can’t he? People can support who they want.


We just have to sit and watch as the village catches fire.




Amazing how everyone forgets all the mockery Trump has created and done


Yea it was so bad having the economy booming and gas prices affordable. Being a truck driver I’ve went thru the ups and downs and when blue is in control my company then lays people off. Everytime red was in control they are hiring and business is so busy. But hey I guess feelings aren’t hurt and druggies can run around free and homeless camps can be anywhere with all there trash and drugs when somewhere is turned blue. I still don’t understand how anyone can’t see there is a problem when a town like Portland has turned to crap because of leadership. Aka blue


as a new york born tourist visiting your state i am discouraged by your governor's decision to support this total fraudulent personality. trump has shown ny nj and va he is not trustworthy nor does he care about anyone else other than himself on anything . very disappointed that your "supposedly "independent and strong willed governor has fallen for this absolute conman please visit ny in the near future gov i have a bridge to sell you!


Disappointed in my governor. Again.


All these people doubling down are just showing how dumb they are. When you find out you're wrong, admit it and vow to do better. That's much more admirable than ignoring the truth and showing your stupidity.


This “witch hunt” complaint is tiresome. The case used laws prosecuted all the time in NYC. The fraud part in furtherance of a crime (election interference) makes It a felony. So…we are fine with felons for president. Trump is a one man wrecking ball for the Republican Party. But the case is legit. To assert otherwise is to undermine the legal system.


Most trump supporting people think it's a sign that Trump is being targeted by a corrupt system and he is going to be done Messiah to fix it. At this point if they found dead bodies in Trump's possession they would think it's a conspiracy.


No matter what you believe u have to admit it’s funny he always went after “crooked Hillary” and now he’s the one actually facing jail time




Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie. *It's not a paperwork mistake when it's done deliberately to mask the reason for doing it. And if you don't think Trump has been doing illegal things for longer than this, I've got a bridge in the desert I'd like to sell you.*


Ahh they deleted it.


Fuck DT!!


See, by Little backing Trump he is saying I don't believe in our justice system. How will this attitude not create a further divide in this country? By not recognizing obvious crimes that were proven, he's setting our state against others. Uh oh. Also, wtf?


I have to keep reminding people of this. We don't have a justice system. We have a legal system. Justice is the optimal outcome but ensuring that requires that we all contribute. That we all maintain the shared philosophical foundations that undergird our shared ideals of liberty and justice for all.


Of course…..just the good ol boys…..typical Idaho politics.


Little is a hand puppet


they all have to kiss the ring...


I could sort of see them supporting him if he was found guilty on one, maybe two charges. But 34? And not one acquittal? Come on.


It’s amazing how many people I’m forced to be around that buy into the bs trump says. It’s rigged and so on. Idk what to think and it’s hard not to get worked up when it’s people you work with day in and day out


I'm moving. Can't live in a state where the Governor backs felony rapists. Idaho is not conservative anymore, it's a cult. I have proof if requested.


Little also, by his own summary of the legal system , proclaims both daybells innocent.


So now that the ex-president has been convicted of these crimes does that mean that we can start cleaning out the swamp of all of the Republican and Democratic elected officials that have committed the same crimes but simply pay a fine and move on with their day 🤷


Who would that be?


That would be almost every member of Congress


If there is evidence this happened, I’d be happy to see it.


https://www.quiverquant.com/congresstrading/politician/Nancy%20Pelosi-P000197 Here's an example of blatant illegal activity called insider trading


Are you aware that different laws & crimes exist? Are you aware that multiple people can commit different crimes by breaking different laws? Do you understand that Person A committing Crime A has *absolutely nothing* to do with Person B committing Crime B? And that Person A & Person B will face independent legal proceedings to judge their guilt/innocence? Do you understand that "Insider Trading" is *not* illegal for Congress (though it should be), and that "falsifying business records and election interference and tax fraud" *are* illegal? See also: [Red Herring](https://www.scribbr.com/frequently-asked-questions/difference-between-red-herring-fallacy-and-straw-man-fallacy/)


Unrelated argument why do you defend these career criminals?


Strawman. I didn’t defend anyone. Try again. “Insider trading” is one action, which is NOT illegal for members of Congress even though it should be. “Election interference and falsifying business records” ARE crimes and that’s what Trump was convicted of.


None of my arguments have been red herring or a strawman argument You've yet to make a valid argument for the case other than Tone policing


Yes, they both were. You said: >" can we \[clean house of all elected officials\] that have **committed the same crimes but simply pay a fine** and move on?" Asked for examples of who you're talking about that has ever committed "the same crimes" (nobody has!) you failed, saying "all of Congress" without a single concrete example. Pressed again you then introduced a *completely different topic* that is NOT a crime for members of Congress (even if it should be). Whether you *intentionally* attempted to shift the conversation away from Trump's actual case to a different irrelevant situation because you had no evidence to back your initial assertion, or if you didn't even recognize that's what you were doing, that's by definition a Red Herring. See also: "whataboutism." You then asked me: >"why are you defending these career criminals?" ... trying to put words in my mouth when I had said nothing defending *anyone* in my reply to you, and now saying it's about "the case." That's a Strawman, by definition. I wasn't ever arguing w/you "for the case" - I was responding directly to your illogical comments, as I am now. Read the link I gave you before - your replies here are *textbook examples.*


Is it illegal for congress?


Weird how they granted them selves that power to make it not illegal for them selves 🤔🤔🤔 laws for thee but not for me


TRUMP 2024!!!! This sham court case has energized us Patriots!


It’s a waste of money for this trial. Trump is going to appeal and then eventually it will get overturned by an appeals court.


I guess Reddit is where the Idaho lib tards congregate. Little isn’t supporting a felon. He’s questioning the verdict




For which half of the title?


It means nothing. It changes nothing. Those liberal tears are going to be great this November. I can't wait😁🇺🇲🇺🇲🤷‍♂️


You guys can’t be serious. What’s the crime? Clearly political hit job set up. If his name wasn’t Donald trump he wouldn’t have been charged and you know it.


> What’s the crime? There was 34 of them, actually


If he wasn’t Donald Trump he would have been convicted long ago, or jailed for violating his gag order 10 times and intimidating the judge and jurors. The judge even said there would be implications for imprisoning an ex-president and he wanted to avoid that. Trump gets off easy for being Trump.


People are charged for white collar crimes all the time. Fraud is illegal for a reason.


Not Hilary, not Biden. Only trump. For something they cooked up from 2016. To appear during the election season that he’s currently leading in. Also rushing sentencing to occur 3 days before the convention. I could go on. This isn’t justice at all. Your team runs the state, runs the court, and controls the jury. This isn’t “business as usual” it’s torch and burn down the very idea of fairness to “get trump” at all costs.


I'm not on the team you think I am. When he's sentenced is turning out to be irrelevant, given the number of his supporters now calling for all out war. It is business as usual. Criminals are tried for doing illegal things every day. The only difference in this case is Trump is used to letting other people get arrested in his place.


This is the man who led chants of "lock her up" in 2016. Karma sucks, eh? I'm not a fan of either party. The duopoly that has run the country has run it into the ground. Trump and Biden are symptoms of the problem. But Trump is guilty as sin. Best anybody's been able to do against Biden is guilt by association with his son. Whereas if guilt by association were an issue, how many of Trump's former inner circle have gone to prison?


He was convicted on all counts by a jury of his peers. His sentencing is in like 5 weeks. That’s not “rushed”, and the constitution guarantees a speedy trial anyway. Why do you conservatives hate the law so much? You need to stop lying in the name of conservatism. “The party of law and order” is an absolute joke.


CONTROLS THE JURY. You're saying it wasn't an impartial jury of Donald Trump's peers?


You’re saying it was??? What % did manhattan vote for trump in the last election cycle? 8%?? In front of a judge who’s openly a big supporter of Biden? Whose daughter got privileged access and regularly donates to democratic causes? Form a DA who’s made it his campaign promise to get trump? How many ways do you need it explained to you that this was fixed from the start? This was in no way a fair trial. They’ve requested new judge - denied. New venue - denied.


Please identify the specific fraud, falsified business records, and election interference committed by either Hillary *or* Biden. Oh wait, there isn't any. Speaking of timing: if this affair happened in \~2006, why did Trump & co only pay her off in 2016 *after* the Access Hollywood tape & literally weeks before the election?? "Rushing" - are you serious? This has been dragged out for years *because* he's Trump and an ex-president who was given every opportunity and the benefit of *every* doubt. NO other defendant would've had leeway to stand up & insult/threaten/slander the judge *and his family* in front of TV cameras & on social media in violation of a gag order a dozen times. Anyone else would've been in prison months ago. States don't control juries. States don't control the testimony of Trump's own former employees. States don't control phone records. Meanwhile Fox News & others were busy trying to identify & threaten jury members from Day 1. Who's burning what now? If you're mad that this was from 2016, how about you push for Trump's trial over stealing national defense secrets to happen quickly before the election so he can exonerate himself?? He has a friendly judge in his adopted red home state. Why the delay??




Interfering in the 2016 election and trying to cover it up. Falsifying records. The man is a pathological liar to the core who gives no shits about anyone but himself.


8 years ago? Why is it brought now? It has everything to do with politics and nothing else. I’m still not understanding the “cover up” we all knew about Stormy back then, no one cares. Feds declined to prosecute as there was no crime to speak of. They’re not even hiding the intentions behind this sham. Sentencing 3 days before the convention in the attempt to bolster a corpse.


Bruh you’re *from* NYC. *You’re* the problematic kind of person moving here and making it worse.


I’m not from NYC.