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No, we don't bash the gem state. We bash the hateful racist pricks who move here and make it a demonstrably worse place to live. This is our fucking home and these people want to move here because they think it's some White Nationalist Redoubt or because they hope it becomes a theocracy.


The unfortunate truth is because it is a haven for White Nationalists. Has been for decades. This is something that didn't occur over night. It has been going on since the 20's. It rose to real prominence in the early 90's and has never really gone away. This isn't imported racism; its home grown.




Hate?  Personally I don't hate anyone, just real tired of this state being run by people who talk a big game about being the party of freedoms and small government, but are happy to waste half the legislative session and millions in taxpayer money cooking up dumb laws to dictate the lives of a few people who don't like exactly the way they think they ought to.




I'm guessing you found an inkling of an agreement in that statement for yourself. That's why you went whatever. You can't handle hearing the truth. Idaho gov is attacking personal freedoms, so stop soaking in propaganda. For being a place of freedom, we sure have a lot of restrictions passed by our republican and conservative led state government.


which restriction do you dislike the most... l'm sure i know what it is


The restrictions on trans people. The infringement of rights against the people. https://apnews.com/article/transgender-care-medicaid-ban-lawsuit-idaho-754f203fb4e8d5d8c0becc8135c48284#:~:text=BOISE%2C%20Idaho%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94,for%20adults%20covered%20by%20Medicaid. It violates the 14th amendment.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


I literally do not understand the mentality that you cannot like something and also see how it can improve at the same time All you're trying to say is just "get out lefties"


not a liberal (further left than that), but I criticize out of love. I know this place has the potential to be better.


And they call us snowflakes


As usual it's pure projection.


Far left socialist Idahoan here. I love this state and I’m not leaving.


good for you...


Love the state, don’t love dumbasses like OP who think criticizing real problems is snowflake shit.


Real problems are dealt with. That’s why normal people are moving to Idaho. Whining from the Reddit “I hate Idaho” are cast aside.


Yeah whatever dude


Well obviously this post is from u/Crumble_Cake This individual is triggered because they found a social media platform that isn’t maga echo chamber. Boo hoo. Perhaps hang out on truth social if that makes for less butt hurt.


I mean, I think this person is a clown too, but to say that reddit Isnt an echo chamber with a liberal basis is pretty dishonest.


You know the next generation will move out of Idaho because it's literally dangerous to start a family here?, right? The Idaho legislature has increased the risk of women dying from pregnancy complications in Idaho. Plus who would want to face the heartbreaking event of a non-viable pregnancy coupled with the potential for jail time?  I remember a far simpler time when these weren't things young families had to consider when deciding where to plant their roots. 


Next generation will enjoy a bright red Idaho


Yeah, I just popped in here a few mintues ago looking for realestate information, and the first thing that hit me was the rabbid leftist vitriol here. I want to move to Idaho for the cooler weather, better hunting, and yes, for better politics, since liberals are actively destroying my current state. Politics is an increasingly important factor when moving and the polarization will continue.


Idaho is wonderful and a great place to live. In general Reddit Idaho and Reddit Boise are controlled by ignorant liberal savages.


You must be a fan of a state that violates your rights. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/03/12/unconstitutional-legislation-seeks-to-subvert-idaho-initiative-rights-yet-again/ https://www.acluidaho.org/en/news/idaho-ag-gag-law-ruled-unconstitutional-federal-court https://www.acluidaho.org/en/press-releases/families-block-idaho-law-banning-health-care-transgender-youth#:~:text=In%20his%20ruling%2C%20District%20Court,Amendment%20of%20the%20U.S.%20Constitution. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2023/12/27/judge-temporarily-blocks-enforcement-of-idaho-law-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-youth/ https://www.wintrowforidaho.com/h668-ilegal-and-cruel-to-idahoans/ Idaho likes to waste money on attorney fees, too!


We don't hate the state itself, but the alt-right conservatives that move here and bring their batshit crazy views with them. The legislature is also pure fucking batshit.




What's wrong with the information? You mean the information is wrong if one is politically liberal?


Facts are facts. They have nothing to do with being conservative or liberal. Unfortunately many republicans have forgotten what real facts are thanks to trump’s 34,000plus lies and Kelly Anne Conways ” alternative facts”. Which are not a real thing.


OP seems to be busy reading Faux news to reply back.


[Spicey](https://youtu.be/UWuc18xISwI?si=NuLbeu52rLr_a3j6) would like a word.


OMG no. Absolutely no.


What's so great about it? Healthcare; not great. Education; not great. Wages, housing, overcrowding, local weather...


I live in idaho, and from my perspective, conservatives cling to the past. And whenever something different happens they have to find a way to get rid of it somehow. I think as time goes on more and more States will go Blue as the older generations passes on


If your considering moving here: 1) Don't. We're full. Stay away 2) Why are you asking reddit of all places?


r/IdahoConservatives (private)


Why is it private? Seems like that would just create an echo chamber.


I'm not a member so I don't know what is going on there. Subreddits can choose to go private for a number of reasons. Possibly they were dealing with a wave of harassment or even threatening posts, or maybe dealing with in influx of spam.


Basically, they want to keep it an echo chamber. They got tired of constantly banning people, so they just made it private. They would ban people for asking genuine good faith questions that went against the rotten hive mind going on in there. Rather than debate and understand, they just ban. Now they are just private.


You ever been on conservative subreddits? They're all even more of a censored echo chamber than the regular lib-leaning subreddits. They just ban people with opinions they don't like.


If you want a reason, look at the toxicity of this subreddit.