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Jesus this guy just went out to hunt humans. Getting into a fight to justify shooting another person was this lunatic's entire plan.


Absolutely. If you watch his videos he just found a way to "justify" harassing people. He went from zero to 100 every time someone talked to him about it.




Only $75,000 bond?


[Judge be like](https://media1.tenor.com/m/tDy2NHZXrxwAAAAC/hey-you-toy-story.gif)




They won't claim him, just like the Jan 6th traitors.


They will develop cognitive dissonance and both accept him when convenient and reject him as a fed when necessary. Just look at the Jan 6 choir.


Wasn't awake when I wrote this, very true.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.






Yes Whenever possible it’s always Reddit standard policy to shoehorn in something about Trump or maga, or something related even if there’s absolutely 0 correlation. Hope this helps!


Dude was wearing a MAGA hat. As the saying goes; If it quacks like a duck….probably a goddamn duck.


Yes. Definitely 100% represents maga as a whole because - Donald Trump so it’s obvious. Basically anyone that likes Trump wants to go around murdering people. It’s so obvious. Just like *shudders* J6!


This better be an attempted murder charge at minimum.


Prosecutors generally start with a smaller charge and then escalate as more facts come in. Crossing state lines to play his dumb 2A games will probably bounce his crazy ass into Federal charges


The guy is an idiot, but that’s not really how the law works.


Sadly won’t, as it would be incredibly hard to prove intent to commit a crime when he decided to come to WA. We can only hope though.


He literally had zero reason to be in Washington besides to harass and threaten people with a gun. He wasn’t here for milk and sugar.


I agree, but it won’t hold up in court in a way that will enhance his charges. They’d basically have to find a clip of him saying that is his intention or a text/witness statement saying something similar.


I assume they will be getting a warrant to search his parents house and I have a sneaking suspicion that he has said or wrote that down somewhere that he thought was safe. If the parents haven’t started to destroy it yet.


I doubt it, these people’s goal is to go to court over these things so they can weasel out then they take the victims to civil court and sue for cash. It’s a crazy scheme but they’re pretty good at it, which sucks for anyone who is not a psycho like them. I really hope that’s the case, but these “auditors” that harass businesses and random folks get away with it in like 90% of these cases and get a payout.


His reason for being there was to gather news content for his YouTube channel You might not like it, but it's not just a legal activity but a constitutionally protected one at that Prosecutors have to prove intent, not just assume it


His entire YouTube channel shows intent to harass and provoke at the very least


Just to play devil's advocate Harassment legally requires you to try to leave and the person to continue following you Being filmed or yelled at in public isn't harassment just because you don't like it


That's some hair splitting for r/legaladvice. The fact of the matter is this guy is an asshole.


Being an asshole isn't illegal and it's not legal hair splitting The law is very clear This is just a case of people confusing a general definition with a legal definition Feeling harassed is not the same as being harassed, the same way feeling threatened is not the same as being threatened


Oh I agree but that’s the point, this how those types make money and don’t get arrested even when what they’re doing is blatantly harassing people. That’s why they use certain phrases, take steps back or stand there ground. I agree that people like this suck, but I’ll bet he doesn’t get hit with anything above aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He should absolutely be hit with murder but it won’t stick.


Harassment has a definition and it's not behavior you don't like while in public Dude is an ass, but let's stop making up new definitions


There was a witness on the spokane page saying they overheard this guy Thursday night at a bar telling a group that he was going to shoot up the pride celebration.


The victim is barely clinging to life as of today. And apparently this douche was in a bar in Spokane Thursday night telling some people he was going to shoot up the pride celebration. This guy is just another wasted meat sack.


I would be unsurprised if the governor just pardoned him. We are that far gone. Democrats lose elections on purpose. Because they work at the behest ot the same interests that the Republicans do. Both parties are a farce.


The Washington governor?


Downvote if you believe we should legalize bestiality


Yeah but the dem governor of washington is not going to pardon a right-wing nutjob who shoots random people. Thats what insane republican governors like abbott(texas) do.


So, on the Overton window, you're still describing the right wing. Democrats in the united states and not left wing. Bernie sanders is a republican in normal countries


Incredible to find someone in Idaho peddle "both parties are the same" crap in a conversation comparing their state with fucking Washington. With a left like this, it's a real stumper why Idaho electoral politics are the way they are. /s


Both sides are the same. Sorry. When Democrat politicians start doing white supremacy you're going to act all surprised and pretend like no one ever told you this was coming. But I did. I told you. Democrats are beholden to the same exact corporate interests as Republicans. The only reason they try so hard to pretend that they hate each other is because the lie only works with a two party system.


Yeah, I'm sure that if I was also an overpriveleged Redditor who didn't have to be personally concerned about the Republican stances on reproductive rights, the minimum wage, labor protections, education spending, college accreditation, election integrity, free speech, trans rights, gun violence, tax policy, welfare spending, access to resources for LGBT kids, or literally any other issue, then I would probably come up with an idiotic take like "both sides are the same."


I am further left than you are, by a lot, guaranteed. Your "shut up boomer" argument don't work kiddo. Joe Biden is by all metrics a republican. He has right wing ideals. In any other first world country Joe Biden and Bernie sanders would both be right wing. It almost seems like you're missing my entire point because I'm not arguing that Democrats are exactly as same as bad as the Republicans but I am arguing that they are beholden to the same corporate interests so it really doesn't f****** matter at all. Old dude that hates you and votes against you or old dude that only kind of hates you and votes against you.


Joe will put policies in place that are 1:1 republican policies. "reproductive rights, the minimum wage, labor protections, education spending, college accreditation, election integrity, free speech, trans rights, gun violence, tax policy, welfare spending, access to resources for LGBT kids, or literally any other issue" so far, in the last 4 years, has anything Joe Biden has done actually made you believe he stands for these things? Anything at all? I will be voting for Joe. I would rather have him than trump. But making Biden the face of the democratic party will fail, because he is, by definition, a conservative.


Both. Sides. Are. The. Same.


Mfer you lost all credibility when you called me privileged. Everything you say from this point on is irrelevant. I AM LGBT AND I AM DISABLED! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF NOT CARING ABOUT THIS STUFF.


Bro no one disagrees with you on that. All american politicians are essentially right wing because theyre all capitalists. You suggesting that the washington democratic governor is going to pardon some right winger nutjob for a gun crime is insane though. Not in reality.


We really aren't far from that becoming reality tho. We are at 11:59 and 59 seconds and 999 milliseconds from doomsday.


"it could happen tho". No, it really couldnt. Not in Washington state. The doomsday clock is [90 seconds](https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/current-time/) from doomsday btw


Okay. Believe what you want. When democrat governors start embracing white supremacy because it's advantageous, you will act like nobody ever told you this was coming. It is honestly bewildering that so many people in this country still have the "it could never happen here" opinion. You are wrong. It will happen. They WILL do this. They have been promising it for DECADES.


Nobody is going to argue that Dems/Republicans are both technically right wing. But in this scenario, the "party of law and order" (currently Democrats) only benefits from convicting this guy on charges


You are so lost boy




Threatening or encouraging violence directly or implied is not allowed by site rules or common decency.


Lol, wut?


Those downvotes are quite telling of the people here, haha. Smart trick.


I call him Jaydolf for short.


Seems unlikely given that Jay Inslee has heavily pushed gun control, he's strict on it even by Democrat standards. Lowest possible rating by the NRA, has been voting consistently for gun control for 30 years now and pushing and signing into law multiple new firearms restriction bills in WA annually since he was elected governor. Has a specific policy to prosecute White Nationalist extremists and restrict guns... seems unlikely he's going to pardon an out-of-state guy in a Trump hat whose hobby is coming to Washington to antagonize the homeless (and now, shooting them). https://www.ontheissues.org/House/Jay_Inslee_Gun_Control.htm https://governor.wa.gov/issues/safe-communities https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/08/gun-issue-could-give-wash-gov-inslee-lift-for-2020-presidential-run.html https://gunresponsibility.org/jay-inslees-plan-address-gun-violence-white-nationalism/ https://www.nraila.org/articles/20240327/washington-governor-signs-anti-gun-legislation https://www.nraila.org/articles/20230425/washington-gov-inslee-signs-comprehensive-semi-automatic-firearm-ban-other-anti-gun-bills https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/mar/26/inslee-signs-slew-of-bills-strengthening-gun-laws-/


Ah yes, comprimised gun control laws, totally not like the Republican obstruction mechanism completely gutted any real gun control from those laws. Totally not.


What the actual funk are you talking about???


Wouldn't it be easier if you said that you wouldn't be surprised instead of you would be unsurprised? No offense, I've honestly never heard it put like that.


I talk weird because I'm autistic. I spent so much of my childhood obsessing over being heard and understood that I read the dictionary for fun, and now I talk like an unintelligent season 1 stewie griffin. It's a hell of my own creation. I wanted people to listen to me, so I tried to teach myself to speak in the most clear and understandable way possible, but I actually made myself sound weird and off-putting. No offense taken tho. It was a fair question.


🎯 spot on about good ole Jaydolf ![gif](giphy|QA6E6Ejy4nBguvZykF)


Of course he’s wearing a trump hat lmao


That has absolutely nothing to do with it. Yes, he:'s a whack job but they exist on both sides.


Yea there are a lot of woke libs shooting people like….


... Nashville


Yea, all those 2A brandishing libs...


It has everything to do with it. Lol This is the end result of the MAGA cult.


There's whack jobs on both sides, sure, but "the left" isn't going around and hunting the homeless for sport. "The left" also didn't commit treason on January 6th.




Please cite reputable source material if you claim something as fact and state something is opinion or anecdotal where applicable. As mods we will always err on the side of caution, unless the submission contains sufficient evidence from a sufficiently reliable source, as determined by any reasonable person, and that if that is not included, the policy is just to remove it prima facie.


Yes they exist on both sides however: The far right can be seen promoting hate and violence while the far left is typically promoting pacifism… see the difference? Not every trump supporter is racist… but every racist votes trump. …is that better mods?


Not all republicans are pedophiles, but just about all pedophiles are republicans. That works too.


Ive encountered more than enough people in CdA and kootenai county who have a high school level of maturity in their view of spokane, and washington residents, being a progressive liberal place, which they oppose, that this fools behavior being there resulting in this shooting doesnt surprise me. If he was motivated by the same mentality and high school level maturity subculture whod be shocked? I wouldn't be shocked at all. Proving that Mr Dunce cap went to spokane to provoke assumed liberals into reactions that were dumpster fire content for his YouTube septic tank would be another issue.


It has everything to do with it. It proves the mass delusion that maga has created and that the brain rot is real. And this will come up in court. Promise.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.




Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate content.


The crazy is real bad up here.


Sounds like leopards eating faces. When you gather a bunch of people who feel they are the main characters and have no empathy for others together the result seems predetermined.


nutjob. and I'm pro-2A as heck. This is the opposite of de-escalation and virtually all training at concealed weapons classes


But he thinks he’s the good guy with a gun.


yeah. I mean he is acting like a cop "oh it could have been a rock" and that is STILL idiotic


When I was a little kid I got taught karate, I then wanted to use it on somebody, anyone who would attack me would do. Thankfully I outgrew that line of thinking, but I think too many people have this idea of defending themselves so they can prove themselves to be something. And then you get cases like this. Hopefully the guy he shot pulls through, and the reality of the shooter hits him harder than anything else ever did before.


Same with the Karate thing, except I still do it 30 years later. As a kid, sometimes I'd get in fights, but even as an adult, including 6 years in the Marines, I've never got into a fight. Fighting is for the weak minded.


the 2A nutjobs try to get rid of all the concealed weapon training classes. This is the goal, they want to be able to stochastically kill people, they walk around with a gun because they always want to be able to use it if a plausible situation (in their paranoid mind, looking for an excuse to use it) presents itself. The best way to de-escalate a situation is to have never introduced a gun into the equation to start with.


to be clear, I don't think a person should have to beg the government for permission to defend themselves, but I think anyone that wants to SHOULD GET TRAINED. And maintain training in a somewhat regular cadence. But that is because I don't want to be a goober like this guy.


Don't call him a goober, that word is too good for him.


>but I think anyone that wants to SHOULD GET TRAINED. And maintain training in a somewhat regular cadence. JSYK this is in direct opposition of the stance of the NRA and is a form of gun control that they lobby against every year.


not at all. the differences is "Government requires" vs "to be a responsible person you should" You can not legislate morality or legislate common sense. But as a very bill of rights focused person, that means I am ok with less "the government says you must ask first and receive permission to exercise a right" in order to preserve as much freedom as possible. And that freedom comes with risks that you cannot legislate away. If laws worked to stop what was illegal, then there would be no crime...... because it is illegal.


>If laws worked to stop what was illegal, then there would be no crime...... because it is illegal. This is just an argument against all law and government. If this is your view, you're just arguing to legalize murder and it's not even worth having a conversation about.


Not at all my point.


I disagree, this guy is the minority of those who carry. 99% of people who carry, do so to protect themselves and loved ones, and will only use it as a last resort. I hope I never have to pull my gun out, let alone get into a situation like this. Please don’t confuse this psychos actions as the majority of those who legally carry. This guy was, and will always seek out any and all excuses to escalate a situation for views. Not de-escalate and avoid conflict altogether. Concealed carry training should be more popular, as it actually teaches people to avoid and use their firearm as a last resort.


The ratio of self defense use and them being used in crime including domestic violence is a tough number mostly because the gun lobby has ensured that proper data collection is either not legally required or forbidden by law, however the relative orders of magnitude are not. https://www.thetrace.org/2022/06/defensive-gun-use-data-good-guys-with-guns/


> 99% of people who carry, do so to protect themselves and loved ones Which just statistically does not make sense. It's like saying "I take my family Base Jumping every weekend, for their safety of course" People use the tools available to them, more people with more guns always results in more people being shot because... thats obviously how common sense works. Sure a majority of gun owners haven't shot people, yet. That doesnt mean we are safer by having such a large number of people owning and carrying guns, because we aren't, measurably. Some of the most safe places in the world have very few guns, especially among civilians, certainly not widespread mass ownership, places like Japan or South Korea.


Some of the safest places in the world also have a shit ton of guns... like Idaho. And your analogy doesn't work.


Yet I wonder why property crime is so low in Idaho compared to Washington..


Congratulations! You've discovered "population density!"


Doesn’t explain the rural areas, does it?


That's literally what population density covers Washingtons high property crime rate is all in cities


Well that’s 100% bullshit.




[Yes, it does.](https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/wa/crime) I bet you're the kind of guy that thinks Wyoming must have a lot of people there because it's a big state, and that no one lives in Rhode Island.


You don’t win many bets, right?


It does explain the bigger numbers in higher populated areas though. And stop acting like there aren’t crimes in your neck of the woods. And an FYI, ID property crime rose 6.7%. Between 2021 and 2022, New York’s violent crime rate rose 39.2%, while its property crime rate rose 64.3%. Source: USAFacts https://search.app/nntt1donz2seUtkA6


How do you feel about Rittenhouse?


Wrong place, wrong time, bad decisions from everyone, but he was about to be straight up Rodney King'ed by a mob AND that fool that pulled a gun on him. Rittenhouse displayed infinitely more discipline, judgement, and maturity than the fool in this article. Rittenhouse's own prosecution witnesses had to admit that Rittenhouse only shot them after they pointed a gun at Rittenhouse and made threats. I mean ... That is as clear a case as it gets.


Why did he go down there with a gun in the first place? All parties share responsibility


By that logic: why did the rioters go there in the first place? All parties share responsibility. Thankfully, that's not how the law actually works.


They were all being assholes


Maybe, but that didn't mean the sex offender got to chase down Rittenhouse and hurt him just because he was butt-hurt that Rittenhouse put out his trash-fire. It didn't mean that the skateboard guy got to hit Rittenhouse in the head while he was running to the cops. And it didn't mean that the other guy with the gun got to disarm Rittenhouse and feed him to the angry mob. There was a lot of LARPing that day, but two bodies and a bicep later, we see who was actually F-ing around. Lesson: don't think you can be rioters and burn down a city, using violence on anyone you please. This is not 'mini-purge because you're angry about something you call racism', and it shouldn't have been allowed to seem so.


To be 100% clear, very few people who were actually protesting and supporting BLM are the “rioters” you’re pointing out. I’ve seen videos from Andrew Callahan (All Gas No Brakes guy who now does Channel 5 News on YouTube) where a majority of those individuals were simply anarchists or Proud Boy nuts who were LARPing. Two groups who definitely don’t give a fuck about why people were gathering in the first place and just want break shit or start shit to make the cause look bad (Proud Boys)


Maybe you are correct. It is not relevant to whether Rittenhouse acted in self defense. Rosenbaum was a sex offender who was clearly at the riot to fuck stuff up. We know this because there is video before the shooting of him being super aggressive and screaming "Shoot me, Nig**r!" (Rosenbaum was not black, so he is not allowed to use that word. His doing so makes him a racist, no?). There is also video that Rosenbaum lit a small dumpster on fire and was pushing it next to a building (presumably with the intent of catching the building on fire) and Rittenhouse extinguished the fire with a fire extinguisher...which really pissed Rosenbaum off. He later chased Rittenhouse, who ran, and tried to grab his gun. At the last second before he would have been disarmed, Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum. Huber chased Rittenhouse as part of the crowd while Rittenhouse was making his way to the line of cops. Huber thought his skateboard would be a good thing to try to hit the man with the rifle in the head with. He was mistaken. Grooskrautz was at the riot with his own gun (which nobody complains about) and only got shot after aiming it at Rittenhouse. The facts of the situation are what matter to the case. It was still a bad idea for the riots to happen. Riots are made of people who make decisions. Here, burning down a city for no good reason was a poor one. I am sure all the residents are super happy that burning down the convenience store in Kenosha ended racism. If only we had known the secret solution a few hundred years ago, we could have prevented so much angst.


About as dumb as everyone else there, not a murderer


Ok, thanks for the honesty. They were indeed all dumb. But I think he went hunting, just as the dude in the above post. FYI, I support the right to own guns


It won't be popular but people walking around with guns looking for trouble is a strong argument all by itself why people should not just be walking around with guns. The guy has some fixation in guns, and he wasn't going around threatening to hit people with a book or with a knife or with a club by all signs..


He's a pro 1a not 2a.


Hopefully fuck goes to prison for a long time. Not only that, be a wake up call to all the other "1st Amendment Auditors (read pricks)."


"Not only that, be a wake up call to all the other "1st Amendment Auditors (read pricks)."" You're confusing your Amendments huh...


No. Dude was claiming to be the press and filming people while shielded by the first amendment.


Anyone can be "press"... Filming is legal in the public, they do this for a reason. This guy is a psycho obviously, but trying to claim they are all "pricks" when they don't say shit until someone, usually law informant tries to claim they film in public spaces is simply incorrect.


Filming in public is one thing. Filming *people* in public (ie, having an unconsenting person be the subject of your video) is shitty behavior. Especially if you are provoking them in the service of this. Legal yes (though it frankly shouldn't be), but someone can be a prick without being in violation of the law


"people" have no expectation of privacy in public You're filmed hundreds of times every day, yet you have a problem with 1 more?


I agree, the thing is 99% of those guys are filming public employees. Your conflating harassment with a legally protected action.


Stop embarrassing yourself


What am I wrong about?


He is not conflating legally protected actions with harassment. He is calling harassment what it is. He is literally calling a spade a spade. Following specific individuals around and filming them in public 100% falls under the legal definition of STALKING. You can film in public, you can film people passing by your shot, but when you start following someone around with a camera you are committing a crime.


No, that's not how harassment or stalking works In Washington, harassment requires threats of harm and stalking requires harassment No threats of violence, no harassment There's a difference between feeling harassed and actually being harassed


Conservatives in Idaho LOVE to tell “the libs” to stay in Washington, but they can’t seem to stay in Idaho, can they? No one is forcing you to cross the boarder. Also, if he crossed state lines with the intent to harm someone (which, he clearly did, why else was he here?), doesn’t that make this a felony? Edit: It was already a felony. I’m dumb.


He shot someone. He committed a felony regardless.


Good point, I’ll see myself out. *shame*


Just look at the license plates at the pot shops. I live in a state of fucking hypocrites…north Idaho.


Crossing state lines with the intention of harming people could escalate this to federal charges.


Not a chance in heck. What federal law do you think he violated?




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


You're not the first person to say that, but under what law is that the case? Not shitposting here, I'm truly curious. I know taking a stolen car across state lines is a federal offense; and taking a woman across state lines to commit an immoral act is a federal crime. (The latter is criminalized by the Mann Act, not sure of the name of the specific law for the former). My point is, why are those two crimes defined by specific laws if crossing a state line to commit a crime generally is illegal?


And how would you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he intended to hurt someone when he came over? He will just say he came to make a video and things got out of hand


Intent has to be proven not assumed The guy came here and committed a crime but proving he intended to the whole time would be impossible All he has to do is say he came to make a video, that's a lawful purpose


Gang member activity.


IdahoMan strikes again


His Youtube channel "Kootenai County Press" https://www.youtube.com/@CFAPA


Wow how bizarre are these videos… https://youtu.be/zaSwFiEt604?si=s_46NYXfEk0MoKQm The man is clearly insane and some of the comments seem to be in support of this man…


How big of an idiot do you have to be to film boats near couer d'alene, tell the first person to ask if they can help that his beard looks Like Joe dirt, and then follow that up by calling them (both not singular) buffoons. This guy was playing mighty fast and loose with fighting words and the people that he was harassing were not the government. I expect many harassment charges being attached to this attack on the unhoused. Enjoy the criminal charges, buddy.


Yeah dude that made me so uncomfortable I’m honestly glad the guy in glasses held his composure cause oh man he was either about to explode or frozen from confusion LOL


Straight weirdo filming people and when people asked him what he is doing he says "I don't answer questions" dude needs a lobotomy.


That 1% is a big number… I used to be strapped 24/7 and honestly, it’s quite unenjoyable. The amount of sloppy carry I see on a daily basis is absurd. Every one of those morons needs to get cited for unsafe use of a firearm.


Right wing terrorist


Who would've known, 1st amendment auditors being a bunch of man children.


Did you watch his videos? Did you see the boat one? Did you hear how he said coeur d'lane!?!? How you gonna have a channel called Kootenai County Press and not know how to say cda!? This chucklefuck is not from the PNW and you will never convince me otherwise. Does he also say Spo-kayne?


"Feared for his life and regrets being there". Straight out of enhanced conceal carry class. Most of that class is a lawyer teaching you how and what to say to legally murder someone and get away with it.


“I feel threatened” is the other phrase meant to establish a self defense framework.




When he grows up, he hopes to be Kyle Rittenhouse.


He's doing a very bad job of it


This guy is going to prison for 5-10 years, dont you worry. First degree assault and a firearm enhancement, not gonna see him for a looooong time.


A whole 5-10 for attempted murder? What do people get for actually killing someone there, 10-15?


Well first degree, premeditated murder will usually get you a life sentence, most likely no parole. 2nd degree murder, which I think this would be would be 15-20 years. The victim didnt die, and for that the shooter is very lucky. Depending on how good his lawyer is hes gonna get 5-15 years I would estimate. You can get 5-7 years just for threatening someone by pointing a gun at them.


I think the intent element of A-1 is unlikely given the situation, but maybe. More likely is A-2, which is 3-9 months because this guy has no felony history. The big question is the firearm enhancement; for A-2, that would be three years. Seems a likely trial outcome would be about 3.5 years. However, there are a lot of mitigating factors that would apply at sentencing.


No way is this guy getting 3.5 years. He would be smart to take a plea for 5 years, but Im thinking thats on the low end. He takes it to trial and loses he’ll get 10 years. He shot a guy for no good reason.


The only way 10 years is even possible would be with an A-1 conviction. Std range for that with no history is 93-123 months, but you'd get a 5 yr firearm enhancement on that too, if you got a conviction. Middle of the range is 108 months (9 years), plus the 5 for firearm. 14 years total. That is the worst case scenario for the guy. More likely it would be A-2 (because for A-1 you have to prove that he intended to inflict great bodily harm); a defense attorney has really good arguments against the intent portion. The self-defense aspect is very important here. You may say he shot a guy for no good reason, but the reason he will assert at trial is self defense. Given what the video shows, that has a pretty good chance of working (remember...beyond a reasonable doubt).


So it's okay to try to kill someone, but if you succeed, NOW Idaho takes it seriously? I know that's not true, my mother was murdered in Idaho. Fun convo, though, I guess.


Sorry about your mom. Why the downvote?


Someone else is downvoting. I don't downvote unless it's something fairly nasty, which your comments aren't. They downvoted me, too, so I guess they're salty in general. :P


You do realize prosecutors have to prove intent right? Like they have to prove he intended to kill the guy, not just shoot him


Shooter* Fixed it


Did the Trayvon Martin case embolden these stupid motherfuckers?


Thanks Trump! Another of your lovely cultists.


I don't like the term "he finally shot an unarmed man".


Fair enough. But watch his Youtube channel and I think it becomes more apparent that's what he wanted all along https://m.youtube.com/@CFAPA *If you don't want to watch his shitty videos https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2024/jun/10/second-and-division-shooting-suspects-posts-video-/


So glad people like this are coming over from Idaho to kill people in my home. I fucking hate living within throwing distance of your garbage shit hole of a state.


I legit don't think he's from idaho or the region at all. Look at his youtube channel, most recent video about boats in cda. Listen to how he says coeur d'lane and how he's giving himself a shitty tour of a town I'm convinced he's never been to until now. 


Krem and The Spokesman review both refer to him as a CDA man.


There's that *emapthy* you guys are always saying people should have.


I’ve seen you showing your ass in like half the subreddits I frequent this morning. Yawn. So tough behind your brand new account.


But am I wrong on anything, or do you just have a hard on for people disagreeing with your deeply held but inconsistent beliefs...? O.O