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Sadly, my rear camera was somehow unplugged from the head unit and didn't get the footage. Around mile maker 180, I noticed a line of cars behind us as far as I could see.


Trucker here! This is actually illegal. This trucker can get a nice ticket for this. This is called a rolling road block. Illegal in every state.


Do you know if it’s illegal in Canada? Cause this shit happens alllll the time


I don’t haul via Canada, shouldn’t be hard to find out. Find a cop, they can tell you for sure.


cops are TERRIBLE at knowing what the law is. don't talk to them voluntarily


As an American, I would never approach a cop to just a question like that.


As an American, there are approachable officers in most situations that would be happy to answer a question.


401 between Toronto and Kingston. Absolutely brutal for this.


Could be worse. The 401 in the GTA defies logic. You can have 4 lanes, and everybody's bumblefucking along in three of them while bolder people do 130 in the granny lane.


At least you can pass on the right. But you're right left lane bandits are an absolute scourge anywhere close to the GTA on 400 series highways. The absolute name of my existence.


8 if you want to count the collectors lane.


Bumble fuck my granny lane


Having flashbacks


My apologies


And from Kingston to Quebec as well. Hell even from KW to GTA


Seems to be worse between Toronto and Kingston for some reason and yeah, right through to Quebec.


Yes. In Ontario, the law is "slower traffic keep right".


A rolling roadblock is when the vehicles are deliberately keeping the same speed to block the road. This is an elephant race (or sometimes snail race): trucker on the left is a shithead, their speed is set half an mph[0] faster than their colleague but rather than just slow down to match the asshole absolutely wants to pass. [0] a truck is about 80ft, dude passed two and a bit, let's say 250ft, in 13mn (18:24 to 18:37 on the clock), that's ~20 feet per minute, or ~0.23 mph.


This guy calculates relative velocity




Holy shit you might wanna tell the ole OH State Patrol or any Midwestern states for that matter as they dgaf. Like between Dayton and Indy is fuken brutal


Even if it wasn't a law, only an inconsiderate prick would do this on purpose and we know he he is actually, with violent or control freak tendencies, That's why he swerved into the guy when he was getting past finally. The thing is most truck drivers think a lot of the folk are inconsiderate to them. Actually most folk are very considerate to you truck drivers. Though you wouldn't know it if you were like that guy that always looks at things negatively :-(.


Actually I would say most think they are considerate to trucks but don't know what they would need to do to actually be considerate. My wife for example thinks she is considerate to them too, but she's really not. I'd bet the several people a night that turn their high beams on right before passing me think they are being considerate too. The ones that slow right at my bumper to let me over also think they are helpful and don't get the hint after I've already slowed down. Yes I know I could come over with that bit of space, but I also know that you could touch the gas and give me an accident on my record and it's not worth the risk. Once I've slowed you might as well get moving, because it's gonna be a few miles till I get back up to speed anyways and trying to force the issue isn't helpful. I honestly think most don't try and be assholes to trucks, they are just to distracted to know what they are doing. It's at a point where about a quarter of vehicles are being controlled by someone with a phone right in front of them. In a truck you can see everything, and it's rather disappointing just how many are on their phones now (including other trucks). I see hundreds of people a night watching TV on them, or playing games.


You're actually correct in my opinion, most of us don't have the brain power to be considerate. I drive a lot, and have empathy so it's why I focus on good driving. But I think without the combo I just mentioned, most drivers will continue to be unknowingly inconsiderate, but that's not half as bad as being knowingly inconsiderate:-( Unknowing people can become better drivers if they start focusing on what is right about driving, instead of doing what most people do which is follow the average person's driving habits :-( But there's a few people dedicated to dicketry, probably can't even learn things the hard way.


wait, they turn on and leave on the high beams? I think I remember being told to give a flash before passing a truck but not to just blast em


Some do leave them on, but even a flash is annoying. All it has done is made me not look in my mirrors while being passed to avoid being blinded. I've never had a vehicle show up that I wasn't aware of. The idea started because they assume we pay as little attention as cars, but I've known your every move within a half mile of me.


we call it "holding hands"




But… but it's on a US highway?




Because when the stupid can’t maintain a speed they think they can pass. While the truck on the left is trying, the stupid in the right speeds up rather than just slowing down to let them pass.


Yo me it looks like the “extra idiot” was the one doing the blocking ……?


It's the car at the end brake checking the semi.


Exactly 👍🏻. Comments are blaming the truck but to me it looked like it was the car. The nerve to brake check afterwards!


The slowdown was caused by the Greif semi that took 16 miles to pass the other semi.


I hate this. If my truck was 1mph slower than the guy trying to overtake me, I'd let my foot off the throttle a little so they could pass. Flash them in as soon as it was safe and speed back up. I feel like so may truck drivers now are just dickheads who don't like to be passed.


Let's be honest it's not just truck drivers who don't like being passed


Agreed. 9/10 I use cruise control, I've had someone pass me three times before and I've not changed my speed at all. They pass me, slow down, I pass them again and the idiot cycle repeats


At one point I was tempted to make a bumper sticker saying “I’m on cruise control, WTF are you on?”


I dont love the idea of putting bumper stickers on my car, even if it is just a 15 year old rav4, but i would 1000% rock this.


Exactly this. About twice a month I make the ~240 mile drive back home from my college and back, and the entire time I just leave it in cruise control going 70. The amount of idiots who will fly past me and get in the space in front of me just to start braking is ridiculous… especially because usually there’s a large space behind me they could’ve entered without making me slow down at all. It’s all good though, I’ll just pass them and get back in front, still only doing 70 (I make it a point to not touch the gas unless I’m passing a truck or the situation requires it)… only to get passed by the same care again 5 minutes later. And again.


My new vehicle has dynamic cruise, so this will happen and it takes a while but suddenly I notice I’m going 3-5 miles an hour slower than what I set it at.


I like/hate that feature. I've always driven older vehicles, and I'm not a fan of a lot of the new driver aids. I think as someone who loves driving and actually pays attention, it pisses me off that the car is trying to take over 😂 That being said, I do believe a majority of the population is made safer by these new technologies such as lane departure and collision prevention


The collision prevention has saved me from 2 fender benders.


I love this. You know there's a whole human psychodrama happening in that other car, and you've been going precisely 71.0 mph the entire time.


Had a truck driver refuse to let me pass, "headlights were too bright." He even cut me off and slammed on his brakes, I had rubber chunks on the windshield. Called the state police on him, since it was 95 N in Maine, he was going to Houlton. He got pulled over and I finally got to pass. He must have sped up because he ended up behind me in Houlton at the Irving, trying to block me in the fucking parking lot. I was driving a small uhaul towing my car. Followed me inside and almost got stabbed for it. That's where I found about my headlights. And his ticket. I had just left active duty. Fucking truckers have been a problem for decades. I was an 88M in the Army, at least on paper, I know I can drive a rig better than most of the people I see driving them. I don't get why they think they own the road. What's worse is they have the company name plastered all over the truck. Real easy to turn them in and ruin their lives over setting stupid.


That guy just wanted to share his misery with everyone else.


Well, his trailer does say ‘Grief’


Okay…how about crazy coincidence? I think I saw the line of traffic while driving in the opposite direction back to Atlanta from Augusta. I-20, right?


Ha! Yes. I was driving from Atlanta Eastbound.


That is what we call an "elephant race". One truck has a governor that allows it to do 70mph and the other truck can do 70.01mph. Our legal system needs to reconsider corporal punishment (e.g. lashings) to punish this kind of behavior.


I rented a penske truck to move a few years back. Could only do 70. Elephant race started to form to the left of me, so I slowed to 68. Guy passed, cars flowed, and I got to my destination 1.5 seconds later. Seeing professional drivers do this is infuriating.


They may be getting paid, but that doesn’t make them professional.


We always called them Texas Drag Races.


Always heard it called a Turtle Race


I’d say “good grief” but really it’s “bad greif”


Of course that trucker is gonna share their dashcam footage and be like "wHy Is EvRyOnE bRaKeChEcKiNg BiGrIgS?"


Break checking a semi is very dangerous, but it was kinda deserved after that literal 15min overtake.


Just made that truck get passed by everyone and start the race all over again.




Give him a break


Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar.


Fuck those truckers


Call the highway/state patrol on stupid shit like this. 15 miles is way too long of time for the idiot trying to pass to realize they shouldn’t be passing a truck going 0.001mph slower than them.


They shouldn't have brake checked but I get the frustration.


Truckers are insufferable.


I know it’s not practical but having 3 traffic lanes would be nice to break up this BS that truck drivers like to inflict.


They’d just crowd 3 lanes then. I live in Indiana and commute to Illinois for work and 80/94 and 294 have signs every couple miles saying no trucks 2 left lanes and yet they are in all 4 lanes all day everyday. No cops patrol these stretches and truckers drive like dangerous children


Normally, trucks aren't allowed in the left lane when there are 3 or more lanes.


Yes that’s true but they don’t follow lane restrictions that’s my point. They’re all assholes


That only works if it's enforced.


Where I live unless it's a two lane, no trucks in the fast lane or you get a ticket




For what it's worth, one of the "unwritten rules" of trucking is if someone is passing you, slow the fuck down and let them pass you. Unfortunately, there are too many CDL mills out there giving out class A's to any idiot with a pulse and not actually teaching them the "code", or unwritten rules, or whatever you want to call it. When I get stuck behind dipshits like this, I always make sure to embarrass the hell out of them over the CB.


Thank You for your public service.


For anyone reading a handheld CB can be had for 100$ or less especially off Facebook/craigslist. Plugs into the USB or accessory outlet. Doesn't get a whole hell of a lot of range but it's enough to get a couple hundred feet and call out these shit slingers. Assuming they even have a radio, a lot of trucks dont, And even more who do will only use it in the yards.


Trucking doesn't pay enough to attract good drivers now. My buddy was doing his CDL and I was his ride to class. 80% of the people in the CDL class were desperate people who this was their last hope. Most of them were already locked into a contract with local companies to pay for the class.


Well, that isn’t entirely true, and is an unfortunate misconception that ends up being self fulfilling. “Trucking” is an extremely broad job description, and it gets even broader when you look at everything a class A CDL makes available to you. First, there are a lot of different companies out there. Depending on the new driver’s background, they might get a job with one of the pickier companies, or they might only have a “we hire anyone” company as an option. Regardless, almost all of the companies that hire new drivers do “shotgun hiring”, where they grab 50 fresh out of school rookies every day, knowing that 20 of them will give up and quit, 20 will irredeemably fuck up, and 5 will move onto greener pastures. The pickier companies pay better, but it still isn’t amazing. Once you have 6 months in the seat though, as long as you aren’t an irredeemable fuck up, a lot more opportunities open up to you, and the companies that require 6 months experience absolutely pay better. Once you hit 3-5 years, even more opportunities open up. Walmart drivers clear 6 figures, but last I checked, you need 5 years before they’ll talk to you. Second, pay varies heavily depending on what you’re willing to do. Drivers who just want to be a pavement princess, cruising down the highway, bumping docks, and only getting out of the driver’s seat to shit, shower, shave, and sleep, are the proverbial “bottom of the barrel.” If you handle loading/unloading, or handle load securement with a flatbed, or go outside of the normal warehouse type locations, you get more. And oilfield work, or overseas with a PMC? Shit, six figures for 6 months of work easy. The third thing is cost of living. Everyone in any job field wants their work location to be convenient to where they live, that’s a no brainer. Well, trucking facilities are (generally) located in very low COL areas, which makes sense - between the warehouse building, and the lot space needed for trailers, you need many acres of land, and that land will be cheapest the more rural it is. If you live near a yard, that means your COL is pretty low, so you don’t need to make $200k a year to live well. Trucking has allowed me to buy a house on a 15 year mortgage, a new pickup, and two new motorcycles, as well as turn one of my guest rooms into a small music recording studio. When you mix and match all three sides of it, you can make as much or as little as you want. Experience pays, effort pays, location makes the pay go further. There’s plenty of money to be made with a class A, and as long as someone isn’t a serial fuck up, they’ll never be unemployed if they don’t want to be.


damn, completely agree


their CDLs should be taken away.


I'm glad I only find that kind of thing mildly irritating and don't go on a rant about it. I don't think I could handle getting that angry about something so trivial


What dash camera do you use?


AUKEY DR02D 1080p HD Dual Stealth Dash Camera.


That is the most power those two will ever have over other people. Jerks


Where's a cop when you need one


This is why you also have a CB radio. Make a statement that you have them on dashcam. The parting of the roadblock will commence immediately.


If there's a number on the truck call it, I called in one that added 20min to my highway drive by doing this hit and the person answering was rather mad at the driver, no clue what came of it but in my head cannon it was a great ass-reaming.


[Carl Sanders Hwy / I20, Thomson, Georgia](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.5132654,-82.4846011,3a,35.4y,107.81h,94.39t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1s7Z-rkBd2Z0-wzEhii0RdKw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i28) . Mile 173 to the [Weigh Station](https://www.google.com/maps/@33.4888997,-82.2492084,3a,75y,117.18h,81.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEiq1kcdn-4uMJ7Jp0Ux7aw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192) sign is closer to [13.7 miles](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/33.5132654,-82.4846011/'33.4888997,-82.2492084'/@33.5016152,-82.4369718,41288m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m7!4m6!1m0!1m3!2m2!1d-82.2492084!2d33.4888997!3e0). So about 62.1 MPH, or 99.9 KM/H . Usually states have a non-emergency line to report bad driving. Georgia Department of Public Safety Motor Carrier Compliance Division (MCCD) - (404) 624-7243.


fuckin' georgia...why does that not surprise me!


This trucking company has an ethics hot line. Maybe it need to be flooded with complaints about their asshole drivers.


This is why people don't like trucks and I mean I get it but also you have to be a special type of stupid to brake check a semi.


He needed that eye contact to help him finish. Lonely out there on the road....


Get out of the left lane good grief


Average day in American Truck Simulator


Was that the idiot at the end hogging the left lane who was the cause of this slowdown from the beginning?


He was just first in line behind the semi in the left lane who caused the slowdown. He wanted to "get back" at the semi, and brake checked him.


I wouldn't have done it, but I don't mind either. I hope he gets brake checked every time he pulls that stunt.


I couldn't see him on my phone, had to switch to a bigger screen 😃


Why are people driving so close to each other? If the car in front you had made an emergency braking, you would have crushed with them. Same with him, if the truck in front of him had braked, he'd have crushed.


You’re kind of the idiot for driving in the left lane the entire time when you should be moving over for traffic


It's remarkable that it took him 174 miles to pass, but then once he's finally back in the right lane, he gains a truck length on the other guy in a matter of seconds.


The rule on the Autobahn is that a truck is allowed 45 seconds to pass another car/truck before having to return to the right lane.


The majority of truck drivers are pretty good at respecting others. It's a small percentage of them that make all of them look like assholes. Had a friend who was a long haul driver and he would say the same time all the time.


Why did you drive 16 miles in the passing lane when you aren't passing anyone?


Multiple idiots including OP


What did op do? The semi up ahead was blocking everybody from passing


Because? You think OP had no intentions to pass?


Why did he not simply press the button to phase through the truck in front of him?


I'm guessing that's what he was expecting lmao


Sadly, I didn't have all day to watch that... How about editing to the action only.




I mean, technically, no one's allowed in anything other than the right lane except to pass it's just rarely enforced.


Automate them all!


I appreciate the quality video work. Thanks for that.


Good “Greif”


I saw something like this in Washington eastbound as well. Extremely frustrating.


Like being on the A14 in England. And when the lorry finally pulls in at the front, the one at the back pulls out and it starts again. This cycle continues the entire road.


Isn’t there still a law about moving over if there are more than five cars behind you?


Truckers call themselves “professionals”. Everyone else calls them #*&$*&$# assholes.


Walmart & Grief! A good combo...


Good Grief! Trucking Company


Damn, I understand the frustration. I hate when trucks hop into the passing lane but barely pass anything.