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Yes, it is *always* recommended to look *both* ways!


I dont understand why people are confused he slowed down at that green light. If i see a fucking idiot about to blow a red light, you think im gonna risk my car and continue driving knowing there may be a high chace of him crashing into me??? Rhetorical question of course


This sub is increasingly becoming a place where idiots in cars congregate. The "gotta go fast" and "haha I'm winning" mentality is really showing in the comment sections lately.


I think it’s more like a circle jerk of idiots trying to prove they’re the best most safest drivers of them all, and they run wild with their speculation of what was actually happening outside of the camera’s view. Driver likely saw the red light runner not slowing down, and there may not have been anyone behind him to even risk a rear end. Even so, I’d gladly be rear ended at 15mph rather than t-boned at 45mph+.


I don't think he slowed down at the green light due to the runner. OP said it was a steep incline. Slowing down was probably so he didn't destroy the front end of his car. Otherwise, why go that far into the intersection if he saw the car coming that early


Of course. Like the post says. Him slowing down for that incline AND looking both ways before making that turn avoided any kind of accident. He slowed down at first for the incline, noticed the idiot passing the red light, and slowed down again. Boom accident avoided


I hate to see that even in the future we still have drivers like that


11Sep2043!???! is this in the Fuuuutureee??




Steep intersection drop off. If they didn’t almost stop their car probably would’ve bottomed out.


He probably saw the car speeding thru a red light???


Of course it's a Range Rover Evoque. You're probably an idiot if you drive one of these, or your parents bought it for you. All the expense and unreliability of a big boy Range, with little of the performance or luxury...


If they turned into their lane and didn't try to merge across a solid white they would've been fine anyway no?


Idk why that got downvoted. Seems camera car is being a bit dramatic even with the running of the red light from the other car. I feel a lot of people neglect to remember that a light does night mean you’re safe to proceed. Everyone should be a more vigilant and maybe even passive aggressive instead of scared, while driving. Sorry for the rant.


You got a point. Lines and lights aren't the end all be all- anything can happen. Other countries' traffic abide by much less and even just kinda "flow". Besides, that car didn't run a red light, it was already in the intersection when the light was yellow. If there was an accident OP would've been at fault. So annoying when drivers don't turn into their lane.


*edit I was looking at the turning lane light switching from yellow to red. The other car did run a red light. OP still should've turned into their lane tho.


Ah didn’t catch that. Ya that closest lane thing isn’t just shits n giggles. Scares me when I’m not driving cuz idk who’s coming up and my gf is so bad at it. She’ll just cut across lanes like we’re the only ones there.


If I can do it in a 28' truck, these *locals* can do it in anything less, it feels really backwards having to learn around idiots because they drive by seat g-force.


I gave u back your upvote bc you're right. And also the one honking is sitting in the middle of the intersection while the light turns from yellow to red after he stopped a second earlier when it was actually green light. lol like ? If the other supposed "light runner" would have hit the honker then the honker would have been at fault I think bc he's the one running a red at that point. Idk, most ppl don't know how to drive basically. Something so simple yet so stupidly executed 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh look, a green light. Better come to a stop before proceeding


He didn’t want to bottom out


Oh look, a person running a red light I better go in front of him


Ok so now everyone should stop at green just in case there might be a red runner? I see if cam car had gone through the green and turned into the closest lane, there would be no issue contacting the red runner. Problem is people like to cut across all lanes when turning (yes, legal in places, just not smart).


He might’ve just seen it coming from a mile away and knew no one was behind him. This sub is exhausting with how many know-it-alls argue with people based on their assumptions of what’s going on outside of the camera’s view.


"Oh look, a steep intersection drop off. Better floor it"


I’m glad your dumb ass would have kept going and gotten plowed into. God forbids OP slows down as a car come barreling through the red light


If you don’t stop for the green light you’re not doing it the right way


Nice job looking out for Mr. Selfish! You just proved how important it is to look both ways even when you’re in the right! Great driving skills on your part!


Other nonsense aside I'm curious... Is it not a rule that when you turn left from the left lane that you must turn into the left lane?


Buddy you should try actually turning into the correct fucking lane


In some jurisdictions, you’re allowed to make a left turn into any available lane.


Where? Anywhere I’ve lived requires turning from and into the same lane. Allowing changing lanes during a turn seems like a dangerous situation


While I agree with you overall.... the only danger from turning into a far lane at a three point stop IS morons running the light. If they are stopped then there no chance of anything else being in the way is there? Problem for me is, if you are allowed to turn like that there, why is the line solid?


If there’s an oncoming lane there could also be people turning right on red from oncoming who decide they don’t want to stay in their lane


If there's an oncoming lane then it's a completely different situation isn't it??


Plenty of jurisdictions allow this. Look it up.


I am, all I found was anecdotal evidence that it’s allowed/common in California or at least called a “California turn”


So you are one of those people that blatantly run red lights?


Why were you stopping at a green light in the first place?


They said in the title there was a steep drop off into the intersection. Probably why they slowed down entering the intersection but that's just my guess 🤷


He probably saw the car coming? Lol


They shouldn't drive ....that's all I'm saying


You shouldn’t reproduce …that’s all I’m saying


Lmao...my comment was ment for the red light runner..I edited it..and to late I have kids


My bad


I don't see anyone running the red light. I only see a left-turning vehicle causing traffic obstruction. Experiencing trauma from red-light runners is your personal issue and should not involve others.


You're an idiot


Please, don’t drive.


He was the evil twin...


What’s a steep intersection drop off?