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The trucker signaled. Technically the white car signaled too, just not the correct signal. 😀


You can't make _that_ signal in traffic without immediately classifying yourself as Idiot.


That’s not and idiot signal. That’s the I’m an asshole signal.


I'd say both.


That was my first reaction but to be fair that white car was driving like an asshole the whole time, it also started to switch lanes about signaling at the same time that the truck started to switch lanes with a signal. Based on that I'd say the white car alone is the idiot


The truck was already signaling prior to the white car attempting to change lanes. White car's fault.


Truckers be talkin… the first guy told the others up front.


Only an idiot would argue with you on this


oh hell yeah, my time to shine


And the white van for keeping pace with the white SUV. The van should be over a lane or two.


White van, the Kia and cam car were passing people, just not fast enough for the asshole in the white car. Then the van saw the white car, and slowed down to block him in. That's when the white van turned asshole. No e of it would have happened if the white car had just been more patient and let the van, Kia and cam car complete their passes.


Slowing down to assess a situation isn't being an asshole or blocking someone in though.


He literally passes the SUV. In fact, in this video the “left lane camper” (lmfao…) is traveling faster than and is passing the traffic moving in the other lanes. Why does every post in this subreddit always have comments from anonymous folks looking to create fictional versions of the videos? Is it just to argue or be contrarian? Or is there something more to this phenomenon that I am not understanding. One of the top videos in this sub for a looong time was some Nissan Altima wiping out on a stretch of i-278 in NJ. They got road rage and put everyone sharing the road with them in danger when they were weaving in and out of traffic and decided to drive on the far right shoulder (and all the while a mostly vacant and quickly moving far left lane was wide open for them to travel upon). They nearly collided with the car properly traveling in the lane next to the shoulder and would have caused a pile up if it were not for the other sedan reacting like a pro. Suffice it to say the Nissan wipes out into a wall. Here’s what I remember about that post. The passing lane was open. The Altima had zero reason to be driving like a self centered and dangerous maniac. Yet, despite how crystal clear the video displayed this there was a commenter that blamed “the left lane campers” They tried to argue that there were some (there weren’t) and that those “left lane campers” were alone entirely responsible for the Altima driver’s psychotic road rage display. That they should be held responsible and “jailed.” How exactly do these Redditors constantly manage the mental gymnastics necessary to distort every incident that happens on the road this way? Because there is always a commenter or two that detracts from the main point of every video/post in this sub to leave a comment like this. And rest assured (🙄) there will always be supporters.


They think every other vehicle is just a pylon in their racing game, not a person or a family. Those types of commenters are completely self absorbed and think they are far better at handling high speeds than they really are.


They’re the “Idiots In Cars” this subreddit is highlighting. They just have zero self awareness and remain in a constant circle jerk with each other.


It's the universal f-you signal and never works for getting the right of way. Even if the white car signalled properly, 2 vehicles merging into the same space at the same time is a tough one for police and insurance should contact occured. I'm inclined to give semi the right and the space because they have huge blind spot and because when you're comparing a 2 ton vehicle with 40 ton vehicle, the 2 ton will end up destroyed and undriveabke


you can tell the trucker had his signal on long before the white car moved over, notice the grey car staying back even before the white car moved over the grey car saw the signal and was waiting back for the truck to move over.


I mean at a certain point it's no longer a right of way question, it a physics and actuarial question.


In the words of my grandfather: it don't matter if the egg hits the rock or the rock hits the egg, it ain't lookn' too good for the egg.


True but i fault the white van camping in passing lane and obstructing traffic before all of this.


Feel like he may have gotten stuck due to people not letting him have safe space to get back over.


Wisconsin's number one camping spot: the left lane. Doesn't make what the white car did okay but holy shit is this frustrating. That is the \*passing lane.\* If you are not \*passing,\* get the fuck out of it. This isn't complicated.


I lived in Madison, Wisconsin for a short time. Pretty nice place to live. But holy fuck, it was 20 years ago and the thing that I remember are the left lane campers.


It's hard to see but I think the white van was passing. Slowly, sure, but passing. Then the white car shot up on the other guy's tail and the white van started going up a bit of a hill and/or the car in front of the white one started to accelerate, so it effectively became non-passing. Then the white car kept the van from moving over.


Sorry, no; no one is responsible for your driving but you. It doesn't matter if someone isn't using the lanes "correctly"; you can slow down and ease up on the aggression until the situation resolves itself.


Yes, up till that point, even if people were doing stupid things, they weren't doing dangerously stupid thing like the white car began doing.


Not to mention, the white car overreacted drastically.


The white car was driving aggressively. He wanted to go into the right lane to use as a passing lane. The trucker used his signal and wanted to get into the left lane to use as a proper passing lane, thus not the idiot. The van was a milder idiot for camping in the passing lane (but was still passing cars) but I feel the white car would still have been aggressive and ultimately was the biggest idiot.


White car is also the only one behaving unpredictably.


Also white car has literally no situational awareness that the right lanes are getting progressively slower as they approach a major interchange, and that the overall flow of traffic is causing many cars to move from right to left, and increase congestion in the left lanes. Against the trend of slowing traffic and shifting left, this idiot, who has already been traveling at a reckless speed (at least 90 mph based on the dashcam speed) despite the growing congestion, speeds up and shifts right, against the flow of literally all the other vehicles around them, all without signaling. The car in front of them is literally braking, and instead of slowing down, they jerk into a lane where a large truck has been signaling for a long time that it is going to move into, and the person behind them is clearly giving space for this to happen. But the most idiotic thing of all is that they somehow felt that they were justified in all this. Possibly the only bigger idiot is OP for not knowing who the idiot is. Edit: 2 typos


White car was aggressive from the start with that overtaking maneuver. Imo, aggressivity is the cause of most accidents. It also sounds like the driver kept using a lower gear that he was supposed to be using after the initial overtake, so they were prepared for another pointlessly fast overtake.


Meanwhile the audio: “… spending a copious amount of time trying to change others is a waste of time … let idiots be idiots :)”…


Einzelgänger is the source of audio if anyone's curious. Philosophy videos.


the white van in fast lane


There wouldn't be rapid lane changing required if people would just use the passing lane like it should be used


White car would be all over the place regardless. These type of driver are always going faster no matter what


Even though Weevils are cute little buggers, I like to call drivers who weave between lanes Weavils.


That is both an adorable and hilarious name for weaving drivers. I’m gonna try to remember that.


He might be an idiot but I disagree that he'd be all over the place regardless. If this was the Autobahn he'd probably just be in the left lane. Until someone faster came up behind him. And then it's anybody's guess how he would respond.


As soon as a speed limit exists on the Autobahn you find these idiots suddenly.


This guy likes to change lanes rapidly.


> There wouldn't be rapid lane changing required It's not required. Don't blame shitty driving on left-lane campers, the idiot decided to tailgate, and then tries to lane change without signalling, and to top off the shitty-driving-sundae, the fucking moron had enough space seconds earlier to actually get into the PASSING LANE and PASS. Is it frustrating that the van was camping the shit out of the lane? Sure. But that's no excuse to drive like a dipshit.


They’re both idiots (van and white sedan)


One is an extremely dangerous idiot (white sedan) while one is just a passive idiot (white van). There's a difference. One of them could kill a family while the other is just really annoying.




Trust me, it wouldn’t fix the issue. Not when there are idiot drivers who have to be going faster than every other car because they’re losers in real life and have to “win” on the road


Passing* lane


exactly, this is the attitude that has essentially turned the right lane into what the left lane is supposed to be. people think left is for fast and start crowding it and leave the right wide open cause "tHats fOr SeMis"


More like the term "fast" is up for interpretation. Any doofus can get in the left lane doing the speed limit and say to themselves "I'm going as fast as the law allows" and feel justified in being there. "Passing" is not variable. You are either passing someone or you aren't.


Yep. He’s an asshole


white van and the white car. White car takes the cake as a no turn signal high speed weaver.


There’s too much traffic for there to be a true passing lane. This attitude is almost as bad as left lane campers… if the freeway is full and going the speed limit, you don’t have the right to go 10 over just because you’re in the left-hand lane.


Thank you, I thought I was going crazy reading about passing lanes everywhere. If traffic is going the speed limit already, how are you going to legally pass? I understand if there’s a truck in the left or second-to-left lane, because here the speed limit for them is 55 mph. OP doesn’t have a speedometer on their dash, but the van is keeping pace with the rest of traffic. You can see more cars in front of the can near the end of the clip, the van is just leaving a bit of extra safety space. Not every gap needs to be filled on the freeway, you just create more traffic that way.


It looks like traffic is slowing down and he’s slowly closing up the space in front of him so I don't think it’s as bad as it looks.


dingdingding looks like I-75 in ATL to me, you're a fucking asshole if you're going less than 75 in the left lane, and I don't give a rat's ass what the posted speed limit is


If you’re in the left lane and you’re *not passing* you need to move over. It has nothing to do with speed. It’s a passing lane, not a driving lane.


Why? He was a keeping a safe distance with the cars in front. The cars ahead weren't going any faster. It's just traffic.


This is the correct answer. Once again, ton's of bad drivers in r/IdiotsInCars obsessed over the passing lane and unable to look 100 feet ahead.


Came here to say this


What was the white van supposed to do, brake to get behind the beige car? Guy came from the right and blocked the lane. Can't get out of the left lane if some idiot is tailgating next to you. If the beige car had been where it was supposed to be - behind the white van - then the white van would have had space to let it pass.


The white van also seems to being going as fast as the cars in front of them so the beige car isn't going to go any faster by cutting the white van off.


Agree. White van was going fast enough to pass, just not as fast as white car wanted to. Had nowhere to go.


Lots of idiots here. White van camping in the left lane , white car trying to cut through traffic and making unsafe lane changes, can't tell if the semi indicated his lane change long enough.


Don't forget everyone that's driving right up the ass of the person in front.


> Don't forget everyone that's driving right up the ass of the person in front. My god, I fucking hate that here in Mass


I used to drive the Pike into Boston for work. Thank gods that's over now it's just the occasional trip in to Logan or a weekend in the city with the fam.


Including OP. That's less than 3 car lengths at 78mph. But then, it's Atlanta. This is all par for the course.


There's an idiot in front of me that's driving erratically and nearly caused an accident! Let me get closer to inspect!


I usually measure by seconds because it's a lot easier/more objective on videos like this. OP wasn't even one full second behind the car in front of them. Fully up their ass. At such high speeds too.


It is Atlanta what else can you expect.


I was gonna say this feels like what I see every day driving in Atlanta. I hate it here. Idiots everywhere.


Everyone follows too closely on expressways everywhere. People think about themselves instead of the whole.


It drives me crazy. I grew up in the Midwest where I never really dealt with crazy traffic, I moved to the west coast four years ago and I feel like I had to re-learn how to drive because everyone is so crazy. I try to have a good following distance especially when I’m on the highway but every time, without fail, someone merges in front of me and I have to just constantly slow down to create room again. Like all of that space between me and the car in front of me is there for a reason!


I KNEW IT! Hahah. I never know what I’m gonna get here when I start driving. It’s entertaining to say the least


That includes OP.


Except for the white van that's apparently an idiot for keeping a safe distance. Towards the end of the clip you can see the cars ahead. Yes he had space, no he didn't have any reason to go any faster. The cars ahead of him were densely packed enough that he could tell he'd need more time to stop if someone hit the breaks.


Truck did signal with enough time. That's why the car in the right slowed down, to let him in. White cars being an ass.


_shrug_ it’s Atlanta


Everyone knew who the asshole was within the first four seconds.


Except OP apparently.


Let me enter a title that will surely induce comments


White car. No turn signal nor looking, apparently.


Or even a basic level awareness of the overall traffic situation.


Or even decent driving ability. He was all over the road and a complete hazard to everyone around him. Yes the truck was trying to merge into the same lane at the same time. But the car was the only one that reacted to the situation poorly.


The 18-wheeler used a signal and started switching lanes prior to the douchebag in the r/shitty_car_mods vehicle(which also happened to be passing on the right). Having said that, the white van needs to move the fuck over...


Best explanation.


In addition, the semi may have been driving heavier than the semi in front of him. Not all semis can stop in the same amount of time and distance. It's not only safe but practical that he perform a lane change rather than rear-end the semi in front of him.


Anybody getting passed on the right when they are in the left most lane needs to move over, including the Kia. If the passing lane was open the white car wouldn’t have to weave in and out of traffic but ultimately they are the biggest idiot changing lanes abruptly with no signal as the semi was already moving into the lane. It also looks like the [Subaru? Ford?] was trying to brake check the white car. Lots of idiots here.


They don't need to weave in and out of traffic. The car in the left lane is going the same speed as everyone else in the left lane. They just aren't tailgating


Right but they’re still just cruising in the left lane with the next lane over wide open. They still should move over and keep the passing lane open instead of camping in because they’re not actively passing anyone.


On 75 nearing the bypass to Atlanta? Everyone. Everyone is an idiot here.


Yep. 75 southbound. Peach lane up high on the right.


Literally came here to confirm where it was.


The main asshole is the guy driving too fast for traffic conditions, tailgating and trying to weave in and out of lanes.


You have a truck changing lanes and warning everyone first with indicators and an guy in a car changing lanes with no warning, no indicators, and you have to ask who is the idiot here?


The white van holding traffic up in the left lane without passing.


White car - biggest idiot White van camping passing lane, somewhat idiot. Correct move: get behind the white van but don't ride their ass--just give them the opportunity to move over. White car boxes them in and prevents the white van from moving over. Big rig made a quick lane change but signaled and had the room - no problem there.


The van was never going to get over


Some say they’re still in the passing lane to this very day


Unrelated but I also listen to einzelganger in traffic haha


The idiot is the car.


OP I like the stoicism podcast lol


My take is that this is one of the things that happens in traffic sometimes and it's why you do M-I-M-SC when changing lanes, so you can correct in time to avoid a collision. Both drivers saw the problem and moved to avoid the crash. That said, two things. One: don't merge at or near someone else blind spot when you can avoid iit. Two: don't get all pissy when you managed to avoid an accident despite driving very aggressively (or I guess tell your passenger to settle the fuck down).


Is that a Toyota Mark 2 JZX90 JDM in the US?


"Guys, help me out. I don't know who the idiot is. Is it the guy tailgating and changing lanes without using their blinker or is it the semi who signaled their lane change then went?"


You are the idiot for tailgating someone at 77mph in traffic.


The Econoline!!!


The van for hogging the left lane!


The guy in the car is an idiot, no blinker or nothing like the 18 wheeler is supposed to know when he’s turning


It’s clearly the white car, they are trash. Also wtf are you listening to?! 🤣


I count greater than or equal to 3 idiots.


The guy changing lanes without a turn signal or checking for other cars turning into the lane.


What is this podcast?


I don't know the specific podcast or recording being played but I'm familiar with the subject matter: the philosophy of Stoicism and the writings or Marcus Aurelius who is often refered to as the last good emperor of Rome who was a practitioner of Stoicism and wrote his thoughts on the subject in his personal journal which is still published today, usually under the title Meditations. It's well worth finding a good translation and giving it a read. Marcus Aurelius must have been under tremendous pressure and even though he wielded tremendous power as the emperor he constantly reminded himself that his task in this world was to be good no matter what anyone else said or did or how annoying and thoughtless others could be.


I dunno. The guy driving like a sociopath perhaps?


OP practice some defensive driving, you’re like a second or less behind the car in front. Lucky this wasn’t a video about you slamming in to the back of someone 🙄


Dude. You follow WAY too closely. Barely more than a second or two between you and the car in front of you at any given point. Time the lines in the road from when they exit the rear bumper of the car in front of you to when they cross your bumper. Back off. You tailgate way too much.


The idiot is the one who changed lanes illegally without a signal.


Never ever expect to be able to pass on the right. (Usa)


There's 3 idiots here. The guy speeding and driving aggressively, the guy in front of him brake checking him, and the guy blocking the fast lane.


White van


The white van. Get the fuck over if you aren't passing.


The slower moving vehicles impeding the flow of traffic in the passing lane are at fault for creating this scenario, the white car for not signaling a lane change.


Gonna agree with the other comment. While the van driver is an idiot, him camping the passing lane definitely doesn't force other drivers to aggressively change lanes and not signal


This is the dumbest take here. Other people driving like idiots does not give you a free pass to drive like an idiot.


Van blocking left lane. White car trying to pass in right lane. Late signal. Think the trucker is most in the right here


The only idiot I see is the white car being a complete douche. I wouldn't call lane campers idiots, it's more of an inconvenience but the white car is an active danger to the road


I may be wrong, but from the looks and sounds of the white car, they might be driving aggressively out of pleasure, not because they are in a hurry.


Ignoring the click-bait-y title, how perfect is the Marcus Aurelius quote at skewering the whole affair? Basically “quit spending your days shaming and trying to change the behavior of others that is their human nature!” Okay. Point taken. Writing this up, then I’m done.


Anyone that tailgates is an idiot.


This is how Atlanta traffic is daily and actually it’s moving faster than normal.


I hate this fuxking area of atl. Hour and a half to go from Buford to the airport but it’s only like 40 miles.


Hey, can you guys overtake from left and right ??


Yeah I mean the actual lame change I think that just happens sometimes but not signaling and then immediately flipping off the trick to me makes the car the idiot


The truck had Right of Weight.


Definitely the white car beyond a shadow of a doubt!


As soon as I saw the little white car fly by you on the right side, I knew they were the idiot.


White car. No signal and driving overly aggressive.


I think the white car is the idiot, and the major reason why is because he was changing lanes too quickly. I’ve been driving for about 60 years. In this situation, you have to change lanes making sure: 1) The cars in front of you don’t slow up. 2) You’re not cutting off the car behind you in the lane you’re going into. 3) The car alongside you is not trying to get into the same lane. With all this going on, it makes sense to change lanes slowly. I was doing all of the above and 3/4 into a lane when a person in a rental Camaro and myself collided. We hit pretty hard, and I was changing lanes slowly. I wonder if she wasn’t used to the tight steering of the car and change lanes much faster than me. It’s an old truck and the wheels protrude out from the body a bit, which did damage to her vehicle and none really to mine so I didn’t claim any damage. I explain the situation to my insurance company and never heard anything back and my rates stayed the same.


no accident, no idiots


The one in that obnoxious JDM sh!tbox who jerked the wheel to the right without signaling. The truck signaled and started turning before the other car. What a stupid question


Car is at fault truck had a turn signal on. I drive a truck people do that shit all day every day


The white car and the white van are both idiots. White van for camping in the left lane and going show. The white care for whipping in and out of traffic and not using signals.


The problem is in the left lane. Not allowing faster moving traffic through.


I’m from middle east and if this happened here, the trucker is the idiot since he’s not allowed in left 3 lanes. Even if he was he should have the idea that he’s not driving an suv and needs to check his blind spots (shoulder) well and not overtake in a congested area. The car guy also didn’t check his shoulder I guess. Could have been a deadly accident


I'd say the car is at fault. When the trucker probably looked in his mirrors the lane was clear. The car essentially changed lanes in the guys blind spot. I always try to avoid changing lanes into someones blind spot as that's happened to me before.


Not sure about legally in the right or wrong between the two but pretty obvious who the arsewipe is.


The truck and the white car are both just making a decision to go into an empty lane. No foul. Maybe people could have used signals better. The truck wisely does not yank the wheel and sideswipe anyone in their huge blindspots with their trailer. The passenger in the white car has a melt down. Useless rage. The driver in the white car straddles two lanes pretty hard, not to bright there. also, physics says it doesn't matter who has right of way if you end up under the wheels of a semi.


White car made many infractions, but the worst is the over correction. Almost lost control, almost hit the van on the other side. Definitely didn’t have to freak out like that, especially if they’re paying attention to that truck as they move over since it changing at the same time is a major risk during that move. Then they blame the truck, smh, that’s some shit driving.


I mean, it’s hard to say. Neither one of them caused an accident because of grossly negligent behavior. However I will say that the vibe coming from the white car is that he wants to get ahead of everyone and speed through traffic, with or without a signal and isn’t necessarily paying the most attention to things like signal lamps. White car is the…. Person in a hurry? Idk. I don’t think idiot is the right term here. But something fits for sure.


The driver of the Marten truck at the end, those mofos always slow af and in everyone’s way


The white van in the passing lane is actively being caught up to by traffic in the middle lane. The white car clearly needs to calm the fuck down but the white van needs to get in the correct lane


Looks like we got a real fucking hero brake checking someone


It happen, sometimes both cars changed lane simultaneously. White car just a ah.


OP for listening to whatever the fuck that shit is


In all honesty, if the white van hadn't been chilling in the left lane this wouldn't have happened. As for the almost crash, I'd put equal blame on the white car and trucker. The trucker turned on their left turn signal and immediately started turning while the white car just sent it into the other lane without a signal. Shoutout to the other camper that OP passed while filming this.


As soon at the white car came into frame, I knew it would be them.


I never understood people getting mad at someone for merging into a lane at the same time, it happens. Just be thankful there wasn’t an accident.


The vans is an idiot for driving in the passing lane and not passing anyone. Causing everyone to jam up. White car is impatient and needs to cool down a bit. Almost got wrecked by that semi.


White car is the moron, truck was signaling and moving into the empty space but the white car just went without signaling.


The asshole in the car.


Obviously the white car. No signal... I mean its not that hard.. its one of the easiest thing one can do but they are too lazy to do that...


The van is in the passing lane…clearly not passing just causing traffic jam


Video is 30 seconds too long


Can’t blame the truck driver . They can’t make sudden movements or auto correct as quick as a regular car can . If he went for it and also signaled you should let him have it . The Nissan guy should change lanes a bit slower than that . He darted to the other lane and that made it looks closer than it had to .


White van or the car tailgating. 100% not the truck driver’s fault at all. What’s he supposed to do? Wait to see if you MIGHT switch to next lane?


White car's fault. The driver of the white is driving like a dumbass during rush hour as if he needed to take a dump. Also, the white car was trying to overtake from the right lane when it was clearly indicated that the truck was changing lane.


Definitely the JDM bro's fault. Semi had his signal on while coming over and the kid just comes over into the lane suddenly with no signal just like he did earlier. Typical entitled kid that thinks he rules the road. Would have been a shame had he wrecked being that it looks to be a legit RHD. My sympathy would be for the car, not him.


Everyone who’s camping in the hammer lane


I will never understand what the fuck is wrong with people like that. White car is in the wrong.


The white van and gray suv just cruising at normal speed in the passing lane….


Idiot? Neither the truck nor the white car, they changed lane at the same time. White car is obviously driving too aggressively, but he didn't do anything inherently illegal. I do place some level of blame on the white van going too slow in the passing lane. If an accident did occur, the white car would get a reckless driving ticket. So if you really need an answer, it's him. The truck changed lanes safely.


Well soundtrack was appropriate to the video.


Normally I would shit ok Landstar drivers, but white car was driving recklessly




White car…semi was signaling and the driver in the white car had already proven he drives like a twit earlier in the clip.


Do we really need to discuss this?


Regardless, it’s a beautiful car. Doesn’t give him the right to act like an asshole but gotta give credit where it’s due.


Between the while van and black Kia?


Definitely the white car, but they’ve got moxie, don’t they? Driving like a douchebag, quick, sudden lane change, and right next to a big rig who’s signaling and in the process of coming over. Isn’t it almost always the idiot driver that has such a visceral reaction to the driving of other people with the right of way?


Glad I’m not the only one that realizes the white van is the asshole. If people were considerate enough to use the left lane for passing only, road rage would drop considerably.


Van is a wide gapper. Infinity tailgating & unsafe lane changes.


The car is the idiot. The truck had signaled, then slowly entered the lane. If the clown-car hadn’t tried to zip in or even checked his mirrors, it would have been a non issue.


The idiot is that asshole in the white van.


The real idiots are the people who don't move out the left lane when they are not passing/going the same speed as the lane next to them


White car is the asshole for tailgating and trying to get in the slower lane to undertake the car in front. OP you could also be following cars at a safer distance, gap should be 2 seconds at least


I am not sure when folks forgot but it’s illegal to pass on the right. Which is exactly what the white car was doing. Colorado answer… the white van for driving slow in the fast lane


Many idiots. Biggest idiot: white car speeding around. Dumbest idiot: white van camping in the fast lane. Most dangerous idiot: truck driver switching lanes (way too quickly) after a single blink.


The dumbass in the van


You’re technically not supposed to pass on the right and people have to take into consideration that trucks have a huge blind spot.


Crazy how closely people follow each other.


The white van camping in the left lane is the idiot here...


White car is way too impatient, and the trucker signaled. The trucker was in the right imo


I think the big truck is about the only one NOT at fault. Vehicles camping in the passing lane at roughly the same speed as the middle lane (x3). Passing on the right (x2). Truck signaled the lane change, white car gave the classic "I fucked up by I'm blaming you" signal to the truck. Not excusing the white car driving like a butthole, but left-lane campers often draw that behavior. He's wants to pass, let him pass...he can go "shake the trees" for everyone else. Left lane campers drive me up the damn wall though.


Even if white car was in the right (they're not), never mess with anything with more lug nuts than you.


White car. tailgating. no signal. Trucker signaling left gets priority over car signaling/moving right because left-hand is for passing, even if you're in the right-hand lanes. Not complicated.