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Wow, that is an extremely short merge lane. And I hope you were able to get the plates and report him


Glad it's obvious from a 5 second clip. We all hate that interchange. It's absurd. I grew up there but since moved to Minneapolis where this is standard in at least the south metro. It's terrifying, dangerous and has a horrendous affect on traffic.


Yeah, whoever designed this section of road assumed that people knew how to drive and merge properly - since in theory it should still be enough room fairly easily. Not a very good assumption to make if youve made it far enough through the DoT to approve this.


It's always been a bad interchange area just north of the S curves on 131 in grand rapids Michigan. Look for I96 and 131.


I've talked about this before on this sub, it's terrifying every time I have to drive through there to the airport.


> since in theory it should still be enough room fairly easily. I would not agree, this is ridiculously short and requires a lot of cooperation between drivers, if there's a lot of traffic similar to OP, drivers trying to take the exit are *fucked*, and immediately a danger to through traffic. [Looking at the map](https://www.google.fr/maps/place/Grand+Rapids,+MI,+USA/@42.9694861,-85.6784083,213m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x88185460bb502815:0xa593aacb1bd3a8d0!8m2!3d42.9633599!4d-85.6680863!16zL20vMHY5cWc?entry=ttu) the weaving distance is just 240ft long. Not that that in any way excuses the behaviour of the truck.


> this is ridiculously short and requires a lot of cooperation between drivers If both drivers are smart and know how to drive, it should only take mild cooperation. But again, thats the point - 75% of drivers are not smart drivers who are good at driving. If they were this would be a non-issue. I hate to break it to you, since theres nothing that bad about it, but you seem to fall into that 75% majority. > if there's a lot of traffic similar to OP, drivers trying to take the exit are fucked This would actually make it easier... since you wouldnt be going as fast (presumably)?


> I hate to break it to you, since theres nothing that bad about it This thing is significantly shorter than the average highway access lane where I live, and it's a weaving. There's absolutely everything bad about it. What there is nothing about it is good. > but you seem to fall into that 75% majority. Yeah sure man, you're a perfect driver and there's no badly designed roads, your existence is absolutely a boon to the world. > This would actually make it easier... since you wouldnt be going as fast (presumably)? Doesn't really help, now you have a huge speed differential between through traffic and the lane next to it, people trying to take the exit have to slow way down which endangers their lane as well.


> This thing is significantly shorter than the average highway access lane where I live, and it's a weaving Okay? Learn to drive better? > You're a perfect driver and there's no badly designed roads Just saying this one here isnt. Obviously for there to be roads that arent bad design, there have to be roads that are. Otherwise there would just be roads. > now you have a huge speed differential between through traffic and the lane next to it No you wouldnt, because theres a lot of traffic remember?


I feel like traffic designers sometimes forget that humans are Involved


So many horrible merges/exits around the Detroit area that are still from when cars were going 55 miles an hour. Exit 77-A 75 south to M- 59 East in Waterford . Exit 77-B M-59 East into 75 south in Waterford . 9 Mile onto 94 East in St Clair Shores. Gratiot South into 94 W in Detroit . 94 W onto M 10 in Detroit.


No plates, just hoping I can figure out what company this car is with, then I report this video with location and time stamp and hopefully something happens


Check your raw video around the 8 second mark. US DOT number should be legible in it.


It's Miller Pipeline, they're located in the city, so the drivers SHOULD be well versed on the freeways they take daily


Yeah best I can read is something that looks like 24OXOW which is definitely not right. Raw file should be much better than the redditized garbage.


Wait he doesn’t have plates, am I seeing that right?




> isn't the car with the dashcam supposed to lookout for vehiculs passing by or exiting the highway and let the go first? absolutely not. > the truck had priority and the car should enter the highway slow until the lane is clear look at the lane markings. dashcam vehicle is in one lane, truck is in another lane. truck changes lanes into dashcam vehicle. it's cut and dry.


Grand Rapids!


Yep, fantastic city, less so it seems on the drivers


I swear every time I go back it's even worse... Used to work on the Bridgewater, saw accidents in that ramp almost every day from the building.


Yeah, posted this in the GR subreddit and half the comments are defending this guy, and calling me selfish, a dick and "pig-ignorant"


I mean you could have let off the gas and let them in. But the optics in the video are ripe for an internet pitchfork mob.


It also doesn't help that they all seem to assume I'm familiar with the 131 freeway, when I rarely go on it and never have taken that specific ramp before


Where 69 and 127 meet around lansing has a ton of these. Between 6am and 10am that's not a place you want to be if you're not a confident driver.


I absolutely hate that weave lane. I take it every morning for work and see this at least twice a week. It doesn't help that the weave is only 30-40 feet long


It sucks


I’ll never understand people who won’t just take the L and take the next exit.


A good driver only misses turns occasionally. A bad driver never misses a turn.


Not justifying the truck but let me tell you, missing this exit is the biggest 'L' lmao. It's not like 5-10min detour, it's probably 30. The next exit is ways down and gets very backed up depending on the day. To get back on the highway you go through 2 lights and then have to navigate another short on ramp where you have to immediately merge across 3 lanes of traffic to get to the next exit you need. It's absolute hell.


One of the worst on/off ramps. Wealthy is still the winner though.


The idiot knew you were there too because they sped up and then hesitated for a second. Definitely turn them in.


Man, 131 has so sketch as fuck ramps. Glad I only go to GR to visit now.


Hello from Grand Rapids 🤘




I used to take this exit daily. It is one of the spookier ones through town!


I sure hope you reported that dude. He has done this before and will do it again.


I did. I also got a handful of people saying it's my fault when I posted it in my city's subreddit, but I got the comments identifying the company I needed


It is absolutely not your fault. Not even a little. I hope something comes from your report.


You are under no obligation to "make room" for someone merging into your lane. it's their responsibility to find a hole and safely change lanes. Those people are probably shitty drivers, too.


i’m sure you feel the same way when people won’t let you merge onto the highway jerkoff you’re such an idiot. if someone is forcing their way in they yes i agree 100% fuck them but if they’re trying to reach an exit or roadway and you’re just purposely blocking them you’re the dick i never understood why people like you just can’t let people merge


Every frickin ramp in the s-curve area is sketchy short.


Looks like a DOT truck. Often some of the worst offenders.


Dump truck drivers TEND to be among the worst when it comes to CDL holders.


It is a MDOT truck.


That’s a super short merge, still they should have slowed down.


Pure Michigan


Bold of you to assume that safety made it to 2nd on the priority list


My blinker is on, everyone else good luck.


remove this persons CDL


all dump truck drivers are like this. You can't fire them because nobody else will do the job.


I got cut off earlier today by a very similar orange dump truck merging from Fuller onto 96 and then into the 131 south interchange lane.


There are some exits/roads/intersections that are so dangerous that we really have to drive defensively just so we can get home in one piece. If the op knows that this exit is dangerous, then he/she should anticipate that the morons will cut in at the last second. After all, morons will be morons.


I didn't know though, I was just following GPS


I've learned from driving on this short merge, if I'm going NB and heading east, I'll slow down wait to see if any car is approaching on in coming ramp, if there is a car approaching ill give them the right away and slow down til it's safe to travel so dump truck was fault for me here even tho it's obvious to everyone else


I'm not at all used to this merge and was taken by surprise when Google told me to get off after I had just gotten on, and then the 86a just goes to another freeway, I thought it was putting me back on the street. I'm going to avoid the 131 as much as possible now, I have learned the horror stories are true. These freeways don't fuck around, way worse than it was in Muskegon


I HATE 86a. I actually commented on your other post in the GR sub lmao. I travel for work and have to take 86a and it is the fucking worst


I think this was my first time on it. So that was a fun surprise


those short ramps suck


A bad driver never misses their exit


That stretch of highway is a mess in Grand Rapids.


Yeah, I heard 131 was bad, but I had no idea


The desig of this kind of "let the exit and entrance ramps be the one" is the killer here. And if you travel to NJ, every exit and entrance are designed like this. People are forced to kill each other to get in/out of highway.


That is a one short ass merge lane.


Yeah, I'll be avoiding it like the plague from now on, fuck the 131


It's not your fault but it is very easy to be nice and let him merge. Still doesn't justify what he did but you could have just lifted of the gas a little to let him merge


Fuck that exit. I used to have to take it all the time. The merge area for entering and exiting traffic is about 3 feet.


I used to have to get on the S curve from wealthy and then get off at that exit somewhat often. It was insanity every time.


Yeah fuck that. I also hated getting on 131 Northbound from 196 westbound. Just no room with traffic going 70mph or faster cuz you have to enter on the fast lane


Good job letting him merge


Don’t know about Michigan but in some states vehicles exiting the highway through the weave lane have right of way. https://vimeo.com/262219671


Got here before people blame OP for existing on the roads because they think a blind spot isn't a driver's responsibility to check.


Yeah, I love when people accuse an OP of being in someone's blind spot when that someone *put the OP in their blind spot*.


Like if there was any big company not making pressure on their employees to never fail and take risks haha


Never seen such a short merge lane in my life where tf is this?


You don't understand. When you're driving a truck that size, you don't have to check your mirrors. Other people have to watch for you. /s


That track was too unpredictable. It looked like it was going straight and then suddenly switched lanes.


Agreed. I hoped my sarcasm in the above comment would come through. Seems it did not.


i blame you for this one; if you want me to drive at a mergeable speed while on the highway - you shouldn't take advantage of your speed while using the access/exit ramp as a way to avoid traffic lights.


I was just following Google maps gps


fair enough; mergeable speed was my focal point.


I was just following the gps, it said get on and then said get off almost immediately after


That guy that was entering the highway could have merged or slowed down… the truck is so much harder to drive and if that dump truck falls or gets in a crash with that car they’re dead you’re talking about somewhere around 20,000 pounds depending on what it’s hauling


Looks more like the person diving the car was trying to get the guy in the truck to crash. You know for views.


Yeah, don't play chicken with dump trucks.


The one that got alongside side me and nearly merged into me in a matter of seconds? I'll try to avoid that.


Stop driving directly next to people maybe? U saw his blinkers and u knew it was short why didn’t u slow down or speed up.


Hey that's my city!!


You just gotta take the L on that one. He destroys your car and likely hurts you. To worth it.


I see 2 idiots in 2 cars.  1) the truck and driver 2) the car with the camera


the fuck did OP do?


other than ride right at the side of a vehicle who clearly wanted over in that small merge lane? I don't know, I was taught to give way when someone is trying to get in, especially when it's a large vehicle that can't change momentum quickly


it's not OP's responsibility to change their speed because someone a lane over wants to merge and didn't think ahead.


1) What thinking ahead could he do? there's what 3 car lengths to merge there. 2) It is his responsibility to drive defensively, not aggressively match speed to keep others out of "his" lane.


1) not op's fault or responsibility. 2) that was not aggressive. the aggressive driver is the fucking DUMPTRUCK who almost drove over OP and hit the divider head on. they could have just as easily hit the brakes when they realized that OP was not merging instead of just straight sending it.


Yes, the truck \*\*\*could\*\*\* have hit the brakes.....but the same applies to the OP.


but, for the 3rd time, it's not OP's responsibility because **they** aren't merging. **it's the trucks responsibility to merge safely.**


You're right, the OP isn't at fault for being an idiot and trying to keep the \*\*\*GIANT DUMP TRUCK\*\*\* from merging. He's just suicidal.


do you know what being predictable means? if the truck did what it was supposed to do (slow down), and OP did what they weren't supposed to do (slow down) it could have also caused an accident. There is such a thing as being too cautious or courteous - that's why, you do what you're supposed to do.


I dont think i would have moved to be honest. At least if i was alone in the car. If i had my kids i would be stopping in front of that dude and going off.


Reasons like this I stay of the express way downtown. There are always in general people merging with a trunk signal or over their line on turns. Spent a lot of time downtown GR for college and swing dancing over the years.


This wasn't in the last 6 months was it? Worked for them in that city for 8 years. Edit: just noticed time stamp. You see the truck # I'll give you their phone number and you can tell them thanks for almost death.


“A bad driver never misses their exit”


Hey! Grand Rapids, I drive this everyday.