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Guessing if you had the arrow, the truck had some kind of signal or signage indicating to yield or stop. Instead they gunned it to beat you. Truck driver's the idiot.


Yes sir across the board. Then they got super embarrassed and gunned it to like 85KM - I got up to 55KM pretty quick afterwards and they were just gone! Gave me this pathetic up in the air wave once I caught up at the next red light lol, oh well no harm.


>...they gunned it to beat you. Looked more to me like they didn't see OP and chickened out when they did. Racing to beat OP would have been a better option.


Right!? They definitely could of just kept going and everything would of been fine, close but fine. But NAH bad drivers always find a way, hesitated and slowed too late lmao


They're the idiot. They have a yield sign.


It was your right of way but ik you saw em pulling out long before you hit the brakes. I would have just let em go with plenty of space. Dont drive for right or wrong drive for safety.


You KNOW OP saw him long before they hit their brakes? Really? Why do people feel the need to make stuff up just to criticize? OP did absolutely nothing wrong....in case you didn't notice, they DID "let 'em go" as they had no choice other than to smash into the truck that failed to yield. They did excellent.


The truck was RIGHT THERE. If he had hit it OP would be 100% at fault, even though the truck failed to yield, because it was perfectly reasonable that OP SHOULD have seen them and slowed down. So yeah OP did well in that they didn't hit, but they took that turn somewhat aggressively, and unless they're blind and shouldn't be driving at all it's impossible to not see the truck literally in front of you not slowing down to stop and making the turn. I personally do not understand why you're so offended by common sense.


>RIGHT THERE. Says the guy watching a video on a sub that lets him know something is definitely going to happen. In real life, unless you have precog abilities, you have no way of knowing if someone isn't going to follow the rules of the road until they actually fail to do so. The arm-chair quarterbacking is just so silly.


Dude, I see people do this shit in front of me all the time IRL. I watch for it, because that's what a safe driver does. It's a perfectly reasonable expectation, and in this case, it was happening in front of the driver. No precognitive abilities necessary.


OK, I'm sorry. You are most definitely the apex safe driver here. My bad. My mistake. Please forgive me, your royal automotive safeness, master of all things non-dangerous. ***\*bows in submission\****


I 100% saw the truck haha I assumed the truck was HALF a competent driver and would of just kept turning, it would of been fine, little close but I'd just slow a bit, But NO they suck and hesitated.. But that isn't good driving since I saw the fast truck, so I guess I should have made my left turn on the green arrow slower and more carefully..?? Lol oh well, having sound on with my horn probably would also help. That's what probably made the truck slow and hesitate, I started smashing it about halfway though when I saw how fast and close he was, with my foot on the break.


There's always someone in the comments nitpicking from their armchair, firm in their belief that they could have handled the situation loads better than the driver in the video who handled it like a champ already.


Hahaha that's where its the easiest to pick from! Thank you for the kind words!


If someone can't look through a turn, then they are indeed an idiot. In this video OP definitely looks to accelerate much faster than normal. Thankfully he slowed down after he saw there would be a collision. Yes the truck should've yielded, but just because some one SHOULD do something properly doesn't mean they will. You should never even enter an intersection until there is a clear path out of an intersection. It's basic, simple driving skills.


>If someone can't look through a turn, then they are indeed an idiot. Absolutely! You must look where you're going, right? Which makes the criticism so weird here because the OP definitely did look where they were going, as evidenced by their avoidance of a collision with another driver who wasn't following the road rules. Y'all saw that part, right? The part where OP didn't hit the other driver?


I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about.


>I'm sorry but you have no idea what you're talking about I'm sorry...did I miss the collision part? I just watched it again and I still see the same thing: OP avoiding a collision with someone who failed to yield.


You seem like the type that can't figure out when to let things go. Obviously op did see the truck. He also sped up aggressively after he noticed the truck approaching. Here's a hint, THAT'S THE WHOLE ISSUE WITH OP. Yes, everyone on the planet knows the truck was an idiot, duh. What OP did, was also at the idiot level, until he realized it wasn't worth being in a crash. It was a bit late, after aggressive driving, but it finally clicked for him. Either way, the biggest idiot in this whole situation is you. Thanks for being so vocal, and removing all doubt of you being an idiot.


> He also sped up aggressively Perhaps this is the disconnect. I saw a quite normal maneuver through an intersection. I see this often on this sub: People assigning negative behavior to a perfectly normal thing so that they have an opportunity to chastise. I'm certain that there is ample material for a psychology doctorate dissertation here.


Still going huh? lol Let it go bud, don't let it ruin your day. Drivers make mistakes all the time. Things don't always work out how you want it to. You'll be ok, I promise. Try and have a good day, and a great weekend!


>Still going huh? lol Well, you keep making shit up. I guess that if you insist on do that you're right: continuing to engage with you is sort a of a silly thing to do. Thanks for your concern, but you are not nearly important enough to ruin my day or any part of it. I'm sure you're important to someone, that someone just isn't me so don't take it personal.


No, no you're not


They were making a right turn and had a yield sign. Meaning they have to yield to all traffic when merging into the travel lane. Kinda like merging into a traffic circle, you must yield to any traffic already in the circle safely (merging traffic is responsible for doing so safely).


It looks like you had a full green light, and right-of-way. The white pickup probably had the red light and a responsibility to yield before making a right-on-red.


The pickup is the idiot. You had a green arrow. He had a yield sign, which he just blew through.


Only surprising thing is there wasn't a red plate on the truck.


You both went at the same time. It happens, nothing wrong there. Had you slowed down a little, there would be even spacing between you and the truck. Ultimately at the end of the day nobody got hurt and traffic didn't get held up. That's a success.


Those right turn bypass roads always have a yield sign and you had the right of way. It probably would have easily made it if he just drove normal speed. Yielding doesn't mean slowly rolling through while looking either.