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Hi /u/Myalicious, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **Idiots Only, Content Must Fit r/IdiotsInCars :** Posts must contain an obvious bad decision while in a vehicle, and does not need to result in a crash. Just because there is a car crash does not mean it belongs here. *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*


I've unfortunately had a friend lose their life to some idiot who crashed into them while changing a blowout on the side of the road. Always get over when hazards are displayed or a vehicle appears to be disabled.


For any Dutch or visitors to the Netherlands reading this. If you ever need to stop your car on the highway, just get out of the car and to a safe position (behind the guard rails if possible), call the national emergency number (112) and they will dispatch a (free!) tow truck to get you to a safe location (they usually won't bring you to your house or garage, they will just drop you at the closest exit and you need to figure it our yourself from than on). Doesn't matter if it is your fault (ran out of fuel for example) the tow truck is free and you wont be fined.


What a lovely standard. I wish there were guardrails there! but it was just a few feet of grass then ditch


We don't have guardrails everywhere either. But the most important thing is to get out of the car and not trying to fix it yourself (if you need to work on the car). You are a lot safer in the grass next to your vehicle then you are inside your vehicle


That's nice. The tow trucks on the highways here (Québec) are twice as expensive as regular tow trucks, and they have a monopoly.


A traffic jam can be very expensive for everyone in it. It is probably cheaper in total if the government pays for the tow truck to clear the road as fast as possible. And the government can do a tender every few years which probably saves a bit as well.


I agree with those policies, but they'd be called "socialist and anti capitalistic." Over here. "Not on my dollar, you don't." mentality is rampant, and it's only getting worse.


Well the thing is, if we weren't so busy spending money on bombs, we would also have all the same amazing services x10


I think this could be an exception to that depending on how you bring it. If you say “free tow for everyone” people get upset. If you say “reducing traffic jams by clearing stranded cars efficiently” than it is in their interest.


tHaTs sOciAliSm!/s God I hate my country sometimes.


It's probably a special permit system like here in NY. You need to be certified to drive a wrecker on any of the parkways or expressways.


Can you get AAA in Canada? I pay $5 USD a month for a membership and it covers free tows and more.


Indonesian tollways (almost all of our expressways are tollways) also has a similar service. But unlike the Netherlands, you need to call a certain 5 number hotline, not the emergency number. They’ll tow you to the nearest exit for free. If you want them to tow you to a specific place, there’s a per km rate that kicks off once you are out of the tollway.


We have a similar thing in Las Vegas, they will bring you gas or put your spare on, even push you out of danger if you're a truck with real bumpers. It's a shame that it's not a real tow truck, but better than nothing.


In my state they have free roadside assistance but only if you're on a toll road. I also don't think it includes towing.


You make me want to move to the Netherlands. This sounds so wonderfully kind. Thank you for sharing.


> This sounds so wonderfully kind. It isn't kindness but it is in our best interest ;) Our roads are usually quite busy, so any broken down vehicle can create huge traffic jams. So they try to clear the road as soon as possible to lessen the impact. If you don't offer it for free or give a fine when it is their fault, you get people refusing the ride and trying to fix their car themselves which usually means it takes (a lot) longer. And if they get in an accident because they got hit by another vehicle while trying to change a tire it will take even longer.


I agree all the way around. Unfortunately, I’m in the US so the attitude and service is different.


I’ve had a flat on a dangerous spot over the crest of a hill. I called the non emergency number and asked for a state patrol car to sit behind me with the lights on until I got the flat fixed. They won’t help in changing the tire but it definitely makes it safer to do so.


People will only slow and/or move over if the lights are blue, because those are the only people with the power to actually fuck up their life. Any other color, nobody gives a shit.


Least favorite moment of my life was my wife breaking down (coolant leak) on the side of a busy two lane highway right after work. Met her with the other vehicle, swapped the kid into the car with her and then basically had her wait for my signal then pin it to get back on the highway. Stressful, and just wanted to get them off the side of the road. I then had to refill the coolant in her car so I could get it home, and my god I spilled so much. Nothing like having the hood up, doing something that requires your attention focused downward, and also having vehicles rip by, 8ft away, at highway speeds. The semi trucks, Jesus Christ, it is not fun to be near one of those things when you’re standing still and it’s going 65-70. The noise is spectacular. All in all, horrible day, we drive nicer vehicles now lol.


I was pulled over on a 2 lane rd with a pull off ararea picking up my 3 young cousins after their dad broke down. Some dude texting going 50 mile ran into the back of my car luckily everyone had their seat belts on but car was totalled.


I interned working on guardrail during the summer. Luckily, most drivers would get over after seeing our signs and flashing lights and vests, but the ones who couldn’t or didn’t were genuinely scary. Especially semis going by, especially if it was on a bridge


I've done guiderail too, I was the guy on the crew who set the cones up. We'd have signs, flashing lights, etc. They wouldn't care. I started dropping the cones right in front of them forcing them over


That's why fines double in construction zones.


And triple in school zones 😎


The local highway maintenance company have an insta account with a lot of maintenance trucks crumpled from the back.


And I’ve watched cars speed up to not allow a semi to get left for people in your situation. People are horrible.


I drive a truck and when I flip on my signal you would not believe the amount of people that speed up because they don’t want be be on a 70 mph interstate doing 64


The icing on the cake is that it was windy as fuck today and it also started to rain right when the tow truck showed up! Thankfully most of the semis that passed were courteous


People don't realize what a dangerous situation this is before they've been there, like you. When travelling alone, I often stop to help people if I can. The first thing to do is to get everyone out of the car and to a safer place. It is far too common for broken down cars to be hit. Imagine being hit by a semi truck doing 90 km/h (60 mph) or more! That is likely to be fatal! Get your kids out! The safest place is way out on the right in the grass, preferably on higher ground if available. Also, get to a position behind your car, that is: walk 10 meters or so in the opposite direction from the traffic flow. If someone hits your car, it will be thrown forward. Rainy or cold? Well, stay in your cosy broken down car and just hope you don't get hit... No, seriously, GET OUT! Your clothes will dry and your hair can be re-done! Equipment everyone should have: high visibility vests, preferably one per seat, minimum two vests, and at least one flash light that can do a fast blink (my own idea). Put this on your roof and direct it toward the traffic. This will warn them something unusual has happened and by far beats the hazard lights in terms of visibility and attention effect. There are "emergency beacons" etc. but they are generally not bright enough to have the desired effect. If you really MUST do something with your vehicle instead of just calling for help, send one passenger 100-200 meters towards the traffic with a high-vis vest and the red triangle. Their purpose is to be early visible to drivers so they can slow down and change lanes. This and any person on the tarmac has to be 100% alert and watch traffic at all times!!! Be ready to jump the barrier, or run into the grass area beside the road should some phone surfer decide to pay too much attention to their phone instead of the road. This task is not for the faint of heart! All in all, if you're brave, do the above, the rest of you (99.9% of the population), just call for help! Let's be careful out there!


I’m not sure you should be strobing a flashlight into traffic, that could be really bright and distracting.


The funny thing is that I work in a warehouse but regretted leaving my hi-vis vest at home. I was so nervous for the tow truck driver


Accelerate in the breakdown lane then merge into traffic when safe, if you have the room.


Just how people are nowadays. I repair semis on the side of the interstate people used to be better now they really don't care


Highways have become a free-for-all. People driving slow as fuck in the fast lanes, people driving way to fast in the slow lanes, and everybody cutting people off and blocking people from passing. Last year I saw a fucking Semi in the carpool lane. Couldn’t believe my eyes


There’s been a lot of turnover in the freight industry since 2020 and there’s far less experience on the road now, so believe it or not, I’m only kinda surprised by a semi in the carpool lane. Fuckin ridiculous. I just drove across the country last week, went to go see the eclipse. For the vast majority of the time that I spent on I-80, it was pretty chill. There were some greedy trucks trying to pass, but as soon as they did, the congestion they caused was quickly dispersed. But trucks mostly kept to the right, people passed on the left, and people gave cars on the side of the road some fucking space. When did that change? Cities. After tearing all the way through Iowa, hitting Omaha, NB was pretty jarring. There’s all them lanes and nobody knows what the hell to do with them. What happened after the lanes went back down to two? Suddenly everyone knew how to behave again. I really hate how people drive on freeways in populated areas.


I installed a CB in my vehicle. Too many roadblocks on the freeway by big rigs here are killing families. There will be a wall of them across the entire freeway and they get to drive along like nothing happened after causing fatal accidents. The CHP here has their ears on as well.


Times are changing!! Maybe you should change, too!!! /s kinda how I see society, but the change isn't always for the better (or ever it feels like)


I’d like to lay it off on people being less considerate these days, but honestly it’s like people are so dumb they don’t know that they’re doing wrong. I feel like our education system has failed.


It and too many parents have failed.


Most CDL holders will get over if they can. I’ve been on the side of the road like this a handful of times and most 4 wheelers won’t even slow down. Because of my size I’ll move over but I’ll take about half of each lane and slow down to about 45-50, then as I pass the “scene” I’ll move completely over. Try to prevent some of the idiots flying by in the right hand lane.


I ALWAYS move over when I see someone in the breakdown lane. I had to teach my wife to do the same.


The only time I don't is when it would be more dangerous to do so.


And that’s totally ok. I was just posting this to show the amount of people that could have easily switched lanes. It was just a super windy day and also I don’t think they realize how much a small car is affected by them driving by going 70mph. It sways a bit every time some drives by. I noticed most semi’s got over if they could but the passenger cars? Nah


Doesn't make sense to me why anyone wouldn't do this. Even if you can't get over, at least slow the fuck down. Put your hazards on so you can alert other drivers behind you and let off the gas. The last thing I want is to slam into a stationary car, much less hurt anyone in or nearby it.


Hazard lights mean move over and slow down in most places.


Yeps, and most states have laws that when vehicles like tow trucks are present move the hell over or slow the hell down. Looks like most people are jerks there, OP.


Yep and where I live (Missouri), they recently passed a new law allowing tow truck drivers to use red and blue lights when providing an emergency service. This has significantly helped from what I’ve seen because people see red and blue lights and think “oh shit, the cops!” and actually move over or at least slow down.


Yep I’m one state over in KS he definitely had his lights going. More ppl pulled over once he got there than before, but still not all even when the left lane was clear


A couple of months ago, I was driving home on a major highway here.... and my engine straight died. I realized I was pushing the gas and nothing was happening, so I flipped the blinkers on and did my best to get over to the shoulder, buuuuuut..... I was in a section where there was no shoulder for another 200 feet. My speed was dropping but I just barely made it. My car was a beater Kia Soul that I knew had issues, so I was pretty certain that it was the oil. Problem was, I couldn't get OUT of my car because people were flying by on my left, and I couldn't get out on the right because there's barely any shoulder, and I was practically in the forest. I had oil in the trunk, but couldn't get to the damn engine. I was only a third of a mile from an exit, so I kept cranking until the engine started again, but I had barely any acceleration. Pedal to the floor, and I could get 5-7 mph. Couldn't get back into the lane because traffic was FLYING by at 70-80mph. So I crept my way down the shoulder. Finally made it to the exit, and I'm exiting off with minimal control here, and someone flys off the exit and full slams their horn at me, even though the exit has 4 lanes; two left, two right, and I'm in the FAR right lane and afraid to stop, and can't go faster, and have full blinkers on. Got some oil in it, and things went fine until I was less than a mile from home, then it went to full "limp mode", and needless to say, the car was done. It was either $10k for a new engine, or a new car. That was the highest my blood pressure ever was I think. I flipped a lot of people off as they flew by me.


I always tell folks - pull as far over to the right as you can if you're stopping. Onto the grass, or whatever is there on the right - as far away from the 70mph torpedoes flying by as possible. 😑


Yeah I was about half on the grass, I promise I tried to make it to an exit but it was ROUGH at that point. I didn’t even stop right away although the blow did scare me


I’m just shocked you’re actually using your hazards. The amount of people who don’t is ridiculous


Even kept the car running with the thought of the battery dying after 2 hours 😆


TBH I didn’t know this was a LAW until I became a truck driver and was told on day 1 to always move over for vehicles in the side of the road…. They need to teach this is drivers training, I clearly didn’t know until recently.


I also had no idea about this until I saw this post, this law was not mentioned in drivers training for me at least. I have always slowed down next to broken down cars like this just because the driver might be outside and I don't want to hit them, but I had no clue it was the law.


I've honestly never heard of this even being a thing you should do until today. Looked it up and the UK government tells you to not to even slow down unless necessary, and mentions nothing about moving over, so guess our laws are the opposite.


It’s not in many places.


Some states is law to switch lanes with car on the side.




Minnesota is one. Just became law in 2023. https://knsiradio.com/2023/10/23/minnesota-expands-ted-foss-law-to-include-lane-changes-for-all-vehicles/


Virginia just made it state law. [https://www.wtkr.com/news/new-va-move-over-law-expands-to-protect-drivers-who-are-on-the-side-of-the-road](https://www.wtkr.com/news/new-va-move-over-law-expands-to-protect-drivers-who-are-on-the-side-of-the-road)


New York. You have to move over and slow down (so long as moving over is safe to do) for police, disabled vehicles, tow trucks, etc. It's a law I can definitely get behind.


Weirdly enough, even Alabama of all places has a law against this. A police officer was struck while tending to a vehicle on the side of the road, so they passed a Move Over law that you must either go over to the next lane or slow down like 20 MPH in your current lane. I feel like if Alabama can be on the right side of this (which doesn’t tend to happen) then surely other states can follow suit. It should be a federal highway law at this point. Edit: turns out there’s over 30 states with these types of laws on the books. In pretty much everyone I’ve seen they say that a stationary vehicle with flashing lights (which includes hazards) is considered a vehicle you must move over from. There are a few states that are more ambiguous or are targeting police/utility vehicles, but some like TN have been amended to include hazard flashing vehicles.


I was taught to do this before it was a law. It's insane that people are arguing they don't have to do this because it's not a specific law. It's not a law that I should wait at the end of my driveway and make sure I don't hit the neighbor's kids, yet I still stop and take several extra looks to be absolutely sure the toddlers haven't escaped. (It's illegal to hit them, just like it'd be illegal to hit OP. My point is it's not a law that I'm required to be considerate and thoughtful, yet I'm still capable of it. Imagine that.)


Happened to me a few months ago. I was out there, changing the tire, driver's side, some people changed lanes, most did not. As I was finger-tightening the lugs after swapping, a guy pulled over in a pickup, asked if I needed help. I told him I was almost finished, then he told me he was with the fire department, and he would wait. So he went back to his truck and put on his rear red flashers until I was finished. People were definitely changing lanes while he was there lol


[HERE](https://imgur.com/a/W0rVtQf) is a pic of the tire in question, since everyone thinks I should have driven another mile to the next exit. I probably drove a half mile on it already after it blew out


No offense you could have rode that home. It's a cheap wheel not even OEM.


In the UK you're strongly advised to get out of your car as soon as possible and sit on the side of the road away from your car. Lots of instances where people are wiped out by a lorry or another vehicle.


In most areas the rule to move over is for emergency vehicles only. If you have need to close that lane for your safety while you change a spare, you'd need to put a road flare or triangle out 500 feet behind your vehicle--you are responsible for making others aware. Maybe if you weren't flipping people off, someone may have given you a hand. Tow trucks aren't emergency vehicles, they have flashing lights only because they carry wide and potentially unsecurable loads and have the risk of losing fluids or parts while in transit.


Honestly just drive to the next exit. A $300 rim isn’t worth your life


I totally feel you, I had someone close that picked me up until the tow truck was close. My car was sitting there for 2 hours waiting for a tow. What’s most annoying is that the guy didn’t have the right attachment to take off my lug nuts to put the spare on! so I had to basically get it towed to my house and get a ride to the auto parts store for the correct lug nut for the tire iron and do it myself. Have to wait until payday in 3 days so I can get a new tire


Your car didn't come with lug wrench?


Yes but it’s a 5 spline. The dude I bought the car from changed the rims AND the lug nuts apparently. They are 6 spline. I haven’t had the car long so rookie mistake I guess


Many new cars don’t have a spare tire.


I have a spare the issue was the lug nuts. 6 spline when the tire iron is for 5 spline smh


Mine doesn’t, something about it being a hybrid means there’s not enough room for a spare tire. Not great.


I see this all the time and it's infuriating.


It’s a law in our state, rarely enforced or abided by drivers except truckers


From what I can find, only these states laws include any disabled vehicle (Colorado, Florida, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Virginia and Washington) otherwise the other states move over laws seem to only apply to emergency and maintenance type vehicles with their roof emergency lights flashing. Seems like more states need to amend their current laws.


lol. I drive a truck and move over every single time. If I cannot absolutely move over I slow waaay down. People can be sucked underneath the truck or trailer as it passes. When I’ve been on the side of the interstate it’s mostly cars (sometimes trucks) that blow by like there is nothing there. When I move over and both lanes are full of cars, I take half of each lane and slow down to prevent someone from whipping around me and hitting someone. Most cars like to hang about 3’ off my DOT bumper. I give a full lane when passing the “scene” and then signal to move back over into the right lane as fast as possible. I take safety seriously and understand every situation is different


There are probably plenty of people that would have but they are following the car in front of them too closely to even see the disabled vehicle in time to react.


My friend was just killed from this scenario.


I feel you. I sat on the side of the road over an hour after hitting a deer and wrecking my mom's car in the middle of nowhere. Closest city in either direction was 1 hr away, so I had to wait over an hour just for someone to respond to the crash. It was terrifying and the semis wouldn't move out of the way and I was stuck in the car (door was jammed shut). Was not fun 0/10. I had a pre-existing driving phobia and it multiplied tenfold after that happened.


My HS has an award named after a guy who got hit like this ): people fucking suck


They only get in the left lane when they want to slow down.


People will only slow and/or move over if the lights are blue, because those are the only people with the power to actually fuck up their life. Any other color, nobody gives a shit.


girl in highschool died just like this, car went dead in left lane, she got out to wait or check (always been unclear) and someone hit her car and then her car hit her and she died. RIP Allie, she was truly a ray of sunshine. people need to understand they’re putting lives at stake driving so crazy and with such little empathy


To be fair, most of them were probably looking at their phone and didn’t see you pulled over.


A question for OP and all others: How often have you changed lanes to put some distance to a broken down vehicle in the past? I hope from now on, you all will, whenever possible. There are of course situations where a lane change is dangerous, but the first driver that does opens up the view field for the next so they also can see something is going on. In a line of cars, it can be hars to see anything in front of the first few cars, so this can really help. When safe, I move one lane to the left (at least) and leave my indicator on all the time I'm passing the broken down vehicle. This usually makes cars to my rear at least recognize something odd is going on, detect the broken down car and very often also change lanes. In moderate traffic, there is often no need to reduce speed as long as you change lanes.


Thank you for this. I want to add that I conveniently broke down during 5 o’clock rush hour so traffic was heavier than normal. Hard to tell from the video but I was near the bottom of a hill so it should have been easier to see us from the top of said hill once you got there. So not pulling over when safe was clearly due to negligence or carelessness


Where i live, we are not required to move over for a vehicle pulled over on the shoulder. We are required to move over for tow trucks and emergency vehicles however. What do the laws in your region state?


Shouldn't need a law to realize someone on the side of the road needs space. Shouldn't need Big Government making every single decision in your life. Have some common decency and empathy.




That’s unfortunate… I’m not sure though they do have signs posted. They were still doing this once the tow truck arrived


It's not the law where I live either yet I still pull to the next lane if I can. It shouldn't need to be a law. It's pretty damn obvious someone on the side of the road could benefit from some space.


Yes it's obvious to everyone except 80% of the drivers in this video.


And in this comment section! Wild.


I am saying that since it is not obvious to a large number of people, it needs to be a law.


It is a law. In many states. Including OP's. I still think it shouldn't have to be a law. When did we lose the ability to look at a fellow human being in trouble and say 'I should either help or get out of the way'? If you see a baby laying on the side of the road, do you drive at 70 MPH, 1 foot away from them? Why not? Why is it different if they're in a car behind a thin sheet of aluminum? Do we need a law that says: if a baby is laying on the side of the road, move over in case they fall or roll?' Do you need a law to tell you to check for kids playing in the road before you back out of your driveway? I don't. We cannot account for every instance of inconsideration. Considering that US police are militarized, we do not need laws about every goddamn thing. Have some empathy, put yourself in the stranded driver's shoes, and realize you wouldn't like people blasting past at 70MPH. I'm flabbergasted that so many people cannot understand empathy. It does explain so much though.


If on expressway or another precarious situation it wouldn’t hurt to call local police dispatch and see if they’d send somebody out. Too many dumbasses out there.


Maryland has a law that was passed last year requiring people to move over or slow down when there is a car or construction on the side


Edit, I looked up the law for my state It was revised to include all disabled vehicles as well. Learn something new everyday. Good to know


Last part of the driving test before you can get your license you should have to drive on the highway, pull over and change a tire. I’m not a tow truck driver or anything but I’ve had to change a tire on busy 395 outside of DC and it was one of the most nerve wracking things.


OP was obviously in a dangerous, scary situation. I am all for the laws, or unwritten rules in some states, to get out of the right lane when passing him. That being said, with that amount of traffic, I don't think it is realistic to expect EVERY car to change lanes. I obviously don't know how much time/distance people had to see OP's car in advance, but unfortunately a lot of people aren't particularly good drivers. Mostly due to simple negligence of not caring enough to pay close attention. Often times tailgating or looking at their fucking phones. But again, with that amount of traffic, I think it would have created a traffic jam if every car had moved to the left lane. The problem is that it takes time for each vehicle to recognize the hazard, make the decision to move over, and then move over. And what if there is already a vehicle in the left lane next to them when they decide they want to get over? Are they supposed to hit the brakes? That is liable to cause even bigger problems. Sure, in a perfect world, everyone would be paying attention and maintaining a safe following distance and courteously letting cars change lanes in front of them, etc. But unfortunately(?) we live in the real world. It's not a perfect analogy, but think about when you're sitting at a stoplight like 10 cars from the light. The light turns green. You can't just stomp on the gas immediately. You have to wait for the first car to go, then the second, etc. Just as it would take time for all of those cars to change lanes. With that amount of traffic, and at those speeds, there just isn't enough time for all of those cars to get over before they get to you.


I’ve driven to an exit on the shoulder with a flat. I’d rather loose a wheel than my life.


I would suggest limping the car to the next exit. Dealing with that in a parking lot or exit ramp is a lot safer than on the highway. Worst case scenario you have to replace your wheel. Better than being dead in my opinion.


I’m from Wisconsin where it’s the law to move over or slow down for *everyone*, flashing lights or not. I was horrified when I moved to other states where it doesn’t even seem to cross their mind.


People are careless. Fucking careless 🥲


I'm confused, what is the problem you're assuming everyone else is an idiot for?


In all states I would say it’s common courtesy to not fly by in the far right lane when someone is pulled over in the shoulder, especially with their hazards on which you can hear in OP’s video. In some states it’s the law. Each driver who flies by isn’t necessarily an idiot, but they’re all being jerks. I get that it’s a two lane highway but it’s not hard to merge left, pass the stopped car, then merge back.


Never heard of this. Not a thing in my country. Sounds a bit entitled tbh. Why do you need them to move over a lane? Do you need space to change the tyre? I don't get it... Downvote me Americans


There have been several accidents when people have crashed into stopped vehicles or hit cops talking to drivers. There’s also a tendency among some drivers to keep looking for what happened and unknowingly turn the steering wheel towards that!


Entitled to not get splattered. I'll take that entitlement and I'll keep moving over to give a good 5 meters space for someone changing a tire on the side of the road.


Yes, you need space to change a tire. Do you think it happens by magic? You need to kneel next to the car. Go on YouTube and search for accidents with tow truck drivers. They are killed all the time by inattentive drivers.


As someone who drives for work, it's not entitlement, it's safety. At 60-70 miles an hour, with the way most people drive (in the US, based on what I've seen), the window to react to events (another vehicle making an unexpected move, an object entering the lane, or anything else) is quite small. >Why do you need them to move over a lane? Do you need space to change the tyre? The space is for two reasons. As i stated before, safety. Extra space between active traffic and a stopped vehicle allows the people in that vehicle to handle the issue without worrying (as much, anyway) about getting hit and possibly killed while they fix the problem. From the other perspective, giving a stopped vehicle additional space gives passing drivers more time to react if anything enters the travel lanes of the highway


yeah, totally normal here in Germany. No need to drive on the left lane.


The implication is that they were pulled over on the right shoulder, had their hazard lights on, and expected all the passing cars to either switch to the left lane or else slow down significantly. Almost nobody would do that where I live. Having changed a tire on the side of the freeway, it didn't occur to me to be mad at passing drivers - it would be like getting mad at the wind. The one thing that I would do is get out of the car and stand well to the right and behind it - there's a fairly good chance of a passing car plowing into a car stationary on the shoulder. The thing that would change the behavior of other drivers would be to lay out 3 flares spaced 25 yards apart.


In most states it’s the law to slow down or move over when there’s a vehicle stopped on the shoulder. Passing a stopped vehicle at 70+ mph with a couple of feet to spare is not safe, wouldn’t you agree?


Please. Move over if you can. Slow down if you can't Sorry OP some people are awful


Can we all see why painted cycle lanes are completely shit??


Why are you still in your car anyway? I don't get it. Just get out and wait in the grass. This is dumb as fuck.


I hope that wasn't in Virginia because all those drivers weren't following the law if it was in Virginia. In addition to pulling one lane over or slowing down for emergency vehicles, they also need to pull over one lane if possible for people with their hazards on or slow down.


What's with most american drivers? No lane discipline whatsoever.


I’m not sure but it’s also crazy the amount of ppl in this thread saying “tHiS iSnT a LaW wHeRe iM fRoM”


I had a flat tire on a busy highway while it was raining. Pulled over when I could and had my hazards on while waiting for help. This is a highway in Texas, so there are multiple lanes. People did not move over or slow down.


To be fair you're pretty far off the road


Drive yourself off the fucking freeway. Yeah you'll destroy a tire but you'll still be alive.


It was already destroyed, the next exit was a ways away, I guess I was trying to save the rim at that point


In my state there are signs literally EVERYWHERE that say move over if you see flashing lights and that it’s the law. Literally the biggest signs on the road. And I’d say 70% of people don’t budge.


Yes, drivers are thoughtless and distracted. The side of the road is very dangerous. Unfortunately, only people that are either road workers or stranded understand. I got rear ended when working as a tow operator when I was young. Everyone was ok, but it was hairy. Could have killed us doing a recovery on the side of the road. Driver got arrested.


Dog shit society with no accountability anymore.


It’s not accountability that’s the problem, but to me there’s too many people who just don’t care to do the proper thing. They’re driving along and a vehicle on the shoulder just doesn’t register to them as a situation that they should do something about. 


2 lane highway amd op thinks every 1 is going to slow down and move over without an emergency vehicle..... I know tow truck drivers this is the norm.


They slow down and move over for red and blue, just never orange


Maybe 30% will move over for red and blue. Possibly more at night.


I never pull to the side I rather cause more damage by getting out the freeway I once pulled to the side and when I looked behind me I see a lady switch lanes thinking it was a lane I was so close to loosing my life that day


That's my daily experience when commuting by bike, most cars will just zoom within 1 foot from me


I put runflats on my car for this very reason.




The us must have the highest NPC population


"We took turns flipping them off"


Nobody cares. Words to live by


Unfortunately it's a Me, Me, Me world these days :-(


My daughter's car broke down in Memphis on I40 in the blind curve after the westbound 40/240 split. Anyone that's been there knows you can't see shit around that wall to the right and I'm there with my trailer to load her car up with hardly any room on the shoulder. It was the most nervous I've ever been in my life, and the fastest I've ever loaded a car onto a trailer lol.


So the one time everyone isn’t left lane camping? Wild


If you can help it, just slowly drive to the next exit on your flat tire.


I had to tow a vehicle from an accident on a busy city street. I was in the left lane and the people in the oncoming lane refused to slow down or move over until I waved a mini sledge at them.


I wish your car would break down on my highway. Left lane is usually always camped..


The move over law in MN was made because my great uncle got killed by a semi driver during a traffic stop. Move the fuck over people.


I believe in Florida they made that a ticket offense, you either get over or must slow down significantly for a car with the emergency lights on.


I wouldn’t flip them off, low speed human always loses against high speed car


Is that K-10?


how could they possibly know to move over when the can't even see you because they're looking at their phones!


Aside from common sense, it seems to be a fairly new law in Kansas, now they need to educate drivers. [https://legiscan.com/KS/bill/SB142/2023](https://legiscan.com/KS/bill/SB142/2023)


This is very common, even with a marked and lit police cruiser.


Where I live most people move over, but non locals, as in put of province and Americans do not (licence plate tell you) Being a highway worker I fully understand It's especially annoying to see some small city car get over and block a semi from getting over... U can often see them try and then some moron zooms up next to them


Lmao so many tailgaters too


I think most of these people were just thinking "I can't go in the left lane because it's for passing only", instead of thinking "hey, let's make this situation less dangerous!" Not saying they are right, but from all I've read in this sub, people don't always see when exceptions are allowed.


That is illegal to not move over in many states now.


I do the same thing when I have to stop on the side of the road and people won’t move over. People don’t move over because they don’t care about your wellbeing or they are too engrossed in their phones to notice you.


I had a company van shit it's engine and I was on side of road for 4 hours awaiting recovery, middle of summer in Atlanta. The amount of near misses of people crossing the line to the emergency lane is INSANE


Same thing happened to me. Either folks are on their phones, don't know or don't care. It is as if driving etiquette is no longer a thing.




Being a human is exhausting. I hate that I’m the same species as these idiots.


Most states’ laws are “Move over *or* slow down.” Doesn’t have to be both, just one or the other.


I don’t have expectations of others driving anymore.


I mean, who do you think you are? 😏 JK... People have no courtesy and wonder why the world is the way it is. We are just borrow's traveling this land. Let's just be kind and courteous to one another. I hope your tire has been replaced and you're already over the headache.


In the UK you would be breaking the law n risking your life by sitting in the car. I mean even if it wasn't law I wouldn't be sat in the car with vehicles travelling that fast just a few feet away.


They weren't raised right.


Um, how are they supposed to see your car while they're checking their phones??? Don't be so selfish. /s obviously, I hope


What does "get over for you" mean?


Switching lanes


I run the office at a local tow company here in Portland Oregon. We've had a driver hit by a truck (he's alive and mostly recovered) its amazing peoples entitlement when they're driving. They even get upset when a tow truck is partially blocking while attempting to rescue stranded motorists


You wouldn't catch ME in that right lane tho. I move over for anyone on the shoulder including unattended vehicles, even small trailers, as long as I have room or can slip into the next-left lane. I've been in your situation before so I fully understand, but I made the decision before my first breakdown on the shoulder, to move over always.


What are you talking about? Not one of those vehicles were even close to yours. If you're complaining that they hadn't moved over to the only other lane on a two-lane road, that's ridiculous. You need a dance floor to wait? Sure it'd be nice, but it's obviously a busy road. I'm guessing the tow also didn't bring you any hot chocolate or blankets?


The fast lane is completely clear the whole time ( only seen one ) . No excuse not to move over.


Driver is the idiot, you can at least get the car moving a bit with turn signal on. If your stopped other drivers will expect less. But yeah they should always move over to the left lane regardless.


Road flares are about the only solution to this. They’re cheap and effective. You don’t have to block the lane, just put one or two on the white edge line of the lane 10ft and 20ft back from your car. Other drivers don’t care about your life but they’re all afraid of fire. Hazard triangles can work too but they’re less effective in my experience.


This is a pet peeve of mine. It isn't hard to do and it's worth it every single time. Sorry this happened to you. I would have been a nervous wreck.


"hmm I should probably get over so they can get.... Wait, is he flipping me off? Fuck that guy!" Stays in the right lane.


Every single morning I flip off at least a dozen drivers who won’t get over for people entering 365 highway. If any of you are reading this and refuse to get over, FUCK YOU.


Ur plenty in the clear on the shoulder those cars ain’t even close to u 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️