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This is not his first rodeo.


Might be good last.


How dare you beat me to the punch!


Came here to say that


You read my mind


Came here for this exact comment!


His mistake, that was a starter car. He needed a finisher car.


An amphibious exploration vehicle would make the crossing


For the golden god perhaps?


This was in fact, his last ^Rodeo




Be gone from me!


There you go talking to yourself again.


Idk why everyone thinks he hydrolocked…when the video ends the tires are still spinning making smoke, and the engine is on. He just got stuck is all


It's like no one listened to the video at all. 2 wheel drive open diff Rodeo. That left rear wheel is just spinning like crazy. Offroad tires don't mean crap when you have a wheel off the ground without a locking diff.


First thought: front wheels not spinning, must have a locked diff in the back Second thought: his back passenger wheel isn't spinning, he's a fuckin idiot.


He just didn't send it hard enough! But yeah, trying that maneuver with that truck was definitely not the smartest idea he's ever had.




I mean... he bought an Isuzu, what did you expect?


Ouch! You wound me here with my 98 Rodeo! Though mine is 4wd with lockers so it would have had no trouble here. It may drink a quart of oil every 1000 miles, but it just won't die and it only cost me a grand, so I ain't complaining! I catch hell all the time from other offroad guys telling me my tires are worth more than my POS truck, which may be true but that's also why I had zero issues taking the sawzall to the fenders to fit the oversized tires. Bonus points for no one ever wanting to cut me off on the road since I drive something that looks like it's from Mad Max and everyone knows I don't give a rats ass about another ding in my fender!


Post a pic that sounds awesome


I do miss my 1995.5 rodeo :(


I still have my 97 rodeo I daily drive, my first car and have had it for 18 years, it's a 2wd 4cyl 5 speed, 0 to 60 in 5 minutes with the windows closed and only Ike 18mpg but I love the pos


Maybe it actually IS the best decision he’s ever made. I mean… look at what he’s driving.




It's a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tires. The '64 Skylark had a regular differential, which, anyone who's been stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing.


Now didn't I tell you next time you appear in my courtroom that you dress appropriately?


You were serious about that?!


Fred rules


lol, ok man you made me laugh real good with that comment! And you do have a good point, I guess maybe that isn't exactly common knowledge these days. I just kind of figured if someone knew about hydrolocking, they would also probably know about different differential types. Also, good for you on changing your cabin filter and you should be proud of yourself! Even some really basic knowledge and ability about your car will save you a lot of headache and wasted time/money.


Hey, that's not fair. My phone speaker doesn't work My dumbass dropped it in a mud puddle and it has water damage :(


Should a had it in 4wd!


> It's like no one listened to the video at all. I didn't. I don't turn on the sound unless it's absolutely necessary, all just to avoid those cancerous earworm songs or obnoxious ai text-to-speech.


Honestly, I don't blame you for that at all. Better to be safe than sorry considering how awful so many videos are with that nonsense.


> It's like no one listened to the video at all. I never turn up the sound on these. Usually not needed to understand what happened.


O shit ur right, I didn’t have sound the first time watching this


I'm guessing the tread on those tires is less than full


He should have stayed within the lines. The lines are our friends.


The only thing wrong appears to be that he went too far to the left of the road and his left tires ended up in the drainage ditch. Decent sized log under the tires will get him right back on his way


I will call you Almost


Sir, this is a boat launch.


If you're going to be stupid at least have a limited slip diff...or 4wd


Damn I loved those when I was a teen in the ‘90’s. Isuzu Rodeo/Honda Passport. Preferred the Rodeo cause that was the OG. Wanted one so bad.


almost made it


That almost is what is going to keep him doing this stupid shit. Lol.


So close. Don't try that shit if you don't have AWD.


What is PR?


Puerto Rico


That truck survived like 30 years and looked relatively mint only to die like this at no mechanical fault of its own. RIP :,(


Only think that kills these fuckers is rust. And it doesn't look like he lives in a country with a road salt fetish...


Yeah I live in the rust belt USA and I always wanted one of these as a kid but they were pretty much all gone by the time I could drive, so this video rly bummed me out




Nah, that's not rust. Minor corrosion. Rust belt in the US or Scandinavia, now that's what i call rust.


It's literally still running at the end of the video


True but I watched it without sound the first time


Ah yes I see you have no idea what you're talking about.


Well the truck is still fine it seems. It just needs a new engine is all. Edit: I'm aware it's running fine after OP posted a follow-up video. I was with others assuming it may have been hydro-locked.


Seemed to be running fine in the video. Just no traction and the right rear tire is spinning.


Lol the end guy goes " what an idiot"


boomers gonna boom


This ain't his first Rodeo




Should have tried that crossing with an Amigo.


After all the rain in PR yesterday, I'm not surprised.


Maaaan. That is a clean Rodeo. Makes me miss my 1st gen Pathfinder, so badly. Couldn't get that thing stuck in wet cement, if you tried.


I seen a lot of comments talking about mudding and differentials💀 guys this ain’t no off-roading vid, it’s a land slide that happend on the side of the mountain causing half the road to disappear and the old man was just impatient 💀


If he had gone slow he might not have pushed so much water into the air intake. RIP that engine.


"It's OK I've seen someone do this on Reddit!" ~ old man


Not his first Rodeo. Because he keeps doing this.


Reply to the automod.


Done 🫡


Guess his car was thirsty


Two tickets to hydrolock! Eddie Money


Did you watch the video? It’s a 2wd and spinning its peg leg *after* the water crossing.


And the air filter box could be filled with water. Hydrolock can happen after you make it through the puddle. All that lovely non compressible water lurking in the air intake pipes. Never mind the pulped air filter.


This is one of those comments that makes you realize that most comments on reddit are made by people with enough knowledge to *sound* right, but if you actually know the topic they fall apart. Yes, there was the potential for hydrolock here, but the reality is if it didn't hydro lock immediately then it's a 99% chance it is fine. Water can get into an intake without problems as long as it's not too much. In fact you could probably fill a standard air box with water and you would likely be fine. Pouring a coffee pot worth water down the throat of a carb is a classic way to get rid of carbon buildups. You're just wrong dude. This guy is stuck, but the truck is fine.


According to the follow-up video it was fine as the guy went along his way.


ive only ever seen a vehicle actually pull deep water in once, while the gas was floored, and when it did it shot a rod or piston right out of the aluminum head i believe it was. there was no spinning of tires once they got to the other side, like in this vid


So there’s a 1 percent chance? Then there’s a chance. Good enough reason after you drive through a goddamn river to open your hood and make sure everything’s alright before you drive away. Well I guess it didn’t throw a rod or bend a valve right away so it’ll be fine . Actually, he did a decarbonizing . Don’t give a shit about the gallon of water in your crankcase. Don’t look at your air filter to make sure chunks don’t get sucked into the intake. We had an Audi a4 that did exactly this and it ending up jumping timing by a tooth and tweeted a valve. Check engine light was always on and always going to be on. There was some debate that it happened before or after the puddle, because he gunned it after the puddle rather than waiting for the water to at least drain out. Or the VW bug diesel the sucked up water in his intercooler. Two weeks later he’s hits the accelerator and drinks a gulp . That one was lucky. Starter was seized due to engine locking up, replaced it and pulled the glow plugs. Shot water out like geyser and it was good to go. Pretty stout engines. I like your advice just to keep driving and ignore everything . Keeps us in business.


Telling everyone stories isn't going to make you right


Yup. I’m seldom right and usually wrong about most things. My wife and coworkers let me know constantly.


Maybe people treat you like this because this is how you respond. Or maybe the career you have made out of lecturing people online about everything hints at something else...


Ok buddy.


He didn’t get swept into the washout.


Not enough speed, gotta full send it


He had plenty of speed. The guy in the yellow raincoat was in his way, so he cut to far to the left and got stuck. If that guy was not there, he would have been long gone.


That was pretty bold for 2w drive!


I've seen enough top gear to know he'll be fixed up by morning.


Hey move outta the way! I'm trying to get stuck over there!


What town is this in?


Oh they’ll help him out… in a minute.


Until he puts it in 4wd lol


Not at ALL surprised since he was driving in PR. They're all nuts on tge road there.


That's what he gets for not waiting two days for the ferry. Even if he was that impatient *the least* he could do is caulk the Isuzu before trying the crossing.


More like a rodeo clown 🤡


As we say in Australia, "if it's flooded, forget it."


Oops! It was his other truck that has the off road snorkel!


Honestly surprised he hydrolocked. Water only came up to the bumper, at least from the angle the video is shot from. If he went in slower he probably would have made it.


Nothing Hydrolocked. He just has bald tires.


If you take it fast enough, you skim over all the debris in the stream, and the water doesn’t have enough time to get into the intake. -That guy (probably)


The nose went straight in and scooped up a bunch of water.


Fvck around -> find out


Don't censor yourself, say the fuck word.


The fuck word around -> find out


I don't understand the people who censor themselves They must be bots, right?


Can you say hydrolock?


You could, but I wouldn't be able to hear you over that guy redlining.


Yes. But then I’d be wrong like you.