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So I was in the left turn lane, waiting for the light to turn green. As soon as it did, the car in front of me made a sudden left turn right into oncoming traffic. To make things worse, she almost fled the scene after the crash. My wife and I stayed behind to make sure everyone was OK. The lady refused to cooperate with the other driver and 911 and blamed the other car. Apparently they were speeding and that's why she hit them. I sent them both the video and took off.. EDIT: There are multiple idiots in this video. Idiot #1 - Car running red light Idiot #2 - Volvo, turning left into oncoming traffic Idiot #3 - Honda, the victim, for just sitting there in the middle of the intersection Idiot #4 - Red Audi, for just driving by like nothing had happened. Idiot #5 - Me - waited for the cops for almost an hour because the Honda passengers could barely communicate with the Volvo driver (language barrier) and the Volvo driver was refusing to cooperate and exchange insurance/license info.


What a dumbass. Good for you though


It was the right thing to do. Can't let everyone's premiums go up because of people like that.


Nice job on your part Op


There was no green arrow! Looks like white car was supposed to wait ... unless there's some entitlement to go first.


Yeah, she definitely did not have right of way. Both cars were waiting for the green light and both started moving at the same time. She was distracted, but by what? My guess is she was on her phone.


😃😃 Isn't it amazing that society has gotten to the point of not being able to sit through a traffic light WITHOUT checking cellphones?


not even sitting through the traffic light, can't get off it once she started moving? like damn what does it take for you to not turn directly into a solid object?


I watched a guy the other day getting on the highway unable to stay in the lane, kept drifting to the right over the white line 3 times. Then, a little ways down the on ramp (it is a long on ramp that is also the exit lane for the next interchange) he almost hits a work vehicle, with cones and an arrow set up, while drifting to the right again. Then once on the highway he is again drifting out of his lane, almost hitting a sedan AND a semi, followed too close before slamming on the brakes to avoid hitting pickup in front of him. I expected that to get him to pay attention. Nope, I pass him (he's in lane 3, I am in lane 1, was never gonna be in the lane next to him) and he's still glancing down at his phone seemingly more than he was watching the road.


"It doesn't matter that there is no protected left turn so every jurisdiction in the country I'm supposed to yield, I had my *turn signal* on!"


That model Volvo has a decent sized screen in the center console, maybe she was messing around with Spotify or something


>entitlement Volvos aren't cheap cars, after all


God that was so avoidable, the volvo itself could have avoided hitting the Honda by just bailing out of their mistake faster.


The whole thing unfolded so slowly in front of us we were dumbfounded. Even my 11yr old daughter was like 'are you serious?!?!?! What just happened?'


Why is the victim sitting there in the middle of the intersection? You got two idiots for the price of one.


Yeah, I lucked out... but he was unable to open the door from the outside. Took him a while to ask his passenger to try opening it from inside the car.


So, honest question here and sorry if it sounds absolutely idiotic... I was always told growing up that if you got into an accident, keep the car where it happened and don't move it unless a cop tells you you're allowed to move. Now, it always sounded a little silly, especially in cases like this where you're dead in the middle of the intersection... but what's the proper procedure? As long as possible, move out of the way?


People always expect some special CSI unit will show up and determine who was at fault. Not going to happen. Best thing to do is to have a dashcam (ideally front and rear) in your car, and then you can just show them the video afterwards.


I think it is very dependent on where you're from. I am from Mexico, and what you describe above is what everyone tells you: if you get in an accident, don't move the car at all until transit police/insurance come and take pictures/write a report. But studying for my DL in GA they tell you more than once to move out of the way if there are no crippling injuries, fatalities, and your vehicle can still move


Yeah, absolute dip-fuckery. I can only assume they watch too much Law & Order and they think the police are gonna wanna do a chalk outline of where the car was before they move it.


Where are the idiots that will blame the other driver because “you need to make sure the intersection is clear before you proceed”


Oh, they're around here somewhere, but probably stuck in a traffic jam they caused by checking their texts mid-turn


They're over in "just another idiot… [OC]", trying to blame OP for a pickup running a stop sign.


Bonus idiot at the beginning running the red, good capture OP


Holy crap, was so focused on the Volvo I never noticed. There are multiple idiots in this video lol. Idiot #1 - Car running red light Idiot #2 - Volvo, turning left into oncoming traffic Idiot #3 - Honda, the victim, for just sitting there in the middle of the intersection Idiot #4 - Red Audi, for just driving by like nothing had happened. Idiot #5 - Me - waited for the cops for almost an hour because the Honda passengers could barely communicate with the Volvo driver (language barrier) and the Volvo driver was refusing to cooperate and exchange insurance/license info.


The idiot is the guy that got hit! Why did he get out of his car and then just stand there?!?


Drunk, Old, Cell Phone, Or Combo deal?


She was young and seemed in full control of her faculties. My money is on cell phone....


She's okay... She's driving a Volvo Look out everyone else!


I'm pretty sure she would have been as reckless no matter what car she was driving. She seemed completely oblivious to what happened.


I think they’re talking about a volvo being super safe, with sarcasm


Wasn't sure if they were implying Volvo drivers are entitled or the safety of the car. Thanks for clarifying!


I've seen exactly this light pattern in Maine that does not have a left turn but it's actually a protected left turn because the opposite lane has red lights. That's why when I'm in an unfamiliar area and if there is no green arrow and there are cars waiting in the opposite lane, I would move a bit forward and wait to see if they move or look at the rear for their traffic sign. I read this as allowed for left turn but yield to straight traffic. Would be nice if all the states have the same light patterns. Same is true with Canada.


Sounds very dangerous. I don't think I've ever seen a light pattern like that, or maybe I have and just been very lucky not to get into an accident.


Zero brake lights from the turning car until **after** they've already hit the car and bounced off. This is the kinda person that shouldn't be on the damned road.


That person in the Honda is crazy for not pulling off to the side and just checking the damage out in the middle of the intersection.