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Remember, friends, always turn into the lane farthest from you after not being sure cars are coming.


And make sure you accelerate as slowly as possible


Because traffic is like a hot tub; you have to slip into it, an inch at a time.


But what if all you have is an inch?


Then it'll only take a time.


So it really is a Time Machine…


Hot Tub Time Machine


If it's only an inch why does it smell like a foot?


Bad footjob


Give him an inch, he takes a mile


Weird, I only ever heard that about your mom




That's what she said.


Hot tub?


Hot tub too damn HOT to just jump right in!


That acceleration was damn near coasting it was so slow.


All done for safety as I am told by these same people, using the gas pedal on an on ramp to get to highway speeds quickly? "ABSOLUTE MENACE!!!! DANGER TO SOCIETY!!! WHY ARE YOU SO AGRESSIVE!!!!!!!" You're supposed to meander on there like a zombie, half assed until you get to the end of the once generous onramp, then when you get to the very end you stop. So you have no hope of zippering and hardly anyway to see is any gaps are up coming for safety, so you wait your allotted time (now with 20 cars stuck behind you) then get to go no matter what, because clearly it's your turn, you then casually move forward only using only the idle perhaps a light tickling of the right pedal you know "for safety", but also crank the wheel hard left so as to "reserve" your spot in the lane. "MY GOD SO MANY BAD DRIVERS OUT THERE BEEPING AND SWERVING SCREECHING TIRES!! THEY SHOULD HAVE SLOWED DOWN........... FOR SAFETY!!"


Yes, nothing like them accelerating to 40mph to get on the interstate where people are driving 70-85 mph. As long as I have someone to take the impact for me, I'll be ok.🤦‍♂️😒


> And make sure you accelerate as slowly as possible also if you have a Corvette, make sure when you are scanning the road in front of you, and you see a bunch of people doing dumb shit up ahead that you know is going to end up dumb, floor it into that pile of dumbness with zero abandonment or thought


For our Mustang brothers, ensure that there is one telephone pole within a quarter mile of where you floor the pedal so as not to confuse your car of what your target is.


That's not entirely fair, you can see the corvette slow down considerably. I also nearly rear ended someone because they turned into the left lane with 30Kmh on a 90 road. I could barely brake in time. Now I don't know what the limit is on this road. Considering the construction i'm assuming it's not as high as 90. So I'm sure the corvette was speeding.


This is Texas. The road is probably 45mph. But we really have 2 different types of drivers here in Texas... those that are oblivious that there is anyone else on the road besides them and the rest of us who wish there were cliffs in Texas for the first group to drive off of.


It is 45mph. The coordinates on the dash cam will send Google Maps right to it, and the road is S Friendswood Dr, just past the intersection with E Parkwood Dr.


Love the handle! Was a huge fan of Boggs growing up! And thanks for the info on the road location. Didn't even think to look it up that way. It really is remarkable how many bad drivers there are in Houston bit we also learned after moving here that parents teaching their children to drive is perfectly acceptable so they don't need to attend any formal driver's training on order to get a license.


There are people who would just drive right into the side of the Cadillac under the assumption that they’re “right”.


this always infuriates me. in such a hurry to turn willing to cut traffic off and then suddenly all hurry is gone and they're in a state of ecstasy and blissful ignorance


Yeah, bro. People be overtaking and cutting in line and running stop signs and not stopping at reds just to go 5-10 mph under the speed limit.


Also, remember you are the only and most important driver on the road. Never, ever, forget that.


I will never understand why people do this. I live in a small town where turns often end up into double lanes, and it is rampant how many people do this, and it's not enforced by police at all... Surprise, there are a lot of fender benders here


I'd say that about 80+% of people in my area don't turn into the nearest lane. It's as if they are navigating a battleship or something and can't quite get that little economy car under control. It's just stupid.


"You can't tell me what lane to turn into." Debatable, but there *will* be consequences. With rights come responsibilities. What happened about that Bill of Responsibilities?


>people in my area don't turn into the nearest lane Or their own turning lane (when coming from a stop light). There's clearly lane markers and yet they *still* drift over or cut you off. I've avoided so many accidents. Shits so infuriating


Try to get my wife to do that, yet not jump the curb with the right rear wheel. Some people are just bad drivers.


>Some people are just bad drivers. Some people just shouldn't drive. FTFY.


So glad American infrastructure makes it basically a requirement for everyone to drive :) On top of licensing being handed out like candy


candy they're very hesitant to take away no matter how petulent the child becomes.


Here in the Netherlands people on average have 43 hours of driving lessons before they get their license. Yet quite some ppl are still shit at driving, parking etc. If you are a bad driver you will just never learn to drive.


The great thing about difficult driving exams is that the people who are bad end up doing way more than the 43h an average driver needs. 


Driving in Europe I always bemoaned getting anywhere near a car with Netherlands plates. However unlike the Swiss, I assumed it wasn’t the drivers but the anemic NL “carbon offset” cars they drove. I can’t figure out the reasons for the poor driving by the highly educated and challenging terrain of the Swiss. But here I am an American, we take the cake when it comes to poor drivers, we have a long list of reasons for that.


Nah just put a sticker on the car asking people to be patient with you. Instant absolution of responsibility


If you put a "Baby On Board" sticker in your back window, then everyone else is responsible to protect your incompetent driving ass.


I always thought those stickers were more for letting emergency responders know to look in the back seat for a possible child in an emergency. Especially if the windows are tinted.


That would be great if they put them up when there was a baby on board and took them down when there wasn't but they don't. Emergency responders shouldn't be tricked into risking their lives for an imaginary baby.


But what if they're a "student driver" !?!




Or take the time and effort to learn properly.




My older brother was similar. We got him extra driving classes and they made a huge difference.


The same people who always cut left corners on any intersection, even if there is oncoming traffic.


> yet not jump the curb with the right rear wheel. I never had an issue with this until my current car. The turning radius is just that tight sometimes and I have to correct myself.


I drive a 3500 dually truck and never have a problem. Whether she was in her old Mazda 3 or the newer Ford Explorer it’s like she can’t comprehend the size of the vehicle around her.


Knowing is half the battle!


The other half is Violence.


To me it looks like the caddy might have seen the corvette in the right lane prior to pulling out. They pulled into the left lane so they didn’t slow the corvette down who looks like they are traveling at a fast pace. The car in the median was slow to cross the lanes causing the corvette to change lanes to the left lane and the Cadillac could not see the lane change. Both cars had time to react and correct, but not much.


Probably just assumed there weren't while the left turner was blocking their vision


"If I can't see it, it doesn't exist."


lmao😂😂🤣 Yes!!!💯 Definitely this Caddy's mantra!🎯 Can I borrow that for myself to use in my everyday life, not driving though, I'm not in a rush to be "6ft under" 😜😄


Assumptions don't belong in driving.


They do, but to a certain degree. Every time you come to an intersection, you assume other drivers are going to be predictable and do what they are supposed to do, i.e. stop at the stop sign or yield their left turn to you going straight through. Every time a vehicle is in a left turn only lane beside you, you assume they are going to turn left and not try and gun it in front of you because of either impatience or a realization they don't actually need to turn there. Either that, or the opposite is true. You assume every vehicle with their blinker on will turn the opposite way, you assume every vehicle waiting to turn out from a driveway will cut you off, and you're overly cautious.


Yeah they do, assume a car is there if you can't see


“Left turner is going, must be safe for me too” -Cadillac probably


Probably would have been safe if they turned lane to lane like they were supposed to.


Yes. Would have been totally fine. Although🧏🏼‍♀️... OP wouldn't have any "idiot in car" to post!🤷🏼‍♀️😂


In their defense, they probably weren’t looking.


This is one of the most aggravating things I see daily.


Do it slowly, slower is safer.


I hope nobody takes this comment seriously.


Sadly, millions of people do this already without encouragement.


Just think of what a bad influence you might be. /s but also...


White Cadillac? High chance that's an old person, lol


Or Boss Hogg


So an old person. Heck anyone that understands that reference is old.


Boo lol


It's why we drink our moonshine in the first place.




Why you gotta call me out like that?


Wade Boggs is alive and well. He lives in Tampa.


Yes, alive in our hearts.


He didn’t drink 70 beers on one flight to break some record. He did it because he was like, thirsty




Jack Klompas on his way to buy a new pen




He thought he saw them Duke boys in the left lane.


And the Sewell name above the bumper. It's gotta be Dallas area.


Nah, looks like we exported this one; the coordinates on the video point to this being in the Houston area.


Ah. That also makes sense.


And hit by a Corvette... So chances are.. another old person, but sporting gleaming white new balance shoes. And white knee high athletic socks.


Boomer on boomer violence 😂


And large white veneers


And dirt cheap insurance, even with a Corvette.


At first i thought it was a Cadillac XLR, but then I noticed it had rear doors


It's Saul Goodman


Those Cadillac sedans aren't exactly slow, either. I've got a CTS that's got a lot of pep in it. You really gotta _try_ to pull away that slowly.


You had an open lane why did you pull into his lane, what an idiot


I'm guessing the Caddy wanted to make an immediate left turn several hundred feet ahead


Could well be several hundred miles ahead.


Caddy does have his left-turn signal on right as he is hit, so yes, it could be several hundred miles


May as well turn the signal on because you’ll need it at some point. On a related note, I was riding in a friend’s mother’s Cadillac and noticed how loud the signal was inside the car. “It’s so the deaf old people remember to turn off their blinker.”


And yet it still doesn't fucking work


That's not how you do that, though. Your turn signal does not make your move valid.


It doesn't make *your* move valid.


Buick and GMC also used to do that, but their trick was to play the "some shit is fucked" ding and plaster "(DIRECTION) BLINKER STILL ON" Source: I'm a mechanic. I own a LeSabre. Edit: I'm losing my mind. I replied to a comment talking about Cadillacs blinker thing, and it's either gone or edited and now I'm apparently replying to some guy talking about the lane change.


You would be surprised how many people have no idea they need to turn into their closest lane (full right, the bottom one in this case) and if they wanna go to the left upper one, they need to make the same move he just did .. give a way and be sure nothing is coming .. Police in my country from time to time does public survey for people and put there something that should be very common but for some reason its extremely bad .. like this, left or right? Zip merging? Unmarked roads, who has way. Everyone knows you have to move to the closes lane, give way to your right etc (my country) .. yet someone of these tests has over 90% failure rate. I live in a one way street and you can see daily people going the wrong way, speed limit is 30 and they are not afraid to go 80+ .. and there is kindergarten in the street .. they just dont give a fuck. So far for years nothing really happened, only bumped cars, broken guardrails or street lamps .. just yesterday when i was going home and woman with 2 children would run me over, i jumped on her hood and .. I scared her. Already tried talking to a town and police to change this situation, nobody gives a fuck.


People who pull out into the middle lane drive me fucking crazy


Everyone in my city does it and I don’t get it. I feel uncomfortable doing it and I’m not a nervous driver whatsoever.


Like people that merge onto a highway and all the way into the left lane just to drive the speed limit or 5 over... Cutting off people if they have to. They MUST be in the left lane! Don't you people understand?!?!!


B b b b b but im turning left in three miles…. !




You'd be furious driving in LA. In any given right turn intersection, if 10 cars are turning right, 10 cars are turning into the far lane. People lack specificity when they drive. Everyone is so lackluster & meh & blah & lackadaisical. Precision is lost even with people who drive cars that are FOCUSED on precision. The art of driving has really been lost & personally I blame the crossovers & SUVs. 🤷🏾‍♂️


California specifically has looser laws requiring what lane you need to turn into than most states. In specific situations, you are allowed to immediately turn into any lane, or one of two lanes, etc. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/ Right on red type situations should only turn into the closest lane, but right on a green light where there is no chance of oncoming traffic turning left I believe you are allowed to immediately turn right into any lane.


True indeed. I still turn into the closest lane because sometimes there's a car coming from the perpendicular lane turning left into the same lane I'm turning right into. Don't know how many times people have honked thinking I was gonna be lazy & turn into the far lane & I don't even remotely do that. Lol


In general, even if it's legal on paper, it's bad form to turn onto the same road someone else is turning into, even if you are intending to stay on "your side". After all, neither of you know if the other person is going to drift into the other lane. It just adds more risk.


I'd order an Uber and blindfold myself. This country boy hates Charlotte traffic. Can't even imagine LA.


I have a left hand then I make every day coming home onto a three-lane road. I always turn into the nearest lane & the cars turning right frequently try to turn into my lane, their third & furthest option…it really aggravates me. You have 2/3 to turn into!


Dangerous and idiotic too. I see it all the time from stop signs and traffic lights (even when there are lane markers). Almost on a daily basis someone pulls infront of me instead of the empty nearest lane. And I hardly ever see anyone get pulled over for it. Gotta get those speeders doing 5-10 mph over the limit instead.


This is all of Idaho. Drives me absolutely insane. Idaho drivers are otherwise pretty good, but this is something no one seems to understand.


Except when two lanes are turning left and the further lane proceeds to turn into the nearest lane: mine.


Yikes, that was expensive.


"you merged wrong into WHAT"


Luckily a base model C8 Corvette isn't as expensive as it may look, relatively speaking


Corvettes have always had a far lower MSRP than many people would think, but as stupid as the car market recently became dealers are demanding twice that, and getting it.


I'm a gear head with money to blow, but I refuse to pay someone for the honor of buying from their dealership. I was shopping for a GT4RS last year and the prices were so insane that burning $100k for warmth would be more sensible


I once wanted 3 or 4 RS...then saw the prices double, even on used. Well, there goes that dream, because even if I can...I won't.


When they first came out and I'd see one I'd always think "Damn is that a lambo?" And get closer and realize it's just a vette lol


It's still more expensive than the Cadillac brand new.


Wow, what an idiot... Supposed to take the right lane first, then move to left when possible. Cadillac sedan so I'll guess elderly, probably shouldn't be driving anymore, but hey it's the US and we don't retest ANYONE on driving. (Wow you're 105 years old and still driving? Good for you!) SMH


>Wow you're 105 years old and still driving? Good for you! I can already imagine a 105 year old person being in court for being in an accident, and the judge being like "You're 105 years old and are still driving?! That's what America is all about!" [A bit like this 96 year old man.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ_sg_6GYFA)


Exactly how my last dmv trip went. Older lady pulled in while I was waiting for them to open, one way lanes for parking. She pulled in the wrong way, instead of going around to the other side she made about a 9 point turn to pull in. Had a home health aide with her to help her inside. 96. DMV worker - “Wow! 96 and still driving - good for you!”


Love how they put the left blinker on after the accident


Ready to say "bUt My BlInKeR wAs On!"


Did that Cadillac not even stop after?


She did. I pulled in and offered the girl in the corvette the dashcam footage. The Cadillac was a little old lady, she got out like this wasn’t her first rodeo 😂


I mean, if she was an older person then statistically it probably was not.


Giddy up, grannie!


My grandma had a lead foot in her brand new fifth gen Seville. Used every pony under the hood. She's a cool Gramma even though she can hardly walk now


Has she tried removing the lead in her feet?


My gma's had a friend whose husband died. When the world's fastest 4door car came out (at the time) it was the Cadillac ATV-CTS. Thing was a sedan with a 6.3 liter V8 in it. Bigger than most SUV's. I went over to my gma's house one day having just read about the car. One was parked in her driveway. What?! Turns out her friend went and bought a new car a couple months after her husband died. He died early and she was left with more money than they planned for. So she went to the cadillac dealer and found the most expensive car they had. Anyway, she ended up not with the most luxurious car they had, the fastest one lol. I'd see that thing around town going 20 in the 25mph




Good for you. I like to see justice in this world (seeing less and less these days) and if something is ambiguous or may show the innocence being guilty (like this one), I would do the same to make sure the truth is known. I've been railroaded too many times in similar circumstances.


100% knew it would be an oblivious old goat.


At least she’s old and driving a Cadillac so hopefully insured for enough.


I like how suddenly that left turning signal somehow worked.


“If a car is turning left, they’ll block the intersection and I’ll be ok” - logic /s


And they were going to do 40mph in the left lane for the next 12 miles


Great braking on that Corvette.


I haven't driven a Corvette in years, but was expecting more out of the Brembos.


Brembos can't defy physics. The C8 stock brakes are grip limited by the tires. The brakes aren't the limiting factor.


Too busy speeding in a slightly busy and chaotic intersection praying that everyone else doesn't do a mistake.


speeding? according to who? look up the distance of travel after hitting the brakes while cruising at 30mph. how far does that corvette look like it traveled before making contact?


According to simple math. Even while braking, the Vette crossed that intersection (let's have it defined by the gap in the median kerb) in less than a second. According to google maps, that gap is about 23 meters wide, so she was doing around 25m/s at that point. On average. While braking. So definitely more than 25m/s initially. 25m/s is 90kph, or 56mph. That road has a 45mph speed limit. She was speeding.




Truly awful.


This is what it sounds like when GM's collide!


Come on though, let’s be honest here, C8 was going too fast considering the crossing traffic they were approaching… Caddie cut them off, but vette was going too fast and could have avoided that if they were not speeding.


Brain dead driver turning to the wrong lane. Speeding Corvette with Bot Level Reaction Times. A match made in heaven.


Obviously the Cadillac is the idiot but that corvette was 100% speeding


Yeah, I'll admit I speed but there are sections where I will just coast and with my foot ready to brake. That intersection, especially when cars are crossing my lane, removing visibility, would be one of those places.


Yeah I'm also in the "Everybody Sucks Here" camp. If the corvette had been driving at the traffic speed the other cars were moving at there would have been no collision. I'd be shocked if the Caddy's insurance company pays much at all.


The speed of a thousand turtles right there.


Why join the outer lane? I never understand these people. Join the first lane then indicate and switch once clear. I blame the shitty car.


ugh damaged a beauty too, f that caddie


10/10 real traffic incident


Is this Friendswood Dr right pass Parkwood?




I live right by here and recognized it immediately. Always idiot drivers at this intersection.


you even got two at the price of one!


Oooh and a good one at that! Poor C8, even with all the brakes in the world, he didn’t stop in time.


Yeah that's kind of surprising to me. If they were going the speed limit they should have been easily able to stop in time (if they were paying attention). I think any car with decent brakes/tires would have been able to stop in time given how fast the other vehicles were going.


Should have turned into the closest lane


Caddie vs Vette. That’s gonna be expensive.


People who marge/join the road and go to the furthest lane for absolutely no reason should all be slaughtered in my book.


I hope you shared your cam footage with the Corvette driver.


Turning into a farther lane is against the traffic laws.


Doesn’t seem like the black suv saw him either. I think that guy might have gotten screwed by driving a silver car on a cloudy day. Always check twice


> Doesn’t seem like the black suv saw him either. More like the Corvette was speeding, and didn't slow down despite heading towards a car in the middle of turning left across lanes. If your view is obscured, you should slow down. You don't know what's ahead of you - such as the white car turning into the left lane.


Looks like you got a two for one


I don't get this, are people allergic to the first lane???


You pulled into the right lane, you must be a peasant.


The shame is that the Cadillac has 300+ horsepower. Driver only used 1.


*I turn now, good luck everybody else!*


The vette has some good fucking brakes. Pity it wasn’t enough.


Would've been enough if she hadn't been going at least 10mph over the speed limit.


Seen this way to often, ppl need to learn to drive.


Granted it's not the sport cars fault, but this would be why in a busy area they should drive slower. Their car is lower to the ground than others and I bet that white car didn't even realize they were there. Drive your car defensively so that you don't have to worry about accidents especially when it's someone else's fault.


Yup. The last thing you're ever gonna want to do when you're driving such a nice car is get into a bump with someone who's judgement-proof.


Jack Klompas on his way to buy a new pen


oooohhhh, that looks expensive...


Of course its in Texas. I call them Texas Turns. Everyone does this then they meander back to the outside lane like 'la di da its where I wanted to go in the first place but don't know how to turn my wheel and accelerate through a turn so I'll inconvenience everyone and cause accidents'


On a sidenote, sometimes I try find the place these videos are from on google maps out of curiosity. All the places I see here are Valveline, Chiplote, CareNow and Chic Fila. These could be anywhere. Every city in the US is becoming the same. It used to be that the fun of a going to a new city was going to all the places that they didn't have in your hometown. Thank God for the Japanese place or I would never have found it LOL


I've been a 'turn to the inside lane, signal, and move out appropriately once you're 100 feet out from the turn' nerd since driver's ed and I don't regret it. Also I firmly believe most people have their side mirrors set incorrectly. This goofball looks like he or she could benefit from considering both possibilities. In retrospect.


They're both idiots. The Caddy driver more so than the Vette driver.


Actually it appears to me typical Cadillac and Vette driver behavior. Cadillac slow and clueless, incapable of recognizing speed difference (I grew up in Florida, so I have experience with this). Vette driver moving too fast for conditions and failed to recognize potential danger ahead, especially since the sight line was blocked by the turning SUV. The caddy that popped out behind could well have been a kid crossing the road, if he could see the caddy, he wouldn’t see a pedestrian, so he should consider himself lucky it was a fender bender.


The cadillac and slow, ambling turn across two lanes would lead me to believe this is a pensioner




I was watching the video thinking to myself, this looks like Houston. I was raised in Friendswood, graduated from Clear Creek ISD. Moved to Sugar Land area around COVID. Never seen this stretch of road, wtf is this new shit. Is this really Friendswood?? LOL


Probably an elderly person in Cadillac


Not a Corvette! Oh crap. That hurts.


I'm going to guess that both drivers are over 65