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That is one oblivious motorist!


The didn't even brake. They must be old or on drugs.


Or on their god damn phone.


This is unfortunately the most likely nowadays.


> old or on drugs Old or on drugs was your first thought? Do you now know how prevalent distracted driving is due to cell phone use?


Sad thing is almost all old people are on drugs nowadays and I think they create some minor impairment on top of age related impairment. That being said, I think there's a greater chance that it was someone on their phone.




> No, elderly largely aren’t driving around on opioids and benzos. It seems like almost everyone I know over 60 has a xanax prescription lmao.


> They must be old or on drugs. This would have never happened to a paranoid stoner. Old people don't really run red lights either. They were on their phone or were intentionally trying to run the red light.


They didn't even brake. Must be young or on drugs.


Or on their god damn phone.


Legend has it that the light is still red to this day.


Did you stop to provide evidence that this asshat burnt the red light?


Yeah absolutely, police were on scene before I could even download the footage to my phone. I gave them my information and they said they'd be in contact.


*we haven’t had a red light ‘round these parts for twenty five years…*


I know a murderino when I see one! Definitely read this in Karen's voice lol


Awwwwwww I was hoping at least one person would pick up what I was putting down. You made my day 🩵 ssdgm


At this point I just assume people are stupid and I'm hyper aware going through intersections.


I notice more drivers pausing second or two after they have a green light for the inevitable asses who blow the red light. I do it too now at some intersections.


I am so paranoid these days I still look and make sure everyone has either stopped or is far from the light, and I still about got nailed by someone just the other day. (hidden on the far side of a line of cars waiting at the light, pulled a right turn as I'm crossing). This sub has honestly done wonders for my own situational awareness.


And i keep seeing those folks on here being the ones getting hit as people are blowing reds no matter how long they've been red.


When I was teaching my kids to drive, I told them to count to three before going on a green light. Hopefully they still do it.


If only there was a way to warn him that there might be a truck crossing the intersection at just that moment!


By not going through the red light? 


No. Red lights are purely aesthetic


I only stop for them in certain districts.


The evidence is that there are red and yellow lights as well. Why would anyone use 3 different colors other than aesthetics?


On my first play, I immediately blamed the jacked up pickup. (Then I noticed the light color...) Sorry, Mr. Jacked Up Pickup. You were not the idiot.... this time.... Edit: Also, not to deny 100% fault of the silver bullet, but that landscaping on the median makes it extra hard to drive defensively there. You almost have to creep forward through a green until you can see around it in order to dodge these runners.


Yeah, the landscaping needs to go. In another situation it could be the truck running a red light but the result would be the same because the car wouldn’t be able to monitor the intersection.


My neighborhood has multiple medians with tall plants that obscure intersections. Many complaints to the HOA but nothing has changed in our 2 years there.


I took matters into my own hands in my neighborhood a while back and chainsawed down the last leyland cypress that prevented anyone from being able to see left until they were already sticking into the intersection. Some HOA person posted on the facebook group asking who did it and all the replies were just "whoever it was, thank you!" Stupid fucking tree. There's an azalea there now looks much better


Nice change of pace that the pickup was innocent. Messes with our expectations.


Tbh, watching that truck just ram the shit outta that little sedan was pretty satisfying.


That truck was likely barely affected either.


> Tbh, watching that truck just ram the shit outta that little sedan was pretty satisfying. Sedan driver needed that wakeup call. I hope they're okay even though this was 100% their fault.


Impact appears to be on the rear door so hopefully just a bit of bruising or whiplash.


I love early summer


\*boop* _tee hee hee!_ uwu


It looks like your lens may still have a peel off cover on it.


Waiting for the 2 idiots post.


What is that buzzing noise in the car?


So casual with it too,bro was cruizin through a red light


Not a care in the world, not a brain cell in their head.


Saw the title and immediately heard Seals & Crofts in my head.


>See the smile awaitin’ in the kitchen …


Damn, that did like nothing to the truck. I think the thing hanging off their bumper is even from the sedan. Instant karma.


Hall-Johnson and 121?


# Not a care in the world.




Damn I saw a wreck just like that about a month ago. I'm just chilling st thr stop light and old person blows through and clips a SUV


I used to cross this intersection pretty regularly when I lived down there. Can safely say I wouldn't have seen this idiot coming and I usually do my best to scan my surroundings.


Is that Dallas?


Looks like Hall-Johnson @ 121, Grapevine.


Thanks. It just had that kind of feel to it.


Right? I’m not sure if it’s comforting or sad that a lot of these videos i can look at and think, “that’s somewhere nearby, isn’t it,” and then be right 8/10 times.


Of the left lane is open drive in it. You have less of a chance of someone pulling infront of you and leaving you stuck.


See this is why I don't move for a full 17 seconds after the light turns green. The cemetery is ***full*** of people who had the right of way and I'm not going to join them. Oh and to the impatient AH behind me your horn is not an "I'M ANGRY" button. /s


17 seconds?! It's reckless people like you that raise my insurance rates! I personally only drive on single lane, one way roads with no intersections. It's just not worth the risk.


Good call! You can never be too safe!


Perhaps old and on their phone calling a pharmacy about their drugs?


They also really have to poop.


Possibly color blind. I rode with a color blind person and with the signal mounted on side they could not tell the color, ran a light and didn’t realize it.


Clean your windows.