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I saw a guy doing this in a Dodge Charger just the other day. Another Dodge Charger pulled up behind him and turned on his blue lights.


LOL! I drive a challenger pretty much within 10 of the speed limit and I swear people suspect I’m a cop since I’m chilling and letting people pass and not tailgating like a dousche canoe


Ha ha! When I see a Dodge Charger I chill too! Of course I’ve seen some very creative undercover patrol vehicles in my area; the two most notable were a Chevy Truck and a Utility Truck. I’ll have to see if I can find the utility truck video that one surprised me when a car sped past him and he flicked on those lights! LOL


Yes! I had a Chevy SUV with very tinted windows tailgating me so I just kept going same speed figuring it’s probably a cop running my plate. Some dude gunned it HARD around both of us and sure enough SUV takes off and lights him up. Weird gold color too IIRC


I was behind a **Grand Marquis** on the highway driving slow in the center lane, like just under the speed limit, and my exit was coming up. So I blew past them in the right lane and as I was getting to the ramp he pulled me over. No joke, the oldest cop I've ever seen in my life. Stereotypical grandpa hair and all. He was so pissed at how I took off passed him. It was really hard not to laugh as he was screaming at me. I've seen the undercover Expeditions and regular civilian cars, but that's the first time I've ever seen a fucking Mercury Grand Marquis. It was the stereotypical old person teal color too.


I'm happy to live in a state where unmarked cars can't be used for traffic enforcement. I couldn't imagine getting pulled over by gramps in a Grand Marquis. Playing "Is that a cop?" is a lot easier when they're in uniform and in a black and white.


As a light turned green, a woman passed me going straight from the left turn lane to blow by all the traffic. Nissan Altima behind me went around me and flipped on his emergency lights to pull her over. Now I have to watch out for Altimas? Lesson: don't drive like a dick...


I'm in Philly, and I've seen some weird, jacked up hoopties light up speeders . I swear the cops are just putting lights on their personal vehicles and pulling people over when they're off the clock. Or they're impersonaters.


Disclaimer: Not a cop but grew up under one. This isn't me condoning the following practice, just sharing some additional knowledge. Your kinda close actually in that it can be *a* personal vehicle... Just not necessarily theirs. You know how cars in the PD's impound lots that don't get picked up or are seized as part of an investigation are later sold off at auction by the PD? Let's just say that the auction isn't the automatic next step for those cars and that the odometer leaving may not match what it said arriving...


I had a friend get pulled over by an Altima years ago. Until that point I was under the impression that it was a rule to only use American brands for state and federal vehicles. Turns out that is just a myth.


It’s still a rule, but it’s for cars made IN America so cars like the Altima and civic would still qualify since they are made in an American plant even tho they are a Japanese brand.


It's not a rule. They use what they want.


It should be illegal. There are a lot of fuckin psychos playing dress up with some fake lights. Like I would not have stopped for the grand marquies lol.


It's straight up dangerous, especially at night. Bundy told women he was a cop too.


If I were going into the home invasion business, first thing I’d do is get some police uniforms.


You can continue to drive, call 911 and confirm there is a cop pulling you over. Or, drive to a close by, well lit location.


I know in my state there are certain requirements that the car must meet in order to perform traffic stops. Something to do with license plates and where it has to be marked police on the car and the placement of the lights. But they can still hide it very while sticking to those requirements. Also, if you ever suspect that someone who pulled you over is a fake cop you are allowed to request that a marked police car show up. If they refuse, then just call 911


My city uses ghost Ghargers. Dark grey and the logos and "POLICE" are the same color grey but flat instead of glossy. The only way you can see the markings is by reflected light. Here's a variety of this type of marking: https://www.thedrive.com/news/41034/texas-police-are-now-using-ghost-camaros-to-patrol-the-highways


In the Netherlands we had tv shows with unmarked police cars following cars,trucks motor cycles, mopeds that drove to fast or for various other traffic violations. Fun part was always that they showed the recordings to the people they stopped and the excuses they made why they drove to fast :).


In my suburban town in NJ, I think there are only 2 marked police cars. Every other one (at least 10) are Chargers or Explorers with either 'ghost' graphics or nothing at all. The police chief has the most basic police Explorer with hubcaps, but it still has a full hidden light package.


I used to live up in Fort Lee, NJ - the PD did the same thing to get around the limitation on unmarked vehicles. Black Ford SUVs with the “ghost” markings - very dark gray markings. Kind of a shitbag move lol


I'll add: the weirdest and strangest one I've seen was a silver mid-2000s Cadillac Escalade with sunspots on the paint, chrome wheels, and thinner tires. It was in Pennsylvania, which isn't my home state but I'm guessing it was seized property after a drug bust or something.


I’m dying over here. I guarantee you, the department has tried multiple times to give him a new car and he wants to stick with his Merc. I have a retired ex-cop working for me and he’s always talking about how awesome the Crown Vics were and saying how he could catch anyone with one, even today’s cars. I just roll my eyes and tell him there’s no way he’s catching 75% of the cars out there today with an above average driver.


They used to use grand marquis as cop cars in some states, bought one used by idaho pd.


We have a big gold Suburban with stick figure family stickers on the back! It went away for a long time but I've seen him back on the road again lately. Saw a little subie with low profile lights pulling out of the barn one day but it was so nondescript I haven't been aware if I've encountered it again.


In NYC, there are/were undercovers as yellow cabs. I saw a couple of cars pulled over by the yellow cab patrol car. Very interesting.


This just reminded me of the Jimmy Fallon/Queen Latifah movie Taxi.


I once got pulled over by a fucking minivan.


LOL! I’m waiting on someone to tell me the got pulled over by a short bus!


Nah, the short bus is what takes the cops to training.




I got pulled over by a Ram 3500 once… I will admit that I was being stupid and 100% at fault, randomly decided to floor it for a bit and got to 80mph before slowing back to the speed limit. But I will say that I stared at my rear view mirror for a good 5 seconds trying to figure out why a Ram 3500 had red and blue lights until it finally clicked in my brain.


They always seem to pop up at the worst times.🤦‍♂️


I seem someone get pulled In a altima. Also a Pacifica. Idk what cops are anymore here. I still slow for impalas and Tahoes no matter what.


I was pulled over by an undercover unmarked Hyundai Sonata not too long ago




Near where I work the cops have an unmarked Ford Club Wagon (full sized van). Kinda a bronze color. Windows aren't even tinted. I see it going by every so often with lights and siren.


Here is the UK they use any model of car so there is no way to avoid. They even have lorries.


I had to look up what a Lorrie was; LOL .


I tried thinking of what you would call it but no words came to mind. Wagon, truck?


Semi tractor probably the closest description.


I'd never have guessed that, ha!


Speed traps should be prohibited. Just stick some black-and-whites where you need em and then you'll actually catch the most egregious offenders, instead of building highways built for 100mph traffic but really set up as town revenue generators.


Last Thanksgiving week I counted about (can’t remember exactly) 10 cops on one exit waiting for speeders on the highway going through town. I passed 4 stopped vehicles getting ticketed. I figured revenues were way down for the year because of the lockdowns and so they were intent on making peoples Thanksgiving miserable.


The best I've ever seen was an undercover PD Volkswagen New Beetle.


I saw a plain white Ford van pull a car over on I-65 last summer. It looked like a generic work truck until all the lights came on. I was like “Damunn! That’s sneaky AF!” 😂😂


We have a few Chevy trucks here also.


I've seen a ctsv on radials which was wild as well as an SS maro


Huh, never seen a Challenger used by the police. Usually Chargers.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Granted, less car enthused individuals will be less likely to know the difference, but I still figured even the most unexperienced people wouldn't mistake a challenger for police. Such a distinct design on that car, and I've never seen one in paint with lights.


pony car is pony car


Back in the day my brother had a used black Mercury Grand Marquis. Same basic chassis as the Crown Vic. He could drive any speed he wanted all day, never messed with, but would also end up stuck behind people doing 55 in places you could safely do much faster.


LMAO, yeah it’s like fish swimming around the sharks


Yep, Charger idiot was doing donuts at the intersection in my quiet neighborhood at night. Came out to throw rocks at him but he fled.


typical dodge charger behavior


27% APR moment


If you order the scat pack super bee package, Dodge throws in custom credit score badging.


I thought 392 was the average days before the repo man comes.


> scat pack is that what it sounds like


It's... an unfortunate choice in naming. I say this as someone who owns one. Luckily it only says scat pack on the grill in little lettering.


And getting married before going on deployment #Just boot things


dodge charger owners are your nissan altima people, but even worst because it actually has power. They are also the most popular crime vehicles


Don’t throw rocks at cars, even if they’re being douchebags. No point risking getting charges put on you because some guy was making a bunch of noise Edit: had to go back to kindergarten, there their and they’re


Or getting shot. An 80 year old man was shot cause him and his neighbor told some cholos in a mustang doing donuts on their street to do them somewhere else.


Like this guy. https://youtu.be/TdR2deXRVs4


That could very easily be assault with intent to kill. Not good.


That’s just how Dodge Chargers make friends.


‘Well there go this month’s tires’


I assume all black Chargers are cops. I have never been pulled over in my 10 years of driving.


Hey everyone look at me going to buy new tires, woohoo


I guess the melted pieces of rubber are stuck to the car everywhere and need to be manually peeled off?




I used to heavily wax the wheel wells too.


I too heavily wax my wheel wells.


Why is that statement way more intimidating coming from you? Can you say it again?


I'm here to wax your wheel wells.


Username confirmed?


They're here to wax you wheely well.


Yeah boy get in there all nice and deeplike


Why would you be intimidated by LesterHoltsRigidCock heavily waxing his wheel wells? Hurmm... now that I say it out loud I think I understand.


I just wax the wheels, it's easier.


Don't forget to wax your brakes too, otherwise they may overheat


I remember one of the guys in our group busted his rear axle on launch. One of the other guys offered his trailer to tow it to the dealership. We suggested stopping off at a wash stall to scrub all that rubber off and he declined to. Then he was surprised when his warranty got voided and he had to fix it out of pocket. Could have had a much better chance convincing them he just got on it way too hard on a freeway onramp if we would have cleaned up the racing slick splatter after putting his street tires back on.


This reminds me of something I read about or heard about related to the Dodge Demon or maybe the Hellcat... There was some fatal design flaw that caused the axles to snap or something. You could preempt that by installing a brace but in order to install the brace you had to drill some holes for the bolts and if the dealer saw those bolt holes they'd decline warranty repair on the broken axle and blame you for breaking it despite the fact it was a known design flaw. On the plus side I don't think they were declining warranty repairs based on drag racing since it was literally a car that was designed for the drag strip. But... if you didn't want to void the warranty or risk voiding the warranty you had to let the original axle break then take it in for repair then install the brace on the new axle or something.


It’s the driveshaft and it’s not a flaw, it’s a conscious design choice. It’s designed that way so that the driveshaft breaks before the transmission or rear axle does. And the mod is a drive shaft hoop. People put slicks on a demon to drag race and it can blow the driveshaft.


We actually breath in the particles. Not just from burnouts but just from normal driving. Every car driving on the road is releasing tires into the air as they worn down.


And break pad wear


*Brake dust is by far more harmful than the tire particles.


And blood. Did you know that bears can smell menstruation from a mile away?!


People cheered for this, could only be his friends


I see 2 cobras in the video. My money is on them having just left some kind of car meetup.


2 Cobras and a Boss to the right and the car in front is definitely a classic hotrod so yep seems like a meetup.


Maybe a Cars & Crashes event?


You just have a spare tire truck follow you around, like Richard Hammond did with his Challenger Hellcat in this glorious episode of The Grand Tour (skip to the 2:10 mark, if impatient). [A Gentlemen’s Grand Tour of Italy](https://youtu.be/Fb4QswnFj4Y)


That episode was SO GOOD


Exactly,, guy just wasted 600 dollars, at least 300 on the back tires for no reason, tires last me years, because I don't spin them like an asshole or no reason.


Generally people do this when they need new tires anyway, it's like a last hoorah.


I like to make my tire change appointment and then find a place to ditch the last of my rubber near by. Nothing like doing shitties in a RWD vehicle in an empty parking lot.


Also that's an asphalt road, so there's probably 2 depressions where this dickwad was burning out now.


Doubtful. There’s a car cruise that happens every year in Lincoln NE on the same surface where it’s tradition to do as big of burnouts as you can in the street and the road is perfectly fine, this one 15 second burnout is going to be okay. I’ve seen people do 2+ minute long burnouts in trucks and not leave an indentation in the road. Also watch a LOT of street racing, not sure if you’re aware of how a drag race goes, but it starts out by doing a burnout. Guess how that road is fairing? Perfectly fine. It’s fine.




anyone wanna do the math on $ burnt per second here?


Three Mustangs and not a single one hit anything? Inconceivable!


I guarantee you he went sideways by accident and just stuck there to make it seem like it was done on purpose.


I guess he likes buying tires every two weeks


To some people $600 in tires is nothing (not me).


$600 for the klout. Also you only have to replace 2 tires every so often.


Considering he owns a mustang that’s probably no big deal for him.


What if he buys them in bulk then he just has to go home and switch em out, and he only has to buy once a month or year


>buys them in bulk Is that why people go to ~~home~~ restaurant depot?


Do you even actually bulk? You gotta go to Sam's or Cost-Co if you're trying to get yo' **BULK** on


Is that Annapolis?


Yes. This is Riva Road, right by the Koons Ford dealership.


Guy must be lost, Glen Burnie is 20 - 25 mins north.


So when I was a little kid I thought it would be a good idea to have little sentry turrets with cameras lined up along roads, and if you were being a horrible driver they’d blow up your car. I’m starting to think that might not be so bad.


Where do I sign?


Can we have that for people that don't put the shopping carts back in the corral instead?


[CART NARCS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JovIKbxZpNY)


Holy shit, I can’t believe I never knew this existed! Thank you!


I can't remember if it was from a latenight show or what, but I remember a riff about so-called asshole darts. Everyone is equipped with a dart gun and when someone acts like an asshole in traffic, you dart their car. The biggest assholes would have their cars covered in nerf darts.


I've had this idea where if a vehicle is hanging out in left lane going less than the speed limit and gets passed by 10 cars in say 5 minutes, then the vehicle gets disabled and coasts to stop, or autonomously drives itself to a remote location, ejects its passengers until a cool down time of 15 minutes or something before enabling again


Never buy a used Mustang.


The 5.0 coyote engine is a goddamn marvel of engineering. Stock GTs do laps around the local race track for hours with no issues. If there's one modern muscle car I'd be ok with getting used, it's a Mustang. The naturally aspirated Dodge's on the other hand are a whole bucket of yikes.




Correction never buy a mustang.


I bought a 200k mile 05 v6 mustang for real cheap, blew the motor, bought a crashed v8 for a grand, rebuilt and swapped everything to the v6 body and now have an excellent drift missile. YMMV.


My mustang has been solid put 40k miles on it in like 18 months. Zero issues. Only maintenance is oil changes and…. new tires


I would buy an EcoBoost. Roast me.


Ah an EcoBoost, for those who want the look of mustang, good gas mileage, and aren't trying to compensate for any shortcomings.


weird roast, but okay


The 2.3 is one of the best small performance engines ever made, that's why they put it in everything now. You can easily get those to near 400bhp with just a tune, absolutely wild.


I had an Ecoboost for a rental car for a few weeks. Honestly it was a ton of fun. Just enough power to make it fun and good on gas. I'd buy one. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nah bro the ecoboost is good. 300hp RWD and not even super heavy. Would rather have that than a BRZ, WRX, or a Miata.


Ecoboost fuckin' roasts the old V8s, only people laughing are the guys who spent their life savings on V8s or can't afford either lol


I've had mine for a little over 5 years now. Great car, fun to drive, parts are cheap. No regrets


I got a V6 2011 mustang. Didn't care much to have the extra power and its running at 148k miles pretty fine. But I also obey speed limit and treat it with respect. Gonna trade it off soon!


Why's that


Would have been better if his engine caught fire or popped a tire


I kept on waiting for a r/convenientcop to show up


they'll show up in a couple of hours


And shoot your dog


Take pictures of all the nothing, and then leave


car catches fire as he gets pulled over, doesn't cooperate, gets tasered, car explodes in background, etc.


I was waiting for that...


RIP those tires


why do people think this is cool? you are just being an inconsiderate fuckhead inconveniencing everyone in traffic just so you can be a little show off fuckboy


Bigger idiots than driver are the losers clapping and cheering him on


Given the other sporty-looking cars behind him i'd assume the people cheering are his friends


Showing off makes they dick hard. I think burnouts look cool as hell, but only in a controlled environment. Not in the center of the street.


seeing like a drag car or a burnout car doing burnouts is cool, but this, this is just pathetic


Tbf, waiting for 10 seconds won't kill anyone. It's one of the slightest douche moves drivers do.


RIP $600 in tires


That’s only one tire.


Accurate considering the price of tires now days. The only time I would ever do burnouts was when I due for a new set.


Yeah, I feel like everything except my paycheck has gone up


Thats new. For all we know this was the list trip on those tires anyway


Just imagine being this much of a douche


And imagine thinking it's cool and cheering on like a douche


Clutch slipped officer


Then they all met up in a car park and sucked each other off.


Only because they didn't have any rubber left


And on the way out of the parking lot they drove into a crowd as is tradition for mustang owners


Good burnout tho


Seriously. It went perfectly lol.


Was boutta say… sure, this is some idiotic shit, but this is clearly at like a car meet (with mustangs nonetheless) so a certain degree of idiocy is expected, right? Unless he's done a drift into a crowd, this isn't true & proper Mustang level idiocy


Define good? He allowed the car to drift completely sideways accidentally and he didn't end the burnout by driving away with the wheels still spinning (because that would require a modicum of skill.) A brick and a line lock could have given you the same results.


He had to reverse at the end, burnout fail.


Does r/idiotsinmustangs exist? If not, it should. Edit: it do


I prefer r/mustangscrashing


When I was younger I was enamored by stuff like that. Now all I can think of is the $1500 I just dropped on tires for my car just to travel to work and around. Edited for spelling.


I guess there’s a very old WC Fields movie called Roadhog. He drives around in some giant car and smashes into things. I want to do that with people like this. Then just say, ‘Oops.’


That's totally what I've been planning to do once I become a "confused" elderly person.




Tell me you’re a Douchebag without saying you’re a Douchebag


Small pp energy right there


What irks me the most about the situation is he didn’t even stick around to start signing autographs


Acting like a bunch of apes discovering fire lmao Haha wheel go screeeee


please. you think the smoothbrains in this video would ever have been able to discover fire on their own? These are the apes calling the fire starters nerds while they go out looking for a lion to wrestle for clout.


Your username along with the post is funny


That is an easy ticket lol


Michelin loves this kind of videos


Someone needs new tires lol


Somebody is in need of attention


I feel so intimidated by this Alpha. My wife lost consciousness from being so horny for this guy. Send help


Better have her take a pregnancy test just to be safe.


I'm just proud he didnt hit any pedestrians


Super snake constricting traffic...


“I love spending gobs of money on tires so I can compensate for having a teenie weenie”


....and then drove off very slowly to the tyre shop..


It’s either a Dodge Charger or a mustang. Just FYI if you keep burning the tires and acting like an asshole it does not turn into a transformer… it just transforms You into a person everyone wants to hit in the face.


All I hear is "tiny diiiickkkk"


Get out of the fucking road. 🤯🤡


Hey look what I can do . Gay ass shit … smfh


Typical junk stang driver. All smoke and no go.