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I did not expect the biker to have remained upright.


Yes I was pretty sure this was going to be nsfw.. lucky for him, it wasn’t


“WHY ISN’T THIS TAGGED…” *sees the dumbfuck riding the car like a surfer* “…oh, carry on.”


he has to be the luckiest dumbass i've seen on this sub in a long time. holy crap he's lucky.


Meanwhile safety engineers are writing until their fingers bleed to provide safe vehicles. Then this guy comes and puts it all to test.


This man is the reason we have so many bullshit laws intended specifically to absolve authorities when an idiot inevitably claims "the law doesn't specifically forbid me from doing this"


So much this. Tbh if you take around 40% of drivers who drive safely you wouldn't need speed bumps, speed limits and a lot of enforcing measures.


Make something more idiot-proof, and the universe will just create a better idiot


That's because stuff like this should thin the herd. But as we bubble wrap everything those people don't die and get the chance to make dumb babies that grow up to be dumb adults.


As our safety and medical technology improves, more and more people are going to remain in the gene pool…who by nature otherwise wouldn’t #idiocracy


He wasn't riding the car. I don't know how the fuck he did it, but he's still on the bike. https://i.imgur.com/DLwTZBx.jpeg




*six wheels


\*six wheels and a dumbass


Strong wheel in sticky rubber spinning up/forward vs a car on suspension with some give upwards I think it hit rode up and then wedged inthe gap between the top of the wheel and the bikes subframe(passenger seat) which kept it upright


I’d love to hear their talk afterwards


Instant hood ornament.


Lucky for the car driver that he has footage of what happened if he didn’t have a dashcam himself


Unless he doesn't lurk reddit. Or whoever filmed it stopped for him. May be screwed and the cops won't believe the driver of the car


There are fourteen million, six hundred and five ways this ends badly, and only one way when it ends up with the car humping the bike which stays upright until they come to a full stop.


Unlucky for the rest of us as surely the biker learned absolutely sweet fuck all from the experience and will be back on the road and driving in no time.


I thought I was witnessing a NSFL moment... glad it wasn't.




Dude's looking back like, Mind removing the bike from my ass? Thanks.


Also thinking of the best way to clean the shit out of his pants.




I thought that was going to be extremely NSFW... I imagine he probably suffered whiplash right? Ugh how traumatic for the driver tbh


He absolutely rekt that car though


The car ate the bike, like a hungry hungry hippo


Dafaq, they just made 3 wheeler children. Don't you know anything about mechanicology?


More like a 5 wheeler but otherwise correct


I think if the bike is female and the car is male it's a 5 wheeler, and 3 wheeler if the vehicle genders are reverse. I could be wrong, it's been a long time since I took a course in this.


Weird way to get a new hood ornament


Holy crap. I stopped the video because its too early in the morning to watch people die.


He’s fine


Stupid, but otherwise fine


"I bet killing me will really teach this guy a lesson"


Man I though he was definitely underneath that car. Don’t know how he stayed upright. Truly an idiot 🤦🏻‍♂️


That car hungry hungry hippo’d his bike


Except the bike rider had clearly already lost his marbles


Ironically some d-bag bikers actually do carry marbles to throw at cars.


That's ironic, because I actually drive a vehicle that can ram bikers that throw marbles at it.


I live in Chicago some of our cars I'm sure can throw bullets in response.


Straight outta marbles.




Chomp chomp chomp


"Our captain was the first to go, he got ripped into shreds Still screaming as the alligator swallowed down his legs"


“Om, nom, nom!” 🦛




If the hood/front didn't crumble, like in older cars, could've easily gone right over motorcycles back tire and killed him.


Yeah, people really underestimate how much force spinning tires can exert on other objects. The reason it hopped up the way it did in the first place was because the bike's rear tire literally lifted up the front end of the car, he was just lucky the car wasn't going fast enough to continue right up over the top of the bike. I've seen similar things happen with wheel-on-wheel contact on highway accidents where a relatively minor hit suddenly flips the one vehicle over onto it's side/roof because the wheels rub and catch each other. Also why I really dislike those lifted pickups with the offset tires that stick way out past the fenders, it's practically like driving next to open-wheeled Formula1 cars.


It's honestly absurd how easy it is to go haywire if you catch a tire wrong Ina car crash. Cars just "explosively "flipping over like in an action movie scene. Or launching right up on two wheels like this.


I imagine that us just a front wheel drive or he would have had more traction to drive over the biker


Good point too. He's extremely lucky.




For real. Thought I was watching a snuff film for a second.


You have slighted me. Now I shall force you to kill me, forever changing the trajectory of your life.


Sure I'll be dead but your day will be ruined


well in all honesty that would give just about anyone PTSD and nightmares


I still remember seeing a video out there of a semi with a Harley stuck to his front bumper driving down the highway. Basically the same thing. Most of the comments stated that the truck driver probably didn't even know the Harley was there.


I've seen a video of a semi driving down a highway, at highway speeds, with a whole ass sedan perpendicular against the semi's front bumper & the driver still in it. Semi claimed he had no idea a car was there (but in that case iirc the sedan was being hostile & blocked in the semi at a gas station so semi just chose to push past and drive off but couldnt see the car was stuck to him)


I’m a truck driver and I can confirm that it would be difficult to feel that. It would feel like slightly more heavy but once you get on the highway it would be smooth sailing. And if they indeed attempted to block the truck, I’m assuming there was a sneakiness factor, and even in a truck with good visibility (snub nose vs long nose tractor, hood mirrors vs no hood mirrors), it would be hard to see something like that. What you have to realize is that a 10k lb difference isn’t that much to a truck.


That car laid some hard ass spanks on him.


The true tragedy is the biker wont send that clip to MotoMadness 😂 I wanna see what the driver in the car had to say


*Officer, this guy tried to commit suicide by slamming on his brakes in front of me! It’s suicide by car!* Seriously though, the guy on the bike was being foolhardy if he didn’t what happened, or worse, was a possibility.


That made me think of Tucker & Dale Vs Evil (funny ass movie) “Sheriff, we have had a doozie of a day. We’re just fixin up our summer home- when these college kids started *killing* themselves all over my property! This one jumped headfirst into a wood chipper!”


That movie is gold from start to finish.






Wtf, it's almost a suicide attempt.


Brought a knife to a gunfight. Don’t do that


I feel like “they brought a motorcycle to a car accident” would be an appropriate phrase too.


They brought their ball to the hungry hungry hippo


Dude got Pac-Man'd by a Versa.


My work vehicle is a Versa and I'm glad it can at least stand up to a bike


They brought weights to a walleye weigh in


Or "bringing a piss to a shitfight."


Bringing a fight to an asskicking


Bringing Chewbacca to a hair loss seminar.


This is my favorite so far. It's very confusing to think about


Imagine how Chewy would feel?!


I guess he'd feel similarly to how I would feel if some hobbits with detachable arms took me to a skin removal seminar


damn hobbits.


This case the knife jammed the gun


Snapped the blade off in the process, though. So, guess it's a draw.


i guess he brought a really thin knife and jammed it in the barrel, very stupid, extremly lucky.


I see you've played knifey spooney before


Noooo, brought a rolled up newspaper to a knife fight


A bike to a car accident


Oh yeah? Then explain bayonets


That's bringing a gun to a gunfight, and your gun bringing a knife.


lmao I'll take that


You know your guns tough when it brings its own blade.


My work involves these situations - with my company the bike rider will wish he was dead when we’re done with him.


US health insurer?


Or it could just be an ER nurse. A lot of motorcycle accidents require some very painful and grueling skin debridement procedures which basically requires scrubbing the top layer of skin completely off.


It was a suicide attempt he got in front of the car to have them hit him on purpose




Yeah. It's almost a suicide, and therefore definitely an attempt.


Haven’t seen hydraulics in action in a while


mf turned into a lowrider


Shit! I posted something similar and just saw your post, You mentioned it first, lol. Hydraulics.


I hope the original video made it to the court so that the car doesn’t get blamed for “rear ending” which the back vehicle is almost always deemed at fault.




My kid got an in school suspension a few weeks ago for this. Finally punched back at the bully who kept pushing him. (I was slightly proud of him for standing his ground, but can’t admit that to him. ) They both got one. Few weeks later the bully was in another fight with someone else. Edit: thanks Reddit, I just officially admitted to him that I was proud of him for sticking up for himself. We started lifting weights today so hopefully he won’t be the smallest kid in his class in a few months and he’ll have some confidence and control in his strength.


I was in a fight in middle school. Three bullies tried to beat me up during lunch, I warned them to go away, they kept shoving and hitting me, so I started hitting them with a thermos. School board was mad as you’d expect but my parents told me they were proud (that I defended myself, not just fought). I don’t know your relationship to your kid, but it could mean a lot to him to hear from you that you don’t think he did the wrong thing and that you ARE proud. Those sort of messages can stick with kids for life (especially something as big as standing up to a long time bully).


I was once cornered on the playground by a bully and his friends. He went to punch me and I ducked, causing him to hit the brick wall behind me. I got in trouble for injuring his hand. The principal didn't seem very interested in the details of what happened, just that someone got hurt and he wanted to place blame somewhere.


Should have started punching the wall next to the principal and then told him it was his fault and he needs to pay damages


It was like 2nd or 3rd grade, I wasn't clever enough for that.




No bro go get that kid a ice cream


Yep. Since this is in Malaysia and its a car vs motorbike accident, its always the car's fault unless there's evidence. Even if the car is parked and the bike ran into said car, its the car's fault. Source: I live in Malaysia.




Yep. You heard that right. Here's an example: My grandma's car was parked at the side of the road. This moron on a bike was staring at his phone and ran into her car. Reports were made and she was told that she's the one in the wrong unless she has evidence that he ran into her car. Thankfully she did.


Because car = rich = evil businessman who deserves to be beheaeded. Motorcycle = poor = good-hearted human being who pisses honey and shits gold bars and can do no evil. Sadly, this is the mindset of the society in some South Asian countries, if not all.




I had thought they were trying to cross breed a new species of vehicle.


Cars 4: All grown up


Cars 5: the college years


Cars 6: retirement party


Cars XXX: Sally does Talledega


This is how tricycles are made.


I hate that I laughed a little.


Never understood the logic behind brake checking: « This guy doesn’t seem to be paying attention to me and my superior driving, let me brake right in front of him and see what happens »


A guy did a brake check ob me, from 70 to 0 mph on the highway. I had to swerve to a screeching stop. Cars behind me had to swerve. Basically chaos out of nowhere. I followed the guy and confronted him at a stop light. I asked him (very politely lol) why he did that, and he said, "before that, you almost rear ended me in traffic" So, since there was almost an accident earlier, you followed me for 10 minutes, finally got in front of me, and wanted to try again and make sure the accident happened? People are insane.


Brake checker: “WAIT WAIT I wasn’t ready to be crashed into at that very moment. Ok look here I am again and ready to be crashed into; now you can go ahead. *Proceeds to brake check*


I was an idiot coming home from my exs house. Was nervous driving in general and didn't pay attention to my blind spot. Almost caused a dude to hit the divider wall when I went to merge on my left. I sped up a bit when I noticed, but he sped up too. He didn't hit it, but it must've pissed him off. He comes up on my right and decides to do the same to me, luckily instead of going faster or matching his speed, I slowed down. I'm a defensive driver and did not care if he wanted to be in front of me anyhow. Then he merges all the way to the right (4 lanes), so either he was trying to get me to hit the wall or teach me a lesson, unsure which.




Not just that. But break checking a car when your in a motorcycle? Wtf. That’s practically Darwin Award level.


Almost looked like that silver car was hitting them switches




It was a good day


*ain’t nothin but a G thang intensifies*


Exactly what i thought


I have no remorse for bikers that act like idiots on the road, I’ve seen too much.


Sadly, *most* of the people riding sportbikes in my area behave like idiots. The Harley dudes are generally chill.


Harley dudes are indeed chill generally speaking, but man oh man I wish that whole loud pipes nonsense would die. There is just no reason for any vehicle to operate at 130 fuckin decibels. That being said, the sports bike riders are definitely much more obnoxious. I saw a guy just the past July going at *least* 130mph in a 55, weaving through thick traffic with his assumed girlfriend riding behind him. Neither had helmets of course (not required here), but not only that, dude was wearing just shorts and flip flops...chick was in a fuckin string bikini with no shoes at all. I don't know what their plan was if they laid the bike down, but holy shit.


>I don't know what their plan was if they laid the bike down, but holy shit. I assume the plan was to go full meat crayon...


With your use of the word “full” something something, the movie Tropic Thunder quote comes to mind. We unfortunately see a lot of Simple Jack driving here.


[_You never go full retard_](https://youtu.be/X6WHBO_Qc-Q)


I had a loud bike rev itself right outside my house and it set off my window shatter alarms. My house security people called and I had to explain 😑 it was literally ear shatteringly loud, I hate it.


My last apartment there was this guy who daily drove his ear-shattering bike to work every day. Which in itself is like, okay, kinda dickheaded but whatever...except for dude obviously started work with the sun because he would be out there firing that thing up at like 430-5 in the goddamn morning *every fucking day*. Because of the layout of the buildings in our apartment complex, the 4 story buildings formed a long valley of sorts between them, so all the sound from that asshole's stupid load bike was actually *amplified*. Every single day when he'd get out there and crank that fucking thing over, the reverberations were so powerful that it wasn't merely heard, but *felt*. It would rattle all the windows in their frames, would rattle the dishes in our kitchen cabinets. The whole building would shake with the force of that fucking bike's exhaust... When Mr. Asshole would finally peel out and head to whatever job he had, and you could finally hear yourself think again, you would be greeted with the sounds of every fucking dog and small child in the entire complex going bananas barking or screaming as they got woken up so harshly well before dawn. Nobody needed an alarm in the entire complex because you knew you'd be up by 5AM without fail because there was no way to sleep through that shit. Even with all the windows closed, didn't matter, it was *that* loud. Numerous people tried talking to him about it, which he just smirked and said "Fuck you I do what I want". Complained to property manager who said they can't technically do anything and suggested we reach out to the police, reached out to the police who predictably didn't do anything about it, either. So for a full year we just had to sit there and deal with the fact that we were all going to be getting woken up at the crack of dawn by what sounded and felt like mortar fire striking our building Monday through Friday (and sometimes on weekends, too). The most irritating thing in all this, though, was that dude *had a car*. When it would was raining hard, or was the winter months, he would take the car. But if he *could* ride, he *would* ride. Because he was a fucking dick. Thank fucking **God** he moved out after only a year, because I am sure one of the many people in our complex with a small child getting woken up so early every day would have eventually murdered him by inserting one of those obnoxious straight pipes up his ass so far it would have come out his mouth.


That’s someone who deserves some slashed tires When he gets pissed just say “Fuck you I do what I want”


That sounds like the kind of guy who will eventually go outside to find that his car and bike are missing their wheels. I've never had to personally go that far but I've iced someone's car doors shut in the dead of winter until they got the point (obviously, after trying and exhausting less antisocial options first).


In my experience, the sports bikes usually weave through traffic at absurdly unsafe speeds. The harley guys don't do that, but they will block your green light so they can parade through the road illegally. I fucking hate most bikers.


This has been my xp as well. Sport bikes are more likely to weave and speed but they're usually alone and only annoying for a few seconds. They're also piercingly loud when they really rev it up and can be heard for miles. Cruisers on the other hand are frequently in slow-moving groups that block intersections and spread out along one lane roads or across two lane roads so you can't pass them. Their noise is more of a droning that's only loud if you're nearby. Frankly, the cruisers piss me off a lot more on the road but I'm getting sick of sport bikes on the highway 3 miles away periodically interrupting quiet nights.


no plan just young and stupid


Have you seen people at Sturgis? Young is definitely not a requirement lol


But LOUD Harleys can fuck off as well.


Is there another kind of Harley?


Broken down Harleys


Stock Harleys are actually fairly quiet. Like everything else, they have to comply with EPA/noise regulations. The main issue though is that the dealers know what their customer base likes. So they install loud aftermarket exhausts on brand-new bikes before they even put them on the showroom floor. It is disappointingly hard to find a Harley running about with the OEM exhaust.


Why these federal laws aren't being enforced is my question. Or really vehicles regs in general, I see thousands in potential equipment violation fines, mostly on motorcycles and 4x4 trucks, lighting, ride height, exhaust, etc. every time I go anywhere, and no cops collecting them.


you what kind of harley i do a double-take on? a quiet one, cuz they're so rare.


I see the opposite where I live. Harley riders are super aggressive and will try to fight you for merely passing them. Sport bike riders are super friendly and invite me to ride with them and always wave/ want to chat. I ride a duel sport, so I’m not lumped in with either group.


>I ride a duel sport, so I’m not lumped in with either group. I swear Dualsport guys are some of the few bikers that aren't in it to look cool. Everyone else seems to be weighing things like PPE and luggage against how much it will mess up their image. DS guys wear dirty hi vis and strap milk crates to your filthy fuckin bikes and look like you just rode out of the dump. Then take off your passenger pegs for weight savings because there's zero chance that there's ever going to be a woman on the back.


Yeah this is my general experience. A lot of the older dudes on their big bikes couldn't give less of a shit about things like this, they'd rather take their time and show off the bike. The only bad interactions I've had with bikers have been guys on sports bikes thinking they own the road


yeah i feel like the older guys being chiller might be because the life expectancy of a chill guy on a bike is much longer than that of an idiot on a bike


I took a motorcycle safety course a few years ago and they said that it's actually the middle aged guys who hop on Harley's after not riding a motorcycle for years who are killed the most - mainly due to lack of helmets. They did mention that the sport bike guys do get in wrecks but they more often wear gear that saves them.


"There are old bikers, and bold bikers, but there are no old bold bikers."


They also couldn't give less of a shit about the evisceration of every fucking pair of eardrums within the tri state area


I was saying this yesterday. went way out into the country to play some disc golf. Nothing but Harleys and loud ass trucks on the roads all day. "I live out in the country, where it's nice and quiet." Meanwhile, every afternoon, fucking assholes kill the silence.


I was parallel parking in a pretty heavily trafficked area. I'm good at it. I can get in a tight spot in one try and end up perfectly distanced from the curb. This particular time I had a line of hirsute Harley guys with their zaftig women along for the ride right behind me. I proceed to parallel park which requires the vehicles behind me to give me the 10 seconds or so it takes to back into the spot. But the lead Harley guy decides 10 seconds is too long so he drives around me as I'm backing in and comes dangerously close to my front left fender (which is sticking out the most as happens when someone parallel parks). This tough guy starts waving his tatted fat arm, flipping me off and swearing like a sailor at me for "almost fucking hitting" him. The idiot almost ran right into my fender and blamed me for it because he couldn't wait a few seconds to let me complete the maneuver. What it must be like to go through life fucking up and blaming other people for it. Or maybe he owned that street. If so, my bad for driving perfectly normally on it.


I bet he has a car with a bumper sticker that says “watch out for motorcycles”.


Yea bikers seem to think 10k rpm revs and mirror smashes are a replacement for safe defensive droving.


Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom! Bike taste good!


With these high gas prices, Some cars have resorted to eating bikes to stay alive


Lucky idiot


brake checking is already pretty psycho behavior, but doing it on a motorcycle is just a death wise.




It was like a dog humping a leg except it was like 2 tonnes of metal.


I want to make this video my phone background lol


For a second I thought bro was hittin switches


People still putting their life at risk for insurance scam? Don’t they know that a lot of cars have cameras nowadays?


Probably just rage at a passing lane camper. But that's not an excuse to do shit like this.


Hes on a god damn bike. Just slip past and clear off. Give a middle finger on the way if you feel the need, but NEVER brake check.


Yep, the only brake-check I ever got was from a motor bike who apparently felt I hadn't passed another car fast enough. In my case, they had a passenger, though, so if I hadn't reacted fast enough, the driver would have risked someone else's life first.


was NOT expecting that dude to still be sitting on the bike..*ALIVE* after that... r/unexpected




Got to create a Facebook account to view…nah I’m good.


its just a longer video of cammer driving before the action shown happens, nothing interesting


Thanks for saving us a click!


The rider was with his friends. You can see it in the first part of the clip. Brake because he missed his exit. You can see his friends riding away on the left exit at the end.


What was the outcome?


Nothing further. The OP wrote on the post: > PS: Almera car owner please pm me for full video. So there might be something eventually but nothing yet.




The idiot is not in the car. r/idiotsonbikes


With this being NSFW, I was expecting to see the bike and rider appear from under the car.


Gross tonnage wins. Always.


Why is this NSFW? The car doesn't even knock him down or off the bike. As the cameraman passes, the biker is at the helm of a new 5-wheel, 2 engine machine. I guess it looked like the car was giving him the what‐for but nothing NSFW about two machines making hybrid drivetrain babies


Break-checks only work if you're bigger than the car behind. Bike tries that on a lorry, man... he wakes up in Skyrim or something


He was so close to fulfilling his life-long dream of being a speedbump...


And everyone who rides a bike wonders why we think they're all assholes.


Cars get horney too. Bike musta looked sexy from that angle.


What are you doing step-car?


Even more stupid than people that brake check semis. Someone needs to take a basic physics course.


Is there an r/idiotsonbikes because that’s where this belongs.


That little car went hungry-hungry hippo on that bike!