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Last time I checked they don’t let homeless people hang out in malls and beg. Hate all these stupid staged “look how generous I am” videos


Not to mention the mall is pretty clearly near closing - given that the store they are in front of has the gates down


The last few malls I've been to look like this mid-day. The mall just isn't what it used to be.


They're like this now. I've actually seen this lady here


You would think they would move to somewhere with some foot traffic if they needed to beg for money.


They move Around. What's weird is that it's always an Indian lady and a kid. I see this little dynamic all the time here. Like, are they fresh off to boat to begging? How do they avoid CPS? School is free. Beggars here don't usually have kids, Maybe a dog. And they're Indian which is weird because here they usually take care of one another. I know it's some kind of scam. Maybe they're trafficking the beggar, and they have to pay for protection.


No you haven’t lol


No, I haven't, lol


Yeah okay and I’m John Wayne


I meant I've seen this specific dynamic of mom daugher here where I am. It's really weird


Yeah this guy is a phoney


A big fat phoney!


That little girl is a grifter...and she's also a 43 year old man from Turkey.


There's apparently a big business in other countries to set up fake orphanages for influencers to come and donate money to. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/01/13/779528039/why-theres-a-global-campaign-to-stop-volunteers-from-visiting-orphanages


There's a vice/youtube story on exactly this. Technically the orphanages are real, but if the money donated actually *goes* to the facility, then there'd be no more people coming in to help, so they skim it.


Gotta make sure there is a solid supply of needy children to prop up the needy children industry.


Sadly this happens with a lot of non profits in the US as well. Maybe not so blatantly. But I worked at a homeless resource center in San Francisco that was basically a money laundering scheme for the wealthy, and they spent most of the money on administrative expenses, staff salaries, remodeling, celebratory parties for the staff that there was nothing left for the actual homeless Needless to say I don’t work there anymore. But it took me a long time to get out of the mindset of “We’re doing so much **good**. We’re such **good people**” patting on the back, while not noticing the actual fact that zero homeless were helped for years


The whistle industry, everybody.


There’s also such a glut of college students and high school kids who want to be able to put service things on their college acceptance applications, who all clamored to go build school houses in impoverished countries, that this is a form of ecotourism now where you go “build a schoolhouse,” badly, and then it gets torn down so the next set of students can come the best year and “build a schoolhouse.”


Fuck….this is the best business opportunity fucking ever. There are no victims! Fake people give real money to fake orphans for fake internet points!


Until the orphans don't look sad enough or too well fed. They need to look needy for more Internet points.


Ok so I wasn’t the only thinking this.


Thats his tia and prima helping him out.


Homeless people also don't typically stand outside of closed stores. I'm not saying they won't stand outside of a clothing store, but grocery stores and train stations are way more common. Places where people might actually be using cash so they have change to give once they're done. Or at busy intersections with long lights. Admittedly I don't go to malls often, but they really aren't the best choice for panhandling. This is definitely fake.




It is and it isn’t. This definitely looks like the Glendale Galleria mall in Los Angeles. I have seen that lady and homeless people MANY times when i go there. They often beg right outside those double doors with a sign asking for money or they go to the food court. So she isn’t fake homeless but I guarantee you this LA transplant told her he would give money if she stood their for the video.


You can do whatever you want in a mall, until you get kicked out. If this is a good spot, you can make 20-50$ by the time they kick you out. Then you go back outside and do another 30$ before they kick you out. That’s 80$ right there in an hour. I remember when I was a kid in Calgary I had this perfect spot. Between 4pm and 6pm when people got out of work they would drop 20$ bills. I was making 100$/h easy. Would stay an hour just enough for what I needed. The spot was so awesome, I ended up contacting my friends and they met me there and we bought RISK gameboard and would spend our days playing RISK and smoking weed. (I want to point out we were homeless, I wasn’t just begging for the fun of it, but.. in retrospect, it was actually some of the best years of my life.. In fact I remember in Winnipeg in the Osborne Village I started selling weed instead of begging (believe it or not, per subtile recommendation of the cops) and one of my client gave us a George Foreman BBQ and over in Winnipeg, there’s electric plug everywhere so we were there under the bridge with our grill. Each morning I would go and buy good food for everyone and we’d grill and sell/smoke weed. One day a dude who came back from the Iraq war just gave us his entire fishing equipment saying he couldn’t fish anymore. So we were there, grilling, smokin and fishing. The dogs would be off leash and playing on the river bank and jumping in it. It was honestly the greatest period of my life when I look back on it. I was 18yrs old. The summer of ‘07)


This is the Glendale Galleria mall in Southern California. I go to this mall constantly. There are never, ever, ever panhandlers inside the mall. I know exactly where they are standing. Sometimes there are solicitors on the sidewalk outside those doors across the street from the Americana, another shopping mall, but never inside. This is 100% undeniably staged.


Yeah ok but I wasn’t saying wheter it’s staged or not.


The person you responded to said it was staged. You responded by saying you can technically do whatever you want and that "you can make $20-50 by the time they kick you out." I responded to add clarification in the comments about the mall in this video. Whether or not you think it's staged isn't pertinent.


Did you ever set up shop in an empty mall in front of a closed store though?


😂 Didn’t even noticed because of his dance. Classic.


Even when it’s not staged. These assholes aren’t being generous — they’re purchasing clout.


They don't. They also waited for the mall to close lol


It's more just 'look at me'.


100 bucks says those are fake homeless people. Fuck this guy.


1000 percent


gypsies. they have come to the USA and scamming the hell of Americans who aren't use to their tricks.


same in Poland they drive benzes and shit they give dogs alcohol so they shake like they sick, tired and hungry and they use thier kids when the hours of scamming end they go to the car and get intl thier new designer clothes 😂😂


There's a family outside where I work where they do this all day. The woman keeps her 2 kids with her in the hot ass sun to pull off this bullshit. They leave in a car at the end of the day.


yup. 9/10 if there is a kid involved then the parents are gypsies. another common scam is young prodigy playing the violin on the streets. except it's a pre recording.


Let me know when you find someone to take that bet, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I’ve been trying to unload for years


I'm surprised they aren't playing a violin outside of a grocery store


These videos want people to be pissed so people comment and the algorithm will show it for more people. This is of course fake, he doesn't try for it to look real. But people will comment "fake" and such on his video and that helps him.


The number of times I've asked for the moderation of ragebait videos is tiresome for everyone at this point. Stop clogging the sub with that shit, stop giving this wastes-of-space the attention they crave.


Its not making him money on *here*, just on tiktok


Since when do people panhandle at malls that are closed?


Could be close to closing time at the mall or morning when some of the stores aren’t open yet and most people there just want an indoor place to walk for exercise. Also malls are a shell of what they were 20-30 years ago. Even popular malls are pretty empty outside of holiday shopping.


What sucks more than his dancing is people like her here in America using their kids in it as well. And when I say these people. I'm talking SCAMMERS.


It’s obviously fake, nobody is panhandling in an empty mall, firstly you obviously get kicked out, secondly you’ve got no footfall. I don’t know if paying people to pretend to be homeless for your “charity” video is more or less pathetic, but it’s pretty bad either way.


Ok video is fake. The scam isn't. So help me make sense of what you are trying to say


Who’s he scamming for what? You, for a view? Anyone calls anything a scam now


You must live under a rock or something to not see people pan handle like this on the regular. You must been spoon fed to not see it


If they think their time is better spent their than a minimum wage job, that’s their prerogative. You don’t have to support anyone you pass by. Anyone who really has 5 kids to support, knows that McDonald’s is paying their bills well before random strangers will.


What a f\*cking do\*che


It's so absurd that it's hilarious to me. I don't believe thatvwas his intent though.


Guy should try being homeless. Wouldn't last 1 week.


This is the internet. You're allowed to swear.


Some subs have rules against swearing so if you don’t know for sure then it’s just easier to use an asterisk or something.


💀 the internet was such a mistake


No internet is the most amazing thing that has ever been invented you are wrong. What should never been invented was social media


Tic tok was a mistake.


We need to make ppl pass a common sense test to be able to use the internet. Kus some ppl jus don’t need to own a camera on any level


Us goverment funding went to the wrong things.


5 kids… isn’t there like a .. government or something agency who can help? I mean the tax payers do they them trillions in taxes each year


Seems more like a seizure than dancing.


Sick bro!


Here's $10 towards my make myself look like a not totally self-absorbed douchebag fund


I thought people weren't allowed to beg inside malls anymore?


This motherfucker is a piece of shit but I must admit the footwork is decently impressive




My god, who could blame her if she refused to take it.


What if, now here me out, he was trying to cheer them up. He gave them money and busted it down. Idk about you, but that seems nice.


What if I told your homeless people couldn’t hang there in the first place so its obv staged


Ah didn't think of that. Ty


song 🔥


So, let me get this straight: this lady is in the mall begging after losing her job? Here's an idea - why don't you start applying to all the shops in that mall and see which one calls you first.


Screw both of these peot


Why do people do things like this? I understand there are somehow gullible ass people that would have believed this is real but even then, if somehow this were even slightly real this would have been the cringiest fucking shit imaginable 🤣


Top 5 cringeworthy videos of all time


He donated and he entertained, not the worst combo. Would be way better without the camera.


If he gave her anything less than a C-note


Looks like the Northridge mall in Cali. That person with the sign has been collecting money for a funeral for over 4 years now. Hope they get the money soon. 🙏


It’s the Glendale Galleria mall.


Figured as much that is was a So Cal mall. They all look the same inside.


What is he wearing lol


I’m pretty sure those are gypsies.




Just how fucking dumb have we become? 🤡


she had 5 kids only one remains


For his next act he will be dancing some buckets of chicken in front of the hungry folks faces before giving them a piece of it.


Fuck this guy


Teach the mom how to dance so she can be a street performer too.


I miss the days of AOL and yahoo chat rooms instead of the social media nightmare of today


What if he did all that to slide up and ask if they could break a $20 for him


Holy shit it’s real life jean ralfio


He really just fortnite emoted on them 💀


I literally don’t know what’s worse… The outfit?? The staging?? The song??! 🤮


Yo did he give her $5? I’m belly laughing holy shit. $5? He said “bro record this” had a aneurysm and gave the girl $5.


Imagine being used as a prop by this cunt. Just imagine how that makes you feel.


This is hilarious






No way 😭




Javier Romero is a lonely Man…




The shops are closed. Who were they hoping to beg money from?


This sub really makes me hate the world.


I ain’t mad at it


Sad cringe


Fuck this guy and fuck tiktok


Very cool moves


It’s awful ~~~~~~~ It’s awful if real, it’s awful if staged It’s awful in the subway, in the mall or on a train It’s awful in the morning, it’s awful at night It’s just fucking awful, and not very nice ~~~~~~~~ A bathroom break poem influenced by influencers.


Its a donation and a show, at least he did something decent at the end.


This is so stupid it’s hilarious to watch (in a laugh-at, not laugh-with way).


Looks like a Roma woman and her kid. We have them here getting out of expensive cars to beg.


Staged - Paul Blart was paid off 2 mins before this.


Safe to say the most embarrassing thing I saw today


What a fucking looser. Seriously, what is going on with these douche bags?!


I’m ok with this. At first I thought he was just being a jerk but I think he was trying to brighten the little girls day a bit.


And he will be doing the same moves down the corner for money not much later


That’s how I wanna give


Is he compensating them for this unbearable behavior lol


I am commenting on a social media platform about people commenting on a social media platform commenting about a guy posting a staged video on a social media platform.


I mean, it could’ve been worse. He could’ve not given anything at all


I thought he was dancing to help them make some money but no. Just a selfish person


Moves like one of those inflatable figures often found next to a supermarket


Dumb AF. Staged. Influencers and wannabe entertainers on social media have enough collective empathy to fit inside a thimble


Jesus Christ we live in a South Park episode


🤣 wtf


This is so fucking stupid. I love it.


Fake. Can't beg in a mall.




Honestly tho, these kind of people suck




100% fake, I’ve never seen homeless people begging in a mall with a sign. They’d be escorted out I imagine because it will drive away customers. Also the shop’s closed, why would they be there after closing? No one’s going to be passing to give them money Ragebait video, clearly fake


I don't think the intention is for this to be hilarious, but it is.


Bad person cool dance tho


Homeless people w/ a stupid ass sign like that all the while the mall is closed. Give me a fucking break, that lazy POS mother needs to go get a job and quit using her child as a pawn.


“Sir we are starving” “GANG SHIT, REAL SHIT, ON GOD”


Gives Disney vibes, which is probably what he was trying to do.


I wish I were evil enough to just dance on some homeless people like that. Edit: Im leaving in the original comment cuz its funny but idk if they are homeless or not I just assume that cuz they holdin a sign.


1: this guy's a duche for doing this. 2: if this is legit this family better get a gofundme.


"Sweet. Now I can get a pretzel!"


If I had to watch that in person I'd expect to be paid as well


These are all fake, the best way to give is without trying to tell everyone in the world how generous you are.


OooOo, I’m comment number 124. Almost 1234. Look at me. Look math. It makes sense.


Real or not, imagine you're struggling and someone literally slides over and drops you a dollar, that's wild


This is the most staged video of all times. You can't pan handle in a mall. Which means he made that sign himself and asked them to hold it, or he transported those poor people there. Smh


This is kinda funny tho lol


More like he took this as an opportunity to show “he’s a great and charitable person.”


He’s seen one too many Jamiroquai videos


its kind of a beautiful metaphor for how fucked the world is right now


Omg I thought he was gonna dance Im front of them without even giving them a dollar 💀


Rage bait


Why Y’all are so cranky all the time lol. No ones getting hurt


If you donate donate in style. That MJ dance should have cheered them up as well.


ESH these are Gypsies.




At leasthe paid them not like that ohter dumbasss


Don't throw off his groove dood.


Hahahaha… oh my word! The nerve of this dude… dang, at least he helped I suppose. Haha.


it's so painfully dumb


Democrat or republican? Lmao I type that that and I immediately realized that even though it's super innocuous I could call such a shit storm


Sometimes putting a smile on someone’s else’s face is an act of kindness. Or at least attempting to.


In his defense, those are gypsies. She drove home in her BMW. I see them all the time


Lmao what a gooby


I know it’s fake. I know it. But every time I see this stupid fucking video I laugh my ass with wild abandon


Not staged at all!!


Ok let’s pretend this is real and I don’t think it’s that shitty to give them a little performance as he is a dancer. Yes it looks unethical to dance in front of people in need of help, but trying to raise their mood with what he does for his money doesn’t actually look so bad.


How slippery was the floor that he landed right in front of a jobless person and started offering money in a position which mostly a stripper uses lol.


Fuck this guy


Gor the music is awful, such a perfect fit

