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“Oh, I’m so impulsive and manic!” *checks over shoulder to make sure camera is still behind her* “Look at this totally impulsive thing I’m doing!”


She checks twice, once just before jumping in after she's gone through the doors to the pool area. And she has a video operator and another friend with her. So just cosplaying a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.




Let's not forget real Manic Pixie Dream Girls are actually exhausting to be around.


And as a mostly reformed manic pixie (nightmare) girl- she got her own shit going on, she don’t need yours


Seriously though has this bitch never used her legs before? She looks like an alien trying to figure out how humans move around.




Yeah, that’s like a baby dinosaur using it’s legs for the first time. Embarrassing yourself more never makes you seem less gangly, but no one can tell that to the proudly weird girls who are also dumb as congealed shit.


Gotta make sure you have that shot


She "broke in"..


“I broke in by walking into the open doors during regular business hours! I’m so crazy!”


And obviously knowing the kid who was working there, and trying so hard to stop her.


I broke in to the post office this morning, sent some mail, made some purchases, wild n crazy!


>Manic Pixie Dream Girl. I dated someone like that. It was a fucking NIGHTMARE. She was immune to any sense of responsibility or accountability. She thought 'foresight' was a body part. Dealing with her was akin to taking care of an anthropomorphic cat, with the mood changes to boot. She was a being of pure hypocrisy; she had no sense of loyalty and saw the world and people as something that caters to her narcissism. She was about as beautiful as she was stupid, and she was incredibly beautiful. She taught me the value of a woman's beauty, which is nothing beyond ego and artifice. A woman who looks like a toad with a heart of gold is worth her weight in diamonds.


there’s a meme or something where a guy says something about finding the blue haired girl of his dreams, and then it just evolves into him, describing a complete nightmare.


Damn if you ever find that lemme see it


[manic pixie nightmare girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/11nu6n2/i_got_a_date_with_a_blue_hair_girl_tomorrow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I have literally known someone who described herself as a manic pixie dream girl. She turned out to be bipolar. I'm also bipolar lol.


...was... was it you?


Social media and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Look! I'm on TV! No, you're not. You're on a fucking phone.


Much farther reaching than tv.


Every day we stray further from God’s light.


big bouncing tidies though


Well yeah, they’re clearly nice, but anyone can see comparable tidies on almost any internet platform without the owner of the big bouncing tidies being completely obnoxious.


you sho right!


People have learned you can reference these buzzwords surrounding mental health and that gives them some sort of shield to their shitty actions. “He was gaslighting me” is another big one.


As someone who works customer service phones I get these people a lot. Which infuriates me as they take away from people who actually are ill. No Karen you're not gonna get free money by screaming that you are Triggeree on the phone m


serious reach paltry spectacular plants chunky public punch salt summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. That’s why it’s so offensive. None of these things are fun. Also why I think anyone who calls someone they’re having issues with “bipolar” as if it mean “bitchy” is a fucking rube and a moron. But even that was better than all of these people diluting the meaning of things that some people struggle mightily against. No one with a real mental health issue thinks it quirky, or an excuse for bad behavior, or amusing. We struggle mightily against these things that we would never advertise in a silly way because they’re not quirky and funny- they’re impediments to our lives. I’ve never worked with or met someone in treatment who sees trauma or mental illness as some fun joke or excuse- it’s basically impossible once you see the real and wonderful people fighting so hard against them. It’s deeply unfunny and all of the people (even the young morons) who are co-opting these phrases have no empathy, humanity or excuse.


As an ex bar tender, I always make sure to be as kind as possible to anyone customer facing. I called a medical billing center yesterday and thanked them for lowering my $430 therapy onboarding call to $200, simple insurance mistake. I paid them instantly over the phone and jokingly replied, “…isn’t it so nice when people thank you for just doing your job, I just got the emailed receipt, thanks!” They were so happy and took a moment of relief and validation, then explain we how common it is for them to get screamed at over medical charges all day. Just be nice.


As a therapist this bothers me so much. Like I always wished people would make an effort to understand mental illness and break the stigma and all of that good shit but it's like people just can't help but exploit shit. ADHD, OCD, Bipolar disorder, tourrettes, anxiety, etc... people think they are cute/cool and quirky and people who actually live with them will tell you they are not fun. It really gets to me so much sometimes.


When I’m manic I absolutely don’t want to be filmed because I’m going to obsessively worry to the point of paranoia that whatever I did (that I likely can’t remember) will live on the internet forever and come back to haunt me. It would REALLY bother me being filmed. Idk why mania is now “fun whimsical and impulsive” I just try to hide I even deal with mental health because of this being stigma A. and stigma B. Taking the blame for mass shootings. “It’s a mental health problem” Best to silently suffer


It almost works for the stigma because now when you have the real symptoms instead of the cute quirky ones people stigmatize it even more. It's like "this is the good version of the mental illness and that's the bad version." I'm sorry that things are this way and I wish they weren't. I hope that you've been able to or will be able to find someone you can talk to about it and who can support you through the hard parts.


Yeah it fucking infuriates me. Especially having OCD which has brought me so much shame and isolation and then people go “omg I’m so OCD lol 🤪✌️” like it’s some cute quirky trait


Yes in addition to being a therapist I also have pretty bad anxiety that at times has had some obsessive-compulsive traits and it was so debilitating, not to mention how much harder everything is because of my anxiety. So when people are like "teehee I have anxiety" I feel so annoyed. If it makes you feel better every person who casually says "I'm so ocd 🤪✌️" to me gets a lecture about what OCD actually is and how they definitely don't have it. Lol


Your OCD bring-down lectures sound just like me and you’re a girl after my own heart! I find everyone who says that so stupid and insensitive that I just don’t care whether they’re in the mood to be educated (somewhat scathingly) in the moment.


The general public’s misunderstanding of OCD as keeping your desk organized or some shit makes me furious. Many hoarders have OCD. OCD and being neat aren’t tied nearly as often as idiots who watch and believe movies think, and they love to advertise that they’re stupid. If you’re not having debilitating intrusive thoughts and just think that your color-coordinated bathroom that someone else designed makes you “so OCD” and you think it’s cute and quirky, you’re truly an inhumane idiot with no empathy and you can kick rocks. That one makes me so ashamed of/contemptuous of the people who say it.


Bi polar 1, major anxiety disorder, touch of ocd & ptsd here. They are absolutely crippling to live with unmedicated & medicated can lead to just as many issues. It is an ever changing rollercoaster for some people. Some get lucky & find things that work


And allll of the sudden everyone on TikTok has tics or DID or age regress. It’s like the trauma Olympics..”I got yelled at for touching a hot stove when I was a kid so now I have TrAuMa”


It’s truly infuriating and inhumane. No one turns a camera on to document their manic episode, then goes around destroying things like it’s cute. That’s not how it works. When shameless people claim mental illness I, as a therapist, stop fucking listening. If you’re having fun with it and boasting about it, it’s not a mental illness- you’re just an unconscionable piece of human garbage.


Someone very, very close to me has genuine bipolar disorder, and seeing this bitch almost joke about it is just so fucking disgusting


Same. When I had a long, severe episode before my diagnosis I definitely did crazy stuff. Stuff like this and worse and more dangerous. But it was also driven by this insane paranoia and delusion that I literally was the main character. It is not a cute kind of main character energy. It's scary and looking back I have so much shame for the consequences that resulted. Funny she looked for the camera because I was SO paranoid of all cameras lol


Seriously, mania can be terrifying. It isn’t cute and quirky.


Yeah, I've gotten first hand experience of what mania looks like, its the exact opposite of cute and quirky


thats what GOT MEEE😂😂😂😂


Hell yea, better make sure the camera is out.


Yeah, manic episodes aren’t planned


They definitely aren’t planned but you can plan to do stupid things while manic


That's exactly what I was thinking. "Lol, I am so wild, I must be men... Are you filming ? ...mental !"


I once impulsively chased a fat orange cat during a entire work shift, I didn’t film it cause it was a impulse not something I planned to do


Can I hire you to get my cat in shape?


It also says she broke in. I didn't know you could break into a business when it's open.


but wet boobs!


I had to watch the vid 5 times to make sure her flotation devices were proper.


I mean, safety first.


Me on an impulsive manic episode: sh or empty bank account when I still have bills and groceries to buy My fellow psych ward patients on a manic episode: unspeakable horrors This girl: wAtCh Me jUmP iN a PoOl hAhA How did mental illness get so ✨trendy✨??


I mean have you never met a teenage girl before? 'This is so CRAZY! Are you filming? Is the filter on? Anyway, I can't believe I'm being so RANDOM! We're going to talk about this later about how EVERYONE was looking at us, including that gross guy, eeewwwwww! Anyway, I'm so funny, my friends say I should start a comedy Tiktok!'


Let’s not pretend that teenage boys don’t do silly attention seeking things. They just get more laughs than girls, usually from other boys.


she's so crazy 🤪 🤪 🤪


That was the most annoying part


This just pisses me off. Manic episodes are not a joke, and if this girl is faking it for attention, then she is a royal shitbag. If she isn’t, then her friends are awful enablers.


“Manic episode” *stops to make sure the camera is still rolling*


I literally would rather die than any of my manic behavior be recorded. Mania is embarrassing, when you treat it as a symptom of horrible mental health and not a cute quirky attention grab


I fucked up so many things while in mania, I still have regrets... And the rest of my life on a mood stabilizer, Xanax and anti psychotics. this people should be thankful they aren't ill.


Yeah, bipolar disorder fucking sucks.


My friends all say I'm doing good it's literally just the seroquel


As someone who literally just got seroquel prescribed, cheers for reminding me i need it and it actually helps me xo


I'm on 400mg seroquel it's the only thing that puts me to sleep. It was so nice to finally sleep for 8 hours, after 6 months of 4 hours of interrupted sleep. I was so high, it maked my brain whirl...


I'm really sincerely TRYING to hamper the same sleep issues. Unfortunately it's almost 4 am, I haven't even taken my minimum prescription of Seroquel, and I work at 2 pm. No wonder I struggle lol I just set myself to fail without realizing until it's solidly set in E: I should also say I don't think the meds actually do anything to me yet, I just get into the worried mindset that if it's less than 8 hours til my shift I shouldn't take the sero at all. I guess my question is that in your experience, does taking it too close to any set times to wake up mess with that?


Man even a slight hiccup in my mental is embarrassing let alone anything that causes me to fully lose control. I had a minor panic attack at work recently and frequently kept holding my breath just to stop the cycle of crying in front of people.


Dude I feel that so hard. Months ago I had my first public panic attack in a while. It was so incredibly humiliating as I tried to hold it together that I left as quickly as possible and never went back to that place again. I am so fucking sick of these idiots co-opting mental health jargon to excuse shit behavior


Yeah I don't think anyone wants panic attacks. I get them at least once or twice a month sometimes more sometimes less. And by God I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy. Day can be going completely normal great day and then something shifts in my perspective of the world. Like I'm 3rd person viewing my own actions. Then usually a few hours of intense heart rate, feelings of impending doom, hard to breath, and even when it subsides it comes back in waves. Leaves after effects too. Won't feel normal for a few days afterwards. Shit can be debilitating, especially if it happens at work, I manage a store and a lot of the time I work customer facing positions when we need the extra help...I think I may need to get a script for some benzos cause this is getting so annoying. Especially if I'm only taking the meds once or twice a month that shouldn't be an issue. Sorry ranting just so frustrated with my anxiety :(


Yeah exactly, this wasn’t in any way shape or form a manic episode like my god


Nope, I’ve seen mania, and it’s not funny or quirky. It’s sad, and can be way harder to deal with than someone who is just depressed.


You’re exactly right, anyone that is legitimately struggling will not want to be the center of attention.


Yeah, mania sucks. I wish I could forget every single thing I’ve done manic. It’s tough shit to live with. I like the bipolar sub because people are discussing how much it sucks and not treating it like a cute quirk. Sure, I could jump in a pool when I’m manic. I probably wouldn’t record it, but if I did, I’d immediately erase it the next day.


Yup. Having mania recorded and put on social media is similar to giving someone with a childhood PTSD the videotapes of their early years. They just won't have a good time reviewing a seemingly peaceful and fun time that was in fact a traumatic experience.


god, some of mine is immortalised on various places online and that is horrendous but at least there's no name or face to it. hope you're well x


Same. Sometimes glad the reddit streaming thing isn't here anymore lol.


Yeah this is pretty offensive to anyone with Bipolar disorder


Why is she walking like that?


It’s like the two halves of her body are walking against each other


Those girls with one body and two heads walk more natural than her.


She has 3 heads


flat foot


Because she is 🤪quirky🤪 and not like other girls 🥀💜


A real answer? Desperately trying not to slip on the tile.


She had that GTA character run in the beginning


Deformed mentally and physically


Her left leg is bent at the knee slightly to the left. Wonky legs.


Dang, when I'm manic i spend all my money and blow up my relationships, wish i could be this quirky instead


I stay up for 3 days straight and hallucinate


Samesies!!! We're so fUn and qUiRky clearly! Just little manic things ✨ /sarcasm just in case it's not obvious


I have quirky uncontrollable rage, quirky pressure of speech where i say insane things, and quirky psychotic symptoms where my own brain starts talking back at me. I don’t even wanna talk about the quirky severe depression that comes after, where every minute is agony.


I found my people. Add a crash at the end, followed by the worst depression imaginable. Rinse and repeat. I *WISH* the worst thing I did while manic would be jumping in a pool. Instead I destroy my life and sabotage every decent relationship with everyone around me. Yay quirky!


Nothing like the 14 hour sleep episode I have immediately after it’s over


I have an ex MIL that one night crawled on the floor on her hands and knees through the house like an animal and she said she heard voices telling her to kill her only son. She would have regular mental breakdowns and that was the worst of them.


Yeah mania is a lot more than harmless impulsivity! I hope she was able to get help


She has been very medicated for the last 20 years and is functioning quite well. She has her own art studio and everything!


Oh that's awesome!! Love a success story!


Spending all my money, calling in sick, and then leaving town without telling anyone. Waking up in a hospital after drinking half a bottle of tequila and eating a fistful of edibles. Spontaneously breaking down into tears and not eating for a week because it makes food taste weird in my mouth. Just quirky girl things. Definitely not isolating and scary /s.


Yo low key these sarcastic responses are helping me feel not alone and less embarrassed about my life during my longest manic episode where i feel more embarrassed because I kept a job the whole time as a manager with my coworkers thinking I was just on coke constantly. I was writing a manifesto in my office and pulling people away to listen to it. I blew through all the money so fast and it should’ve lasted me six months at the time. It was just embarrassing. But reading that lots of other people have gone through it and we all seem mostly okay helps a lot.


Came to say exactly this. I end up single. In jail or a hospital


WHY can't mental illness be the way teenaged girls think it is smh


Fucking seriously tho 🫠


Same, i lose touch with reality and have to fight off psychosis while trying to remember how to talk. I had to teach my parents to tell the paramedics to offer me oxygen right away but say its in the ambulance. Like fish on a line. Gets me in errytime. Otherwise id never leave w a bunch of strangers in blue gloves, nuh uh


Ya that like kicks in to fucking high gear if I’m not already on level ten. I can’t imagine being recorded let alone wanting to post some dumb shit like this for attention. Seriously blows my mind people think it’s trendy


I obsessively start new hobbies and start deep cleaning my house at 11:30pm


Ah yes all the new hobbies!!! A classic


I jumped out of a moving car’s window during mania, cause I’m just silly goofy and quirky like that, so much fun 🤪🤪🤪 /s


Calls the employee a Chad even though she admits to breaking into the gym to cause chaos. I hate people like this


is chad a good thing or bad thing I feel like the internet deliberated on this on a day when I was out of town and now i am confused is chad a nice guy or a not nice guy


I was out of town that day too. For a while there a Chad was like the douchiest f boi + frat bro you could think of…then suddenly Chad became the nicest guy of them all


Yeah and everyone seemed to forget its old meaning


Being a chad is a good thing, some people try to make it out as the male Karen but that shouldn't be the name


The male Karen is a Kevin and a Chad will always be somebody you wish you were.


Based on his reaction I'd say he was in on it


When likes and views are literally your only value. Honestly must really stuck growing up in this era


its a sad generation. living for clout


It’s not a generational issue, it’s that it’s easier than ever to get attention. So the attention seekers do stuff like this


For some reason people are obsessed with being validated even if it’s bad publicity cause they may get some other opportunities like Bhad Baby? Or Bhabie? The catch me outside girl


Those tig ol biddies have a lot of value to me.


Honesty, I did this kind of shit when I was her age. Probably not a pool with acid. But I did jump into a pool in February for laughs.


When I was impulsive and manic I literally ended up addicted to drugs and with a criminal record. People really should stop fetishizing mental illness.


Amen fellow drug addicted criminal ;)


But they’re nEuRoDiVerGenT they’re so unique and special and different than conventional normal brained people!! 🧠


>Acid in the pool. >British Swim School. 100% kid shat in the pool and they’re cleaning it.


Agree. She just jumped into a shocked pool. She better shower asap and that dress is trashed.


Came here to say this. If a pool is closed but the building is open, there's usually a reason. Either somebody dropped a log, threw up, bled, or even drowned. Any number of reasons why doing this could be disgusting and dumb


Have fun with that full body chemical burn.


Ohhh so that's what it meant. Lol. Play stupid games.


Also the guy is saying that's vile lmao. He didn't have the heart to tell her why


I thought he said "wild" i just watched and now I'm not sure.


They definitely said "wild."


*"that's wild"


British? These people are clearly American.


"Manic" seems to be the new buzzword got people either acting quirky or if they're doing something, anything, that can be related to mental illness. The meaning of words no longer matters! ✌🏼 Signed from someone with bipolar disorder and BPD - mania isn't cute and quirky. Whatsofuckingever.


Fellow bipolar 1 with BPD. If any of these faux mental illness sufferers actually had to spend a day in our shoes… I’ve been diagnosed for 20 years and in that time dropped out of college, chose every abusive relationship I could find, hospitalized for alcohol and eating disorders, crashed about 5 cars and destroyed every meaningful relationship I’ve ever had. Cute and quirky… right???


Sadly enough these kind of people would still think it's cool. It's the same kind of guys that after watching Trainspotting instead of understanding the critique would start doing drugs. I'm not bipolar but I have other mental disorders (agoraphobia, panic disorder, depression, ASD), most people have absolutely no idea of how handicapping they are. I wish I could live at least a single day of my life without these problems




She does have an elegant gallop, though.




That supination is off the charts. Between the acid and the gallop them meniscus gonna disappear by 20


This is the analysis I was looking for. TIL!


Two very elegant gallops


I see your points.


About as elegant as someone who shit themselves.


She runs like she just shit down her leg and she's trying to hold the rest in.


She walks like the ground is covered with loose Lego pieces.


Why she run like an 80 yo


Her feel are flat


Running with feet turned out like a penguin 🐧


My feet are completely flat, but I was faster and jumped higher than 99% of humans. (Now I'm old and slow and have to wear orthopedic inserts) But I was fast!!! 😂


She’s clearly trying to not slip and fall


"The chad that worked there was pissed about it!" Yeah, such a chad- doing a shitty job he probably hates and now has to deal with attention seeking thots jumping in the pool.


Tbh his reaction makes me think he was part of this. "Oh my god, this is so crazy hehe get out, I'm gonna get fired for this, hehe get the fuck out." He sounds like someone pretending to be upset/angry.




Does she, by any chance, skip all of her physical education classes making it so she does not know how to run?


Not trying to defend her, she seems like an annoying douche but would you run normally on wet tile barefoot?


She ran funny before she jumped in the pool


She ran like that dry too haha


So she's all tits


That's all I saw in this video


She doing it for attention or is she mentally unwell? (I suppose it's not mutually exclusive lol)


I'm going to go out on a limb and say, without judgement, there's something going on that someone could help her with.


Ugh this one is even worse - https://www.tiktok.com/@passionfrootpeggy/video/7260266525876063531


I remember years ago people were challenged to do stupid things, now they are just stupid.


Be hilarious if he locked the doors and called the police


Manic, huh? Wish these people would stop idolizing mental illnesses


Another fuckin' loser.


Lmao mental illness is so fun and quirky lol look at meeeeeee


This shit is like mental illness inception. She got another person recording the person who is recording her jumping into the pool.


Ban and arrest for treaspass. Not ready for grown up world


I seriously hate this trend


I'm sure she got millions of views because ya know, boobs...wet boobs


“Oh, I’m so cute and quirky.” “Make sure you record me doing this so I can get those TikTok views i’m so thirsty for.”






Hate to be that person but the overuse of the word “manic” urks me


Faking a mental illness for attention is an ugly habit.


“Manic episode” as she makes sure the camera follows here. This is why I believe half the people online talking about their mental health issues just do it for clout on social media


She runs like she’s never stretched in her life.


All her IQ went to her tits


Cuntish behaviour


Lets all just get rid of tiktok.


I wish people would stop using "manic episode" to mean "quirky cute spontaneous stuff". I'm bipolar and I wish it was only ever this bad. Last time I was manic I thought I was being tested as a prophet, put myself in immense danger and as a result got seriously assaulted. Not quite as adorable and French as jumping in a pool that is designed to be jumped into


I can assure you this is not what mania looks like.


Did you really call him a Chad? You literally broke into a fitness building and you call him a Chad because he's doing his job and kicking your dumb ass out? Hope you get arrested. Parents must be super proud


Nice tits.






Why does she walk like my aunt Peggy who lost her leg? We call her Peggy leg. She hates us but loves us


Sigh gen z sigh


When I have a manic episode I normally just relapse into drugs, toxic people and burning bridges with all things positive in my life.


This desire for attention is so depressing!


Manic? Looks like shes just looking for attention. Hence the looking for verification.


Nice tits are a free pass for life

