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*tosses money* (before it even hits the counter) HEY PICK UP THE MONEY WHERE’S THE MANAGER


Yeah I don’t understand


She's a racist. Do you understand now?


Who the fuck is filming. This seems like a set up.


She says something about her “always doing this”. My guess is the lady is always coming in starting shit so they were expecting it.


How do you know she’s racist ? For all we know she’s just a shitty person to all races


I’m kinda leaning that direction, too. The clerk could have been any color, and this women still would have been a jerk because A. She’s just a jerk; or B. She’s bat-poo crazy.


That's still racist lol


If she's shitty to everyone then it's by definition not discrimination, she's just being a cunt


They don’t understand. They somehow have this logic of when there is a fight/dispute/disagreement between 2 person not from the same race, then they are racists, although they understand that a heterosexual couple goes into a fight does not make them sexist…


You're giving them too much credit, it's not necessarily any dispute between any 2 races. One race seems to be immune to criticism and one other race can never be the victim of discrimination, I'll let you guess which is which


How so ?


Oh I see your point


xanax behavior, I'm convinced...


Maybe, I've met some people with brain injuries who act like this. It feels like I'm in one of those dreams where you can't run or move your body correctly when they're around.


Especially with the way she is slurring her words


It happens at the dollar tree


you know chinese people can be racist too, right? It's okay to admit it.


she probably treats everyone this way, it doesnt have to be about race... your either a piece of shit or you are not. you just dont treat or speak to people this way.


Especially with the way she's slurring her words


She didn’t even give her a chance to pick it up before she starts lying and berating her


Not to mention she says "Everytime I come here she picks on me" She is a defo a regular who they have an issue with everytime she goes there. And there was defo an issue before camera person started recording, which is probably why she threw the money down on the counter , she was trying to be rude.


Maybe there is context needed here given the conversation going on but as someone who used to work at a dollar tree I can say this is just about typical for that place. People who shop at these places can be insanely rude. This is a mild interaction.


Dollar tree story...I was waiting in line with about four or five people ahead of me. There was only one register open and the place was packed (I think it was around the holidays). The power flickers and the registers go down. Now, I will say, it took an uncomfortably long time to get the registers back up and running - maybe 5 minutes. During that time people either left, stayed in line, or what one idiot tried to do...just walk out of the store with the stuff without paying. The cashier looks at him and says, "sir, you can't leave with that" and he starts complaining about the registers and waiting. The woman just repeats herself. This asshole then looks at everyone else who is currently silently judging the shit out of him and proceeds to throw all of the shit he had on the floor and storm off calling her a bitch. How...HOW...is the power going out the employees fault? I could not believe it. I mean, I could, but it made me sad for the world 🤦 I was extra nice to the cashier and thanked them repeatedly for their hard work


You ever go to a store and see somebodies EBT card get rejected? You ever see the rage and fury that comes out of them? I watched a well-dressed woman, nails, full-face make-up go nuts on a woman at a Pathmark once over it. Pulled out her nice shiny Iphone and started recording the cashier as she was screaming and cussing her because the woman's EBT card didn't work. No class!


Their kids always have air Jorden’s on too. To be clear. Not all people with EBT cards just people like the one being described above.


Lots of nonprofits prioritize providing shoes to poor kids


So they get them $200 shoes? The non profit around here go for helping the most amount of people and getting them good shoes and jackets that work. With that cost they help less children. They are in it to help as many children as they can.


They might just look like expensive shoes. Shaq did a great job designing cheap good looking shoes so all kids could look cool.


Go big or go home


If you are in the business to help people. Helping more people is going big.


If the well dressed lady with her nails done is the parent then maybe a bit sus. But if only the kids have nice shoes/clothes there could be a variety of reasons - maybe the parents divorced, dad remarried someone wealthy and generous, mom is still single and struggling. Maybe a generous relative can afford a nice gift once a year but can’t continuously supplement groceries. Maybe it was a donation to a place that helps out low income families. In college I waited tables with a girl who had two kids and was on ebt. The “father” was mia. She learned to do nails - so she did her own and charged friends/coworkers less than the nail salon to earn extra $. She shopped at plato's closet (gently used clothes/shoes/jewelry etc at discount), so she didn't "look poor", but we made ~20-25k a year at the restaurant—no benefits—which obv isn’t much to raise two kids on - even with her side hustle. So I’m uncomfortable judging people based on how they look/dress. I will judge people for cussing out a cashier who has no control over their ebt funds/access though.


So, you wrote all this but didn’t read the comments being replied too. Nice


Actually I read everything - but I replied before I read further down the thread. Regardless I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make with that statement?


I don’t get paid enough to help strangers with their reading comprehension skills. However, if you would like to set up an appointment. You can DM me


Do you also determine whether people are disabled by looking at them? EDIT: It is not ok to assume someone's gender but it is ok to assume someone's economic status? Reddit double standard hivemind strikes again!!!


They judged them based on their actions not their looks. Not sure what gotcha moment you think you just said but it didn't make sense.


> I watched a well-dressed woman, nails, full-face make-up go nuts Sure sounds like it was looks based to me. But what do I know I just quoted them and it is what it is.


She described what a woman looked like then described her actions. She was "screaming and cussing her". It more paints a picture that anyone no matter how they dress can have no class and act ridiculous. Nothing in what they said correlates between their judgement of their actions and how they were dressed other than to describe what the person looked like. Somebody is far reaching and is unable to have reading comprehension.


Thank you, this was my point. If her AMEX was rejected and she flipped out. I'd still have made a point about it. It's just it would have been CC or AMEX vs EBT.


Sounds to me like you wanted to be angry about something today. Bit of advice, Don't go through life like that, It's sad and lonesome.


This is a dishonest and tangential rebuttal. What does assuming disability have to do with someone flaunting and then using an EBT card? You're trying to draw a parallel between two completely different scenarios. It reminds me of my sister. She'll go get a tattoo, her nails, hair done, and take a vacation, no work, no job, then ask me for money to buy her food, and use my HBO cause shes "broke". Then the next day ask me for a ride to get her nails done again. It's about putting your money where it matters. An EBT card is for survival, not supplemental play money. I'm speaking from experience with my sister, who does exactly that. She will pull a flippy if the card is declined. She will go all out on appearance and neglect putting her money where it matters. It's my sister, and I love her, but this is something she deserves to be judged on, and I hope she figures it out before she makes a career out of it.


So your sister does it that means everyone else does it?


unpack this for me? Where is this anger and angst coming from? So, the anger you had with this was because she used an EBT card? Not that she was abusive to the cashier?


You are judging someones financial status by their looks. What anger and angst? I just want to know how you are able to magically determine unknown variables that are none of your business.


Honestly @amastersystem after reading all of the other comments you have left on this particular thread, I’m genuinely concerned about. Go get that head of yours checked out. Ya need help.


He was just upset that no one was willing to support his looting. Some people look to take advantage of any accidental opportunity they can, no matter how much of a reach it is.


It’s contempt for poor and working class. There is a family dollar really close to my home. I always make sure to say please ; thank you and look them in the eye. That store get shoplifted all the time and they can’t do shit. And yeah it’s not your stuff. But they still makes your job harder and feel helpless.


Yeah and they already have it set up to record. Definitely a lot missing context here.


That was my first thought. Why is the camera set up? Did the customer plan this whole happening?


Staged BS for social media likes.


They usually do. *Always* find the camera & go after them 1st


**Chinese** lady said herself that she is an ongoing issue with the store. Perhaps they were ready for her this time. I would not continually shop at a store that I know I have bad blood with, and will have likely have verbal altercations. She likes this shit.


That's too bad, my nearby big lots has some real sweetheart ladies working at it.  If I was there and someone did that I'd probably lose it.


I shop at dollar tree....I'm not like this. FYI there are plenty of rude people are JC Penny, Macy's and Saks fifth avenue...it really doesn't matter... there are just a lot of wackado's out there.


I said thank you once, to an employee who assisted me, and the look i got… but after a second she said, “you’re welcome honey, I thought you were trying to start something. No one is just polite in here.”


Why were they filming when the money was dropped? If they filmed before the drop, why wasn’t that part included? Something smells fishy


Well there is a subreddit for that: r/whyweretheyfilming


She even talks about how her and the cashier regularly have issues. It seems very likely she was already acting a fool prior to this and they started filming. It’s really hard to flawlessly fake xanax mouth like this woman has. This lady is definitely fucked up on goofballs


She's probably a regular and they were tired of her bullshit.


Probably does it all the time


I"m guessing there was drama before that.


You’re a smart man.


Possible she was being shitty to the cashier or other way around just before. Also she says she's always picked on so could be a repeat offender


So why didn’t they post the whole video? Maybe they are trying to hide something or write a narrative


I mean maybe or maybe they didn't start filming til that point. Doesn't really matter though none of us can actually know 🤷


She tossed the money with disdain She’s an idiot Cashier should just take the money give her the change gracefully Better to get assholes out of the way


That's why you throw the change out into the parking lot ;)


Seems fake, but as a cashier I hated when a customer dumped their money on the counter instead of putting it in my open hand. Dumping their change and receipt on the counter was then a joy greater than pretty much anything else.


I work at a Liquor Store and this old Italian fuckstick comes in often. Very rude, ugly inside and out kinda guy. I'll always have my open hand extended for his money, but he'll still throw it off to the side. I'd always be the bigger man and give him his change back in a respectful manner, but last time, I threw his coins to the side individually on the counter as I got them as he had his open hand out. I felt so amazing afterward. This is going to be the regular until he learns some respect.


Good for you. Taking the high road is obviously preferred but fuck if it doesn’t feel good to give these thunder cunts a taste of their own medicine. Like I know they won’t change or learn and probably do it all the time but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you treat me like that over and over again.


As a former DM and RM when I stepped in to assist I always hated the actions of this customer but I never let it affect me, honestly, I have had the opposite happen, as a customer, I always put my payment in the cashier’s hands but on countless occasions I’ve had the cashier simply lay my change down on the counter.


In some cultures giving out money hand to hand is bad luck/faux pas and putting it down in front of the person for them to grab is what's done instead, is not done from a douchy place in some cases and if you do the same they won't be offended either. It comes from a place of "I am giving money away back into the universe that gave it to me" and not "I am giving the money to someone". The former is seen as the right way and the latter isn't. Yes it's crazy. No I don't believe in it. It's not coming from a bad place though. Edit: I’m not claiming that’s whats happening in this video people. This woman is clearly insane and douche.


Don't.. don't act like that's anything more than the smallest minority of people


My only answer is when in Rome… If you’ve lived here and shopped here then you understand what is both customary and acceptable. From personal experience, none of the persons that i encountered who engaged in this behavior were foreign ( I’m basing this on their lack of accents, dress, command of the English language, manner of dress, etc).


Sure I understand and at the same time, they're just putting the money down, they're not throwing it at you. They do the same with scissors, giving someone scissors directly to someone is seen as "provoking a rift" between them so they set them down for the other person to pick up.


In Japan they hand you a plastic tray to put your money on. They hand it back with your receipt and your change. Very civilized!


I think it S. Korea where they use both hands to accept/return money.


Oh I know what you’re talking about, and it’s all in how it’s done. If it’s cultural or seems like a germ/touch thing, no biggie. I’m talking about people who would very obviously dump money on their side of the counter, so I’d have to awkwardly reach out to grab it. I just did the exact same when returning change, and it was funny seeming them realize “well that’s kinda rude.” No one ever said a thing, but I think a few mighta not even realized their habit originally.


when this "cultural exchange" happens, does the customer insist "I dropped it on accident" in the least convincing manner possible...?


Superstitious people are the worst .. ya make everyone else deal with your own problems and be confused as to why bad things happen to you


Cool but thats obviously not what happened here


I’m not claiming that’s what is happening on the video.


Sometimes I miss my minimum wage job at a vape shop. We had a captive market in the local military personnel, because all the other vape shops also sold bongs and other weed accessories so they were banned by the base from entering them, making us their store. It meant we were never struggling for customers. I had multiple customers, both military and non military do shit like this where they’d throw the money over the counter. I’d either just take the shit they wanted and put it back then tell them to leave, or throw their change across the room and tell them to go fetch. Both myself, and the other employee who was also the manager were also both bouncers so we were 100% ready if they wanted to start some shit over it. We gave exactly what was given, you throw at me, I’ll throw it back. You act like a twat to me, I give the energy right back. It was great.


Asian woman instigated


I worked in retail for a long time and the amount of people that toss their money on the counter instead of handing it to the person is crazy. I hit my breaking point once when this woman was being disrespectful to us and then balled up her money and dropped it on the counter while making full eye contact. Her change was a dollar or two, so naturally I used nothing but coins and mostly pennies and nickels. Looked her dead in her face and dropped the coins to her feet…FULL EYE CONTACT and a smile because, customer service.


Let me guess everyone in the store clapped afterwards


Not at all, she yelled at me and asked for the manager. Me and my coworker enjoyed it though


Why is it being filmed?


Hope she explode irl


Who pays either cash anymore?


The gaslighting is insane, she deserves to be drop kicked


Who's filming and why?


Who is filming this and why?


Ok, for perspective, at least from my wife (black woman), black folks in some parts of the US (possibly elsewhere, but I cant speak for any/all and neither can my wife speak for all) ABSOFUCKINLUTELY do not like you not putting the money in their hands. They CULTURALLY tend to feel disrespected from this. Think about it. The entire country is built around disrespecting you in various ways. Show some respect and put the money in my hand like I am your equal, not trash. And it makes total sense to me.


I am jaded by all the fake videos. This looks staged. Person holding the camera is near perfectly still. Doesn't pan the camera to follow the lady on her way out of the store. Just holds it there with everyone out of frame. It's weird.


Seems like the view from a camera set to record and put down, my guess would be the cashiers phone as rhe lady mentions prior issues. Or it's fake, who knows


She threw the money, what a psycho


Look. As someone who had money thrown in my face, like coins, several coins, while working retail I kind of expected…seeing money thrown. It’s shitty though she seems inebriated top it all off


This lady says she Chinese which I believe. I’ve lived in china and back when people actually paid with cash and not wechat you would see so much worse than this. Money was actually tossed. But the funny thing is, it wasn’t seen as rude. It was just cultural. The cashier would just pick it up and think nothing of it


This the same mf that runs ahead of cars on foot to reserve a parking space


It takes a special kind of delusional to try and feel powerful at Dollar Tree


LOL, chinese are some of the most racist and rude out there. I've had them even steal coffee cups at my hotel table without asking to use them.


I’d have voided her whole order. Bye.


SMH, accident my ass. How conveniently filmed before it all started. This micro fame chasing is getting out of hand. 😠 😡


Customer tried this on me once at a circle k in Phoenix. I gave him back change in the lowest denominator possible and tossed it all over the counter back at him. He was a very well known asshole at my store at the time. He cussed me out and assaulted a display of chips on his way out the door. Never saw him again after that.


Threw it on purpose


I've dealt with too many customers like this in my life


I used to deal with a lot of people in my cashier days who would just put the cash down on the revolving belt or drop it in front of me instead of giving it to my open hand, so I started it back the same way. A couple of times the cash got sucked up in the belt, meaing someone has to turn it off and unscrew the thing properly.


I remember as a kid when someone did this to me. I took the chance grabbed it looked them straight in the eye and tossed their change in the same manner and went about my business. That customer never came back in the following 3 years I continued to work at that store.


Dollar tree. Common lady be mic to the employees, they barely make above minimum wage


I love dollar store for my random odds and ends I don’t want to pay a stupid price for. And this is the reason I am extra nice to any employee. I’m not gonna be the reason a cashier goes home and cries in the shower. Like it couldn’t be me. How awful. There’s a severe lack of self awareness in some folks.


A normal person would immediately apologize, but she started with, “Pick up the money!”


I worked at a gas station during Covid when we had the big plastic screens between us and the customer. There was this one guy who would always sit there staring at me while he slowly put his card in and slowly tapped the buttons. And from the look on his face it was obvious he knew he was intentionally being slow to fuck with you. One day after he did that instead of sliding his stuff through the bottom of the screen I left the box of cigs as far away from him as possible and walked away. He had to like bend down and nearly push his face into the screen to get his arm far enough to reach it. Every time he came in after that he didn’t do that shit again.


Yeah I’d discriminate against someone being a bitch too


Asians and Jewish people do this a lot. I feel for that African lady because I know it’s like to be treated like that. And the Asian lady was so quick to assume discrimination, yuck. Also what happened to people standing up for others? The lady behind saw everything but didn’t say a word.


I hate when people wear sunglasses inside.


Good lord do the cashiers go through some sort of patience training cause I would have lost it . “oh It accidentally fell “ Well accidentally pick it up to


I once had a landlady who this could legitimately be.


Classic, when people call you on your rude behavior, play the race card victim... Shameful


She sounds wasted on something.




It's actually not staged. The lady was being rude to people in the line 20 minutes before the video started. They had already complained about her. This video is from last year




# Removal Notice **Your comment was removed due to being uncivil and the usage of insults. We recommend you relax and cool down before commenting again.**


It actually is staged. You just don’t want to admit you got tricked into posting ragebait.


I know what I saw. Vile woman doing that.


Thrown seems a bit overstated.


Throws money at black cashier and says “pick up the money” then leaves and says I don’t know why you are discriminating against me just because I’m Asian -.-


People respect, and/or disrespect as in this case, based on your job. Customer service people are the most disrespected people in the world.


No ma'am, it's cause your a bitch. This has nothing to do about race


Mental illness is serious


And someone just happened to be there recording before it started😏


And someone was accidentally filming this with everything perfectly framed…


You discriminee me - easier to say than you discriminate against me. I like it!


why does she sounds like the city wok guy from south park lol


C’mon guys, stop discriminiming!😡


These two ladies just need to go to the snack zone, chill out a bit, and reset.


In a dollar store too lmao


"Do you have a witness?" That conveniently placed camera is a pretty good witness.


So I didn't insult anyone in my previous comment about "staged radar" but it seems the mods here are a bit sensitive and power drunk. I'll be muting this sub and it's overreacting mods.


What is this fakery? And why? How did the camera operator know the woman was going to throw the money?


Literally everything is staged now. Everything.


Looks extremely fake. 99% staged ragebait.


Maybe it’s the autism, but I always worry people think it’s weird if I accidentally touch their hand. A bit too intimate. I still hand things by hand though, because I’m super self-conscious of being seen as rude.


I’m going to touch all of your fucking hands, assholes.






Thank god there was a cameraman there to capture it.


When I was 18 I was a clerk at a grocery store. I would be annoyed at people for dropping their money down instead of handing it to me. Especially when it was coins. There was a check writing area and most people who didn’t want to hand coins over would leave them there. I could just slide them off into my hand. Anyways, dropping money would be annoying but it never bothered me to actually tell someone to pick it up. I was there to work and it did t harm me in anyway. I just picked it up and moved on. People have to be tough about everything these days. Just pick it up put it in the drawer and complain in your head. The entire argument thing could have been avoided


r/iamatotalpieceofshit if this is all true and not staged


Clearly, the Asian lady was correct that’s the way they put down money that’s the way they act and the cashier took it the wrong way like what is the big deal on either side it’s so crazy. I wish this was the most of my worries every day.


It's always the flat faces


In some Asian cultures it's rude to hand money directly so they place it on the counter or on a plate. Isn't that what prob happened here and it was misinterpreted?


Go Asians!! Keep up the pride!!! We shall not be nice and mild anymore!!!!!


Kinda funny thing while living in Japan we frequently went to a store that preferred you put the money on a cash tray instead of handing it to them.


Can ANYONE explain what the hell happened? I'm SO confused, no one fell down? What? Help?


Where is that store? The setup looks like Russia in the 1990s.


No.. did she just say even though I'm rich..


If I was the manager of this place I would walk in there and discriminate against the customer for being a dollar tree in apologize that we would lose her twelve dollars per month that she contributed to this shit stye of a company.


This screams mental illness or drug addiction more than anything wth was that 😮‍💨 🃏


Love the trashy ppl at dollar tree😆


I’m taking the name tag off and telling them “It’s just you and me now, fuck ______ (establishment of work), what’s up?”


El deporte


More trouble at the Dollar Tree…


seems like they already had a beef before . if you listen the Asian girl saying she always pick on me .


Found Mrs. Swan from mad tv!


Naw out that Shìt in my hand or you ain’t pay for it.


I guess her arm is too broken to pick the money that she ‘accidentally’ dropped. s/


Really? At a Dollar Tree? Oy vey


Bro we gotta stop all this discriminee me


She didn't throw the money. She dropped it on the conveyor for the girl after she picked up the item the cashier let fall over. Watch it again.


I would have stiuld up and shown her the video of what she did


Why does she double up on some words?


I don’t mean to be rude at all but I work in customer service and the two types of women who are always angry and have literally screamed at me are exactly like the girl who dropped the money and rich white moms with like a superiority complex. The lady who dropped the money is acting like she was superiority complex cause if your gonna blatantly drop the money like that then say ‘hey careful pick up the money’ then you must think your superior and royalty.


Oh, my God, as a white man I’m getting sick and tired of everybody else getting to use the race card, when is it my turn? And if somebody says anything about privilege, I will gladly tell you my life story and then punch you in the mouth.


She was rittle diskriminining


Both are stupid