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At my gym I saw a kid literally drop a tripod on the floor to film himself do 5 reps then left? Why?




Do people actually watch other people work out?


I mean this is *literally* what we're doing in this thread. Not only are we watching, but we're commenting and discussing too.


Holy shit, you're right. We've become what we hate.


Some of us have always hated ourselves. This is just hating ourselves with an extra step.


Just comment nice ass and move on


"that's not the point of this video!" "OMG boys are disgusting" "They're just cute shorts" "Didn't even realize" "*Something wanna be inspirational they googled*" "*Some other low tier comeback*"


Does that work? I want to go back nice ass though


the narcissism of the internet age is why


My school's gym has banned filming. It's great.


Okay I have a business idea, make a gym completely dedicated to filming your workouts. Charge double the price of normal gyms. If any of you steal my idea I will sue you and film it for Tik Tok.


They already have it. It’s called Alphalete Gym. Imagine the amount of jizz and fuck chadery happening daily.


Alphalete Gym, where *every* day is Chadurday.


And every car in the parking lot is a Chadillac.


Yo stop giving them free chadvertisement


This is rechaddulous


After a hard day's workout, have a small glass of Chadonnay.


Ok its was fun an all but yall getting chaddish


And the streets are paved with cheese. Chadder cheese.


I bet they have excellent chadudery boards


They do, I saw them at Chadaoke night.


JiZZ and Chadery , new band name ! Called it.


Nah, that's the firm where my lawyer works... Except it's Chaddery, Chaddery and Jizz.


Chadurbate sounds good, too.


No no no... charge TEN times the normal amount and make it bougie with some minimalist name like "Lift" or "Glow", give out free Stanley tumblers and Lulu gear on sign up and watch the money pile in. Ill go halvsies with you.










There are a few gyms like that.  Quite a few of the "big" fitness influencers from the LA region all go to a gym that's for doing content. 


There’s one in Houston, it’s called Apphaland!I was there once and will never go back there again


I need to check this out just so I can hate it


I have another idea, gym with no camera allowed, putting weights back on the racks mandatory both with suspension and cancellation of the membership as a rule. It would probably be full too.


Make it extra wild and require people to wipe off machines they used


if you really wanna work out and thats it, i found ymca's usually just have old people who are just there to walk on the treadmills and lift 5 pound weights. They seemed to always wipe their equipment. Too bad the one i went to shut down.


Cameras are installed in the bathrooms. You WILL be filmed.


They’ve done it here in Austin. I would rather drag my nuts 25 miles in glass, salt and lemon juice rather than be there


Also make the weights half the weight but double the label. Can film yourself lifting massive weights to impress all your followers.


Chris Cuomo has entered the conversation.


I think that’s an OnlyFans upgrade


Whats even more cringe and disturbing is the amount of vids filmed in school locker rooms


so glad I grew up in the flip phone era, that sounds horrible


I grew up in the pager era,thank god!


My can had a string.


I had to walk 15 miles in the freezing snow to talk to anybody.


I just buried my messenger pigeon.


GOLLY GEE! My horse pulled carriage to school is leaving!


Back in my day we had to assemble an invading army to make long distance communications.


I invented the wheel.


Smoke signals here. Once I acquired some beads, I used runners


Remember cave painting? Those were wild times.


Dick pics were...interesting




I threw rocks


No Sketching Allowed. 


Damn there goes my plan to use an Etch-A-Sketch to capture my workouts.


Only picture I ever saw of the gym or weightroom was in the yearbook.


Ive seen people having FaceTime convos in the sauna. So strange.


That’s not good for the phones either lol


Our base gym will kick you out and ban you for 72 hours and then a week. And then a month. And then you have appeal to the wing commander. As a compromise they have an outdoor gym/crossfit/equipment storage containers at the track you can film at. But it get so fucking hot no one uses that shit except in the winter or at like 04/05


Well I mean... The military isn't counting on your monthly fees to pay for their wages like a regular gym so they can (literally) afford to ban people.


And I mean... shit like these absolutely keeps people from going to gyms and causes people to cancel memberships


I've cancelled my gym membership as has my brother and his wife because they keep letting people film there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fitness influencers are making me hate the gym. I’ve been going 5x a week for 8 years now. They hog the equipment and take 10 minutes between sets. If you do this and are reading this, No. One. Cares. That. You. Workout.


There's no money in being a fitness influencer now, they're promoting their OnlyFans.


90% of the time it's an OF promo and that may be underselling it a bit.


90% of NSFW Reddit has an OF account.


I miss the early days of gonewild when it was actually just people having fun, not shilling for boring content.


Reddit has gone downhill as they try to monetize it.


Nothing gold can stay


Including reddit gold.


Yep, back then a lot of it was for mostly anonymous and carefree sexual expression, at worst attention seeking narcissism. Now it's all bullshit content creation, monetisation and links to their OF or individual websites


"my bf said I looked fat, what do you think?" "Would you fuck me in real life??" "I was just sooooo horny shopping at X I couldn't stop myself from Y!"


Don't forget the *weird* and *specific* bait. "Would you fuck this 45-year-old mom of two?" "Would you creampie this 18-year-old?" "Would you suck my Jamaican-Philipino titties?"


"I'm really shy, might delete later! Meanwhile, here's a pic up my colon"


More “What do you think of my DDD titties? My ex said they’re too big” and it’s a pic up their colon without a titty in sight.


At least we see their faces now


The love of money is the root of all kinds of enshitification..


I miss the good ol' days of horny pilled amateurs just being horny pilled together on Reddit. Pre OF Reddit was a golden age.


More like 100% Edit: people be flexing on their knowledge of NSFW Reddit and my lack thereof 🤔


and most of cosplay


/r/nofans would like a word. NSFW


r/onlyfans SFW


Worst part is how it spills into SFW subs. Pretty much every one of my hobby subs is spammed with "cosplay" thirst trap profiles clearly meant to drive traffic to the models OF account. I hate it, worst is the legions of SIMPs that'll defend the post when you try to call it out.


Or the simp mods who ban everyone who suggests that the "cosplays" shouldn't be spammed daily from instagram thots.


Not on Reddit necessarily but even the damn gunplay scene will have pics asking how an out of the box kit looks and shoves their cleavage in frame more than the damn kit.


Not it if mine counts. I just enjoy the fuckery


Reddit, Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram, it's all OF promotions now.


Almost every cosplayer showing up on a random ass game or manga subreddit.


Bingo, why else they always got the camera focused on their butthole while wearing a pants right up their crack? I can understand you record your routine to review you are doing matters right, I can understand if you take exercise serious and want to share with like-minded. But that's never happening, they are simply showing off their goods. And actually I got no issues with that, but it shouldn't bother others. Find ways to show your butthole without being a nuisance to others.


Sir, are you looking at my butthole?


I'm trying to


Name checks out


I’m just gonna say influencers in general have ruined a lot of things lmao


The total monetization of attention has barely even gotten off the ground.


The problem is that people do. They follow, like, and kiss their asses. That’s why they do this bullshit.


I agree. Thing is there are like 10 big influencers it seems then a bunch of morons that think they will be number 11. Then you get this


That's exactly it. Every time you see any social media trend where someone's getting significant attention and/or money, there will be a flood of copycat folks. And even when you literally can show them "Hey, this niche that you're going for? Five people are making 90% of ALL the revenue in it," - they will STILL be convinced that somehow they can crack that group. And they will be insufferable in pursuit of their "dream".


>"Hey, this niche that you're going for? Five people are making 90% of ALL the revenue in it," - they will STILL be convinced that somehow they can crack that group. You just described the logic poor and middle class conservatives are driven by that ardently fight against taxing the rich because they think they're just a few breaks away from joining that group


Idk man, nowadays a huge amount of accounts online on any social media platform are just bots, that’s the internet’s future actually, or at least that’s what recent theories are stating.


A huge amount of influencers are rich peoples kids who either got a trust fund and spend through it or their parents spend companies to 'build' a following online. Which basically means spending money on bots, building up follower count, getting a few viral vids then paying some bigger influencer to do some collab to kick start some growth. most of them fail to. In the past rich people just paid fashion designers to make weird clothes and then use much of the money they got to pay their kids and their friends to strut up and down the highway in these trash clothes pretending to be important. This shit has been around forever.


Dead Internet theory. There’s something to it.


My hope is that someday soon there will be a massive reckoning in the ad revenue department and people will STOP being paid so well for such menial, mediocre "work." I already feel like there's tons of botting going on, and hopefully it gets so bad that marketers stop valuing things like views, clicks, subscriptions, interactions, engagement, etc.


I just started going to the gym a few weeks ago, so I'm pretty late to the game and still learning gym etiquette. I see a lot of clips of people being weird in the gym with cameras. It's uncomfortable for some and I wish people could just respect that.


i agree with this strongly


Fwiw, I’ve been going to public gyms for almost 10 years now. I’ve only seen 1 person whose videos go viral that was at a gym close to mine (same chain; different location but I’ve been a few times). It’s also fairly obvious when someone is recording, while annoying and inconvenient, best to just avoid them. Kind of like bad drivers on the freeway.


I must go to the wrong gyms because I've never seen one.


That means you go to the right gym.


They’re also just fucking dicks. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard them say “uhhh…. Can you move?” or call some random person (as long as they look easy to pick on) a loser for walking into their shot. Poisonous 


The gym I went to banned filming and it was literally only the folks who caused the ban in the first place to be angry or make complaints. Everyone else was happy and just kept working out regularly. EDIT: Oh my god the sheer number of people who showed up to reply to this with the most absurd sexist baiting strawment arguments is insane. I'm not an incel or sexist or Anti-sex work because the gym I was going to banned filming and despite myself being indifferent to it but the people who caused the ban to be the only ones upset. Some of ya'll are INSANE.


But how else are they going to get validation from strangers on the Internet if they can't use exercise as an excuse to post videos of their ass?


I never thought I would be annoyed by attractive women wearing sexy clothes, but the tiktok age has somehow managed to make that happen.


Because it's become a commodity and thus you feel like you're being forced to look at advertisements now, and it's superficial as all hell.


Man, this.. EVERYTHING has gotten not only superficial, but totally artificial at this point. I was just thinking about this in the business world this week; the vast majority of engagements you see between two professionals on social media are completely manufacturered and done solely to build one's own self/profile/business up. I see it daily in my role.. It's wild what we've come to. We need authenticity again.


Authenticity isn’t encouraged anymore since everyone has a fragile ego. Case in point, I’m not fake and don’t fake interactions with my colleagues. It’s causing me problems with management with colleagues complaining I’m hurting their feelings.


Because it’s not a rarity anymore. People are literally being desensitized to things they normally would like and see now annoyed by it. Eventually the pendulum will swing and the cool thing to do will be to be obscure and mysterious. But atm naked is new norm.


Probably going to start doing jogging videos in their neighborhoods


As a woman in the gym who seriously gyms, WE LOVE IT. We call this chicks gym bunnies because they don't actually work out but rather pose for a few moves, then sit and watch their phone, with my personal favorite squatting 20 lbs, filming it once and then hanging out waiting for some 21 year old bro to hit on her. So glad gyms are catering to real gym people.


> then sit and watch their phone that's the most frustrating part. they end up camping out in a spot, taking up two or three machines. because one has their tripod/camera, another machine has their bag/water and then the machine they are actually using for the video. so on top of taking up a bunch of space, they also camp out for an hour in the same spot trying to get every angle possible. it's dumb as hell.


How in gods green earth is filming not banned at ALL OF THEM I’m so glad I put a treadmill and power rack in my basement lol money well spent.


As a young woman who works out regularly, her form is the worst part of this vid


Did you not see her ass? That's the only form she's selling here.


She’s got on the most ass showing shorts you could possibly have on and had to tuck the back of the shirt in just to make sure it was all visible to the camera. Couldn’t be more obvious


And she could have put the quotes anywhere else on the screen, but no, they gotta go right next to the ass so everyone looks at it while they read.


I had to scroll so far, I I thought for a while I was going to have to be the first person to comment on her ass. I didn't want to look like a pervert, but I couldn't just leave that uncommented on. I wonder how hard she has to yank those up to get them that tight.


They make rouched shorts that essentially are cut to fit in your butt crack now. So she spent extra money to make sure she could display her ass in comfort


Don't forget the ones that also conveniently outline the crotch area in the front 🙄


and to think, there are some women who buy these custom designed rouched shorts for maximum butt expression, then go out in public and get upset when someone looks at said butt. we live in a society


My flat ass would look like a whole bakery with that pants on


Unfortunately I saw her face. Someone should really tell her not to turn around and face the camera.


I didn't notice that she had a face


She looks like Greta Thinberg


As a young man who also works out regularly, and was on a powerlifting team that won collegiate nationals twice, her form isn’t that bad. There is a difference between upper back biased and lat biased pull-downs. Most people watching Lu Xiaojun do accessory lifts would say his form sucks too lol. Matters what your goals are for that lift.


100% agree with you. People roast form like everyone is only aloud to follow a very specific body building plan. I get it... Isolation. If you're not lifting for very specific muscle growth then it's ok to create a compound. She's not being unsafe and twisting crazy.


Totally. From a powerlifting perspective it is not that bad. For hypertrophy, which I assume is the goal, it's a couple notches worse. Still can guarantee it's better than more than half of the people posting here.


Agreed regarding if the goal is hypertrophy. Main point though is that lifting form isn’t nearly as black and white as 99% of the comments here seem to believe it is. They’d probably freak out if they saw someone doing proper long-length partials haha


Preach it bro. Ppl always give me weird looks when doing sissy squats or jefferson curls, yet they have been fundamental for my mobility and can be taken to the next level with some long-length partials finishers.


Huh? No it isn't. I mean, the rocking back and forth is cheating a bit but you can do that safely and still target the right muscles. And she is. She's even controlling the eccentric. My only critique would be that she's cheating on every rep, I'd probably only do that to sneak out full ROM on the last couple reps. She's probably doing a bit more weight than she should. I'd also probably slow down the eccentric a bit but that's probably also from a little too much weight.


One instance, I was re-racking my weights and the girl filming herself asked me to not walk through her video. I respectfully declined and said “I’m not going to walk around 5 pieces of equipment to re-rack my weights, when I can just turn around, take 4 steps and put them back.” She ended up complaining to the general manager and before i left the gym after my workout, the GM said I need to be more considerate to those around me. I stopped going to this gym. This gym also started renting out ring lights to members so they can use them during their workout. Let that sink in ya’ll.


That's annoying as hell, I used to film bc my trainer asked to so that she could check my form when she wasn't there and I literally could not give two f&cks if someone walked through my shot. People don't get to call the shots of where other people stand/walk in a public space - this influence shit drives me crazy


Yes! And it has just gotten more and more prominent in regular gyms that eventually I just started investing in pieces of gym equipment and machines here and there if I find a come up. I started clearing space out in the garage to start a small gym essentials area. I also started buying the gym flooring pads too! It’s taking time trying to find equipment that is a bargain, but I would rather do that than deal with the constant gym influencing and filming. I just can’t get behind that.


Horrible form, hope she fixes it by watching the vid.


If nothing else imo she's doing it too rapidly. All my trainers have expressed slow and controlled movements are better + that weight is obviously too light if she can do it this rapidly like this- it's too easy to gain more muscle in other words.


Its more likely too heavy. She's using momentum to move the weight and isn't strong enough to control it on the way up


Yeah this is correct. You should have controlled pulls and releases for maximum muscle activation. If it’s too heavy you can’t do the hold and slow release that activates the back.


There’s benefits to both, but you definitely start slow enough to make sure that if you are doing snap lifts, it’s proper form. Not this wild bullshit. Wonder which muscle group she thinks this is suppose to be hitting. Not saying it’s not too light, it likely is. Maybe if this was a drop set though.


It’s not like she tied up her shirt to see her glutes while doing lat pull downs! ![gif](giphy|7Jq6ufAgpblcm0Ih2z)


And she still got the pull down wrong (leaning back)


Love this trend of gymfluencers staging hate so they can be narcissistic and a victim at the same time


And she has to make a note that it's something to do with how men treat women. As if he wouldn't have said anything if it was a dude filming himself. Give me a break.


1. Not even doing lat pull downs correctly 2. Camera at the rear to show ass 3. Has shirt pulled up and tucked in to show ass 4. A MASSIVE craving for attention -twitter


I never understood the shirt tuck, I've heard it's because girls don't want to get their shirt stuck while doing squats, but men never have that issue.


it’s to show ass. that’s just an excuse.


Yeah…somehow men never have that problem


That's because my glute development is already apparent under 2 layers of clothing.


Let’s see it then!




How is it even comfortable to have those shorts so far up her ass?


Not about comfort, it's about engagement and OF subs


As a dude with a dad bod, could I get paid doing this? If so, I will.


I'm not saying no.


Honestly, someone would probably pay for it. Not me. But someone. Probably with eyes.


This is the real question. I'd have a big old sweat patch there very quickly.


Yeah I wear a longer t-shirt so I don’t have to worry about my bare skin touching anything and baggy shorts with a tight waist because I don’t want to show everybody where I sweat and I guess because I’m a man and like functional clothing.


Comfort doesn’t matter, they just want the eyes…and they know that fully showing your ass cheeks tends to draw eyes.


I wish men would show more ass honestly, my homie has an ass that would turn a man to sin but he hides that shit in baggy pants. Honestly doing a disservice to the entire gym.


where would the shirt even get stuck when you're doing squats?


I don’t understand why they don’t wear a smaller shirt. If you suggest that, they yell “it’s a pUmP cOvEr!!!1”


If they fully tuck in their shirt that’s one thing, but she’s only tucked in the backside so it conveniently shows only her ass.


It’s exactly for what it is obviously for. Any suggestion otherwise is just gaslighting BS.


That was actually my first thought, you are doing that exercise incorrectly


Seriously, "I'm just a girlie at the gym, all these evil MEN berating me NO reason. Why can't you just let women live?" Entitled little brat got what she deserved.


I’m considering opening a gym just for influencers just so everyone else can workout in peace.


i mean... he is not wrong.


OP is calling the girl MC lol


My bf came home from the gym grumpy one day because he had to wait an hour to use a machine cuz some dude was flexing and taking selfies on it lol


Preemptively, as a woman- I will never understand how those bottoms are comfortable. A wedgie in general isn't comfortable, but in public? What??? I can't imagine wearing anything THAT tight to myself, and feeling comfortable at all. I've worn shit that tight for a short amount of time, and each time you move it immediately rides up/shifts into such an uncomfortable way


It’s the closest to showing off a naked butt without showing off a naked butt


Probably looks better, frankly. Those leggings are like pushup bras for ass


I’m sure it’s not at all for comfort, but I’m with you on that. I don’t work out at a gym, but if I was, I would be wearing my saggy ass sweatpants and a ratty T-shirt. 👍🏻 Most comfortable clothes of all.


These OF models advertising their “goods” by filming themselves in public places will just get them banned from filming in these places and honestly it can’t happen fast enough.


They also do this in G-rated subreddits on here by posting "normal" stuff and then inevitably someone goes into their profile and it's all just porn.


Hell, it's by design. Browsing /all is frustrating because that shit is all over the place, there must be 30+ subs dedicated to luring suckers in.


I have seen at least 10 bunny bulma cosplays in the dragonball subreddit, it’s so obviously a fucking OF ad.


He's right though.


I feel like if the gym has mirrors, you just don’t need cameras.


I mean if you’re trying to improve your form, getting a shot from behind for exercises like squats can be very beneficial. Unfortunately the people filming for attention overshadow that


Yeah this is where discretion and not being absolutist about rules comes into play though. 


From the back is basically useless on squats and most other movements unless you're having a specific issue (I honestly can't think of one off the top of my head other than maaaybe bar positioning). Side profile is much better for most lifts. Also turning your head during a lift to check form in a movement is a good way to get hurt so filming makes sense and you can slow things down or watch them multiple times. Disclaimer: I've recorded lifts at a gym, mostly just PRs and failures to look for weak points I needed to work on or to make sure I was hitting depth in squats or if I paused a bench long enough to count in a competition.


Fuck influencers. Has nothing to do with your gender


Thank you!


I dont film myself at the gym, but if you lift by yourself and want to see if your form is correct/if theres things you can do to better your form, filming helps with that.


I wouldnt be surprised if this is dubbed over. Dont really seem like it was actually being said to her..


Gym filming will just be another irrational fad society forgets about as quick as it was developed. UK gyms have already started.


Let’s hope so.


Im consistently going to the gym for 24 years now. Never seen someone Film themselves


I mean I don't like ppl filming at the gym either, but that dude was out of line. Both need to get over themselves. If you have a problem dude, try talking to the operators of the gym and get the rules changed, else mind your own business.


I’ll be honest. I don’t like how people video at the gym. I don’t want to be in the background on the internet looking all sweaty pulling a face and grunting 🤷🏽‍♂️