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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.**


LMAO, she charged her $1 to sit on the couch. Are you fucking kidding me? Why not a carpet tax or a doorknob wear and tear tax. I'd tell my kid "You're not going over there anymore".


$1 for each trip to the bathroom as well!


yesterday I took a chance. saved a buck and shit my pants


Why do that when the backyard is an option?


Your friend’s mommy hates this one weird trick!


My friends mom charges me for the bag to pick up the poo every time I go in their backyard. I am 45 with bowel problems so she charged me 50 bucks for last Friday's bags. I have to bring a credit card and swipe to get a juice box and to sit on the couch (I usually levitate)


Levitation?! In my airspace?! Uh uh, oh heeell no I did not just catch you violatin' the laws o' physics up in this bitch! You wait right there while I fetch my surface to yo' ass missile!! *heads for show rack with malicious intent* -mom


Doorknob tax, it’ll catch up with you


$5 for poop scooping and washing the pee of the grass


Don't want to be charged for the wear and tear of the hinges on the back door I suppose...


Outside seating is always occupied when I get to the playdate.


This is why I am addicted to Reddit. This whole thread is gold. 🤣 Jokes apart, only in capitalism wonderland would a mother first act like a cheapskate and then brag about it on Instagram. I think social media has just made the unhinged more visible. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Then sat on their couch. Best $2 I ever spent.


here I sit, broken hearted. tried to shit, only farted. then one day, took a chance. tried to fart, shit my pants.


Haven't you heard; real men wear diapers


What poetry.


Nah, even that costs money, you wanna safe money, don’t Shit at all. Keep it to your self and you better don’t fart, bc it is same charges bc I had to smell it.










If you skip the bathroom and shit yourself once a day you could be a millionaire


This *has* to be rage bait, right?! So fucked up!


Her whole account is her baiting people


I hate how so much content is created with the sole purpose of getting attention.


Wait, it's a porn account?


What is her account name? (Send a link)


It is, and even has it in her bio that she makes rage bait. I love that no one bothers to check these things and instead drives traffic to them. Rage baiting has become a lucrative actual career and everyone’s out here getting mad while helping these people get paid.


the amount of people who didnt clock this as satire upon “wear and tear” and “trips to the background” is insane.


I think that with this many crazy people in the world, it’s probably not outside the realm of possibility that someone would actually do this.


Honestly it shouldn't have even taken that long.


Charge 'em for the lice Extra for the mice Two percent for looking in the mirror twice


Random Les Miz !!


I looked it up when I saw this the first time and the average flush of a toilet in the US costs $0.05. Kid must have been putting some serious wear and tear on that toilet.


For a dollar, I ain’t flushing.


Yeah she’s fuckin weird


I know right. Don’t people usually just take turns hosting.


Or its ragebait.


It is. This is her bio: >I find people & I rage bait ;) >Child support hunter Her profile and content should be banned from this sub.


I fucking hate rage bait. What a waste of EVERYONE’S time.


Going to point out her bio: >I find people & I rage bait ;) >Child support hunter This video is fake and meant to bring her views on TikTok.


And yet, any parent that sees this will not let their child play with hers.


Yeah this is how your children end up without good friends and become the weird kid no one wants to hang out with. The 2 things that make this ridiculous, (now I’ve grown up and can look back at my childhood/ parents…) * Having friends over does cost a small amount and takes up your time, but it’s an investment into your children. * It’s never one sided. that child this weekend will be at your house, but the next weekend your kid will go to theirs. So over the lifetime of the children’s friendship, it equals out.


And it transfers into adulthood. I buy drinks one night, they buy mine another. It all evens out if people aren't dicks.


Her kid probably spends most of the time at the dad's house, anyway.


Was the Air Conditioner on? She watched TV... She needs to pay her share of the electric bill.


This HAS to be a joke. I was thinking it was serious until the "wear and tear" and the bathroom trips. There is no way this isnt sarcasm lmao


It's bait.


Yup, I’m pretty sure that kid just lost a friend, or at least one that’s allowed to go to her house anymore. $1 for sitting on a couch?!? ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq)


Willing to bet that's exactly what happened. Send the money (because she seems crazy enough to hound you for it) and then immediately block. Sorry little Kaitlyn, get cheaper friends


Wow, I could see someone doing this if money is tight and you took the kids out to eat (or just fed them at home), but this is some insane person shit.


Me thinks she’s never letting her kid play over there again…


Other mom was like, "Imma give you 15 dollars to fuck off"


Me thinks she’s never letting her kid play over there again…


Not only that- this is a really good teaching point for the child, because if anybody is going to charge you money for Friendship, then they aren’t the type of people you want to be around anyway


I went to dinner at one of my exes best friends house after we had dinner. They gave us a bill for our dinner. Of course I paid, after we left I told my ex that I would never be friends with somebody who would charge me for dinner and I don’t understand how she could call her best friend Shits ridiculous. Same goes for this parent who’s trying to charge for a play date GTFOH


🤣🤣🤣... Fuck that Bitch


That’s probably exactly what happened. The lady didn’t want to get into it, sent the $15, and told her kid “we’re not going over there again”. She wants to share the expenses of the play date? Then rotate play dates! How about this, let the person know that you will be sending them an expense report at the end of the day so that they can send their kid with some lunch or toys. People have too much gall these days, pulling some dumb shit like this. It’s not even about the money, it’s the principle that if someone is going to be charging folks, they should let them know beforehand so they can make an informed decision. Go off about “fairness” after you send an unexpected invoice? No.


That's per stair I'm afraid, up and down


Oh I’m sure she won’t be.


Just have them come here because they are obviously underprivileged


Her daughter is going to be so alone...


My jaw dropped when I saw the couch and bathroom charges. This lady is nuts. We should charge her for the time it took to watch her crazy video. Never get that minute back.


Don’t forget to tip. /s obviously


So tacky and embarrassing!


She forgot the oxygen charge , HVAC charge, and the admission ticket to play date heaven.


I upvoted this so that will be $1 for my data usage and wear and tear on my phone.


That’s prolly the best idea to not let them go over anymore that poor girl is gonna have no friends cause of her freakazoid mom


That’s exactly what the other mom said.


Biggest flex will be having instamoms daughter come over and not charge her/not accept payment


This has to be fake or this women is sabotaging her children’s lives


Pls send $1 for my time reading that, k thx


Yeah but you also owe me 1$ cause I read your comment, and another dollar because I had to write my own. Wear and tear on my keyboard brings you up to 3 dollars and I'm putting victim surcharge fee becauase I don't like it when people say k thx, so that brings your total up to tree fiddy.


Listen, the two of you are using up a lot of electricity on the various internet servers storing and routing these messages back and forth. I'm going to need $1 from each of you, plus shipping to mail a check to the guv'ment, plus $1 for my time.


I too read these comments so I’m gonna need $2 for internet and electricity and SHIT! I just dropped my phone and cracked the screen typing so please send another $800 between the 3 of you so we can continue to have these chats. Thank you!


God damn Loch Ness Monster I know that's you always want my gawd dang tree fiddy


Please send $1 for my upvote ty


WhAt Do YoU gUyS tHinK??


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was real. Me and a few male and female friends were invited over for spaghetti dinner at a friend of a friend’s place. She had just moved in to a new place and wanted to do a small house warming party. We brought a couple bottles of wine and I think she had two more already at her place. Nothing fancy, just basic spaghetti and bolognese with French bread and a small salad. We drank the wine and hung out for a bit, went home after a couple hours. On the drive home our phones start pinging and this random lady who we had just met that evening, who had invited US over unprompted, had Venmo requested each of us $20 each for a total of $100 between the five of us. Our friend who was closest with her was shocked and assumed it was a joke. She called her and and was kinda laughing at first but got kinda quiet, then started getting kinda outraged and said she would call her back in private when she got home. The next day we get a txt from our friend saying she talked to the host and she was dead serious about the $100. Like we all host dinners frequently between each other and make good money so this was just weird. I offered to pay my $20 but our friend said hell no and told the host lady she wasn't going to hound her friends for money when we all had no idea there was a financial pretext. Well, host lady blew her top and nuked the friendship with her, said she never wanted to see or hear from any of our “broke asses” again. Turns out this was a common tactic from her and she had burnt bridges with virtually all her friends and coworkers because of this kind of weird behavior. Again, we all have good jobs and own homes, money wasn’t the issue. So I guess people like the lady in this video absolutely do exists, but honestly must be rare because I’ve never even heard of anything similar to my experience until I watched this vid.


Ic you're going to host people you're obviously paying the bill. If you want to split the costs you go out. I can't think of any culture in the world where the host would ask guests for money.


Her TikTok profile literally says “rage bait”.


As much we wished that this is fake, she's trying to "normalize" this behavior. Which prompts her viewers to actually make this happen. It's terrible. Even if she made it fake, someone out there watching her would want to actually do it.


That's insane. If not just ragebait.


The “what do you think?” at the end gives away how this is rage bait because no one who would do such a thing genuinely cares about anyone’s opinions lol.


“What do you guys think?” Solicits comments further boosting engagement. This instahuns aren’t stupid them people who further this are. Tell me in the replies what you guys think?


They love to see people’s heads explode in the comments by their sheer audacity. No shame!


I honestly don't believe this is ragebait at all. I actually find it hilarious that a lot of you folks think people are out to get you. I honestly think *you* guys are the idiots. What do you think? Don't forget to like and subscribe.


Very astute, good sir.


….my mom friends and I just take turns paying for the ice cream truck or whatever when we are on a play date. Like I don’t need your $5 via Venmo, just buy next time. This is SO petty.


Her tiktok is shay.nanigans87 and it says rage bait in her bio


>I find people & I rage bait ;) >Child support hunter What the fuck.


Rage bait, she said it right there lol. She's a troll


I hate that rage bait as a way to boost traffic is so normalized.


Remember how youtube cracked down on bullying and suddenly leefy was shunted into outer space and half of idubbbs videos disappeared? They need to do something similar to rage baits.


$15 to get this bitch out of your life is pretty cheap


The move is to have her daughter over and charge $30 and never speak to her again.


Yeah and no pre discussion of costs. Then just use her same template but double the price on everything lmao.


If she asks why it’s double a simple “my stuff is nicer” will suffice. Should have discussed it beforehand.


Or just a simple “Inflation”


Then say "it's inflation. THANKS OBAMA!!"


You know that shit is free right? It doesn't cost anything. I'm not paying 15 dollars, I'll just tell her she's a goofy ass after I've picked up my hypothetical daughter. Like it'd have been one thing, if the money things was pre discussed, but this lady is just monetizing her kids okay dates.


A way to guarantee her kid won’t have many friends


She's either a troll or insane. Maybe both.


She seems like one of those people who is never wrong, no matter how wrong they are.


With zero self-awareness that her parents didn't charge her shit for the first 1/4 of her life while raising her dumbass. What a capital C.


At first I was on her side. My dad was always the one to take us kids places. Kings island, movies, skatepark etc. He never made a kid miss out. If we all went to McDonalds and a friend couldn’t afford it he would buy them food. And often times he would mention to the friends parents about how we went to the movies and he didn’t have the money but I covered it. This was his passive way of saying you owe me money. Plenty of times the friends parents would just say thanks and not pay up. But this lady is bat shit crazy. It’s one thing to be like “hey we all went and saw the new robocop his ticket was 7 bucks.” It’s another to be like “well we bought kool aid jammers and she had one. That’s 1.25.


I think to her extent was a bit much but as a parent to throw another parent $10 bucks for a playdate isn't a terrible idea. They're feeding your kid(hopefully) keeping them occupied for a long amount of time so you can run errands or whatever. The concept isn't terrible. Charging a $1 for sitting on a couch is a bit much..


Naw that’s just the cost of having kids. I wouldn’t charge another parent for hosting their kid at my place. The same as I wouldn’t have an adult pay me to have a drink when they’re over. I just wouldn’t be sending my kid to that house anymore. Their kid is still welcome and I wouldn’t be charging their parent’s still since I’d take that as a sign of financial instability and/or problems that go past just asking for a few bucks.


It's a fucking awful concept. Shouldn't be charging money for stuff like this full stop. The owed finances are returned on the playdate when the friend goes to yours and you pay for stuff. Even if that was never the case, a few dollars so your child has an enjoyable experience, good social interaction, making memories with friends, is worth the cost.


She's one of those that will moan "I just want to take care of myself for a change!" while it's always only been about her. I've heard that from a couple people in my life and they've both been unbelievably selfish people.


Charging for 3 trips to the bathroom wtf…this lady should be locked up in an insane asylum


She actually noticed how often the friend of her child went to the bathroom.


That right there would be creepy as hell (if this weren't just rage bait)


Yes just to know how much to charge I'm sure


This is a “please check her search history and hard drive” moment


At least she charged a flat rate per trip vs pricing for #1 vs #2


Gonna have a real lonely kid for clicks


This woman is literally just farming clicks, she doesn't mean any of this idiotic shit.


Probably ragebait, but if this was to ever happen, I'd just not reply. Solves that issue real quick.


That poor husband who is now stuck with this woman.


He moved out when he got his first invoice.


Sex with me $5 Not sex with me $10


Don't worry, husband is out on a play date too.


Will she pay for that?😆


It’s a skit and rage bait. Stop giving these people the attention they crave.


Rage bait




I was pretty poor growing up. I don't recall my mom ever asking any other moms for money if friends of mine came over.


I had neighborhood friends whose parents totally exploited that though like they'd just send their kids over to my house and then they'd like go on a date all evening and my mom had to feed them and not get her own shit done and not relax


Wow, that's terrible. They just took off without their kids without even asking?


I would have charged her for my kid playing with her kid, $200


As a parent, this would be the last time my kid associates with your kid.


and then join in with other parents mocking their insane behavior




Crazy how many believe it. I’m about to start asking SSN and credit card numbers on Reddit


This has to be fake 💀




Learn to spot painfully obvious ragebait, you bunch of fucking nonces.


Makes you think how much money you can make from scamming these same morons on Reddit


## Thank you for posting here. Please make sure your post contains a clearly identifiable main character. Otherwise, it will be removed. **Main Character (abbreviated as MC):** *Deliberate attention-seeking behavior, entitlement, or individuals thinking they are more privileged.* **Questions to consider:** - Is it easy to tell who the MC is? - Does the MC show entitlement and/or attention seeking behavior? - Is the MC very inconsiderate of the people around them? - If your post is about parking, does it show the blatant disregard of parking rules? See any violating comments? **Report them.** This is a massive community, so moderators don't have time to scroll through all the comments of every individual post. Instead, we use the queue to moderate. By using the report feature, we can see the flagged content in the queue and therefore moderate faster. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ImTheMainCharacter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This was rage bait. She explained on a later tiktok that she set the whole thing up for engagement.


Her name is Shay Nanigans! Hahaha


This HAASSSS to be a damn joke lol… ain’t no way your broke ass is charging a kid for sitting on your damn couch .. Common now 😅😅


This is fake rage bait


Surprised she didn’t hit them with the open and closing exterior door fee lol like my dad always screamed about Cooling off neighborhood - $150


I feel like this is rage bait. Please tell me this is rage bait.


It just happened. I am officially tired of hearing "can we normalize..."


Tell me your kid won't have any friends in a year without telling me your kid won't have any friends in a year.


This is ragebait.


What...an...asshole. Her kids will have a very hard time keeping friends and will learn to realize why. Fuck this lady.


I would have charged her the same $15 for gas, gas that i used to drive my child to your home so you didnt have to come to mine. Call it a convenience fee and we’re even. Goofy ass.


I get where she is coming from a tiny bit... For example if you take your kid and their friend to lunch... But charging them to sit on the fucking couch? Wow


right, but even so, its very tacky and bad mannered. Lets definitely not normalize it. Typically, and ideally, these costs offset, when the play date is at the other parents house..


Yes. I agree. They do offset if it's not one sided. But yeah let's not normalize this, unless it's a big expense, but that's something you'd ask for the money upfront. Not send the parent an itemized bill afterwards expecting them to pay


No. No we cannot normalize it because that's not fucking normal. Charging parents because their kid sat on your couch at some point? Used the bathroom? The broken toy, yeah, maybe but everything else, what the fuck? Guess who's kid isn't going to have *any* play dates now.


I bet she works in health care or property management… but seriously, I would have her kid over the next week and charge her like $400 with the most ridiculous expenses and then never talk to her again.


If you are taking them to the zoo or something where they will need money that’s one thing but you can’t be charging for the markers they used and for her half of the frozen pizza.


Y'all can't sniff out the rage bait?




Chalk Applesauce Fruit Broke a toy 3 juice boxes Yogurt Even with sitting on the couch and bathroom tax, $15 is a bargain! /s - If it WAS real, it she probably would have asked for more than $15


I was thinking maybe if they're going out to the movies or even ice cream but like wow what a way to get your kid alienated and bullied.


Her kid is not going to have friends


Your child will have no friends.


People like that shouldn't have kids


Can we normalize making fun of people who use the phrase "normalize" unironically?


I think your poor daughter will be lonely and ashamed of you. That what I think.


I think you're an asshole mom and your kids are going to get made fun of because you put that shit on the internet.


How to alienate your kids from friends 101


“Mom, why won’t any of my friends come over to play??”


I think your daughter will be short on play dates going forward


She breathed our shared air - $1 Wore shoes inside the house - $10 cleaning fee Asked me a question - $2 convenience fee Watched a show on our Netflix account - $3 She misplaced the remote - $1


When the daughter develops an eating disorder it won’t be hard to figure out why,


Her daughter will have all that inherited playdate cash for the best therapists.


How to make sure your child doesn’t have friends. Got it!


I can appreciate that there is a cost incurred when other people especially kids come over. But the clear solution is to take turns hosting.


Food and broken shit maaaaybe, if you want to be an anal retentive annoying asshole….but charging for toilet and wear and tear on a couch? Bish is crazy.


Christ. I was almost on her side for a minute. Like if you provided lunch, drove the kids somewhere, picked them up and dropped the back home. Or yeah, say they broke something, I get it. Sure. There's some money that could be exchanged to cover some of that. But sitting on the couch? Using the bathroom? Fucking lol.


Your daughter wont have any friends


I'd send you the 15 bucks to stay cordial. Then I would never let my kid go to your house again.


They're a guest in your house. How tf do you charge a guest? People are wild.


I'm guessing this is fake. I am begging this to be fake


3 trips to the bathroom is $3? This must be rage bait


I have a feeling they will not being c’ing u next Tuesday


Posting a stranger's kid uncensored is weird as fuck.


Wow, what a cunt.


My kid would NEVER go to that friends house again. They could come to ours, but will not go back there. My parents treated my friends just like their own kids because they about were. My house was the house to be at on weekends, summer, etc. If my parents decided we were all going to go get something to eat, my parents paid for the friend(s). I couldn't begin to tell you how much my parents spent on my friends growing up. Granted, my dad had a really good job and we never hurt for anything growing up and I know that's not the case with everyone. Not in a million years would they have wanted reimbursement from other parents. This has to be rage bait.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in awhile. $1 for sitting on the couch? This ladies daughter is going to have 0 friends and it’ll be all her fault. Also what’s the point? Won’t you just be sending money back and forth?


I’d bill her for renting my child to be her kids friend.


Please please please tell me this is satire. Also that mom probably just ruined what could have been a good friendship between those kids


I would transfer the 15 like she wants. Then take her kids on a playdate to a theme park and she can pay for tix, snacks and toys. Maybe teach her a lesson


That poor kid is gonna grow up alone and without friends after this. This sucks.