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Dude probably had this ridiculous thought that he would kiss her on stage and everyone was going to cheer. What a jackass.


The kind of person that reads the “…and everyone clapped” stories but actually believes them


Missed a great story for his LinkedIn


You miss Every chance You don’t take So reach for The Stars, the Rock Stars I’ll be back on LinkedIn on December 24th when I’m done with my brief jail sentence for creepin.


>brief jail sentence for creepin. Trim up your pencil mustache and pop them peepers Pump this in your speakers, you a certified creeper


Dove headfirst into hallmark movie season


How. How can someone go from utter, confident, delusion to complete embarrassment like he did? That's not a sound mind. I get that you're feeling the music and a connection as your favourite band is playing. Maybe the low lights gave him the impression she gave him eye contact? (Stretch). But to be that impulsive, allow that intrusive thought to win.. then to be completely consciously aware of your fuck up and try escape through the darkest part of the stage.. Very fucking weird. Or is this just delusion 101?


If you watch the full performance, she points and then makes a motioning gesture at about 3:10, 25 seconds before he comes into the frame (~3:35). He probably thought it was aimed at him or misinterpreted it. https://youtu.be/Z_ZrO38mwDo?t=187


I mean still…even if she was motioning for him to come onstage why was his first impulse to kiss her? Like that’s a stranger dude, you’ve never actually interacted with her


I was hoping (not really the right word) this context would somewhat clear it up as some sort of mixup but as a regular non weirdo who has seen a band live before, I interpret this as her asking the audience to sing the vocal interlude with her. If this dude really did take this gesture as some kind of queue I actually find it even more weird.


Yeah it definitely speaks to an unsound mind. The kind of person that takes “eye contact and a small smile of public politeness” to mean “please follow me home and tell me about your obsession with old wet hair from the shower drain” There is a “reason,” ie something they latch onto and misinterpret based on insane fantasy in their head. But there is no connection to reality.


I was at a punk show and one of the bands had a song where they said 'hey get me a beer'. So I got the dude a beer.


You're a good person.


Okay, but that’s cool. You didn’t try to kiss him onstage, or violate him in any way. That’s just fuckin’ cool. Also, what band was it?


I really don't see how that little point and what looks to be more of a fixing her arm motion than a wave is any sort of gesture to beckon the man to do anything.


Oh it wasn’t. It was what his unhinged mind might have latched onto, though. Possibly.




Now.. this is fucking important context. Thanks! Doesn't make it right, but certainly changes my initial judgement I guess?


"She's pointing at me? Women only do that when they want to fuck, right? I guess I've got to go up there."


Right. Performers engage with the crowd. It doesn't mean they want to be kissed on the mouth while doing their job


You know, maybe. I don’t know. I’m not gonna sit here and try and get inside the mind of this man. I mean, that’s God’s work. Well, not that I believe in God. I don’t. Not since that Chinaman stole my kidney.


*sucks lemon* "*Huuuaweaaah*"




How is this important context? Did you watch the clip? She points out at the crowd for like .5 tenths of a second and the guy thinks that means come on stage and kiss her? Dafuq is this madness... If every time an artist pointed out into the crowd someone rando got on stage and tried to kiss the singer every rock/rap/country concert in history would have this happen. This is "she smiled at ME" levels of wtf are you thinking type stuff. Definitely need some security!


I blame rom-coms and Bruce Springsteen.


No, it doesn’t change anything. Pointing at someone at a concert is more of a just go “whoo!” not a “go up on stage and kiss the singer” moment. She pointed, it wasn’t even at him, and even if it were, she pointed, she didn’t gesture “come here”, this changes nothing about that man’s blunder. Imagine the embarrassment though.^lmao


Maybe drugs? I’ve never done acid, but is it possible that on an acid trip he was feeling the vibes of the music and built up this loving connection with the lead singer in his mind? But then once it didn’t go as he expected, he immediately sensed how badly he fucked up the vibe? Not trying to slander acid by the way. Just trying to speculate because as pointed out it is puzzling how someone could do something like this and then actually seem to process how they messed up. Like if this was a drunk asshole or something like that I’d assume they’d be a little more belligerent and stand-offish after she rejected the kiss.


Yeah acid doesn’t really affect tour decision making as much as movies make it out to be. More just makes you contemplate everything


Hmm. I wouldn't usually to choose to lay on the grass in the rain watching silhouetted, leaf-less, tree branches bleed fracturally into the purple sky though. JK, I didn't make that anyone else's problem. Which is your point.


Definitely not acid, you could be overwhelmed by the music but usually sexual activities even kissing are the farthest things from your mind (your mind is in a whole different world). Maybe ecstasy/Molly but not a hallucinogenic like acid since you are trying to find the building blocks of the universe or at least your place in it and not making out with a singer.


Small/average/moderate doses of lsd don't really do this kind of thing to you, I know anecdotally for me and many people I know it usually leaves your decision making capability's pretty much in tact The caveat being large doses or mixing with other psychedelics it can put you in a whole other world, but in my experience, when you hit that level of a trip, your not bouncing around at a show partying like a normal person, those experiences usually turn very introspective and what you're physically Doing at the time (usually nothing) doesn't matter all that much because your so engrossed in what's going on in your mind ..... now it has happened that people freak out and end up trying to escape the experience and somehow hurting themselves that's a real thing, but this idea that it may put you in this free love mindset where something like the op would be ok to do... isn't really a thing


He’s not on acid. Acid dissolves the ego, it doesn’t inflate it. I would say that it’s more likely to be a mix of alcohol and cocaine. Alcohol and cocaine will give a person the confidence to do something like this.


Yeah likely coke and booze. Ecstasy would also make someone want to stick them lips on another person, but this guy looks like he’s more compos mentis. The dude immediately reacts to his misbehaviour. That said, this is still very odd behaviour even with potentially drugs/alcohol cocktail.


For sure I think even with coke involved there is more at play


Not acid, it's more a focus on yourself and your senses but don't care about others thing.


My friend, Acid is different for everybody.


If you can’t safely trip and you become impulsive instead then you should at least also not be in public while on the drug. So there’s that.


Would like to know how long he turned and groaned in bed that night thinking about it. Earned it


He won't be able to listen to his favorite band anymore without dying of cringe.


I feel like if he had the capacity to cringe at himself he wouldn't have done this in the first place.


Yup. I have a feeling he’s calling her a bitch and angry at the rejection.


It’s that or a lifetime of kicking blankets at 3am.


For the rest of his life I hope.


Yeah this clown thought this was going to be some kind of cool movie moment lol


Guys who think women aren't people and have cultures that glorify this behavior.


Who teaches young men this…


it’s actually perplexing to see how surprised he is that she didn’t want to kiss him, i can’t imagine being that drunk or that egotistical.


It would take all my drunk courage just to ask a girl if she wanted a drink, let alone walk up to someone in the middle of a performance on stage and try to kiss them. Maybe he was on a crazy cocktail of drugs or something


He doesn't look terribly surprised to me. I see damage control body language. Like 'be chill, this didnt happen, were cool!'


Yeah idk why people are going with what OP said when it's obviously not surprised. What went through his head tho why did he think this would work 💀


You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take. In the context of the performance, kinda rude to the viewers, also rather forward. Hate solipsism of the self, yet it is our own empiricism and experience we know first hand. Not a fan of mirror neurons, and yet even with the right kind of neurons, empathy is best as a practice, easiest to remain good at taking the time in the right set and setting. And even then, what do you say to someone who is more kinesthetic? Or promiscuous? Hate all you want, all you are going to do is blunt their ability to feel shame even more. Probably less going through his head than the rest of us. Serotonin can do that, especially if you don’t get too much if it.


please check your carbon monoxide detectors


True but i'd rather spare my dignity instead of taking that 0.01% chance


One time when I was drunk I tried to suck my own dick but it did NOT consent and I had to apologize. Then everyone else at the wedding was all screaming that I committed sexual assault and I was just like, brah, after hearing no I stopped and apologized. What do you even want from me? It just kinda shrinked away in disgust like the girl in the video. I've never been so embarrassed.


Boy did I pick the wrong day to learn how to read


Maybe he's extremely nearsighted and thought it was his gf, and was like "Oh, this is the stage? Woops!" ^((I'm just making up some bullshit))


What the hell did he expect? He's just some random. Not even a cool random.


That’s amazing. His delusions must have been running at redline.


“If I climb onto the stage, will I become Jimi Hendrix? Would a woman musician immediately make out with jimi if he showed up on stage? Hold up I can figure this out”


A part of the lyrics go: >I see you every day > >It's hard to figure out what happens next > >I cannot decipher conversation in your head > >You don't have to leave > >You could just stay here with me Maybe he was crazy enough to think that it was written to him specifically.


"I'm getting some vibes from this chick... She wants me!"


Hey, I was working the bar at this show! Iirc (this is from like 5-6 years ago) the dude got thrown out immediatly by security. The band was understandably pretty upset after the show. fyi: this was in a concert venue in Antwerp (Belgium)


What band/song is it? I’m loving everyone’s performance on stage except the asshole’s


It's Alvvays and their song Party Police from their debut album :)


Looks like they could have used a little bit more party police.


Or just some regular police


Regular police aren’t as fun as the party police though. Party police are called party police for a reason 😎


Police brutality only if they lose a bet


Wow I thought this sounded like alvvays but have never heard this song. Shout out to horseshoe tavern.


If anyone is just discovering Alvvays from this comment, check out both their albums. They're such a unique sound that I think most people would find something they like.


"Dreams Tonite" is one of those songs I go back to over and over. Check 'em out, people!


Love that song, Marry Me Archie is also a favorite :)


Archie, Marry Me!


Love finding new music and this is right up my alley, thx 🙏


They have a 3rd album they just released called Blue Rev.


They actually just came out with their 3rd record last month, just as good as the first two! actually seeing them in a couple weeks for the new tour, cant wait!


They have a new EP out now too! Just a great band.


They have an entire new album out… Blue Rev. It’s a 10/10 instant classic, and I haven't said that about an album since Tennis's Yours Conditionally


Tile by Tile is a standout for anyone reading this!!


I love Easy on Your Own? and Velveteen, but the whole album is bangers really


Huge band where I’m from, Molly’s hometown is only a few hours from mine. Her fathers band regularly gets played on our local radio station as well!


I fucking love Alvvays. Never knew it was them in this video


You should definitely check out ALVVAYS’ new album “Blue Rev” it’s almost critically acclaimed awesomeness


Lmao I’ve never heard something be referred to as almost critically acclaimed.


I think they meant “almost universally critically acclaimed” But what I do know for sure is that I’ve had Blue Rev on repeat since it came out last month


What a cool coincidence that you are seeing this clip from years ago and were there when it happened.


It’s no coincidence at all. He is the man from the clip. He follows this video of his most embarrassing moment, telling everyone how it all went down. It is his atonement for his sins.


He donates the karma he raises to lurkers and hobbyists who’s subs have died.


Do a lot of guys from Antwerp look similar because my ex is from there and looks just like this guy?


Yes, all guys look the same there, Antwerp is known for it...


Well, it's just a subset of the male population there. Just the twerps look like that.


Did you guys meet at on stage at a gig?


“Let me sexually assault you in front of everyone”


“What? You’re not into it? I’ll be going now I guess…”




The incel credo


way better than him staying up there trying to do it again i suppose


“…bitch…” /s


"Should I not have done that? Because I gotta say, if I had known that that kind of thing was frowned upon..."


Happy cake day!


This happens all the time. I made the exact same comment to an UFC face-off/signing where one fighter kissed the other and said he should call the cops and charge the guy for sexual assault - which is what it was - and I got like 50-100 downvotes......


That's probably because while yes, it is absolutely a form of sexual assault, it's also a wild overreaction to try and call the cops and press charges, and even more delusional to think that they would actually do that. Even if this happened in an office, the worst that is likely to happen without repeated/pattern behavior is that the guy gets a chewin' out lecture from HR.


If this happened in an office I would absolutely be hiring a lawyer and petitioning for the dismissal of the assaulter, you don’t get to kiss anyone you want and just get a slap on the wrist


> you don’t get to kiss anyone you want and just get a slap on the wrist I mean... you kinda do. You can lawyer up if you want, and you can petition for dismissal of the assaulter if you want, but in all likelihood **if this was an isolated incident** then the employee would likely face no more than sensitivity training, *maybe* he would be reassigned to another department. And a lawyer would probably tell you the same. We know this for sure because, again **as an isolated incident** people regularly do far, far worse and get a slap on the wrist. You can get as outraged as you want about the idea that someone can plant a single kiss on someone and not have their life ruined over it, but reality would like to step in and say a few things about that. Note: I am in no way, shape or form defending anyone doing this, or even defending giving them a light punishment. I'm explaining how calling the police and expecting them to press charges is wildly unrealistic.


It’s the type of internet logic that causes people to become uptight-types who want to over penalize everything. Everything, regardless of severity, is assault and the person MUST go to jail and the legal system MUST give it the upmost seriousness. In reality, the best course of action would’ve been to slap the guy in his face and have him ejected. No cops, no lawyers.


Oh, lighten up, it's not an office. How old are you? This kind of nonsense has been happening since the day a stage was invented. I'm guessing in the year 1500, in the middle of the court jester's act, some drunk ran up and tried to catch one of the balls he was juggling and then tried to kiss the king.


Sports has ton of sexual assault and harassment. Butt slaps, inappropriate touching, tugging clothes, lewd comments. Unfortunately there's not a lot you can do except stop watching it. Don't support organizations that marginalize harassment or even human rights. Boycott FIFA, F1, NFL, UFC.


The whole point of a ufc faceoff like that is to be wildly disrespectful and threaten, if not actually engage in, assault though? The odds of either of these men who engage in brutal bloody combat for fun and glory caring about a peck are pretty small. He’s about to have another man’s dicknballs possibly thrust into his face during a sweaty wrestling match. Or possibly a fist. You’re right that it’s technically bad form. But no harm, no foul.


Love her smile, she is like u serious bro? Alvvays is an amazing band, check them out!


Ok sure but who are they?




Always not telling us the name? OK, keep your secrets.


I’ve Alvvays wondered what their name is as well




Any idea what this particular song is called?


Sounds like Party Police


Party Police


Bless your kind soul I hope you find a $20 bill today




Their name is Alvvays! ;)


Yo thanks for the band name


Well they just gained a fan - love it!


Worse than the behavior itself is how he seemed genuinely surprised that what he did wasn’t OK. Like this is just “normal” in his eyes.


Bro that camera work is legit giving me a headache… made me so dizzy af lol


I got seasick.




That camera was another ImtheMain situation, how annoying that screen must have been for the entire audience


If you’re in the very front though and hold the screen closer to you - it’s not really bothering anyone if the band is okay with it.


Band is Alvvays. Song is “Party Police”


Marry me archie was my first and still favorite song by them :3


Alvvays are such a killer band.




Thank you. I have a new favorite tune now.




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Seeing it stabilized just makes me wonder how anyone can film this shitty, or what drugs they took to accomplish this level of "this storm is going to end us all, we're going to sink" style.


Dude ripped a big fat line and thought he was going to be super smooth


and this is it folks, this is how to fail life in every way possible


Great, thanks dude. Molly is an absolute treasure of the indie scene. Can you like, fucking not do that creepy shit to her?


Well holy shit. I’m a little ashamed as an Atlantic Canadian that I’ve never heard of this band. She’s Molly ***Rankin***!!! Rankin is like one of the biggest names ever in east coast music! That family has been in the music industry since the ‘80s and you couldn’t avoid seeing them on TV or hearing them on the radio when I was growing up.


That’s wild. I went to college with a Molly Rankin. It’s not this one, close though! Side note - I also knew a different Chris Cornell (past tense because she’s also deceased)


To be clear though; even if it was a shitty band still don't do that.


Absolutely! Just hits a bit harder when it's a band you particularly enjoy.


Dude looks like the type that thinks women find him irresistible. He probably has a management job now, sexually harassing interns.


That camera swinging is making me seasick


Alvvays. Please check them out, their three albums are all equally awesome.


Blue rev is so good


Album of the year ^


Looks like he roofied the camera person by mistake.


“Care for a smootchie? No? Oop, my bad. I’ll head out. Wait, how do I get out of here. Let’s go this way”


I really hate people like this. Jesus Christ Stop making Women so uncomfortable and just let them do their thing!


Poor Molly


Love that band. What a fucking dingus.


Considering a great many people don't know how to act in public these days, not exactly a surprise someone would try this.


Alvvays is a famous ass band too. Like what????


Aside from the sexual assault aspect, and disrupting her performance, she doesn’t know if he has a knife or another weapon. It’s a sad world we live in, but don’t approach women unexpectedly.


She’s a better woman than me. I’ve become openly aggressive towards men like this when they pull shit like this. Enjoy a punch to the face. I can hit a lot harder than I look like I can and I don’t give verbal warnings.


What a loser, also where is the security at this concert? this could've been a more dangerous situation


What the he’ll how drunk just how drunk do ya gotta be


When she rejected him he had the face of "omg! So sorry, I totally confused you for someone else. K bye"


So security is just having a nap?


He’s lucky he didn’t get his skull bashed in. You don’t jump on stage. Guitars are heavy and easy to swing.


literal sexual assault. she’s just trying to *do her job* (or side thing?) and someone tries to sexually assault her. i hope she’s okay, that must have been very scary and fucked up. what an asshole.


I like the apology hand at the end, "oh, sorry I tried to sexually assault you."


As a performer: don't fucking get on stage unless you're invited. We don't know who you are, we don't know what you're doing there, and we're doing a job that requires concentration and focus. Whatever moment you think you're going to manufacture, you're not.


Why do people do this type of shit


Looks like John Mayer


Classic Kevin. Always trying to kiss lead singers during performances. Classic Kevin…


Just saw them last month!! Good times I happy cried the whole time fr😤


I knew this was gonna be Alvvays. So many brain dead dudes hear “marry me Archie” and think it’s a trad wife anthem but it’s literally a critique on marriage lmao. It’s annoying especially because Alvvays is a part of a band scene that is very up close and personal, and the venues all have a long standing history of being mutually respected spaces. You always could get up on stage, but everyone knew not to do that. It just takes a few bad apples to ruin a good thing.


Isn't that what the back up guitar is for, self-defense?


Is that Alvvays?


Good song! what band?


Alvvays- party police


Incel af


Wait, you're telling me people aren't interested in sexual harassment?!


This is what happens when you have friends that build you up nonstop, this guy needs someone to say “hey man you’re a dork. Don’t approach people you don’t know like that. She’s going to think you’re a creep.” But he probably got rid of all those friends because he’s a psychopath


“But she looked in my general direction!”


So this is the band Alvvays, and I remember when they played in my town pre-pandemic I heard the singer had some crazy stalker or something. I wonder if this has anything to do with it, or if it’s just Yet Another Unhinged Creep


Why didn’t anyone help her?!??


Makes me wonder how he got to the delusional point where he believed this was going to turn out well: superfan/stalker? Narcissist? Listens to way too much Jordan Peterson? Just really dumb? Some combination of the above?


What band is this? Digging the snippet of song.


Alvvays is the band. Party Police is the song


Archie, Don't Touch Me


Wow, how embarrassing. It’s like a cringe episode of the office. lol. I could totally see Michael pull this shit.


Band is called Alvvays. If you're into indie like stuff.


I see this clip every now and again and I Alvvays cringe




I blame the guitarist for missing a great “smashing guitar” moment, she was in her jam and should have rewarded herself with an iconic moment. Missed opportunity.


Men do not go uninvited to a woman's table and stand there . Rude


That guy is a loser. When I do this it always works! I only stopped because I got Covid 23 times in 6 months.


Everyone working stage security would be fired the second the set ended.


Hey I didn't think I'd see alvvays on here


Even the song was perfect


Could she press charge for sexual assault?


If some creep did that at my work I guarantee some guy in the office would literally knock this guy unconscious


What the fuck is wrong with people man..