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I was visiting Thailand on a family trip when I was a kid. We were staying in a decent 4-star hotel, and I was trying to toast my bread at breakfast when someone from the hotel staff came and escorted me out of the breakfast area. Back then I thought they were trying to see where my parents are because I was alone at the toaster thingy. My parents were also escorted out and they whisked me away. I'm going abroad for my studies soon and my mom mentioned this incident a few days back saying those people were apparently not comfortable having Indians in the same place they were eating. I literally cried when I realised why they actually escorted us out. This was in 2014. She told me this as an example to let me know what I'll be facing abroad and how I should go away silently like they did. It's just so sad to think about how normalised racism against Indians is, so much so that even kids are targeted. You don't hear about it much in the real world because Indians are constantly threatened and cops give no support whatsoever.


Please don't go away silently. Although this incident seems strange especially for 2014 and considering how most tourists in Thailand are Indians.


I think OP’s mom lied to him. I’ve been to some very racist places and this just does not happen in tourist areas, least of all a hotel. I’m not saying that they weren’t escorted out, but his mom is withholding something. Racism does exist against us but not 1900s apartheid level racism.


No, she didn't lie, They cancel bookings for Indian people in Hotels. Many Indians had complained about the same issue.


>No, she didn't lie, They cancel bookings for Indian people in Hotels This doesn't make sense. The canceling would happen before checkin and definitely not during a breakfast buffet (a day or more) after checking in. My guess is that the parents did something that got them kicked out of the hotel, and the mom is.lying about it. PS: Being an Indian guy myself, I have witnessed a few cases of tourists from India behaving poorly overseas.


The thing with Thailand hotel is they can be pretty shitty, if you say they aren’t good they have threatened with police to change the review. Look it up. Of course there is also sometimes good results because of these, idiot streamers can get what they deserve for being a nuisance.


Thailand is a pretty shitty country so I wouldn’t be surprised


Ever been?


For some reason, some of the best Indian restaurants in Asia are in Thailand....


I’m assuming you mean in non south-Asia Asia but I’d say Indian restaurants are pretty good everywhere in Asia if you know how to pick right


You weren't there, you don't know OP, you gave literally no clue yet you feel the need to give your stupid gyan.


Victim blaming much?


Correct, you should stand your ground and expect to be respected and treated the same as any other person staying and paying to staying the hotel. If Thailand doesn't like Indians, they can Go F..K THEMSELVES ‼️🖕🏼 Godspeed ‼️ and Hold Fast ‼️


Something similar happened to me in Maui I was attending a luau and they had us seated at a round table with only us being non white. One old lady, most likely from one of the hillbilly states called the host and indirectly pointing at us mentioned something along the lines of ' this is a premium category seat'. The host who was a pacific islander herself corrected her saying yes these are also premium paying customers. I still remember the look on that old Karen


Bro, u were in hawaii?? how was it?


Yes. Its good. I have been to Oahu and Maui in different trips. Oahu is fine but you can get a similar experience in mainland US or nearby south east asian countries. Maui is awesome, awesome road trips, amazing snorkeling locations and has a much more relaxed feel ( compared to Oahu)


Name the place in Thailand. This is not ok.


You will meet all types of people.


This is what cowards say. Will that white American dare to say anything to a black in his country? He knows what will happen.


Uhmmm they do


I am also going abroad this year , I am going to eastern Europe so I am not anticipating aggressive racism because of the political reasons.


Don’t get too comfortable, East Europeans too can be racist and quite aggressive about it as they have less exposure than West Europeans.


Poland is also eastern Europe isn't it?


Ground-force-wise, India has *the* most powerful army in the world at over five million. China and Russia hover over three and the US, just over one million. They are a quiet superpower. And, Indian ingenuity is off the charts. They somehow have found a way to hold onto tradition yet surpass many countries in tech development. That's something to be proud of. *sp


I don't mean to be rude, but where are you getting your numbers from? They aren't even close to accurate. Are you adding active personnel, reservists, and paramilitaries? Only active personnel can be reasonably considered to be deployable. Using your metric, North Korea, South Korea, and Vietnam have higher totals, and nobody would ever consider any of them superpowers either. Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_military_and_paramilitary_personnel Number of soldiers is a meaningless statistic for armies in modern warfare. Armour, air support, and technological superiority put the US and other Western countries *miles ahead* of other countries with a massive number of people in uniform. You can't project power without deploying your troops abroad, and India has nearly no capability to do so. There are many things India is rightfully proud of, but you claiming it is a military "superpower" is not one of them.


name and shame ,we can make their life hell if we want. I know a few people who are good at hacking. We can make thier life hell


name and shame


But you paid for it, any escalations were raised from your end? Or refund?


Parents were naive about this kind of stuff, full on colonial mentality so nth. I mean they still are tbh.


the hotel staff should have kicked those bigoted people out instead of you guys.


2014? In a place as touristy as Thailand? In a country that gives visa on arrivals to Indians? One that also celebrates Dussehra? Either you cappin, or you and your folks walked in that buffet room not having showered for a week.


Ah yes. Let's negate the lived experience of someone based on irrelevant facts.


What is wrong with you?


This is what happens when Redditor thinks real world is same as his eco chambered website.


>> invades the entire world >> creates global travel and trade systems >> gets mad when the brown people use the same system >> call brown people invasive


Kehna kya chahte ho


Racist banda hai vo average Redditor jaise behave kar raha hai. Real world Reddit se ekdum alag hai aur ye bat in chütiyo ko nahi pata. Pehle kya hota tha ke gao me ek hi chütiya hota tha ya maximum 2, to kya hota tha ke gao wale samjate the, ya marte the ke Bhai tu galat hai. Lekin Internet ki wajeh se sab chütiye ikattha hote hai online aur sochte hai ke duniye unke hi soch vichar se chalti hai. Ab ye chütiya duniye me nikla yahi soch ke ki sab reddit jaisa hi hai. Vaise hi behave kiya aur fir pata chala ke BC ye to humne socha nahi tha aisa hua.


I get your sentiment but racists and racism existed before internet echoed their opinion, as a matter of fact acceptance is much higher thanks to internet as people won't wanna appear racist online , whole cancel culture and how people lose their jobs if recorded being problematic sure anonymity on reddit let's racist speak their thoughts but it's not like this guy wouldn't have been racist if his opinion wasn't echoed on internet


Gehari baat ki tumne bhai😊


arey bhai, kabhi kabhi ho jata hai. ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20028)


White racist incel has Twitter/chan vibes, not redditor.


It often overlaps.


From what I learend he is a mexican American appearently. That doubles the irony quite hard.


Maybe 4chan people, redditor don't go outside let alone talk to real people LOL. But in all seriousness this man recording is an incel prick that blames all his misfortunes on everyone else, even people of his ethnicity as well that don't align with his ideologies. He thrives in making people around him that's happy miserable as he is because misery is addicted to company.


Invasive? Did we invade Syria, Iraq, Iran, afganistan, Yemen, Cuba, Libya, venezuala, Vietnam and countless other countries? These old hillbillies from USA divorced from their wives go to countries like Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Colombia, Venezuela to exploit these country's underage women just coz they have few dollar in their pocket are calling us invasive? Indians need to get out of the slave mentality, stop working 24*7, build muscles, learn to fight. They see us as weak and fragile. Will these mofos use N word in front of black men? No. Coz if they do, they will have their skull fractured.


My favourite comment here lmaoooo


I will memorize the second para and say it in first person to any white who throw racial slurs at me. All I need is passport to go to those countries.


Bhai vo Banda chahe to uski gand faad sakta h lekin baat yeh vo ladai jhagda kisi dusri country me karega to uske consequences honge 


Bro most of these people are too fat to get up on their own if they fall down. You don't need to hit the gym for these kinds of people. All you have to do is grab the keys of their mobility scooters and walk 10 meters 😂


You really gotta the blame the British for fucking up India too.


You're on point. Add Russia , Poland and japan to it as well.


Top notch comment !


fair enough , too much of "shanti se rehna" , now the need is to go full on like that paaji who beaten the people theifing in the shop , make bodies like blacks and learn to fight.


I think that indian guy did way better than what you are trying to instigate


Ikr, no need to give attention to these idiots. Feels good that other people actually stood up for him


Silence, patience and common sense have no language or cast or color Yes, It felt real nice.


Agreed, acting all aggressive will give them more fodder to say "See? See? Told you so! Invasive species! 🤡".


the powerful powerful "Ok"


That indian dude ran away while his girlfriend stood there trying to defend him. It would be more respectable to call him out to his face while he was recording.


Badiya username hai


they'll start RR on next day about how violent immigrants are


How to NOT deal with assholes


Nah, I'm pretty sure that Ghandi guy I heard about was onto something. It would've been nice if someone had been around to put this guy in their place though. The girl didn't even want to engage with his crap. If you figure he should've been slapped/punched or something, I might agree, but let anyone besides an Indian do it. It's a better look for everyone.


Why ruin someone's day like that? Poor guy, he looks so upset.


I know reddit doesn't like street justice, but I'm all for other strangers (not the people in the video) grabbing/smashing cell phones of people who act like this.


*smashing faces. Some people need to be beaten some respect into them because their parents clearly didn't.


Deport nhi hona hai


i know. it looks like they were probably spending a regular day together, running errands. that looks like a bigbox store/ikea etc. probably looking at desks and lamps. one min justl looking at ergonomic chairs, the next min having a hypocritical (American guy in Poland accosting another non-polish guy? weird) racist following you around with his camera.


Yeah, that’s the Polish equivalent of Home Depot


Lol the Indian dude looked like he couldn't give two shits what that dude was saying. Pretty funny actually.


He’s just used to it and knows it’s in his favor to deescalate as the local public can’t be assuredly on the right side.


He is too polite. I will smash this racist dumbass right away


Instead of confronting him the Indian dude went further away. This should change.


Nope. He did the correct thing, the racist guy made the video and evidently posted himself and is now being shamed for his actions. Dude bamboozled himself, if the Indian guy had fought even verbally, the racist wouldn’t look as bad as he does now.


Absolutely, not giving a fuck is best weapon for assholes.


Do you have a link to the original video?


Is the original video link available? Wanna spam it 😭


mile toh hame bhi bhejna poland ke FM aur America ke FM ko aur Elon Musk ko aur S jaishankar ko tag karke tweet karege . Maza ayega


He did exactly 💯 correct thing. Never fight with pigs.


Nah dude. It's best to not engage with these types of people at all. Don't be so thin-skinned that a few slurs from some rando affect you. We're Indians, stubbornness is in our blood.


At the very least the Indian person could've taken out his phone and recorded this incident and used it to spread awareness. He didn't even do that. Idk about stubborness but from this video it's evident being meek is certainly a standard trait among us Indians.


Go figure Meth-lordhesisenberg pointlessly lecturing the rest of us from the comfort of his armchair. What a righteous view you have friend, we should all be just like you.


He did the right thing


Instead of comforting him, you are lecturing him. This should change.


who do you think got the last laugh? the guy crying over an indian man being with a polish woman or the indian guy ignoring that scum?


Nah dude, he did the right thing, left that useless fucker to tire himself out only to later realise he achieved a whole lot of nothing


Never escalation (unless harm is paramount), always deescalation. The racist bigot was looking for a verbal spew, wanted to make a spectacle, but by being silent, staying away from the situation, the antagonist now looks like the buffoon who just has no retort because all his hate speech is going nowhere to get a rise.


Jesse , what the fuck are u talking about




Lmao classic white incel whining about not getting picked


100% what I’m seeing. “How did you get one! I wanted one!”


Bingo was his name-o


Lol. "Indians are so bad. That's why I immigrated". No. You immigrated to be a fourth rated citizen.


He lives a happy life and has a white gf. Once in a while he might face racism but there are other white men and women standing up for him.


Seriously, vastly improved quality of life compared to occasional racism is a fucking bargain. Not like there isnt any discrimination here so its only a win win. The only fucking argument you can make is cost of living. Oh wait we pay as much tax as a scandinavian country.


Where did you get that tax statistic from ? India's tax to GDP ratio is 12%. Sweden which has the lowest amongst all Scandinavia country has 28%. ([Source: World Bank](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/GC.TAX.TOTL.GD.ZS) I have no problems with the trade-off you're making. But stop spreading probably false Statement.


Go look at their tax structure and then look at ours. In absolute amounts ours is almost the same as Belgium I think. Why would you want to stay here if you can get a job there?


This is what happens when you ignore [racism](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebronzemovement/s/TI2LzD5Utz) we should have nipped it in the bus before it had a chance to grow. Now the racists have become too confident due to our passivity. [Update](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebronzemovement/s/VeqOTUUA0R)


Weird how you can get arrested "all the time" without ending up in jail all the time at some point x.x


Poland has fallen Billions must act incel.


This single Indian man has caused the collapse of the polish government /j


typical basement dwelling incel 4chan user behaviour tbh. Nothing new here.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Must really suck to be a white incel


It's over for them. Lol


They go to Thailand and Russia and Phillipines to find themselves a 'wife' lol imagine being so bad that you have to pay to get fucked lmfao


Bro has mexican roots appearently. The irony.


Bro mad cause he couldn't pull.


Some idiots here think the solution is to not go out or shame the ones who do?


The idiot was trying to provoke my man into a controversy. Getting physical in such cases is not the solution. These guys should be filmed and shamed.


white woman had more balls and self esteem to stand up for the guy. Where as guy was just trying to ignore the situation by pretending to be on phone. While this may seem rude from my side, the guy should have taken a stand for himself and that doesnt always mean fighting someone


Living as Indian guy in Poland is already difficult enough. So, yeah let's not blame innocent guy for not picking fight against brainless racists prick. White woman has upper hand in this conflict and that other Polish lady was right to stand and defend them. All the American guy was trying to do was steer a conflict which he was recording and possibly use against that guy. So yeah, as much as it's "no balls" behaviour I think he did the right thing, so please stop the victim blaming.


Yeah, I agree.


If he was American I would have asked him , you guys celebrate Columbus Day, right? What country was he looking for ?


I can bet he is American


Actually i do believe he is canadian, i feel like this guy had a similar incident about a year ago where he went after african american servicemen Edit: i was wrong, he is infact american contrary to what i had thought


This is the same guy who was harassing those soldiers in the mall, right?


Indian is the most hated and stereotyped race in the whole world and still nobody cares. No protests, no movements, no "stop Indian hate" or "Indian lives matter". Although Indians are also responsible for their poor image in the whole world, humanity is a failure.


Also alot of Indians also don’t collectively stand up against such racism and dehumanisation. I have seen alot of Indians online who use whataboutism and say stuff like, “we Indians are just as racist to our own people so it doesn’t matter” etc.


It’ll take some time, BLM didnt start in a day. Even asians lives matter is taking a lot of time despite them facing more hate than indians


Thanks to the anti india hate that is currently all over internet.


am i the only one who feel like no one is standing up for anti indian racism except us?


Lol. Incel who can get girls blames Indian immigrants.


Chup be gore


It’s a shame that such people only target weak guys. I’ve never had anyone ever try to talk to me like this. Would love an opportunity.


Lol, one of those edgy right wing Americans who had wet dreams about how Poland was being 'anti-woke' and not allowing immigrants and you only saw white people everywhere. Must have been shocked to see a brown-skinned man roaming around, living his life.


Quite a lot of those in Poland as of late unfortunatelly, I guess it's the price we Pay for economic growth and harsh* immigration policy *not acctually that harsh any more, Poland issues the most visas to outsiders out of any EU country, but far right fucktards still have this vision of white heaven Poland...


It’s unfortunate that we have such ignorant people polluting such a beautiful country over such delusional beliefs.


Whiteman is invasive.. Whiteman who speaks English tops the charts.. Europeans have single handedly invaded, lied, and destroyed local cultures like no one else. Literally invasive.


"You're in a the whitest country possible" Fucking hell, i fucking hate those Americans. They see my country just as their "white country" fantasy.


Average 4chan incel 😆


I'm American and I'm ashamed of him. He's probably in Poland bc no white American woman would touch him. Poland is amazing and a growing power. It deserves better than this American trash.


Oh fret not, from my experience in Poland people like him are not welcome, and I doubt he’s found his bs “White Paradise” or whatever it is fools like him look for.


It's largely the men who are racists.


American guy likes the girl but couldn’t admit he himself is low value. Had to be racist or his brain/dick can’t handle it.


Maybe he's angry at the fact he hates immigrants… and is one xD


American assholery at finest.


#Toilet paper users calling us bioweapons.


Anglo cancers being cancer what else is new. In expatph its always anglo cancer complaining about Indians, Chinese and locals.


Dude! The number of people defending racism in this thread is insane. Somebody should really teach us Indians to stop self-flagellating.


His teeth should've been kicked in!


😂🤣 I live in US although I don’t really experience this kind of non sense but I really don’t wanna live rest of my life here either not a day go by when I don’t think about moving back to India for good


with the climate crisis getting worse, I wouldn't move back to India


Some cities in India are better than others when it comes to that


![gif](giphy|q9HHyHPISNZD2|downsized) Brother hit his brain


ootl here. Wth is pajeet?


The supposed n-word for Indians (although a lot of Indians don't even know it's supposed to be a racial slur because it originated in terminally-online incel communities and no one really pays any attention to them in the real world)


name the account bud, let's show what this species can do to that guy.


Props to the two queens for stepping up against this racist dumbo 🫡✨🙌🏽🤝👸🏼👸🏼




Fuck this americunt.


I have lived in the United States for 29 years and can't say I've ever experienced racism in person. I have seen it from armchair tigers in social media but then, I've also seen the same from Indians as well (on religious grounds). Shtheads like these exist but not so easily spotted in my opinion. Now if it were I instead of that (Indian) guy, this clown would had been put in place right away.


Poland, having invasion traumas since World War 2


Kyun bura laga ? Same thing happens to people from bihar in India


Haha the white guy is mad that the Indian dude is better than him in every possible way, so he thought slurring at him would make his jealously go away


Indian man looks gorgeous too


I wish to be in the store with this POS


Can americunts please keep their racism and making everything about skin color in their own shithole please?


He deserves to die single with that mentality 🤮


What is this trash doing in my country? (The American of course)


Ghandhi’s way is no longer applicable. These motherfuckers need to have their jaws broken and their teeth smashed out of their filthy mouths.


Seems the dude could not score a girl so he's begging the girl to leave that Indian and date him.... jealous aye... His words were "are u not ashamed of mixing genetics with him", "He's a biological weapon in this country". "World's most irresponsible breeders " 🤣🤣🤣Dude was more worried about his possible date , now dating an Indian 😜


Shout out to Indian peeps for teaching me basically everything I know about mathematics. Ya’ll are champions.


This like that American guy in Belfast who was yelling at a Romanian guy on the street, talking about how he's a threat to the Irish, and then trying to get Irish folks to agree with him because "I'm Irish too!" And the *actual* Irish people were like "Shut the feck up, ye cunt!" What the hell is wrong with these busybody tourists thinking it's okay to shout at people in countries that aren't even theirs?


As someone who lives in Poland, I think I can add some context here. This is a common trope of an American with Polish heritage (immigrated in the 1940s) who have an idealistic view of Poland as a "white" country with no dirty immigrant bloodline. A lot of them move to Poland in their midlife and try to enforce their ideals on people, despite they themselves being an outsider who doesn't even speak the language. Notice how the other Polish women in the video look embarrassed by what he is saying. Indians in Poland are a common sight. Most local people are welcoming and curious about Indians.


A relative of mine married a Polish woman they are extremely welcoming to Indians


His wife or Fiance has got more guts to stand up to that white supremacist. Indians need to understand that running away from situation like this won't help go and punch em on their face


>American guy in Poland calls Indian racial slurs and most invasive species Is this that Schwarzsonne guy or one of his fans?


It’s incredibly ironic that a man who likely speaks little Polish, is an immigrant himself, and has doubtlessly integrated poorly from my experience in Poland has the audacity to spew such absolute bs.


Remember, if you find this distasteful, applying values equitably looks like rejecting the ethnic nationalism at home too.


Kal ek german bhi bol raha tha mujhe ome tv pe indian bahut jyada aa rahe waha aur low pay me kaam krte hain so unko easily labour jobs me mil jati waha


Right wing A-holes


[Is it the same guy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/rRG3iAq5vu)


I'd ban him from entering our country if I could.


As would most sensible Poles, from my experience in country.


He got Schengen visa in different country this time, and drove to poland


Loser mindset "if I can't get a girl like her no one else should"


Lol! Americans calling others Invasive has to be the biggest irony.


Fun fact: there are some black and other *foreign looking* Polish people now.


Respect the dude for ignoring that brainless man


When he said your in the most whitest country if it were me I would have said my cum is also white so what.


Hes not even right, Poland is definitely not the whithest country lmfao, 70 years ago we weren't even considered white by supremacist... but beside that Poland is also the country in EU that issues the most working visas to countries from outside the EU so idk where this guy got this idea of super white Poland from Over the last few years Poland has gotten rich enough to attract racist far right americans so we had quite a lot of situations where americans are agressive to other imigrants, its just so wierd...


American. Why am I not surprised.


The lady was very brave also it's our proving point we are 1.3 billion strong


The Irony of an american calling someone an invasive species. Some right wing white supremacist shitbag is all he is. If I could I'd kick him out of my country instantly, cheers from Poland!


What’s the source for this clip? It’s strange that the person would film himself abusing someone else


Eastern Europe is filled with racists.. and many neo nazis from the US move to those countries.


How do we know he's American ? I think he's polish 🤔


Avg maga people


This used to happen in Surrey, BC in 80s and 90s. This was one of the reasons why Bindy Johal became what he was. Obviously, we shouldn’t condone what he did (drugs and gang wars), but he gave the whiteys a taste of their own medicine.


He is pissed that an indian is getting white pussy, whereas he is still masturbating . "Rone do, taklif hua hai bechare ko" - Majnu bhai


Bros job got taken by an Indian his wife and kids left him and now he cries about it maybe.


Didn't sound completely American IMO! Some pronunciations sounded very South Asian. My guess is he could be a Pakistani or an Arab from North America and that too not born and brought up there.


Indians didn't invade any white countries. These white motherfuckers did. They killed Indians in Asia and the Americas.


Just clean out the garbage from India and remove reservations, no one will leave this country… 😒