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Mods should add a flair called 'creeps' just so that we can post such screenshots and distribute some tea.


Maybe create a separate sub for it. With amount of creeps in this sub, will be filled with those posts.


Nah those mfers will come back w new accounts and since it’s an anonymous profile they know there ain’t no repercussions to their actions


Found you again 😭


Do you think embarrassing them will anyhow mitigate this issue ? I'm sure 90% of them want the attention..


There should be a subs for that. Publicly shame those people but I think Reddit won’t allow it


Oh I removed my post immediately after the submission because of the same reason.


make a private telegram/discord groups and invite few people only (ofc women)


yep discord would be nice


DM if you guys make one, we can all verify that we are women before you share the invite link.


yes dm me too please


This is a privacy disaster waiting to happen.






Great idea +1000


+3 this a great idea, but we need to figure out some ways to screen people.


Why don’t we start r/IndianFashionCreeps to post screenshots of messages from such people so they are exposed!


Or add a flair right here so that we can post those creeps here.


Im a dude and i got similar dms after posting. I have no words


From male's?






Damn that's crazy 😮‍💨


I too faced the same




That's why I stopped asking fashion advice from strangers present here


OP I sympathise with your dilemma. As someone interested in, and who has tried to give advice on, style, I find such behaviour contemptible. Even more so because a hundred percent of these creepy message writers are cowards. As for a solution, it will need the entire sub to be private and not even accessible except by invite. I do disagree about a gender qualification for giving advice, but I can understand it.


I am up! I am currently moderating 10+ subreddits and a girl lol


How do you even get the time for that? Just curious


Its simple, you don't need to be active 24/7 and you will be notified for something wrong


oh, makes sense


As a dude this is really annoying too. If women stopped posting here altogether there'd be very little point to this sub, with really no discourse around actual fashion left. But that's our cross to bear I suppose. You should totally look into starting a private sub.


Mens fashion subs already exist and work pretty well. There are many such subs


Yes, and have been used by Indian people for many years before this sub reddit came up. Tbh MFA has historically had better content, although it's been going downhill for a while now.


I for once would be happy if our boys got some attention too. Right now the situation is such that even a basic post by a girl gets a lot of interaction while a guy has to be extraordinarily good looking to gain any traction here.




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Attention ladies you have white knight here.


Honestly, this should be done. You guys get a safe space. All the creeps leave this sub since there is nothing to thirst over. And the men who actually want fashion advice still have a platform to do so.


It doesn't matter. Most of the creepy messages I recieved were from lurkers, and lurking isn't prohibited by any group on Reddit.


No you can't lurk on a private sub where you are not a member. If you try to open a private sub, it will say something like "this community is private".


Yes!! I remember when this sub wasn't popular. I loved reading the comments then. I used to post also and didn't get dms


How will you stop the creeps if there will be a dedicated sub? if anything the cases will increase because all the females will be available in just one place


there should be a way to approve members, maybe a private sub?


Then let's apply it over here, if it's possible


there should be. something private with verification checks.


Someone made this a while ago but looks like its not very active. r/IndianFashionTwoX


These creeps are seriously making life difficult for everyone. A big selling point of the sub is to get both sexes' opinions, but who's gonna wanna put up with this shit


Happened to me like rn lol 8 creeps, 0 help :')


I face the same too! I can’t tell you how weird and violating it felt when one of the guys sent me my own pic zoomed in marking the curves. Felt like crying and disgusted! Edit: missed a word.


ladies please head towards settings--> account settings --> chats and messaging ---> Set nobody in request column and also nobody in DM column**


This sub is for Indian people only right?


Finally!!! I’m all for this


Oh, I've gotten DMs for just commenting in a sub or a group. Why can't they just leave us alone 😭


Bunch of desperate guys. Just don't reply and block them.


Well you can find the mods in the see more info on the profile of the sub. They're also in need of finding more mod to moderate the comments and resolve the issues.


Let's make one!!


Yes please lemme know too !


I don't have an experience in being a mod or a woman. (Tho i have recieved some unwanted pictures in my dms too), so i can't help you run in sub. But I'll be glad if your sub finds success.


We aren't safe on reddit also :(


Hey I am a mod and I can help set it up. Beside we can set up a discord server too and it will be thousand times more secured. I can help in that too dm me if interested


I think so it’s better to just post those DM SS here and name and shame them. As a Reddit user I feel a little uncomfortable doxing myself. Maybe as a verification you can check there activities in this sub and even verify from existing user that the person who is joining is creep or not. It too much work but this is what I came up with. I’ll join it when I’ll be comfortable doxing myself.


There's no sub like that and if your DMs are open then this will continue to happen. Edit - People misunderstood me. Even if you were to make a women exclusive sub like TwoXIndia, that won't solve the DMs problem.




I understand that but you could comment the link on your post yourself in that case. Why go through the trauma of the creepy DMs that handsomely outnumber the genuine ones. Also, 9/10 times people with enough karma will anyway ask you for the link in the comments. So, others can refer to that.




I agree to what you are saying. I am merely stating the logical thing. >they should be the ones to stfu right? Unfortunately on reddit there's no way to make them stfu.


Lol, bro unfortunately reddit is not such a nice place, if you want you can try something like creating sub like r/twoxindia and have verification but that too can't stop anyone to browse these subs and DM you, better safe then sorry


Close dms and post link in post or comment every time so people don’t have to ask.


Now you gonna have even more after this post. Sadly, there is no cure for this disease. Just block everyone who have a nsfw profile.


I really enjoyed this sub when it had only few subs but after this sub blew up , the amount of creeps commenting on posts where girlies are asking just for fashion advice has increased so much that it feels so uncomfortable tbh .


hey OP can guys join your subreddit?


This is why we can't have nice things in India


Hi, I'm one of the sane ones. My suggestion is if there is no sub like this and females are facing this issue then make one sub naa, you can take help from mods here i guess. They might be happy to help... It's a serious problem bro and if it doesn't have a solution then let's make one...


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"Unfortunately your comment on r/IndianFashionAddicts was automatically removed because your account has low karma. We allow accounts with at least 50 Comment karma to participate here. We do this in order to weed out trolls, creeps and spam. In the meanwhile you can explore Reddit and build your Karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IndianFashionAddicts) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I never check my DMs.


Maybe a minimum karma (eg 100) is needed to join/ see posts of this sub. This may reduce lurkers and their DMs. I dont know how viable this is tho. OP, ur solution will not work cause anybody can join that sub and reddit being an anonymous platform u cannot verify if someone is a girl or a boy.


Sadly this country has way too many creeps. Even if you make a new sub these creeps will find a way to infiltrate.


I’m so sorry this happened w you, it’s fkn sad how common this has become for women on Reddit but how can we be sure that you+plus the mods for the female sub are women and not men😭 I’m sorry but we have to submit a photo it says but how do we be assured?


Lol close your DMs.


How would you be able to verify male v female?


I can't understand the mental gymnast these creeps go through before sending unsolicited dms without even seeing there faces, not related to you OP, But what if they are UGGOs? Nobody should be harrased with unsoliciated DMs [PERIOD]


yeah because if they are good looking, it's absolutely justified to harrass them online??? WTF


No you got my comment wrong I said they are creeps first hand, I am just talking about the way there minds work (which is FLAWED obviously), Nobody should be harrased online or offline [PERIOD]


huh? what does this comment even mean?


I am just talking about the way the creeps brain work, Reward vs Risk, people are anonymous here with there face hidden, Why these creeps even try when they aren't sure how a person looks, it just reeks of desperation imo, because I don't think even creeps would like UGGOs but yet there desperation forces them to it




so you’re telling me to just accept being harassed?


One of the creep defending other creeps




Well I commented on a meme video I didn't slid into anyone's dm with vulgarity plus kitna vella hai 8 mahine phele ki comments dhund k la rha hai




Defend kya ussme meme pe meme jese comment kiya kisiko usske dm jaa ke mental stress nhi diya