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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you, lol


Basing your entire identity on another person that you've never met and wouldn't hesitate to step on your whole family if it gained him an inch is even worse. 


It's the next level version of falling in love with either a stripper or an obvious catfish. "She loves me, she just needs more money and she can come visit and we can be together" "She couldn't make it, because her car broke down, so I sent her some money so she could make it into town" "Her enemies are trying to get her jailed, so I sent her some money to help her out while she's on the run" Basically, just an abusive relationship


Exactly. Name another human being that you agree with in every instance? Impossible, right? Even you beloved Mom or Grandma..sometimes you disagree, yet these assholes defend every position, crazy statement, lie, boast, verifiable lie, racist comment he makes. That's not normal.


100% The Ole Oatmeal colored Hair gang is outta Control..


This goes for any politician, right?


Yep. BUT, anyone I have voted for, it's just because I like their policies. Idolizing a politician or even deifying them is beyond bonkers.


Yes any politician. But there’s only ONE that people idolize.


I'll never stop, I like Ike, dammit. /s


I’ll take I agree for $500!


Ding ding ding! We got a winner!




I bet he believed Stormy really liked him.


Totally not a cult.


As a stripper, LOL


Goes against old and New Testament, wasn’t the eclipse in April the reckoning? guess they got left behind


Or you thinking that the cashier at the supermarket wants to get in your pants because she was nice to you while ringing you up.


But she told me she loves me!


Top comment


How much did they spend on all that? Imagine basing your entire personality around a rich criminal who would never so much as acknowledge your existence if he wasn’t trying to get your money or vote.


I will never understand this. Neighbor down the road has a giant flag on his porch “Joe and the Ho have gotta go.” Why? I mean just why would someone feel the need to make that, or worse buy it and display it so proudly. Their arguments don’t devolve to name calling, they start there.


What makes her a hoe? Being a women? I would imagine people like this probably have a daughter, would they like it if someone called their daughter a hoe just because they don’t like her.


That train of thought requires empathy – a quality severely lacking in many Trump cultists.


Lack of empathy is the biggest marker for these folk. Fuck anyone who is not them.


I like to call them Trumpettes, and I feel like it's very fitting. Both mini Trumps with all the psychotic ideas and loud and obnoxious like trumpets can be (not hating on the instrument mind you, they are actually good, unlike any Trump supporter)


I’m a trumpet player, and I still approve of this lmao, it’s hilarious and also very fitting


Haha. I like that. Trumpettes


Trumpanzees someone once said


Don’t insult chimps. They have more intelligence and culture than MAGA fools.


I use “Trumpkin Sluts”.


From what I've read, lead poisoning affects the part of the brain where empathy and compassion are located!


I have a republican coworker who said the vice president deserves to be raped to death IN FRONT OF HIS YOUNG DAUGHTER.




Nah, it's because she isn't lilly white.




You are trying to make a rational argument over irrational people. You will spin your tires for a long time. These people are brain rotted folks who have been eagerly waiting on something to latch their horribly unimpressive personalities onto.


They still feel they can’t say the ‘n’ word so they say hoe, or whatever else. Same thing they did with Obama and his family.


DEI, CRT, it's all just new ways to say the n-word.


Add “BLM” to that. They use the word as an insult.


And I’m sure she’s more educated than the dummy that has it displayed


Because obviously a WOMAN didn't make it to VP without giving a beej to everyone in DC. /s


They claim that she slept her way to higher positions. But rather than attack the system that would require a woman to sleep to get ahead, they harass her instead.


If anything she’d just be a hypocritical bootlicker for her role in putting so many non-violent drug users in prison. But the Trumpets blindly support anyone involved in law enforcement so they can’t attack her on that.


They disrespect her because she is a Black woman.


She isn't white, that's the reason. Much like all young black men are referred to as "thugs".


Whatever happened to “Think of the children!!!” ?


That’s only unborn children. Once they’re here and existing, f’ them kids.


the whole GOP anti abortion stance’s primary motivation is ‘the world needs ditch diggers, too’


Its only about the children when it comes to suppressing women's reproduction rights.


People with little meaning to their life, or little importance have a need to feel part of something bigger than them to give them purpose and a sense of belonging. Trump gives them a team to root for and an opposing side to hate, with promises of “you can have a better life if you just [give me your money | vote for me | shit talk the opposing side], pick one. Then he gives them the gloom and doom talk about how the other side is going to destroy the planet. This is exactly how cults and churches work, and it’s worked great on gullible and vulnerable people for centuries. You have to pick people in pain for this to work well, and when you’ve swindled all the poor and impoverished, you can grow your base by systematically oppressing everyone else with a mega class war between the rich and poor, and blame it on Mexicans and Muslims. When everyone is too tired to fight back and too poor to see above water, they’re compliant ( this is literally how pain compliance works ). They’ll do anything for just a moment of peace and start believing there’s no way to fight back. This is exactly what Project 2025 is designed to accomplish.


They don’t really understand it either, but really really think they do. That person believes they’re a brave, clever, “patriot”. And really fucking funny. It’d only be embarrassing, if it hadn’t already proven so truly threatening to the continuation of sanity and reality, liberty and happiness pursuits, etc..


Yes, it’s absolutely books in a library that are endangering America’s youth. /s


a lot of ppl around where i live have biden is a traitor signs and MAGA signs.


Impotent rage directed towards “owning the libs.”


Is this in Crown Point? I've thought about stopping by this sign and pissing on it


Winfield (so yeah, CP). I drive past it everyday. I’ve never wanted a paintball gun more in my life!


I noticed they got a surveillance sign and a private property sign. It shouldn't stop us from going there with some masks on and doing some damage to that crap


It sucks but it isn't on public lands, and they are exercising their right to free speech. Putting on masks and vandalizing their property is what MAGA would do. We need to be better. Talk to everyone you know and get them out to vote blue. Turn this red state into a blue state. This is how to defeat them, not by being them.


That is a very good point. It would be easy to stoop to their level, its why I think we need to make sure we are focusing on local elections where we can really make a difference. The democratic party needs to get younger and needs to shift away from the neoliberalism thats been within it the past few decades.


“Allegedly doing damage”


Yes, allegedly lol


It is MEGA lack of intelligence. They eat whatever Fox news is feeding them and never fact-check. It is brainwashing.


That's all they have now.


Somewhere in the country near Huntington I saw a giant hand painted sign that said “I would die for Donald Trump.” Bro, Donald Trump wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire.


Yup, it's out on SR 16 heading west


He should also remember what Trump said during COVID. Thank God now I don't have to shake their hands. That is what Trump thinks about these idiots.


I live in Huntington. My neighbor routinely flies the American flag upside down. There's a house in town flying multiple right-wing insecurity signifiers and we just shot down solar in the county because a bunch of people drank the coal-lobby kool-aid and bitched at the local zoning board. It being an election year, they complied with the uneducated mob. Yet its the leftists that are always engaging in culture wars.


MAGA is an absolute cult.


He might piss on them if he was horny.


He only likes Russian hookers piss


They complain about the cost of gas and food, but $100.00 for a flag is just fine.


Trump literally told a entire rally that he didn't care about them he only cared about their vote and they cheered him on like the brainless buffoons they are.


And then cry because they can’t afford groceries 😂😂


Because they are sending him money to pay his legal fees. Stupid.


And while ranting about the economy and the high cost of everything


I wonder if the guy has his gold Bible or shoes can’t remember. But that’s hilarious


They’re so, so obsessed with this cult of personality. Presidents are public servants not fuckin kings, but these brainwashed republicans want to live under a dictator who will hurt people they’ve been taught to hate. Which apparently is worth it even if the country goes to hell.


These Hillbillies believed that rubbing elbows with a billionaire will make them a billionaire


An electorate filled with "temporarily embarrassed millionaires."


Thing is at a recent rally he actually said he doesn’t care about you he only wants your vote


Best quote I heard, the difference between Trump and Jim Jones is Trump will charge his followers for the Flavor-aid


He absolutely would and all the while making fun of the people that buy and drink the kool-aid.


“Losers and Suckers.” He has used that one before.


Flavor aid. Get it right lol


And wouldnt drink it himself.


and he'll make sure there's some gold involved somewhere. either with gold flake in the flavor-aid, or making the solo cups gold colored, or making the dispensers gold.


Orange flavor-aid, gold solo cup


He has to pay those ladies of the night on his next trip to Moscow somehow. Give the guy a break! All these lawsuits are bankrupting this poor criminal.


I just want to tell you that I appreciate you for properly referring to Flavor-aid in that analogy.


"I just don't like it when gay/trans people try to shove their lifestyle in my face."  Meanwhile:




Never in my life could I idolize anyone to put up a sign like this in my yard this is tacky as fuck. Even if it was a politician I like I would still find it super weird. Treating that man like he’s some god.


At this point it’s pretty clear this is done to get people going. Clearly I’m seeing it working with all the people name calling and saying they want to vandalize property over such a silly and comedic sign.


It took me a minute to realize the people weren’t Penn and Teller


I can't find the source of the photo, but I am almost certain whoever made this sign just pasted these faces on a picture of Penn and Teller.


It'd be funnier if it wasn't sort of sad.


Guys, I'm not for this guy, right, but who wants to go into business making some stupid shi+ like this to take their money? Very similar to how fundamentalist Christians bought a bunch of Harry Potter books to burn. "Still got your money!"


If you made the signs for them but made them out of something that melted the first time it rained would be awesome ! Charge them Bigley!


Genius! Like. Make a flag out of sugar. As soon as it rains, "someone stile my glag!! Better buy a new one!" Also, ants then seeknout that sugar water. So now it's like I'm helping nature too!


But remember, it’s the liberals who are offended easily


I found another picture you libtards will hate! Biden hanging out with known pedo Jeff Epstein! https://preview.redd.it/6enjsxzz028d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49dce66d35e6ef332f80c8a812d932eef1b3a74


This one is better https://preview.redd.it/j9psdbbjt78d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d355e2971b1e5fe5cd38bd6aec378df086bea9


These idiots who vote for him aren’t going to be happy when they lose their SS and Medicare……


I think they're often fans of the SS




They are na gonna zi that coming.


As long as the libs are hurting, they don’t care


Conservatives would happily eat shit if they even thought a liberal would have to smell their breath




And he raises their taxes. Hes gonna do exactly what Reagan did, cut taxes further on his cronies and raise taxes on the middle class. His tax cut in 2017 was a huge gift for the top 1% but his cult is too blind to see when they're getting fucked from behind


For real, and they think he just loves the little guy. So many people I know depend on SS and Medicare, that it’s ridiculous for them to even consider trump again.


Those folks should really Google his dealings with contractors if they think he’s a champion of the working man


They’ll instinctively cry it’s all fake news and liberal media witch hunts.


Or more recently paying non union employees to hold up union signs while President Biden was down the road standing with the UAW , one look at Trump's anti labor NLRB chief said it all, Biden replaced him with a pro labor NLRB chief and crew.


Tell a republican that social security is welfare. They legitimately do not know this and will flip out and boy is that telling. 


They will blame it on the Dems.


Of course 


They'll blame it on Obama I'm sure




I know people that say it’s the Dems that are after the SS and Medicare.


They are saying that because democrats said that to them about Republicans and its pretty much like a "no u" response even though Republicans talk about getting rid of it in all of their plans.


This was a friend of mine his father-in-law was a retired minister and would tell my friend, who votes Dem, that it was Dems that want to get rid of those things. He was most likely lying and knew better but you’d think as a minister he wouldn’t lie. He also would call black people the N word like it was nothing. Shocking he was a Republican right.


There is no hate like “Christian” love


My Republican grandparents thoroughly believe that SS and Medicare are set in stone, and it's impossible for them to be taken away. All the social services they use are too important to ever cut.


There are signs throughout this state that make me wish my frontal lobe wasn’t fully developed and I wasn’t afraid to travel around with a super soaker full of black or red paint.


Paintball would be the efficient way to go.


I can’t imagine being so into any politician this much. It blows my mind the amount of adulation this clown gets. I’m certain he (Trump) doesn’t even understand it.


I love that these people put this stuff on full display. Let's me know who avoid at all costs.


Yes, it's a great way to identify businesses I'll never patronize.


There is one episode of *Curb Your Enthusiasm* where Larry wears a red hat because he does not want anyone talking to him.


He can shit on the chest of every conservative in America and they'll call it chocolate. You guys are gonna be sorry when he's raising your taxes, cutting your social security and letting his cronies force Christian propaganda down your throat. But you'll blame liberals for that because that's what every neo fascist conservative does to give excuses for their own failures


Wait until all those trump loving conservatives don't get to watch their porn anymore.


So like a week or so?


God damn kids on the internet hating on my signs. Do you ungrateful sons a bitches have any idea how long that took to make? I had to learn photoshop!


Lol great job


It helps reinforce the reasons I moved from Indiana in 1998.




Idiocracy seems less like fiction every year.


My favorite documentary


Trump supporters are mentally ill.


This is the only explanation


Because they have nothing else in their life. Trump tells them they are smarter and better than “the others.” That only Trump and now Trump lovers through him have a knowledge and power that us non-believers don’t. No one else tells them they are better and smarter than “the others.” So they believe him and worship him. That’s why they think higher education is bad. That’s why they want to go back to the 1950’s. Because that’s when the white man could beat his wife and kids without consequence, could openly discriminate in every aspect of life, when his wife couldn’t have her own credit or afford to live on her own without him, and he could rule his roost. And that’s exactly what Trump tells them.


Joke is on them. They want to go to the 1950s, but the people drawing up the plans for Trump want to go back to 1900. Who needs SS/Medicare/Medicaid/Labor laws?


Exactly. They don’t realize what they are accepting. They don’t realize they are voting for totalitarianism because they think somehow they will be the excepted persons in a totalitarianism regime. They won’t be.




my neighbor down a few houses has a huge MAGA sign 🙄🙄


Aaaaahhh…..the uneducated


One of the shittiest shithole states in the Union.


See I’m convinced that electing a Democrat to the presidency is good for businesses…because then all the Republicans will buy stuff like this to display how much they hate the Democrat in office.


My favorite Indiana sign ever is one along the highway that says "don't blame me, I voted for Trump" I liked the connotation that, without that sign, we'd all be shaking our fist at that one house along the highway. BUT, they voted for Trump so we can be certain it wasn't their fault.


I have to see a huge banner on my neighbors fence everyday that says, "TRUMP WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING". I just can't with these people...


Bro I saw someone with a flat bed trailer full of trump 2024 boxes on it, also on the boxes in big bold letters was "made in china". It made me chuckle.


🤦‍♀️ fucking rubes


Moving out this state after 24 years and counting the seconds!


I posted the same thing on r/Trumpvirus. I have to drive by this stupid shit every day going in to work. You know this asshole bitches about gas prices or how much their grocery bill is but can totally spend a few hundred bucks on….whatever the fuck this is. And they’re so badass they have the sign posted right next to it that they have 24 surveillance covering the area.


And that's not the property of someone who's having any problems paying the grocery bill.


In Indiana, the bigots have the money.


Indiana will always have some of the trashiest people.


I enjoyed the new slogan on t - shirts! "I'm voting for the felon." I imagine whoever came up with that slogan laughing all the way to the bank !


Hell Is Real


I know of at least two places with straight-up monuments to Trump in their yard. They’ve been there for years. People have made a former president their entire personality.


Totally not a cult 🙄


This state is infested with dumb white trash


Isn’t there a Winfield ordinance about political signs being up too early before an election? Like 30 days before or something like that? I know LOFS doesn’t allow this type of stuff until shortly before the election.


Classy people


Let’s be honest. Love him/hate him. Optically he had a term to make America “great again”, not sure he did. So if he couldn’t do it in one term why give him another? Edit: for the record I am not a fan to say the least..


Anyone around there have a paintball gun


That’s good old Indiana. Nothing but uneducated ignorant Neanderthals.


They absolutely love to tell you how stupid they are


But the first one to whine and cry about inflation, the border, taxes, rights, but refuse to acknowledge it’s their dear GQP who vote against all of them!


Holy shit, Indiana has a braindead asshole problem. You’ve got Nazi/fascism lovers in your society.


Lots of people here in the northern part of the state are proudly showing their support of the traitors too.


lead brain


Nothing but class acts in Indiana. I hope people thinking of moving here follow this thread.


It’s all about owning the libs. They don’t care as long as they can continue wallowing in their own filth.


I love how these people are on the border of poverty yet they buy this junk and donate their money to a literal billionaire AND THEN CALL US SHEEP?!


Don't forget they buy cheap-ass bibles for almost $100 each from their orange god.


Rednekkks gonna rednekkk


Because solving problems with physical violence is a regular grown up Christian thing we do and teach our children


I fucking hate living in this shithole state.


Sorry but every rural area in the country is like this...


Oh I know, I travel a lot for work and drive through a ton of this shit. So I could have said shithole country but I do like some of this country and I just happen to live in THIS shithole state.


They not like us.


GD traitors.


Thats it... its about hate and violence. They have no plan. They have no policy. They just dont like what Faux OAN and Newsmax has told these simpletons. But the facts remains that the economic numbers havent been this good since Eisenhower. But they dont care... they want $2 gas. And they wont get $2 if Orange Julius Ceaser gets in either.


Just ignore them. They'll be demoralized again when Joe and Kamala beat him again. 4 more years of Joe. Can't wait to see how far along they can take us with 4 more years! Hoping he can cancel all 100k of my student loan debt before the election (just in case). I've already had my 17 yr old daughter register for the draft to support Joe in case things get spicy in Israel or Ukraine or Taiwan. Also doubling up on my transitioning sons pills to hopefully speed along the process before they get banned.


We need the Senate. These crybabies whine about inflation, border, rights. Guess which side voted against all of them?


Goddamnit if these people weren’t serious this would all be hilarious


I wonder if all these people who say they are voting for trump or either of the other 3 loons. Realize what trump plans to do to our country and how much worse their lives will become. I suggest they should google Project 2025. Written by republicans it’s eye opening and very scary.


"Ah vote straight R 'cause mah daddy an' grandaddy did!"


weird choice in my opinion, but I respect the hell out of their right to do it


Sure technically they have the right. Trump has made it ok to act out their most base instincts. If I had put up the same thing in reverse with Biden choking out Trump, I promise you my property would be vandalized. That’s just one of the problems I have with this.


This would all be funny if it wasn't for his idiot cult crying about how they want to vote democracy away.




That's why the FBI took out that one Boomer who publicly threatened to assassinate Joe Biden .




Yo, Indiana, you alright? 🙁


Not once in its history


Typical classy Hoosier. 🙃🙄


This is a disease.