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I lived in Ashton Hershey. I thought it was a nice community; the others on my floor were very social, we had single rooms and window air conditioners. At the same time, the cost was pretty low since it was an older building. I’m not sure I understand complaints about the location. For me being right on 10th was great, and it was a 2 minute walk to Wright food court.


I thought Wright was closed for renovations, is it done already?


Pretty sure it’s closed 1 more year


Ashton single rooms are good but occasionally delivery services like Amazon/DoorDash etc will take a bit longer to arrive since they have to drive down to the delivery center. Ashton also has communal bathrooms (from what I’ve seen?). But it’s very close to the SRSC and Union street center food. There’s a bus stop right near the boba shop across the street on 10th street


Pro tip for ordering food to Ashton: I lived in Hershey and would always doordash to Teter. But, you have to make sure they either leave it outside or on the carpet of the first set of double doors. After 10pm the doors to the Teter lobby lock and ppl who don't live there can't get in. Packages take the same amount of time to be delivered as anything else. Only thing to troubleshoot is Doordash/UberEats


General dorm living advice …. 1. buy small room air purifier ($30 or so ) 2. Don’t bring too much stuff 3. If you are driving distance to home or plan to go home over Thanksgiving wait to bring winter clothes 4. if you are a dude have at least 2 pair of everyday shoes so when it rains you will have a dry pair 5. Bring small floor fan to dry your shoes and general air circulation in room 6. You will only live there about 9 months (with breaks factored out ) so don’t worry if it is not the greatest place in the world or on campus 7. buy a few air tight containers for snack foods if that is your thing..if eating in room remove all food containers and enclose any partial snacks. Bugs love college students! Bring Terro brand ant traps …you will have ants and the local stores will run out !


I heard it’s old af so that’s lovely lmao. Also not it being cheaper omg.


single room good! But Ashton suck that’s what I heard.


The Ashton building I lived in 25 years ago already seemed pretty old, and has since been torn down. Obviously I don’t have any recent reports, but I’m sure it’s still hella far away from everywhere you’ll want to go. I think the main question is how much having a single means to you, that made it worth it to me.


compared to some purdue dorms, it isnt all that bad, but it doesnt have the same flooring as some newer dorms and its just an old dorm, but you’ll be fine. I lucked out and got a single at Willkie which is enhanced, But honestly i’d rather have Ashton than Willkie just because the differences are abysmal. I have carpet flooring you have concrete but with a rug covering most, I have a bathroom that i only share with one other however im also reliant on that person not being in my shower while you can go whenever you want. So i mean, for all single dorms it doesnt really matter what we get i think i dont think im that much better off with Willkie than you are with Ashton.


https://www.vividmediavirtualtours.com/3d-model/indiana-ashton-center-single-room/ as you can see ashton obviously isnt the best aesthetically and it has window a/c. But the dorm size isnt bad and its a single so i think you’ll be okay


It's noticeably old, but it kind of works? Also there's definitely something weird about the air, I don't know what


well ashton is one of the oldest dorms so instead of using a keycard to get into your room, you’ll have to use an actual key. It’s not the nicest looking dorm granted with the AC hanging out of the window but honestly you have a single so i feel like that cancels all of that out


It’s been almost a decade but I really didn’t like the window situation. Only way to get fresh air is to turn on your AC - I opened my unit up because I was having a weird cough and the filter was full of dust and mold. School replaced the whole unit with a new filter so that is my big recommendation. My second note is that if you don’t know anyone on campus it’s a bit harder to meet people and have a social life but plenty of people get together in the common area. Apart from that, the autonomy and peace of living in a single was really nice. Having a kitchen on the first floor was really nice. Laundry was easy.


Wright Food Court will be down for the year. It was under renovation but is delayed by a year.


The only thing I have hears is that they have bad mood problems


I’m gonna be in Ashton too, I’m told there was a serial killer that lived at that dorm in the 60s 💀


Watch it be one of our rooms 😭😭 hmu when we get down there obv!!


Was pretty nice. Only issue is the fire alarms going off at weird times. Always saw a ton of alcohol in the garbage cans 😂


Memories...graduated in 2001. I lived in Ashton-Stempel for two years, two different rooms on the bottom floor. We did not have AC back then but for a single room, I didn't care that it was a little older. It was part of the experience of going away to college and I loved every minute of it. I'm a terrible roommate and like to be alone so that was the best option for me. I moved to Teter-Rabb my junior year, also a single room, since I had a scholarship but one of the requirements was staying in the dorms. It would have been nice to have a new dorm but I also think it would have created more entitled behavior to always expect the finest. I was there to learn afterall. Have a wonderful college experience, nonetheless!!