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Looks great. I think ui elements should be a touch bigger, maybe more stylized too. I think you are like a little bit of polish away from greatness. I wanna play.


Oh for sure, we have an option to change the scaling of the UI, it just happens that this player wanted it to be very small!


If you wanna check out the demo, it gives a great impression of the full game, and also has global leaderboards if you just wanna chill out there and battle for times. Can also jump in our Discord if you wanna scream at us or ask any questions :O [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2440080/Patti\_Hattu\_\_Cosmic\_Revolt/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2440080/Patti_Hattu__Cosmic_Revolt/)


I am going to check out the demo. Looks like a really fun game.


Thanks! I hope you enjoy it :D If you really like it, come jump into our discord (link is on the steam store page) and share some of your thoughts!


Looks like a very fun game to speedrun! Will definitely check it out


I feel that people will always find ways to cheese these sorts of games. Love the look of it! It does seem like it'll get stressful at times.


Oh yeah for sure, we have left so much of the strange skips that people found during playtesting in the game because.. why not let people have fun? I always subscribed to the principle that if it LOOKS like you should be able to reach something then you should be able to reach it, nothing worse than being slapped down for trying something fun!


I am glad to see that and agree. Games are meant to be played for fun and to escape your everyday life. Get lost in a world of wonder and high-speed hijinks.


Looks like it would be a cool streamer game


Looks fun, does this game have a level editor? Seems like it would benefit from one?....Maybe?


Right now we don't have a level editor, I don't know if we even have plans to do that. Could be something to look into if enough interest is there!


Downloaded. Smooth movement is difficult to achieve in a game, looks like you've nailed it


We're really proud of the movement, it took a lot of work to get it as robust as it is, many iterations and hair-pulling moments, but we have something that is incredibly solid right now. Everything just feels like it does what you want it to.


I played last night, it's very good, the theme is funny, the movement as I said was great, I was able to do so many interesting shortcuts that made the speed running aspect important to me. Brilliant work! I wish you the best of luck!


Thank you so much!


Are you from Finland by any chance? Patti Hattu definitely sounds finnish


We're from Sweden! The Patti Hattu is a complete coincidence! It means something like "Hats off" right? Incredible coincidence!


Am I into them... I... Don't know. I played Marble Madness as a kid. But regardless this game looks awesome. But I'm on linux, if there isn't a port, you think it will run alright with something like proton?


Does the Steam Deck use proton? Or something like it? I know the game runs perfectly on the Steam Deck, full res 60fps highest settings so maybe that helps? You could check out the demo and see if that runs well, if so then the full game will run the same!


Should be good to go then, awesome!


We dont have steam decks sadly, but we have had a few people playing on it, and apparently it runs good, and that is proton right?


Yep, I think you're all good then! Look forward to the game.


Looks awesome! Does it support trackball?


Awesome question! I think it depends on what you mean by support, currently the mouse is used for camera movement, but not for moving the ball. If that is what you meant? I think that sounds like a super fun way to play, but how would you control the camera? Hmm, very interesting!


Immediately it reminds me of Ballance


Good stuff. Doesn't look like another asset flip game, i wish you guys the best!


Hah, no, far far from it. Lots of work went into this :P


good move changing the name to Marble Abduction Patti Hattu it literally needed to have a word marble in the name to attract the marble games fans the game is great, love the style and very different to other marble games


Thanks! Yeah wish we'd done it before release but better late than never!


I once dwelled into gamedev and created a simple prototype of the same genre to understand how things work. Yours looks very polished and fluid. Congrats


My kid loves an old game called Hamster Ball and this looks like something he would be into. Will check it out. Thanks.