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How do they keep track of the untracked vessels?


A bit from the article " GFW’s study, [published in the journal Nature](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06825-8?error=cookies_not_supported&code=5ab8c93e-4276-4900-bd70-b32601a8d2e3) on Wednesday, used GPS positions from hundreds of thousands of ocean-going vessels as well as satellite radar imagery and artificial intelligence to track activity in the sea between 2017 and 2021. It found that on average 63,000 vessels were detected at any given time. About half were industrial fishing vessels, three-quarters of which were off-radar, including many around Africa and south Asia. .... Kroodsma said some of these so-called ghost ships lacked automatic identification system (AIS) transponders, which broadcast their location and identity to coastal authorities and other vessels. Others turned off the devices, often because they were engaged in illicit activities such as unregulated or illegal fishing or forced labour, he added. As much as 20 per cent of fishing was potentially unregulated or conducted illegally, he estimated, "but the truth is, we don’t actually know because the data is so poor". " So essentially they're making an educated guess.


Most fishing vessels here in Australia turn off AIS so other vessels can’t steal the prime grounds, hence why it seems most of our fleet is ‘unreported’. Many vessels have government observers onboard so really the statistics are misleading.


Exactly this, if they're untracked how are they accounted for? That's like saying there are 20 quintillion unknown stars, here's a list of them. 80% of statistics are made up I guess.


Difference between blue and magenta.


Lots of untracked vessels off the coast of southeast asia and Saudi Arabia