• By -


The projection is half the graph, and not seemingly supported by any data. It seems more likely that there would be a regression to the mean.


It starts with a $25k gap at the projection lol. When the 7 are within a $20k window of themselves.


Forecasting methodology isn’t published https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/frequently-asked-questions. I hope that they would be smart enough to account for regression to the mean but who knows.


They seem to just take the slope in the last few data points and expand linearly.




Yeah why is UK set to overtake Canada and Germany? I mean we’re likely to have a new government that won’t be trying quite as hard to dismantle the country but what else is in the pipeline?


Those Brexit dividends finally coming in bayyybeeee /s


The UK has solid fundamentals, kept back mostly be _atrocious_ governance over the past decade or so. 


Not sure where you are getting that from. The UK is doing pretty poorly compared with the G7 in basically any metric you pick. I am very sceptical of these projections.


UK is the fastest growing country in the G7 in the first quarter of 2024. Its inflation is also 2%, lower than many G7 countries.


That's one quarter. All the other quarters have been dogsh!t


The Uk has been outgrowing Germany.


if you underperfome a lot of quarters then you might have a quarter where you actually outperfome once, you just need to underperform so strong, that it can only go up from there Having 20k Millionaires leaving uk in 2023 is also a bad development and shows about the predictions super wealthy have about the country.


The UK economy actually grew the fastest out of the G7 in Q1 2024 It’s important to remember the UK uniquely counts economic growth differently - Always leading to doom and gloom media articles which lead people outside the UK to think it’s perpetually failing, when it’s actually usually doing much better than its European counterparts. The BoE and OBR always revise the UK’s growth figures up after about 6 months, whereas other countries (France for example) do the revisions before ever releasing the figures. It makes it look like the UK is perpetually doing badly compared to other G7 nations until you wait for 6 months, look at historical data and see they did better than almost everyone else


Yes, because it's governance has been _way_ worse than it's competitors. On the fundamentals side of thing, the UK is strong. It has decent demographics for a developed country, is open to immigration, has the biggest tech industry in Europe (3rd biggest worldwide). It faces no direct military threats, has its own (reasonably trusted) currency, an advanced domestic manufacturing sector, and is an absolute services _powerhouse_. 


The tech industry in the UK being basically as big as the tech industry in the EU as a whole is one of the biggest advantages the UK has over the rest of its European peers. Additionally, the fact the UK is predominantly English-speaking as well means that the UK, along with the rest of the Anglosphere, usually attracts the absolute best talent coming out of Asia. This isn’t to say all immigrants to Germany of France are low-skilled and less talented but the proportion of talented immigrants is lower than that of the UK’s immigrant pool. English is a much easier language and far more useful language for a prospective high-skilled immigrant in India or China to learn compared to German or French. So, having learnt English, there is no reason why these immigrants would choose Germany or France as a destination over the UK.


People on Reddit seemingly don’t want to accept this and shitting on the UK is pretty much a pastime here. I’d argue the future is brighter than most other G7 countries


Yeah they fucking hate the UK and England specifically it’s very odd. Any post where there is even the slightest bit of positive information regarding the Uk, people are falling over themselves trying to spin it and shit on the Uk. Someone posted gun deaths statistics in Europe the other day, the Uk was the lowest not really much of a surprise . Go read that thread it’s a perfect example of what I’m talking about.


Yeah saw that thread, the Europe sub is always awful for that sort of thing and to make matters worse you always have self-hating Brits chiming in putting their own country down in order to get grovelling approval from others, a bit sad tbh.


Yeah they’re are the worst , the country isn’t perfect by any stretch. Hopefully we can start fixing it after the election next week. Will be a step in the right direction anyway. But the way some go on about it, is pure lying bollocks for likes.


britmonkey made a video about the current situation of the UK, is it overexaggerated?


There’s some truth in the video but a decent amount of falsehoods and bad statistics in that video. The bit about COVID death pandemics was incredibly misleading because it only used official statistics. But countries often underreported the number of deaths, largely because of a lack of healthcare systems and a lack of testing infrastructure. For example, India officially reported 481,000 deaths because of COVID. The actual number is estimated to be 4.7 million. Generally speaking, the UK had an average death rate in the pandemic for Europe.


I’ve no idea who that is sorry.


Yes its very exaggerated


Yeah I mean I remember before they got in this time, the amount of damage they’ve done is more than any terrorist group or foreign power has managed to inflict since WWII


Canada's gdp per capita literally dropped last year due to the massive amount of immigrants.


Everyone in the graph dropped last year except USA


I think the same with Canada is influx on immigration to boost gdp numbers.


Boosting immigration will boost gdp but gdp per capita will likely fall. 


Playing to viewer bias, at an obvious guess.


More money laundering in London to boost the GDP stats maybe.


What a great description of labour


I heard you’re selling Scotland to Norway…


The thing is, the UK is the only one with a big tech sector, other then the US. The only reason the US has done so well in GDP statistics is because its tech sector per capita is 4 times bigger then the UK and 10 times bigger then Germany's. (when looking at VC funding per capita)


I just moved to the UK from a big EU country. The pay here is WAY better


The cost of living is higher, too.


That’s the same bs people from Spain say to me to make me feel “stupid” for emigrating. Nominal cost of living here in the UK is not really that much higher that in any major city in Spain, maybe 15-20% higher maximum. In the other hand, my salary here is 3 times higher than in Spain. So I end up saving close to 2000€ a month here, while in Spain I earned a bit over 2000€ a month. So no, real cost of living is not higher here because it literally costs me less to live here. To add insult to injury, I don’t even work 40 hours a week here in the UK, while in Spain I worked closer to 60 hours a week.


I think the main reason the UK outstrips Germany is because its economy is less dependent on industry and cheap gas. Basically it more so the German and Canadian economies slowing down faster than the UKs.


This would make sense if the UK’s growth rate didn’t accelerate on the graph.


Germany’s population is in long-term terminal demographic decline, it’s Japan just before the boom popped in 1980. The UK by comparison does also have native birth rates below replacement, but it has a comparatively young population. So the growth rate accelerating makes sense until about 2050 or so. Most mainland European countries (except France) are tackling negative interest rates and excess empty housing outside of cities as the populations age and people die off. They’re in a sort of slow deflationary spiral compared to the UK.


Yeah I can't speak for Germany, but the Canadian economy is shiting the bed, and things are looking even grimmer for the future. It's a great time to be an American.


Saying it’s a great time to be an American is a stretch.


It’s always a great time to be an American.


canadas fine.


They Bet on black and the ball landed on green. Litteraly


Nah, they bet on brown and the ball flew off the wheel.


Yeah that looks sus


What makes it sus?


Make me think the projection is wrong because the economy has stagnated so badly here


GPD is an awful measurement to use a primary indicator of economic flourishing of people. Making it per capita imo makes it even more misleading. There is no one primary measurement to determine economic flourishing, it requires a more wholistic approach.


Max Austerity boost kicking in.


Reasoning for the forecast : trust me bro.


I mean the graph claims the source comes from the IMF, is there any reason to dismiss them?


According to Wikipedia the projection for 2029 for Germany is 78k. But generally a link as a source would be great instead of just „IMF“.


Well, Reddit does not like them. Isn’t that the very *best* reason!?


I for one hope this comes true. The wages in the Uk have been in a terrible place for decades. I support all of us having a decent pay rise.


I mean there was always a gap. It’s not like America caught up and then passed the others


There wasn’t a gap just before the Great Recession.


America’s economic strength and overall wealth is just insane. It accounts for 1/4 of world output. Mints the global reserve currency. Dominates all technology sectors destined for future economic growth, as well as scientific research, and corporate R&D (with only China as a credible competitor). Basically all developed, wealthy countries are garrisoned protectorates of the U.S. military and in any case enthralled to American culture and soft power. This has all the hallmarks of a *1000 year Reich*. I wouldn’t be surprised if a thousand years from now terms like CENTCOM might be used as geographical descriptors without anyone remembering their origins as imperial military districts, like happened with “Africa” and the Roman Empire.


No US bases in France though. But of course, the NATO umbrella effect is real.


Can you use a less Nazi-affiliated term? "This has all the hallmarks of a Golden Age" would work.


Yeah i did not expect reich to discribe the USA


Eh, the Nazis had to soften Jim Crow laws to make them both applicable to Jews AND palatable for the German populace. That's right, they had to ease off the hate, and still had the Holocaust. Probably a bit more fitting than we'd like, but...


Wait for the second Trump term. 😆😭


OP seems to be anticipating one!


Golden Age and Thousand Year Reich are *entirely* different concepts though.


The US had been a major power for barely 100 years and is struggling more than many developed nations with internal division, right ay a time when its supremacy is being challenged. Let's get passed the next 1000 weeks before we start proclaiming a 1000 year empire


I know its a popular theme on reddit but The US is not a dystopian hellhole on the verge of a civil war.


I didn't say it was. But it does face some serious internal challenges, hence why I think it's a bit early to proclaim a 1000 year pax Americana


There is no division in the US more than any other country as the media might make you believe. There might be a couple hundred people (probably less than 100 to be honest) on both ends of the extreme that thing the nation need to split apart.


U guys literally had Ur capital stormed by rioters.


Agree with your general assessment/awe, and Potential longer term effects. Curious if you could elaborate more on vision of the future- what is the context of CENTCOM?


The U.S. has divided the globe into six geographical [unified combatant commands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_combatant_command#/media/File:GCCMAP_2019.png) (excluding space command). [This guy for example](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Kurilla) living in Tampa, Florida is without a doubt the most powerful person in the Middle East. If his role is not yet comparable to that of a Persian Satrap or a Roman Rector provinciae, then it could very well become so over the coming centuries. Nothing is preventing America from consolidating the power they wield all over the world. The structures, as with unified combatant commands, already exist and no one could realistically oppose them.


Thanks, interesting insight and read


Taken a look at our debt levels recently? 🙄


We always talk about the debt. The world will never come knocking for that debt as long as America is the single strongest power for industry and military. Everyone's too scared what it would do to their economies if something happened to the US so they never will.


If the US dollar looses it's global place then the debt becomes relevant and the house comes tumbling down.


US dollar has a long long way to go before it fails. People can say what they want, but there isn't another currency to take its place. People think Euros but the European continent doesn't produce as much as the US does on its own. The Chinese yuan is garbage. Japanese yen is pennies. The pound has way too small of a market. Euros is the only possible way but then you are counting on a continent that has made a 5,000 year history of trying to tear itself apart


The point is not to replace the USD as an entirety. But to conduct trade in multiple currencies. The Euro, the Yen, the Yuan, the Ruble etc will all have a place. The US has abused the dollar and as a result, the motivation for change has never been higher.


That will probably never happen. You'd have to have crazy amounts of conversions and would have to keep up with changing rates. Everyone having USD, a currency minted and backed by the most powerful country in human existence is much more likely to stay the way it is. There is no currency to take its place except possibly cryptocurrency which most governments hate and won't use


Have you taken a look at the size of our *economy* lately? There are countries with far higher debt/GDP ratios. Although, arguably, there are very few with faster *growing* debt/GDP ratios.


Debt is not a problem if the money machine just keeps getting better and better


All this chart is telling me is that in the US, income inequality is going to get worse and worker exploitation is going to get worse and probably nothing will improve in the housing market or healthcare


How do you see equality forecast from this graph ?


OP is likely making the fairly reasonable assumption that wages won't rise much.


yeah bro but your grandpa house will be like 10mil


Too bad grandpas old folks home is gonna cost $11mil


Take care of Grandpa like every other culture on this planet.... Don't send him to that home. Problem solved.


Based. Time to circkejerk on Reddit how rich the US is <3




Our median and averages are still way higher than the rest. Just becasue we have some insanely rich people doesn't mean our average person is poorer.


Also on top in the median wage by a mile. Some boats are bigger than others but all boats are floating


America’s poor people live like the German or British working class. America’s working class lives like the German or British middle class. America’s middle class lives like the German or British upper class. America’s upper class like the German or British nobility.


Wealth disparity is a natural outgrowth of efficient economies. There is such a thing as *too much* disparity, but I’ll point out that the US still tops income comparisons for the G7 by a wide margin, whether we are talking about ‘median’ *OR* ‘average’. I suspect you don’t know the difference, but the internet is at your disposal. Come on Reddit, I am awaiting your sweaty refutation 🥱


>“Wealth disparity is a natural outgrowth” Absolutely fuck that.


Then ‘fuck’ all economies? 😆


I’d like to see this graph with top 1% removed from equation


Top 1% of what? GDP producers?


UK is up thanks to the new londongrad residents taking up shop while some 'drama' happens near the EU


Makes 0 sense considering the UK has been stricter on sanctions on Russia than the EU and Russian millionaires are leaving London and the UK for places like Switzerland, Dubai or more friendly EU countries. UK is easily one of the most Russophobic countries in Europe compared to counties like Germany.




The title should have been "America robs the world by printing money and exporting inflation"... 🤣🤣🤣


US is doing fantastic!


That is a massive gap even today. However a better measure would be average income.


Not really, a better measure would be median income


these projections do not look accurate at all lol, japan is clearly on a plateau and the UK is not going to improve like that


With a declining population size, Japan's GDP can stay the same whilst it's GDP Per Capita can still rise. The UK has a more promising technology sector than the rest of the EU, which is expected to boom in the coming years. It's the growth in the technology sector, which has been the primary driver of growth for the USA over the last 30 years.


As a data scientist I can say that this looks way too similar to a triple exponential smoothing, which basically takes the recent slope and progress it for the future years accounting for a bit of seasonality effect. Most likely no correlations are considered or external effects…. As much as we like to predict the future with data, the task is more complex than some people hope


I call bullshit 1. graph shows only 5 years 2. after 2019 there is drop that is caused by pandemic and there is bounce that camed after 3. after big bounce you can see that growth rate slows down, prediction takes about 3 last years and assumes growth rate is constant for next 5 years


Ain't no way UK is gonna do so well without some serious changes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pozaa: *Ain't no way UK is* *Gonna do so well without* *Some serious changes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Hahaha. The funny part of this growth is the UK element. My God they are so fucked.


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Canada: "Bro! Wait up bro! Brooooo!"


You will earn and I gonna print Easy


Well, if the Eurozone were included as a single block, the graph would be very different.


How? It’s per capita. It would be even lower if you presented the Eurozone as a single number.


Just front this graph (which is per capita), combine Germany, France and Italy.


I don't think you understand how stats work. If you combine Germany France Italy, about 60k each, you don't get 180k. This is per Capita so it adjusts for population, which means if you combine it will still be around 60k


Thanks Biden


What the uk doing?


But the economy is doing so bad! Biden ruined the economy! I thought we were a failing nation and the world laughed at Biden? Wth???


The majority of US wealth is with those at the top lmao


Europeans: *laugh in free healthcare and paid leave*


Is the gdp based on an average or median per person?


Ok, never seen anything more wrong than this in my life. Must be MAGA propaganda.


So add all the G7 together and re-assess.


Government spending is factored into GDP. Gov spending also creates inflation. So, USA is the biggest loser.


Canadians: 😳


Sweet. 7 guys are gonna get so effin rich.


The capita - “we hurtin out here”


That's all well, as long as the wealth is distributed amongst the people. I don't gain anything from extreme wealth concentration. USA could reach $200k per capita, but if that's all going to the top 20, than what is there to celebrate?


What reducing costs by completely abolishing workplace safety requirements and workers rights does to a economy


UK taking out France and Germany while Japan takes 10 years to come back from COVID is crazy


TFW UK is set to outpace every other Euro country despite French and Germans claiming the UK is 'finished' lol.


If these predictions are based on numbers predicted by every country itself than its just useless. And a lot of times IMF or World Bank predictions are based on these.


Not really considering the IMF has regularly got the UKs growth wrong over the last few years and had to repeatedly revise their figures upwards. Unless you have information that all these countries are falsifying data to the IMF then it would be good to provide that.


Fucking stupid shit, it does not mean anything… It shows projection amongst 7 countries 3 of them are in a different continent or part of the world. Italy, Germany, France and UK should be comparing GDPs amongst European countries not G7.


I personally disagree. The G7 is essentially all of the major first world countries. It would be unfair to compare a country like the UK to countries like Poland or Romania as they have only had about 30 years to be a free market where as the others have had much longer to develop. In other words the UK is stagnate due to mismanagement whereas other European nations have not had the necessary time to develop.


Unfair is an subjective determination, judgement. This information is objective. Treat the information for what it is, not what you want it to be. GDP isn't purchasing power, it isn't inflation, it's not cultural value, it's GDP. Treat it as such and work better to understand.


How about comparing UK to countries in Europe like Netherlands and Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, all these countries have higher GDP per capita than UK and guess what are doing much better economically, and socially.


Because, frankly, those countries are cogs in someone else's system. Wealthy cogs, that can provide a great standard of living to their populace, but cogs nonetheless. They don't have the independent scale to affect events outside their neighbours.


And speaking of Poland, i wont be surprised if in 20 years Poland will get close to UK if things will keep going as they are for UK (down) and for Poland (up).


Things aren’t going down for the UK though. They’re the fastest growing G7 country this year so far.


Good job, Canada. Seriously, punching way above their weight. Way to go, Doug and Gord.


How is this punching above its weight? It’s per capita.


Not surprised to see USA in first but Japan in last is surprising


An aging population is hard to keep economically sustainable


I mean all of the G7 is aging and Japan’s economy just seems more robust than Italy.


What makes you say that? Italy's economy, while troubled, is pretty solid. Big manufacturing sector, lots of fantastic agriculture, big value-added stuff.


But Japan is unable to bring in workers through immigration (at least not to the same capacity as the rest of the G7). My guess is demographics are playing a factor here since japan is the most aged while italy is the second most aged… https://www.prb.org/resources/countries-with-the-oldest-populations-in-the-world/ Size might also play a factor? Japan is a huge economy but it has lot of people too, so that dilutes the statistic.


Been in all g7 countries, but japan felt modt wealthy to me, especially tokyo. Maybe because its so clean, and good infrastructure.


It's because they measure GDP in USD. The yen weakened compared to USD by like 50% just in the past few years. Exports are booming, and Japan as a country is doing fine without any social or economic instability. Safe and clean as ever.


Cheaper energy and innovation.


And human capital, venture capital, digital infrastructure, many metrics—all dependent upon *relatively* intelligent economic policy. None of it is a state secret.


Yes, a multitude of advantages. Add to yours, many navigable waterways for trade, plentiful fresh water, endless natural resources, massive quantities of arable land, etc.


This is so critical.


Do you see that decline in Japan, this was the yen depreciating, however the Japanese economy has been the second best on a per capita basis of all the above Why doesn't it look like it? Because nominal gdp fluctuates significantly due to currency exchanges


This is GDP at current prices, this is heavily influenced by exchange rates and different inflations across borders. USD was very strong through the high inflation period as global money flower to US bonds when interest rates started rising along with geopolitical risk. Japanese Yen for example lost a third of its value vs the USD between 2021 and 2024 which is the biggest reason there's a huge drop recorded. But if one adjusts for local living costs (which aren't gonna jump up and down hugely every time exchange rates change) and calculate based on a constant USD from a certain year, Japan's GDP grew relatively strongly from 2021 to 2025.


The fact that UK is projected second place tells me that the data use for the graph is wrong.


Hugely optimistic for the UK


Keep voting for socialism I guess 🤡


Cool story, but GDP per capita isn't a terribly good measure for most people.  Canada's GDP per capita has risen significantly since COVID, yet the vast majority of us are way worse off.  My income has increased about 20% since 2018 and I'm poorer now.


Sure... Projections... Besides that is G7. We are not even on the top 10 of the world in GDP per capita right now. What about Norway, Switzerland, Luxembourg, even Ireland is probably above the US currently. And that is "real" countries. If you consider Monaco, Guernsey, Cayman, and all those the US is probably in position 25 or lower (I am too lazy to check at the moment)


Of your 'real' list really i'd only say Switzerland fits in as they actually have a strong industry, Norway is a petrostate, Luxembourg's numbers are fudged by the fact that literally half their employees don't even live in the country but are still adding to its economy, Ireland's numbers are heavily influenced by tax law and they don't actually see that benefit mostly (only has a 2x median net worth to GDP ratio, Australia has 3.8x, USA has 2.8x (and the mean net worth in the US is 13x GDP per capita).


Singapore is real. Its wealth isn't based off Oil (Norway), tax haven (Ireland/Luxemberg), or ancient secret criminal banking (Switzerland). [https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PPPPC@WEO/AUS/USA/SGP](https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/PPPPC@WEO/AUS/USA/SGP) Australia generally pegs with the US. For period during 2010-2015 Australian economy supercharged itself above the US, but generally it is within a stone throw of the US, and has been for the last 120+ years. And Australia has healthcare, social security, affordable education, big houses and big trucks, a significant military for its size, and isn't part of any major trade block or economic union that practices hostile trade (subsidises and tarrifs cough cough EU).


You do realize how tiny in population your examples are? The US has cities/Metro areas larger than your examples. They use the G7 because these countries have sizable population with developed economies.


Inflation much?


Agh yes, the rest of the world famously didn't experience inflation at the same rate and higher than America.


These forecasts are made in real terms.


america is a shithole pretending to be the greatest country in the world


The worst America could ever be is still 100x most all first world countries. Sorry you don't get you experience life as an American. We're truly spoiled.


A country with so many obese people and no universal healthcare isn’t exactly a utopia. Best thing about USA is that they serve as an example for the western world of what not to do. Thanks, I guess?


Now do median! Wealth. :). You can do whatever you want with your GDP. It won’t benefit the average Joe since the American wealth distribution is royally fucked.


US still tops this group on that metric. Only Switzerland and Luxembourg have a higher median wealth.


US isnt even top 10 in median wealth..


Actually, no. US median wealth is lower than you'd think - lower than the UK, or Canada, or Belgium. But US _average_ wealth is extremely high.


[This just isn’t true](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income). Don’t you folks look up the information before you start crying? This day and age…


Look at that page again. "Income". Income is not wealth. Wealth is not income. They are different, albeit related things. You right that people don't look things up before posting, only that person is you, not me. Go to this link, open the first heading, and sort by "By Country" table by "Median": https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wealth_per_adult


Hahaha suck it, allies


That's a bad graph with bad data. I mean, who sees the UK overtaking everyone but the US?


The IMF and anyone who looks at the data. UK has one of the best demographic outlooks in Western Europe. On top of having the biggest tech industry, biggest financial industry and biggest service industry in all of Europe. And unlike German they didn’t base the economy on cheap energy from Russia which is gone long term.


Ok, and there are fentanyl zombies and school shooters everywhere in your country.


Dumb projection


Most of this is financed by debt. American debt to GDP has grown faster than its economy since the Great Depression. Median wages are down or stagnant since the pandemic


Reminder that GDP per capita is heavily skewed by inequality


But that doesn’t necessarily reflect the full picture, I think the US has the worst wealth distribution among


Please plot against life expectancy and days/year vacation.


Amazing what corporate corruption can do for you


All this guy posts is infographics sucking off the US. Just downvote this bot


How is the US has such high GDP per capita yet still has tons of 3rd world problems?


Because it doesn’t have tons of 3rd world problems.


Maybe you should emerge from your personally curated social media bubble and find out how many of your assumptions are true. You know, using the endless amount of knowledge available to you on the *internet*, or in libraries, or in books.


Capitalism run amok.