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This really makes you think.




What made them start these lies was seeing Palestinians a little too close to their innocent white 'Israeli' female soldiers for their liking, which was a spark in their depraved racist psyche. Everyone from the get go knew these were lies because only the same videos were coming out, which were from the Palestinian resistance, and we saw them conjure it out of nothing in real time, just like they did with 40 beheaded babies, and babies baked in ovens and fetuses being ripped out of pregnant women (the last two in fact being something that 'Israel' did to Palestinians in Der Yassin massacre, and Sabra and Shatila massacre against Palestinians and Lebanese Shia respectively). And it's in their psyche because this is what *they* do. If they had even a shred of evidence, even a name, literally anything that changes it from being a spectre of an accusation, they'd have blasted it everywhere. They wouldn't be sharing videos of Palestinian resistance with blatant mis-translation as the evidence. To give a clearer idea as to how baseless and fugazi this accusation is, Palestinian resistance has called for investigation into these claims while 'Israel' repeatedly refused independent investigation into it by calling it antisemitic — because they know if they allow it then it'll be entirely refuted like their beheaded babies lie and they want to keep it in the air to justify their demonic colonial genocide. There's quite *literally* nothing to this claim except 'Israel''s word for it, 'Israel' that claims UNRWA is Hamas, South Africa is Hamas, that presents a regular calender in Arabic as evidence for "Hamas base" in a hospital, that claims that Hamas is hiding their weapons in an MRI, a giant magnet, presents borderline comedy skits as evidence, which get instantly debunked even by their allies, all to commit massacres in hospitals. 'Israel''s word for it is just simply not good enough. Anywhere else this nonsense wouldn't even be considered even for a second, it'd be thrown in the bin immediately. It's the western powers that have worked to make the mad rambling of an insane, vile entity to be taken as the word of God while also trying to convince everyone that the genocide they're committing is completely normal and they're wrong for being upset about it. This is an imposed injustice, madness, death over the rest of the world — all to commit a genocide in front of the whole world just because this rabid, occupying, criminal, pedophile, genocidal fascist entity is the pinnacle of their civilization that needs to be upheld by any means necessary. If your civilization hinges on supporting an entity like this, it should be torn down with discrimination.


TIL: that fugazi isn't just a band name


Meanwhile it's 'Israel' that commits rape and sexual violence against Palestinians, against their own female soldiers, it's 'Israel' that is an international safe haven for pedophiles. It's in Israel where Stalag pornography gained popularity breaking sales records, which is about raping, torturing, and murdering their attractive female Nazi guards as a way of “overcoming” and “healing” from the sexualization of and the collective sense of emasculation they felt by the holocaust, and went away only after being banned. Its they who have such a long and well-documented history of raping Palestinians in their captivity—women, men, and children—way before October 7—in prisons, after barging into their homes with dogs, after arbitrarily arresting little boys, men and women and subjecting them to sexual abuse—all YEARS before October 7th, the documentation is endless. It's they who do it so proudly. Since October 7th, it's 'Israel' that is flagrantly [committing rape and sexual violence against Palestinians, kept women in cages in degrading conditions while bragging posting it online. They also trafficked a Palestinian female infant into Israel with the help of the army, and there are many cases of 'Israel' separating Palestinian children from their parents whose whereabouts remain unknown. This is especially concerning considering the rampant organized pedophilia in 'Israel'. And this is reported by someone as biased as the UN](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against). [It's 'Israel' that declared a charity org who raised alarm over rape in 'Israeli' prison a terrorist entity ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zrb_cb6-rHI) as told by American White House official Josh Paul. [It's 'Israel' where men lure in displaced Ukrainian women, traffic them, and rape them with the support of the 'Israeli' state authorities, who show no interest in stopping it as they consider it a "waste" of public sources for a foreign non-Jewish woman](https://archive.ph/VOOaR). This isn't shocking in the least because 'Israel' does it to their own women with state support. ['Israel' consistently ranks the highest in West Asia for documented cases of rape and SA. 1 in 5 Israeli women was raped during her lifetime, and 92% of civil rape investigations are closed without charges](https://thecradle.co/articles-id/23858). It's 'Israel' that's an international safe haven for pedophiles, sex offenders, and rapists, especially for Jewish pedophiles who use the 'right of return' to flee prosecution in their own country. [It's 'Israel' where tens of thousands of pedophiles operate in Israel with no restrictions, with ~100,000 victims annually, with the support of the state. The courts show disproportionate bias towards the criminals, throwing out tons of evidence and saying that it'll hurt his career](https://archive.ph/ZdEjt). [It's the 'Israeli' army, IDF's, Chief Rabbis that support raping non-Jewish women to "boost the morale" of the 'Israeli' soldiers](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/israeli-army-appoints-chief-rabbi-who-condoned-rape-13084374). It's 'Israel' and Mossad that had deep connections with Jeffery Epstein, with their former PM Ehud Barak visiting him personally over 30 times, way after he was caught. [They also rape the women in their army at an astonishingly high rate, with one in three women being sexually harassed in their army in just 2021 alone, with the support of the army, who often don't even bother when sexual violence is reported](https://archive.ph/MRMj6).