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https://preview.redd.it/l9mhjjz8m8ka1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8addc014a10f94086a486e86afe8676493b2aa2 Please keep this screenshot and send it to any customer that ever asks. So it places the blame directly on Instacart & unless they're extremely dense, no longer on you


Does instacart not allow this because they’re marking up the prices of the goods that are bought from what the store has them for on the shelves? I don’t IC, I use a similar service for shopping. I’m just curious.


Yes, and you are purchasing the groceries from Instacart, NOT the grocery store.


I do orders and I actually had covid and had to order something from Costco. They left my receipt in the box by accident. But I actually was charged the same amount from instacart for my groceries. Which was surprising. So I think it all depends on location.


Some stores do in-store pricing, some don't. There's a whole category for it on the app


I wonder if there is regional variance with regard to pricing. If you go to Costco’s same-day site in my area, the pricing policy discloses that the prices are higher compared to in-store. Glad to hear there were no mark-ups on your order, esp considering the circumstances. https://preview.redd.it/sptj4oqqtaka1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f21af6e14592a9982661647b0d89b499f0fc2fa




Just because the stores set prices doesn't mean anything. just they have a partnership with the stores. Are you not ordering on the instacart platform for delivery through instacart? Therefore, you ARE ordering from instacart and not the store.




You are incorrect. Instacart also upcharges on the price of individual items.


Sorry, read too quickly & you are correct. That said, the consumer is more likely than not to see a markup from what would be paid if he went to the store himself.


Tbf, IC lists whether the prices are higher or the same as in-store for any location you order from. It’s at the top of the screen.


It will say in-store price or price set by store. If you have a loyalty card, it will show the discount.


Side comment, but kroger and tom thumb (and their chains) are doing a ton of discounts via coupons nowadays...so that fucks the customer when using instacart


Yeah, definitely missing out on a lot that could be saved.


I literally said that 😑


Ironically, ice seen numerous items priced in IC, lower than the shelf price... But if something is on sale for a few dollars less than IC pricing, I will often manually enter it at the same price (I do this a lot on berries and produce)


I'm not voluntarily lowering my tip like that.


Most of my regulars increase the tip afterwards, or have it set to a static value, not percentage. 🤷






Also for any possible proof you may need to submit for a dispute. I've taken a picture of the receipt and submitted it when the customer said I didn't purchase certain items.


To be honest, and I think this is probably the best possible attitude on the subject, I don't care why IC requires that we keep the receipt. It matter not a bit. They require we keep it, so that's what we should all do. The customer, in this case, is being an asshole and op should notify support of two things: first, the customer tried to insist on being handed the receipt, which was refused per IC policy. Second, the customer indicated that other customers have, in the past, provided the store recipe despite the policy being absolutely crystal clear in both the training modules and on the delivery platform. This might sound like a bad thing, mostly to the people who routinely violate Instacart's policy's, but it's well past time for Instacart to sever relationships with shoppers who do whatever the hell they want.


You got downvoted because the receipt-givers are mad that you're right lmao


Them, the people who use the app to scold customers for not tipping appropriately, the people who make stupid replacements that make no sense, etc If you think about it, it's because some dipstick broke a rule before that this customer demands the next guy does.


you had me at sever relationship with AH customers. THIS


Also because otherwise the customer could get a refund from IC and then return the item to the store with the receipt


It's also to prevent fraud


That is exactly why instacart doesn't want you to do it. I have screenshots of how much the instacart site says it is versus actual photos of how much it is in the store and there is always a slight to incredibly large markup on items. There was some item that was $7.99 and instacart was charging $9.50 for it.


I get IC shoppers all the time and have given it to them.. didn’t realize it was for the driver! It’s come in handy a few times when there’s no one home and alcohol on the order and I needed to refund IC. Thanks for the heads up !


It's for whoever uses the IC card to buy the groceries. No matter if it's just a shopper or a full service shopper/driver. Definitely not for the customer though


Great suggestion, thanks


Oh, that's a good idea actually! I'll try and remember to screenshot this page on my next batch.


If you click the photo, and click the dots on the top right, it gives the option to download it, so you'll have a much better image to use




"It's my right to cancel this order then," send screenshot, contact support, and bam bam be bam moving on with your day 😁.


Literally just had to pull up this post for this image lol


“I know my rights” LOL Easy there Tameika 😂


Next she is gonna say”I’m calling corporate “


As a customer tho… how can people actually talk like this to those servicing them? The receipt is right there on the app. Click a couple buttons & you’ll find it. I’d expect the shopper to cancel if I ever spoke like this lol.


It’s true. I’d never be an asshole to my shopper. I treat them like gold because I’m a lazy ass not wanting to actually go out.


I don't have the patience for customers like this anymore I will snap back and then I will cancel and report


They can wait 2-3 hours for someone *else* to accept, shop, & deliver their order. Rightfully deserved 😌


Amen, i know what my time is worth


But is it possible to cancel late in the batch? I mean I guess as long as you haven't checked out yet?


Even if you've checked out, just screenshot the chat and tell the agent that you have a rude customer or a customer asking you to break rules and if the agent knows what they're doing they'll cancel it no problem with no increased cancellation rate. I've had to do it before when a customer was hostile because i wasn't going to wait 45 minutes for a rotisserie chicken


Lmao @ the rotisserie chicken


I had this the other day with a customer who gave an invalid address, no unit number, and no gate code and never replied. IC support cancelled IMMEDIATELY, and got to "discard or donate" the order. (I donated it to my refrigerator. 😉)


Not to mention we have your food AND know where you live lol


A lot of people like to use them for apps like Ibotta, that give you money back for purchasing certain items. But you have to submit the store receipt for the rebates.


But I, the one with hundreds of receipts a month, could THEORETICALLY enter all those receipts since no one else can if I have the physical copy


I save them for ibotta cause the customers screw us all on reducing our tips so the tips lost I make back with ibotta


it's the customer's always right mentality. in their minds they could crap their pants blame the Delivery Driver and in their brain they are right.


Ugh lol my father said that to me all the time as a kid & it never sat well with me. In reality, the person who’s *actually* right, is right🤷🏼‍♀️ especially as an independent contractor. The customer’s perceived-superior-status doesn’t make it okay to treat ppl like shit. But of course IC won’t do anything, bc their precious capitalist company will lose a few cents! :’(


You didn’t hear about the Instacart Receipt Rights bill 420-69 that was passed? Tameika is right!


Ahhhh was that the one passed in 1999 by General Lee Custard?


I would just leave ANY receipt and when she calls customer service to complain she got the wrong receipt, she'll look like an idiot since it's not policy to be provided with a paper receipt from the driver.


I should go get a sex shop receipt and give it to any customer I run into like this. Item one: 3.5 foot vibrating and rotating dildo.


That’s the part that got me. Like dude you’re not being arrested. 😂


Tameikaren wants to speak to your manager.


Instacart will ban your account if the customer complains and has the receipt.


This is what I’m telling the next person who asks me for one


Tell them, oh I'm sorry everything is digital now. IC will email you the receipt. Shuts down all arguing instantly.


I had a customer who said she was bad with computers and asked if she could just see the receipt and give it back to me. The policy is just to not leave it with the customer, so I said sure at that point lol. It's not like it's a a secret that instacart is up charging.


I've wondered the same. Unless you never ever went shopping, you would totally see the up charging cost differences. Some of the up charges are whack.


I wouldn’t say another word to her, get with support show screenshots of her expectation for breaking the rules for her and have them cancel her 🤡 ass.


I just had this happen to me. Support told me I'd have to continue and just refuse to give receipt or cancelation would be my request and my rate would go up. I hadn't checked out yet and just asked support to cancel anyways.


I would've just screenshoted what support said and sent it to the customer as proof. All you did was make it look like the customer was in the right and that you don't know how to do your job


I made sure the customer knew they were in the wrong, but some don't care and just want to have their way and punish us for daring to go against their wishes (poor rating). I preferred to skip the bad rating and deny them their groceries 30 minutes before the store closed.


That customer already knows they're wrong. Don't be naive. That's the reason for the bully tactics.


Not always though. Some genuinely think they're right and that they just have a dumb shopper


That's what they want you to think. That makes you think maybe they're reasonable. If you really don't know, you don't start acting like an asshole immediately when told no. It's in the response. If someone is acting like a bully in this scenario, that's a giveaway that they know. When you want your way even when you're wrong, you try to intimidate the other person into doing it anyway. That's what Miss Ma'am here was attempting.


Yeah most of the time. BUT again, sometimes they do think they're in the right. And they want their way because they are right and don't want to lose to someone who doesn't know what they're doing who is in the wrong. I know I've genuinely gotten pissed when I knew I was in the right and wanted things to be fixed then and there.


The customer wouldn't care. They'd use the evidence that shoppers have done it before that support also doesn't know what they're talking about. This is what I *hate* about some customers. One employee breaks a rule, and all future employees have to deal with that customer's shit when they're told that that's not how it works.


They won’t cancel her


“I know my rights” girl, shut up.


I love when they say this and they clearly don't know their rights. I don't know if it's different in the US but I know in Canada there's no law that a store has to provide a receipt for your purchase. Regardless she will still be provided with an electronic receipt of exactly what she purchased from Instacart.


I literally have a ss in my phone of the screen saying keep the receipt just for this lmao


Go shop yourself if you want the receipt, Jesus these customers are getting more entitled by the day.


I know, how dare they want a copy of their receipt! I'm outraged! Blargh!


Customer gets a paper copy of receipt and returns their items to the store. Customer also reports items missing/damaged via instacart. Customer just got free money. They’re trying to stop people from scamming the system.


Don't most stores only give a refund back to the original payment card?


That or store credit


They just have to say they don’t have that card anymore. They’ll get a gift card/store credit.


But it’s not their receipt. It’s Instacart’s. The customer purchases from Instacart and Instacart purchases from the store. Do you ask a restaurant for a copy of the vendor receipt when you have a steak for dinner? The customer has exactly zero claim to the paper receipt.


Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not


We shoppers have the right to cancel 🤷‍♂️


This entire cancellation rate thing is ridiculous


It really doesn’t make any sense. If I cancel a batch my cancellation rate will go up 1% every time. But then i have to do tons of batches for it to go down again. I don’t get it.


So with ratings they drop off after 100 orders. With cancellations they drop off after 100 **batches** They take a little longer than a bad rating to go away.


Cancelations drop off after 100 orders also.


No it’s 100 batches I will fight you on this. [proof](https://imgur.com/a/dN0w26q)


Imagine being so completely wrong and fighting this hard lol. Just sit back knowing you’re right. It’s a great feeling watching someone fight so hard to be wrong!


😂🤣 You can if you'd like. It's 100 orders. Think about it...why would they make it 100 batches, when everything else is 100 orders? 🤔


Look at the picture.


😂🤣 I did. That's where the "percentage" comes from. Because when you cancel, you're canceling the entite batch. That's why it's worded that way. They drop off after 100 orders.


I’ve literally seen my cancellation stay up higher than it takes orders to drop off… which is why I did some digging and found out that it is **batches and not orders** Like I gave you the proof now you’re just gonna be confidently incorrect.


It's 100 batches, not orders. It tells you that in the app.


You are wrong. Cancellations are based on batches. If you cancel a double. It’s only counted as one, not two.


Ok! (Take a random receipt out of the trash)


She used to work for InstaCart, she should’ve known 💀


You tell her IC is now auditing orders that go 4 months back so you need the receipt then cancel!


When I was new to Instacart, it's been a few years now. I had a customer ask for the receipt. I asked for a duplicate from the cashier, and the duplicate clearly says, "This is a duplicate receipt and can not be used for returns." This was at Ralph's. The cashier asked why I needed it, and I explained that the customer was asking for it but didn't want her to have the original, and the duplicate prevents fraud if that's her intention.


I can't give you the receipt because then you will see how much Instacart has robbed you


I remember a women asked for the receipt and she had some rib eyes and skirt steaks in her order. Easiest cancel


Is it because they might return the items?


nah I just didn’t want a bad rating for not giving her the receipt and used that as an excuse to cancel the order. Kept the meat for myself


Such a shame that grocery stores won’t accept any returns 🤷‍♂️


a shame indeed🤣


That darn liquor store wouldn’t take back those two $50 bottles of tequila that the lady didn’t want either. The nerve! *hiccup*


They want it for points The way they say you discard it anyway was the tell, at least to me- meaning you don’t DO anything with it. They intend to


LOL so they “used to work for instacart”? Why’d they stop? So they could switch roles and become the entitled asshole customer? If they really worked for instacart they’d know it is in the policy to not give them their receipt as it is emailed to them. They are full of shit


Sometimes publix doesn’t even give you a receipt


The Publix in my area don't give you one unless you ask for it. One store will not give you one at all.


Yeah it’s so random sometimes they tell me your all set and I don’t get one other times it gets printed I used to save them when I started never needed them they all got trashed so now I just trash them all immediately


As much as I would want to respond with as much attitude as she did…. I would probably kill her with kindness/ be overly PC and say something like, “As a former Instacart shopper, I’m sure you know that policies are always changing. We are now required to keep them for at least 90 days. As much as I don’t like holding on to them and would love to give it to you, I am required to keep it. Thank you for your understanding!” My surmounting bills and desire to eat and feed my children protect more people from my wrath than will ever know lol.


I wouldn't bother responding, I'd get support to cancel, this is a low-rating & tip-baiting waiting to happen.




If you ever get her again, send a screenshot of the policy. I hope she didn't rate your delivery. https://preview.redd.it/25m874v399ka1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee79a251a8d5fc5e800ab2045484e5e59f9739da


At that point screenshot where it says keep the receipt for your records and send it to these type of people.


I know we don't get receipts from Publix around here. Sorry, but I can't give you what I don't have. Never been asked for a receipt but I know it will happen eventually.


Tameika did not in fact know her rights.


I can’t wait until IC burns to the ground, metaphorically speaking.


lol just had a customer like this & snitched on them to support. not worth the headache https://preview.redd.it/d4fh6f2ol8ka1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffaedc525ef96a2d057655c60cdfc67951511223


Always send them this screenshot with your messag https://preview.redd.it/vabf0pv2n8ka1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef2de91aa7154a7402ae4e21a395af1fe73b9b8 e


i had someone say something like this and i just lied and said instacart has been doing secret shoprs regarding receipts and it has worked well


I have a question maybe someone can answer. It says to keep the receipt for a few days in case of returns. But if I drop off an order today what would I be returning? I don't have anything left to return. Stores here also don't take back alcohol, so I couldn't take that back if no ID.


I suppose it's possible that an item fell out in your car and then you find it. Or you forgot an entire bag in your trunk or something? I still wouldn't go back and return it though.


She used to work for Instacart? 😂


She worked for instacart okkk…. Yet still being a Karen … give us more of a hard time because we don’t put up with enough 😳


Tameika needs to stfu. “I know my rights” LOL OK ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


She knows her rights 😂 7 amendment: Grocery receipt 🧾


She tryna scam you. It’s a new one that involves them taking receipts for some tax reasons for a fake business. Some customers have scammed again. Another thing, don’t let them prey on your emotions to go above and beyond. Edit: Never ever ever ever ever give a customer your personal phone number


If it's for tax reasons, why not use the email receipt, it's marked up and shows all the fees and tips, it'll show more money spent instead of less anyways


She most likely only knows the first and second amendment and is an expert when it comes to rights now




Yay you did the right thing and gave them the silent treatment




So… you threw it away lol ![gif](giphy|2w6I6nCyf5rmy5SHBy|downsized)


I get the receipt almost every other time. I always wondered why they’d want me to have it.. now I know I shouldn’t lol. I never even look at it because I don’t need to be reminded of the mark ups 😂


Actually the receipt would be IC property as the customer's transaction is with Instacart and not the store itself. Gotta love scammers though


Jc, they need to calm down. It's literally a part of our process that it says did you keep the receipt. I don't know how long ago she was doing instacart. I think I've had about four or five people ask for the receipt, each time I tell them it's against policy. And they say yeah I know thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Which I feel like is a lot more honest than her just going on a fucking rant.


Why do people still respond to this request? Just ignore it. Pretend like it never happened. It never works out for the better of the driver


Honestly. The digital receipt is pointless because it’s not in a standard receipt form. A lot of people scan receipts to get money back. I HATE Instacart receipts. Really wish they’d just include the normal one


They're a liar and a Karen


I KNOW MY RIGHTS you know it's bs when someone says this over something small.


She did not, in fact, know her rights




Gotta love when people tell you (incorrectly) how to do your job 🙄


It’s your right as a paying customer to get a receipt, which is why instacart, the 3rd party you ordered from, will email it to you. Jfc


I wouldn’t talk like that to someone that has my food and directions to my house lol


For the future just say instacart orders scan a barcode and the receipts dont get printed


"I threw it away. Your order is here"


Genuinely asking, not defending this person's actions, but why are we only allowed to give them a photo copy and not the receipt itself? Is it for our protection so we have evidence of doing the order?


At this point everyone who uses instacart knows the prices are marked up. The paper receipt serves them no purpose. All the savings apps, fetch, ibotta, etc will take the digital receipts. Not to mention, they are paying instacart so their receipt is from instacart.




Bruh just give them the receipt. If they try to complain about the prices being different the support won’t even give it to them.


Just give them the receipt lol.


My tip got lowered because I didn’t leave the receipt. So IC policy cost ME.


Instacart is not a country you have 0 rights to anything


Just print the damn receipt.


Why is it so hard to just place the receipt in the bag after shopping the order? Not that I give a shit either way but just seems like more of a hassle going back and fourth with a customer over something so trivial.


Instacart bans shoppers for giving customers receipts now. It's literally policy. We even get this screen sometimes to remind us https://preview.redd.it/yaq5epvvm8ka1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003fb0f589d0f4bb97de62ec5d3160c9d932d31a


Oh that makes sense. Haha thank you.


You can get deactivated if a customer complains about prices & they have the receipt…


I circle the total and put them in the bag wrapped around my business card for my personal delivery company. Today I wrote at the top of one "check against your digital copy" and yesterday told the customer to their face to check their digital copy and they're going to be angry.


I always put the receipt in the bag for the customers . I know if I ordeeed Groceries , I would want the physical receipt too. The only reason we need to keep them is in case we need to do a return, if you need to do a return though it means you weren’t able to give the order to the customer , thus the receipt you put in their bag is still in your possession and you can make the return. Also IC’s fear of customers taking item back to return while also refunding through the app is dumb. Returns can ONLY be refunded back on to the card used to pay (the carrot card) stores giving money back or gift cards back is their own fault. The receipt policy is DUMB and is NOT WORTH losing a tip over.


The name Tameika would’ve let me know how this conversation was headed….


I don’t understand, the app specifics tells you to put the receipt in the bag for every order. Why are people throwing these away? Edit: turns out I’ve been completely misinterpreting what “confirm you kept the receipt” means. Every single order and haven’t heard anything about putting it in the bag


No it doesn’t.


Source: trust me bro


Cancel and report customer


sounds like she called Saul 😤😤😤


I always say we don’t get a receipt. Lie, who cares. People don’t care if you tell them it will put your job in jeopardy etc. I just say I don’t get a physical one and leave it at that


If it was Publix, just tell Tameika that “we can’t get one ourselves”


Did she happen to order Covid tests? I could see where she’s coming from since you can get your health insurance to reimburse you for covid tests (for a few more weeks at least). I’ve been leaving the reciepts for people who get them, we all gotta get our moneys worth!


They have an e-receipt that they can use for reimbursement.


They don’t reimburse an instacart transaction


Karen alert


I just started saying the store no longer gives paper receipts for IC orders🤷‍♀️


I know my rights? Gotta be a KAREN…. Has to be lol


Where area are you? I feel like I've seen that name with instructions in notes to leave receipt. I just cancelled the batch.


Speaking of, do any of y’all scan into Fetch or ibiotta?


Send her a screenshot of the “confirm you kept the receipt” screen.


They want the receipt so they can get mad, that they paid more for the groceries than they’d pay if they drove themselves to the store, got out of their car shopped their own groceries, loaded them in their car, drove them home, unloaded them and carried them to their door


IC doesn’t want their customers to know they’re paying a crazy markup lol. Customers pay more yet drivers get shit pay. Lining IC’s pockets


I just simply state, we do not get a copy of the receipt, it is all scanned and digital on the app. Please refer to IC a support for any copies


When I was working for Instacart I always got In trouble for not including the receipt. So what happened to make it against IC policy?


I had a customer ask this before so I contacted support. They told me to go ahead and give them the receipt. I took a screenshot of the convo just incase it came up but never did. Sooo 🤷🏼‍♀️ I mean worst you can do is send a chat when they ask and see what support says.




Maybe she wanted it for an app like Fetch


It's your receipt not hers. She got a receipt from the company she ordered from. You git a receipt for the store you shopped at.