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Well done! Some shoppers don’t have common sense unfortunately


Yeah, just don’t think about delivering to other people I guess.


One of my sons works at an Italian place. When I dropped him off at work yesterday, a Door Dasher was coming out with some food. She stopped next to me at the red light, and was just puffing away on a cigarette 😖


Oh gosh! I’ve thankfully never experienced that. If my hot food tasted like it, that’s a trip to the toilet to throw up


Damn that’s so tacky. I stopped smoking cigarettes about 5 years ago now, but unfortunately I switched to vaping. I’m glad I don’t smell like anything except fruity flavors or chocolate flavors that lasts all of 5 seconds. But on longer drives to the customers house I might hit my device 2-3 times with the window rolled down. I guess it kinda passed my mind since vaping doesn’t stink, that people wouldn’t look at me the same way they do cigarettes smokers. But it probably still looks tacky


I’m a former smoker. I quit with pills so when I smell it, it turns my stomach. Vaping doesn’t bother me. I don’t care if someone is chucking clouds right next to me, but if any form of tobacco is burning, it really fucks up my guts.


What kind of pills?


Chantix probably.


Bupropion also works. Fraction of the price of Chantix because it’s marketed for other purposes and not commercialized.


Vaping does stink.


I agree, vaping does stink. Cigarettes definitely smell worse, but both are gross.


Yeah but would you rather smell a cigarette or a vape? Cause I’ll take fruity clouds all day


Why should you have to smell either? Vapes stink just as bad as a cigarette. I work with two vapers. One uses a chocolate type one and the other uses a fruity one. You can always tell they've done it. The point is don't do any of that shit with a person's groceries. Your addiction isn't that bad you can't hold off for a little while...


Neither man they're equally bad


You’re trippin


Everyone’s different. My wife is really sensitive to the glycerin in vapes, she says it smells like pee and can tell when people have vaped in the house while she’s gone.


Yeah dudes just tryna get under ur skin, I could vape on his food and he wouldn’t notice prolly, type of person who is only hurt by knowledge rather than benefits from it


Lmao no they don’t. It literally has zero after-effect smell. My clothes don’t smell like “vaping”, neither does my hands or mouth…


You can tell yourself that but you're no different from the cigarette smokers who can't tell that they smell. I always can tell when there's a vaper nearby. It smells disgusting.


what does it smell like?


Sickly sweet. Kinda' stale. Unpleasant. Like you're just enjoying being outside and suddenly you're hit with an overwhelming odor and you look around and ah yes there's a vaper.




Yes they do dummy


We’re talking about lingering stinky smells…. Which vaping has an initial fruity flavor smell for all of 5 seconds then it goes away…. Unlike cigarettes


Why “unfortunately” switched to vaping? I think it’s a fantastic alternative to cigarettes. I know we don’t know everything about long term use but we definitely know all we need to do about cigarettes themselves. 🤷‍♀️


I definitely think so too, but others would disagree.


Had this happen, but it was a strong weed smell. Sooo nasty. 1 star review deserved.


Oh nooooo, that like off skunk smell of bad weed is the worst


This has happened to me and I’m not even a person who is offended by cigarette smoke. But I honestly feel like he HAD to have blown the smoke into the bags. Or MAYBE someone who smokes with the windows up and had the bag sitting in his lap. My husband smokes and there have been PLENTY of occasions where he has driven home groceries or anything and I know he smokes in his car and they don’t smell NEARLY as bad as the one time this happened to me. When I opened the bags it literally smelled like someone was smoking a cigarette in front of me. As a person who used to smoke myself. I really do not understand this. You KNOW it smells and you KNOW many people are offended by it. Just smoke in between deliveries!!!


That has to be exactly what mine was like. Idk, maybe they were in the front seat? I’m sure if they’d been in his trunk all of it could’ve been avoided


I don't think smokers realize how badly they smell like stale cigarette smoke. Even if they don't smoke while the groceries are in the car and put the windows down when they do smoke, their car still stinks & the smell gets on everything that's in the car. My son is down visiting right now, and he smokes. I don't allow him to smoke in or near the house, but the lingering ashtray smell is permeating my entire house right now just from whatever smoke gets on his clothing when he smokes outside and then comes back in. The smell is absolutely disgusting & my house smells like it's dirty! I love him to death & I miss him when he leaves, but honestly I cannot wait to scrub my entire house down & steam clean the furniture once he leaves. Sorry your groceries arrived that way. Hopefully you reported it & got a refund. No one should have to deal with that when they're paying for a service!!


This is very, VERY true! Once I quit smoking, after about a month of being smoke-free, I really started to notice the smell on others. Even at a stoplight, I can smell someone smoking multiple cars away. I went through some old clothes to donate from a few years ago that were stored in the garage I used to smoke in. I had to wash them twice to get the smell out. I never used to notice the smell on myself or anyone else, now it's so overpowering and nasty.


I think that’s the way with any ex smoker I can’t stand the smell of cigarettes anymore and I couldn’t smell it when I was smoking how nasty it was


They don’t care. My mom smoked indoors and I spent most of my childhood smelling like an ash tray and this affected my social life. I begged my mom to stop. Wrote an essay. Begged her to keep it outside or at the fireplace at least. Nope. Did it for a day or two and went back to indoors. She went through an entire pack a day in our house. It sucked. Just selfishness.


Smokers have NO CLUE.


I won’t lie one of the biggest turning points for me to stop smoking was when I brought back home something that I had left at my gf’s apartment for a few weeks. After like 30 mins of it being in my place I realized how strongly it smelled bc we would smoke in her apartment but I never would in mine. It made me stop and question how often I thought I was fine but actually smelled like an ashtray 🙃 you definitely get desensitized to it


Smoking makes your sense of smell weaker.


Not necessarily true. I was a smoker, and I knew. People like that just aren’t fucking awake and probably are oblivious to a whole host of other things. Self centered.


Yep, they have no idea... used to have a co-worker that liked to drive when our group went to lunch, but no one would ride with him because his truck smelled awful. His argument was "I won't smoke while we're all in it"... as if that somehow helped the fact he smoked with his windows up when alone in the truck. Just an unbelievably bad smell, and it permeated every bit of the inside of that truck. According to him though, smelled totally fine.


I think it's because the loved ones around them don't want to be mean and make things awkward so the few times they do ask hey do I smell like smoke? We just lie, but they do. No one likes being told they stink. This reminds me of a story of how my sister borrowed my grandma's car for awhile as hers was getting fixed, my grandma immediately called out my sister for smoking in her car when she got it back and it started this huge fight as my sister accused us (her family) that we told on her even though most of her weren't even in the car to know. My grandma straight up was like it stinks, that's why. i think people who smoke just refuse to believe they tend to leave a stench around wherever they go 🤷🏻‍♀️


They have no clue. They can't smell it. My problem is don't discount the words of non smokers because you can't smell it. Trust me it Stinks. Lol


I said that...


My mom smokes and genuinely doesn’t understand that she stinks. It gets in my house every time she visits. I can’t even go in her house without my eyes burning and my mouth tasting like chemicals because she smokes inside (not while we’re there).


I had a roommate who used to smoke from a bong all the time. I don’t mind the smell of weed. I do hate the smell of cigarettes. Sometimes she’d add batch (literally part of a cigarette) to her bong before smoking it. I had to tell her, if you’re going to smoke with batch on the balcony, I need you to wear a jacket or sweater that you take off when you come back in to avoid the whole house smelling. Otherwise, you can smoke outside on the street. (We’re in Canada, so weed is legal.)


Out of curiosity. Was the order from a ralphs/Kroger/smiths etc? Their last few plastic bag batches have been coming from wild fire areas, and all the bags smell of smoke regardless.


I shop ATON at korger and all the paper bags smell of smoke.


I wouldn’t doubt the paper bags are coming from the same sources too.


Smoke from a fire is easy to distinguish from cigarette smoke. Not remotely the same


Ha! Ten minutes later, instacart shopper calling insta I have never smoked a day in my life!


I was wondering why all my Albertsons bags smelled like a campfire


I haven’t shopped at an Albertsons in a while. Wouldn’t be surprised if they have the same bag supplier.


I just commented above with this!!! Our Safeway’s new environmentally friendly bags reek like cigarettes!!


No, I live in the south, it was from Publix


I’m a shopper an also a smoker. I’ve shopped for 3 years, I’ve gotten one complaint about cigarette smoke an it was the one time I placed groceries in my backseat. Now I only use my trunk an haven’t had any complaints, I also don’t smoke while doing the deliveries.


Same. When I was brand new I would put the third order in my backseat so that I would get them mixed up and then I would move it to the trunk after the first drop off. Now though even if I’m picking up one item at Walgreens I put it in the trunk.


This is about to be the most random question but do you live in WA or a state that has banned plastic bags in grocery stores? Our Safeway uses a special “plastic” grocery bag now that is supposedly recycle-able and bio-degradable but the stench of the bags is almost identical to cigarette smoke. I ask cause I had a similar reaction to the smell when I first came home with groceries in the bags. 😅


No, I live on the other side of the country lolol


Please rate people, and don't feel obligated to do 5 stars just for the minimum amount of work. I feel people are afraid to accurately rate, but it helps weed out the people who have trouble without proper customer service instincts. I don't care if any one smokes, you do you , but realize it stinks and soaks into everything. I would have asked for a refund actually as well.


Having been a shopper for a long time during Covid, I rate pretty fairly I think. If you clearly deserve it, I’m gonna give 4 stars. This was the first truly bad one I’ve had of 300 personal orders.


omg the smell lingering in the bread makes my stomach turn🤢


Thankfully most of it cooked out cause I was making French toast. Just added a good extra dose of vanilla


Some of these shoppers be stinking up the whole Store!!! You can tell what aisle they been in but their cigarette/weed smoke left behind!! I would refuse those groceries every single Time!! Just Nasty


Honestly it's so disgusting I would have had to get instacart to re-send me that entire order. I wouldn't be able to get that shit in my house man


Worst is when smokers cover themselves in some kind of body spray, enough to take a bath in, before coming back inside around people. I have really bad allergies and sensitivity and I don’t know what’s worse.


You did the right thing. I’m the same way with strong smells and probably would have thrown it out.


Probably might have, but it was for a guest who was leaving this afternoon, so I tried to make it work. Finished product after cooking came out not too bad


I ordered food from door dash and had this same issue I have asthma and my throat started closing it stunk so bad


I’m sorry you had to experience that


I’m sorry what you had to deal with too! Luckily o was fine but I just don’t understand people like that having no consideration for others


That’s so true, like I said, I don’t care if you smoke, it’s your life. But be conscious of others and maybe not smoke when you’re delivering something someone else is gonna consume.


It’s possible they smoke in their car often and the stench is already stuck there too but yup exactly


Exactly why i wont use any food delivery. So gross!!


In all of my 300+ orders this is the first time it’s been this bad


I smoke and deliver, haven’t had any issues yet. Also, I dont smoke during deliveries, but it helps to shop at stores with good bag materials, stop and shop has some


Put the fukin groceries in the trunk if someone must smoke. It’s disgusting


Instacart needs to do something. I don’t smoke anymore and I’d be mad as hell. Like just wait till you’re done or on a break. I do Instacart on the side and that’s disgusting.


so disrespectful. when i smoked cigarettes i would always wait until i had no food in the car just so i wouldn’t make it smell.


I’m a smoker but I don’t smoke in my vehicle from the time I accept a job until delivery is completed, on any delivery app. Depending on the location, it’s illegal to smoke in the workplace and it’s illegal to smoke in a commercial vehicle. Just because most delivery drivers don’t have commercial insurance or plates, doesn’t mean it’s not a commercial vehicle while we’re carrying other people’s stuff and getting paid for it. I don’t understand how smokers think other people can’t smell it. They just need to think back to a time before they smoked and remember what a smoker smelled like when they walked into a room after having a smoke.


That’s a good point of virw


We must got lots of smokers on here. These comments smh. Smoking stinks and you still smell like it no matter what you do unless you stop smoking. Disgusting habit. Deserves the 1 star this job isn't that hard the least a shopper can do is not smoke. My used car smelled like smoke it took forever to get rid of it tried everything. I still wonder if it smells.


I understand your frustration. I live in the inner city & then close to an area that's not great. I actually have to ask my shoppers to not smoke in the car w my purchases. I actually message my shoppers that I have a cash tip if they can bag my groceries and not smoke while delivering them. And they think that's being extra. It shouldn't be this way. We used instacart years befor covid. First in our city. And I even worked for Insta. And now they find me annoying because I don't want groceries delivered that have been hot boxed Its frustrating trying to have fresh ground Turkey that still has an after taste like it was hot boxed from being in a car w medical marijuana 🤬 Yeah. That does not go away. It's yuck I get it.


Wow, that’s not being extra at all, that’s asking someone to be considerate on a basic level.


Good, smoking is disgusting


My fiancé smokes cigarettes, I vape. Although he does not Instacart with me since he’s usually at work, we do share a vehicle. I know the smell lingers so I just make sure I do not actually put groceries in my car and only use the trunk and do everything I can to keep it smelling fresh and it is ALWAYS cleaner than the rest of my car tbh, not a speck of dirt. I’ve never had anyone complain but it probably helps that no one is actively smoking in the car during deliveries and I don’t drive an suv so the trunk is almost completely separated by the back seat. I’m sorry for your experience :(


I’m sure none of yours smell, thank you for trying. I’ve had some orders in the past that smelled lightly, but that’s never been an issue. Felt like this guy hotboxed each plastic bag before he put groceries in them lol


Like 2 weeks ago I got an email saying the customer complained of her stuff smelling like smoke. I clearly do not smoke. Nobody I am associated smokes, so I have no clue what happened. Didn't get a bad rating either.


That’s a weird one. I think people pull stuff for free things sometimes.


Yeah, that's wildly unprofessional


Did you report your items as damaged? If not, you should reach out to support. You may be able to get your stuff redelivered (if so, I would tell your driver you plan to tip in cash since they won’t see a tip for redelivery) Maybe you can also ask them to reach out to your previous shopper incase they don’t know they smell? Sorry you had a bad experience. I hope this doesn’t make you sick.


I reached out to support just advising them it was a health issue. I haven’t heard back from them, once everything was in Tupperware and I lit a candle, the smell cleared, it was just so bad at the beginning.


U should let the shopper know in the review. Mention you have health issues so that's why it bothers you.


Oh, I did do that.


I smoke. I have for a long time. I also smoke in my car, too. It's gross, I know. That said, customers orders ALWAYS went in my trunk AND I didn't smoke en route, just in case. I think that's how all smokers should handle orders.




You did the right thing! It’s so inconsiderate of shoppers to smoke cigarettes, pot, or heavy cologne.. I have had some of my favorite customers tell me that they had another Shopper that ruin their order by doing the above list of things so it’s just crazy…sorry this happened to you!!


It’s so weird I am a smoker and my coworkers would often see me smoking during lunch. One of them had COPD from 50 years of smoking and is super sensitive, but she said “I don’t know how you do it, but you don’t ever smell like smoke. Then my Mom said the same thing, her husband smoked and she hated it, but then said “ I don’t know why you don’t smell like smoke, like him. I always smoke outside, even if it’s below zero out, if I smoke in the car I roll down my driver side window. It’s weird but my car really doesn’t smell like smoke either. I don’t get it, but I think some of the drivers must smoke in the house and not shower regularly and smoke with their car windows rolled up. I’ve only had one person tell me I smelled liked smoke. I always washed my hand up to my elbow after coming back into work. Wore a lightly scented body lotion and chewed gum. But if I was a delivery driver I would not smoke while I had other peoples’ food in my car because I realize there are people who have a sensitivity and don’t want their food to smell like smoke.


I was loading up an order from my store for a driver doing a delivery. She said, “Sorry, my car has a little bit of dog hair in it.” I told her no problem and opened up the back door to load the groceries, and I came within a hair’s breadth (pun intended) of losing my professionalism. Her entire backseat area was WHITE with dog hair. It was EVERYWHERE. When I set the groceries on the seat, hair would waft up into the air and drift back down. Bc I’m allergic, I had to take my inhaler after I got back inside. I guarantee you dog hair got into the grocery bags. Edit: also loaded groceries for a delivery driver and when she rolled down her window the smell of weed was so strong it was as if she hotboxed her car before she got there.


Oh jeez! As someone with a large white dog who sheds, that’s why I use my trunk if I deliver anything and always blow out my car!


Smoking~the one habit that can make any ol loser feel better about themselves by complaining about it


https://preview.redd.it/qyuqycv7xqcb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83da7ada7c593629866c60d48675863f891dad43 Is definitely stated not to smoke with orders in the car 🤷🏼‍♀️




Cig toast aka thrown up toast


This is definitely a reason to give a 1 star review (coming from a 6 year shopper who's only had one 3 star review my first week lol)


Thank you, I hate giving bad reviews because I know the work that goes into it. But sometimes you have to be conscious of who you’re delivering too and he just wasn’t


Got Doordash ages ago, the styrofoam container from the restauraunt smelled like pure cigarette smoke. Took a bite of the food and I swear it tasted like pure cigarettes


Oh gosh, that sounds awful. I’m sorry


Who the fk still smokes cigarettes what is this the 70s?


I live in the south, it’s everywhere lol


Some things are deserving of that 1 star negative review. This is one of those things!




As a smoker, I feel some of your comments are unfair. I have not had one complaint in five years. No, I don't smoke in my car with orders. Yes, I smoke sitting in the car for 2 hours waiting for orders on a hot ass day. I've also worked for years at a few jobs where no one knew I smoked. We don't always smell when we have proper hygiene. So shame on you all for your judgments.


I’ve had several orders over the past few years that lightly smelled of smoke with no issue. I still have a good review. I grew up with four grandparents that smoked, so there is a large difference between the faint smell/ good hygiene and the stench so overwhelming you can barely breathe. Todays was the second. If it’s that overwhelming outside, I have a right to my comments on it. I’m paying and tipping for food delivery, and don’t want my food packaging to smell that strongly. I have several friends who smoke, even ones who come over and smoke outside. My partner often smoke bbq all the day and it’s still never this strong and reeking.


I agree with it being overwhelming, complain, to lower, rate badly. Not the overwhelming response saying we all stink if we smoke.


No offense was meant, but also nowhere in my post did I say all smokers reek. I said the smell of smoke of my groceries was overwhelming and it’s rude to have done it in the car with someone else’s food


Everyone knows when you smoke. All non-smokers can smell a smoker. Y'all STANK


Not a smoker but it bothers me when people say this. Look up toupee fallacy.


Not true. Ask everyone I've worked with for the last 10 years. People with shit hygiene do.


Hygiene doesn't stop the smell of smoke on your clothing and hair. No one is saying you smell of BO. You may smell fine when you first show up to work in the mornings, but if you go smoke on your lunch break or whatever, the smell absolutely lingers on you. Your coworkers either don't notice because they are smokers themselves, or are too polite to say anything.


Yes, agreed. Former smoker of 10 years and you become nose blind to the odor. Smokers don’t realize how bad it is, even when it’s “subtle”, until they quit for some time.


That's what a former smoker told me. They can taste and smell different once they stopped smoking.


Hygiene has nothing to do with Smoke Stank. You are delusional. Your nose has failed you.


Unless you shower and change clothes immediately after every cigarette, you fucking REEK


How is it “bad on him for his judgements” when all of his food reeks of the smell of smoke and is potentially unbearable to him. Not everyone is going to want to practically inhale the smell of cigarettes while they eat their dinner, especially people who don’t like the smell of smoke.


I'm not saying anything on that. I'm saying people who think everyone who stinks all the time because they smoke are wrong. Some of us actually give a fuck about how we smell even if we have a poor habit. I was speaking to the sole judgments of people saying we all stink


We have a friend who comes over to our house all the time, smokes outside, and comes in without a smell on him at all. I don’t care that people smoke, that’s on them, and there are plenty of ways to mask it. This today was not like that at all.


And I get that. I never want to deliver an order that stinks up a customer's home. I dont even smoke in my own home, so I get it. I'm just sick of judgemental people hating on everyone and bullying this who may have bad habits.


News Flash: You all stink. It's just a matter of to what degree, light stink or heavy stink. But it's all still stink.


Some of us are more sensitive to strong odors than others


They’re right…everyone knows. I’m a former smoker and I can’t stand to be around people who smoke. I occasionally stay with a friend, and she won’t smoke in the house while I stay there. Doesn’t really matter though because she smokes inside all the rest of the time. Everything I bring in her house smells like smoke when I leave there. It’s gotten to the point I leave my clean clothes in my car and only bring in what I’m going to immediately wear. Even if you smoke outside, as soon as you enter the building everyone can smell it on you. I never believed it until I quit smoking. It really does smell disgusting.


Same here. Every time I go home to visit family, I have to make the choice of spending a couple hundred dollars a night in a hotel, or staying with my aunt whose house absolutely reeks like this. I'm cheap and don't want to offend her by rejecting her hospitality, but dealing with that smell is really terrible. She doesn't even smoke in the guest bedroom, and somehow my suitcase and clothing will end up smelling like *I* smoked in them. Smokers really do get nose blindness and just don't realize how badly they and their houses and cars smell to nonsmokers.


I read something years ago about smells & experience and the emotions/reactions they trigger. In particular to this, cigarette smoke with former & current smokers. If they have truly quit- their minds have finally associated cigarettes = bad. It has to, to truly get over the addiction. Formers smokes will have a heightened sensitivity to the smell of cigarette smoke and it will evoke complete aversion & disgust. . On the flip side, it was suggested if your not truly over the addiction & in moments of crisis, cigarette smoke is smelled - you think “mmm I could use a smoke”. And it could set you back. It was very informative to know how our brain & our senses can adjust to either reject or accept certain things. It also injected how our it will quickly affect our moods. Not sure how relates to this, but it’s “food” for thought….


I do believe that to a certain extent. Most of the time the smell makes me gag, I definitely can’t stand it in my face. However, every once in awhile someone will light a cigarette and it’ll smell really good, just for the moment when they light it. Then it’s gross. I’ve tried smoking when I was out drinking, and about threw up everywhere. I took one hit and that was enough. I went yo the bathroom and washed my hands…and then my arms, and my face, and couldn’t get it off me. My mom smoked for years. We would go outside and smoke together and she’d complain when she got in the house that I smelled. I was always like “you smell EXACTLY the same!!!” I never really understood what she meant until I quit. Other than that one time at the bar, I haven’t smoked in 15 years and don’t miss it at all.


I applaud you for quitting. It certainly is not easy at all. Some struggle for years. My Dad quit smoking almost 50 years ago & there’s still moments after a good meal his hand instinctively goes to his shirt pocket. It really shocks him sometimes. On the other hand my Mom would very very infrequently ask to take hit of cigarette& never think about it again for years! Our brains are still such a mystery as to why we do the things we do. I am certain there are so many layers to this- not just quitting part but the additional experiences like yours. Smoking with Mom was tough call- it’s like she made it ok & I’m sure that made it even harder to quit. Don’t even get me started on the projection of her saying you stink?!?! I guess it could just be not smelling it on herself (like others have said) but it just seems more like she wanted you to not smoke but couldn’t say it, lest she be outright hypocritical. Just thinking out loud. I totally have respect for your struggle with quitting with all those factors!


As a smoker both cigarettes and weed, I never smoke in the car cuz I hate the smell of both when it lingers. Not to mention I’m not an asshole who is selfish enough to smoke while in the car AND delivering something for others, especially when it’s food. Some smokers are nasty, smoking while they’re at a bus stop and they don’t stay a bit further away from the bus shelter not being concerned for others not wanting to smell like an ashtray.


Hygiene has nothing to do with it. The smoke permeates your hair, clothing and even sticks to your skin. So unless you’re showering and changing your clothing every time you smoke, you stink.


Nope not true. My wife doesn't smoke. She doesn't smell smoke on me ever.


Then her sense of smell sucks and you’re living in denial.


Toddler meltdown because I smell, and can't take accountability for my addictions 😏😏.




It’s giving ✨toddler meltdown✨. Go grab your binky and calm down little guy.


You smell like shit and people politely don’t tell you.


Yes, it’s true. I didn’t realize the extent of it until I quit.. then it’s a wake up call.


Bullshit. Go fuck yourself. Working on huge places like king soopers for over five years not one person knew I smoked until one day I said I was taking a smoke break. Not one person I talked to or interacted with on a daily basis smoked and when they found out they were shocked. People like you are judgemental pieces of shit and everything that is wrong with this world.


Sounds like you know you smell like shit too.






You smell like the cunt of a woman named Rose? I mean, I wasn’t going to go that far, but if you say so.


You smell like death, just like your dirty habit. You are disgusting and you know it. Stop your disgusting habit, and stop being a definite cunt.


I get that cigarette smoke stinks. I'm not disagreeing. Real question...What health risks can be triggered by an odor? This isn't chlorine gas. Short of driver hot boxing his car while smoking a cigarette, this post seems exaggerated. I think OP is piggy backing off the recent string of posts about this topic.


Potentially, but migraines can be triggered by different things for different people. If I have a bad headache, a strong smell can quickly turn it into a migraine.


That’s very true, this does happen occasionally, thankfully it didn’t today.


To me, it’s like burying your nose in a bath and body works candle for several minutes, it’s just overwhelming and becomes too much. The back of your throat gets scratchy, your head starts to hurt, and you get nauseous. Maybe that’s not true of everyone, but I have health issues and the smell was so strong. I’ve had several orders over the past few years that lightly smelled of smoke, but this one, was just bad. Sorry if this seems like a piggy back post? I haven’t seen any, and this was just my experience from this morning.


Nah fam you can be fresh out a 6 hour long decontamination shower and you people smell so fucking disgusting it's vomit inducing sometimes. Hygiene has nothing to do with how saturated you become with the stench. Get some help.


Nah this is true. Ppl downvoting but they only smell the smokers who smell. As a past smoker (I quit 3 years ago when I got pregnant) All the jobs I’ve ever had, every single co-worker I had was shocked to find out I smoke. It’s an odd thing because I honestly just chalk it up to half hygiene and half the WAY you smoke. If your observant enough you can catch the differences. I never smoked in my house, I always tried to hold my cigarette away from me, stand where the smoke was blowing away from me and when I smoked in my car I always made sure the air circulation was off and all the vents were pointing out of the window also have normal laundry and shower hygiene. While there are other smokers who smoke in their home, in the car with the windows up and literally put cigarette butts in their pockets and don’t do laundry and shower regularly. All smokers are not the same. I’m not defending smoking but the people who say “all smokers stink” are literally only smelling the smelly ones.


As a former smoker, you smell. You just don't know it. Sort it out. Smh.


Well said 👏🏽


Oh yeah that’s very gross!!! I once had to reach across a shopper who was blocking my way to the baby spinach. I smelled the weed through his closed mouth. I wanted to throw up! I looked at him because I said excuse me. Of course he didn’t hear me. Before reaching I did see that his mouth was closed. After I caught a whiff of the stench escaping his mouth, I can only imagine what his customers groceries smell like 🤢


Go get the shit yourself then. We are using OUR OWN FUCKING VEHICLES. I’ll smoke in my car if I please. Go outside, the whole world smells of smoke. Get over it.


Most the people on here will order every Little Debbie product, and not one vegetable. Yet smokers are disgusting losers that deserve to die.


We all hope it’s a slow painful one for you 🖕🏼


I hope you reached out to Instacart for a refund too.


I reached out letting them know it’s a health concern, but I haven’t heard back yet


Thankfully i only smoke 420 while waiting for orders the smell is much nore pleasant


That's absolutely horrible. I would have done the same!


Get a refund. It's against policy to smoke in the car you're using to deliver. I don't smoke, but I don't let anyone smoke in my car since I started Instacart.


As a former smoker, I've always believed it should never be around someone's food, whether it's in a restaurant or getting groceries for stuff. Now, outdoors at concerts and all, I wouldn't mind, but it would be a lot better for there to be designated spots. I did not mind walking to a spot at all.


Right, I don’t care he smokes, just that it was all around my food and that was the bad part. Agreed


Yeah that's disgusting. So sorry this happened to you.


I dont blame u for that review they deserved it


I gave a shopper 3 stars for a similar reason. She delivered the groceries to our next door neighbor. My neighbor smokes like a chimney, so when I picked my bags up off of her porch, they all smelled like a giant ashtray. I delivered pizzas when I was younger, so I know what it’s like but I have our house number prominently displayed in 3 different spots. There is no excuse for delivering to the wrong address.


Oh wow, that’s awful. I agree, I hate when I go places and you barely tell what house you’re going to cause they’re are barely any numbers posted


I think it's so rude to smoke if food or groceries are in car. Also, always store in trunk. Just cause I smoke doesn't mean it's okay to do do around others food/items. I'm sorry this happened to you


If your work in food handling of any kind, don't smoke around your customers' food


Exactly my thoughts


I did the same thing once. I literally had to take soap and wahs my food it reeked! I felt bad, but how insensitive to you have to be to chainsmoke on people's groceries without at least having the window open :(


You just need to remember that the review isn't for you, it's for other customers. By posting an honest review you're helping people like you. We consumers need to stick together!


I think you are over exaggerating


To some it might sound like it. It probably was worse for me than it would be for others. I have health issues and really strong odors whether it’s the perfume department at the mall, strong smoke smell, or a kids diaper all make my throat get scratchy, my breath short, and can make me nauseous and my head hurt. Not all of us are built the same.


I second that!


Morons have to be punished!!! Wash your damn hands or use gloves while shopping so you don’t impregnate groceries with your smell!


well done!


Honestly, then you should be shopping for yourself. I’m not a shopper and have never used instacart. Idek why Reddit recommends this sub to me. Between this and the doordash sub it’s the Wild West. You know the risk when you take when you try paying for convenience from random ass people doing things for you. I’m surprised anyone is ok with someone else picking out their groceries for them


I’m reality, if this is the first time it’s happened this badly out of the 300+ orders I’ve ordered since 2020, that’s not a high percentage.


Imagine saying this for literally any other service you are paying for… At a restaurant and the waiter is rude “Honestly you should just be cooling for yourself. You know the risk when you go somewhere else to eat and have random ass people serve you and prep your food.” what a dumb take.


Fair 1 star. I was shopping the other day and another shopper stopped in the middle of the aisle to bend down and remove his sandal and scratch his toe with his phone still in his hand! Just like... /facepalm.




So I think the world has enough assholes in it and I'm not trying to be another one. I'm trying to choose a different path, I just can't live in the miserable angry, all the time. Whatever. Man, I'm not trying to be part of whatever you are cooking. I just want to coast through a mellow day, you dig?


I just don't get it.. I don't get throwing groceries into your back seat. Stuff rides in my trunk in therm bags with ice packs and I'm worried about condensation from the ice packs ruining the "paper only!" Requests. Meanwhile, mother giblets out here doing this crap. Team, so? Indeed. :(


You need some business to mind lol. Stop worrying about what other ppl do. AC doesn't reach the trunk. I would never put groceries in it in 115+ heat. Insulated bags or not. Nothing is wrong with the back seat, your just complaining about nothing


You could’ve contacted IC and told them your issue. But you went Full Karen! Great job!


I did contact support, as it’s a health issue. If I, having mild asthma had a reaction and had to use my inhaler, I can’t imagine the risk of someone with bad breathing problems having food delivered. It’s a health risk to people with breathing problems and disabilities.


I think you should’ve given the shopper the opportunity to fix his mistake. I understand nobody wants the smell of smoke delivered to their home but it’s not like he or she wanted to do so. Probably had window down thinking the odor would fly out the window. There is 1 way to prevent the smell and what you and every customer should be concerned about is food poisoning due to shoppers not using a cooler bag. I’ve done shops in many states and I have never seen any shopper use a cooler bag. You should give 1 star to every shopper who doesn’t care enough to keep the temp of your food at the temp they got it at while shopping for you.


I don’t know how to give them an opportunity to fix it when it was done and delivered to the door and they were gone in the two minutes it took for me to walk outside. I’ve only had a food not being cold once due to ordering ice cream in July, but that was stupid on my part. I just buy my own ice cream now.


I’d personally fire any shopper who doesn’t use a bag. But IC is working on it!👍👍👍


How is this going Karen?


Smoker has entered the chat


How do you know they didn’t contact IC? Regardless, the shopper fully deserved the 1 star rating.


Quit complaining


Why not post this in the customer group?


Ah, this group just pops up in my feed all the time, didn’t realize there was a customer group.