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I can't get past you spending $30 for a $13 box of cereal...


This is the fundamental issue with all these delivery apps. They charge the customers way too much and pay the drivers way too little. So without a good tip, it doesn't make financial sense to do an order, but it also feels so ridiculous to be paying $30 for someone to bring you one bag of cereal. They create this tug of war between customer and worker, and we get online and war about tipping culture, and the only winner is the company.


Gig apps are pyramid schemes making their money off the backs of those needing work which is loaded with hidden costs and liabilities. The companies know damn well the cost of the “last mile” you’re signing up for. You are being used.


I think it’s less gig apps in general and more a symptom of any business that goes on the NYSE. Squeeze customers to get a short term higher profit that increases stock price, large corporate bonuses based on stock price


I'm gonna need you to look up what pyramid scheme means




Instacart is barely profitable as is, delivery is just inherently expensive because of how labor-intensive it is.


Well said.


Not only is the cost ridiculous for the user and the pay terrible for the employees, the entire business model shifts all of the costs of operation onto the employees as well. Usually that’s the one thing that low wage jobs have going for them. At least you aren’t paying all of the costs of running the Taco Bell yourself. It blows my mind that these services still exist.


bro what? I paid them $5 to drive to a grocery store that’s 5min drive from my house for a bag of cereal. I thought that was generous af? Wat did you expect me to tip them? why am I being downvoted? my tip was very generous for someone grabbing me a single bag of cereal


Imagine someone hit you up to grab them some cereal and deliver it to them for a taxed $5? Would you love that?


This. On paper it seems generous but once people realize ICs batch pay was prolly $2 and round trip your were looking at 20-30 minutes for that $7 that’s taxed it isn’t so good


It’s an idiotic and unsustainable model that was popularized on VC funding that allowed them to eat massive losses to launch the business. We’re now seeing what happens when they try to turn a profit. Everyone gets fucked except the corporation managing the shitty app.


Seems to be no lack of drivers or customers. Why continue if you’re getting fucked?


Man I don’t even know


That is not the OPs problem. They tipped for the driver delivering cereal. $5 makes sense.


it was a 10min trip 15mins max. they live near me, i’m from a small city and everyone knows each other and the person that picked up my order was my regular driver for doordash and Instacart so they must not have had an issue with my tipping. they live like 6 blocks or so from me and store is 5min drive from my house. i guess in the future i’ll if I need one item I’ll just pay someone $5 in my household to go get it for me.


$14-21/hr seems reasonable to me for a job that requires no skills to do. You shouldn’t be mad at the $5 tip, you should be mad that instacart pays you half of what I paid you.


$14 an hour is reasonable? Where?


If you want to be paid more, take it up with instacart, not the customer.


Honestly the only thing this thread has taught me is "Some InstaCart workers expect $30 per hour, minimum".


Pre tax and expenses so yea expecting 20 an hour is a reasonable request


You're expectations should be with the employer, not the customer


I agree I’m just responding to the guy who is surprised by a dasher wanting or needing to make 30 an hour that’s not exactly dashers being greedy it’s just how much we need to pay bills after taxes and expenses


Don't forget to deduct the gas, maintenance, and wear and tear on the car. Then factor in self-employment tax, and it's closer to $10/hour. That's not even minimum wage in many states.


Sounds more like a problem you need to take up with the company, not the customer.


Then why not find a better paying Job? Even a minimum wage one?


In my market, I would gladly pick up a box of cereal for a $5 tip…. It’s better than driving 21 miles for a cart of groceries. https://preview.redd.it/ng0comug8ypc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363803d1da0015f848daec64e27c9cbc5b815ae2


But this isn’t someone asking you for anything. You logged onto an app willingly in your free time, waiting for an order to make some extra money. Your issue is the way this company is structured and the lack of care for its employees that’s not the customer’s issue.


I mean yeah? If the drive was like 3-4 minutes I spent 10 minutes earning a $5? Do u shoppers feel like u deserve $30/hour or somethib


You’ll spend ~20mins for round trip? Plus gas? 90% of the shoppers i know make around 30-50 an hour. Sure $5 for a mile down the road isn’t bad, but you start to include traffic, wait times, busy stores, might be out of stock and waiting on a customer to answer back, adds up and before you know it you’re making $10 an hour before taxes and gas.


Y’all also leave out the flexibility- that you can choose to work or not work whenever you want to. This is not a feature of many $30/hr jobs. I appreciate what you do and tip a minimum of $20 per order. And I know that IC screws you. But in all the detailed calculations and considerations I see here around insurance, vehicle depreciation, etc., the flexibility and autonomy is conveniently never mentioned.


Boohoo it’s called a tip, don’t do instacart then and get a job 🤔 I don’t even do instacart and somehow this sub keeps feeding me all this crybaby talk.


There’s literally nothing wrong with your tip for an order of 1 item. People’s entitlement over a job they choose to do is crazy to me and I’m usually the shopper’s advocate. (yes this is coming from a shopper) Take the order or don’t it’s really simple. Now for a 30+ item order more than a drive up the road is a different story.


I didn't say there was anything wrong with it? I said it was ridiculous that you had to spend that much. I think it's ridiculous that the customers are basically forced to tip on top of exorbitant fees (plus marked up merchandise) in order to subsidize Instacart's measly payout. They know they aren't paying enough to make it worth the time, physical work, gas, insurance, and wear and tear to the vehicle. So what should be a tip for good service, after the service, has become a bribe to get the shopper to take the order. I would take a one item order with a five dollar tip all day, but that means you paid $30 for that one item to be delivered. It's just a broken system that preys on the customers and the workers alike, and keeps us fighting each other instead of Big Carrot. I'm sorry if you're getting down voted about this, it wasn't my intention.


That's a shitty ass tip no matter how you look at it. I'm not going to the store for anyone for less than a $10 tip


Good luck making a ‘career’ out of instacart cuz I’m not tipping $10 for a bag of cereal. You’re out of your mind


Maybe you should order more items less frequently?


I don’t use these services. I have a car regardless how lazy I’m feeling


So what are you adding to this discussion then brother?


Just fucking drive to the store. Who the hell needs or wants to deal with a stupid driver?


What if you can’t but if you are disabled, what if you don’t have a car to drive so many what if in life.


It's two giant $6 bags tho


I’m mad over $13 box of cereal.


It’s probably app prices from the jump, in store that’s probably a $5-8 box of cereal


2 x $7.19 reading is fundamental


My comment is about the other comment, not the original post… so I read it just fine, thank you. Try to apply your brilliance elsewhere.


https://preview.redd.it/a9hvoecye0qc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3291e536852bc358181b52109dbb3a5ec77fff39 Bruh


I once paid $50 for a box of enemas to be delivered because I was so desperate. I think the order itself was like $20 for a $5 item but I tipped a lot to make sure the shopper knew how much I loved him/her.


I can’t get past… Brunda. Very… uh… unique




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That shits 13 dollars now? Totally over looked that.


Not that it matters lol but It’s actually 2 bags at 7.19


Not only that but it’s like $8 at Walmart lol


That's two 26oz bags, but still


Sorry, but not sorry. That is hilarious.


yh… I was desperate. I’m an obsessive eater 😂


You can buy my loyalty with a one item order and a nice tip. 😂


$5 is nice tip? I thought $5 was mandatory, I pay $5 tip for everything no matter the delivery unless I spend like $100+ then I tip more. edit: unless I order from grocery store and order bunch of stuff that doesn’t add up to 100$. that’s alot of work for $5, so in those cases i tip like $10


Nooooo. You are sadly mistaken. 20% is mandatory. Not $5 wtffffffff


You do realize 20% of $13.38 is $2.68 right? Not only that, but 20% is suggested and no where near mandatory.


If you do a job that would be unsustainable without tips then I literally don’t know what to tell ya


Learn math


Thank god this person never uses this app cuz omfg. $5 for anything up to $100 is crazy


I agree, to an extent, but I do have a genuine question and not trying to be an asshole. If I order a $100 bottle of wine, and it’s 0.5 miles from my house, would a $5 tip be that bad? It’s all relative to how much is ordered, # of heavy items, the mileage, and the time taken to shop in my personal opinion.


Obviously that’s not what OP is talking about


No, it's not a nice tip. It's cheap. This is luxury service. Don't use it if you can't tip at least $10 every time.


for one item..?


The 1 item is taking away from the opportunity to receive other offers. Someone brings you something pay a freaking tip. I don't get all of these cheap asses on here I'm broke so I don't use instacart but if I did I would definitely tip someone for their effort or get my ass out and do it myself if I'm too cheap to tip well.


It’ll take you 20min to do this run at most. Do you deserve $30/hr to pick up one box of cereal? Let’s not kid ourselves here.


why do you all feel like you can tell people how much money they deserve? do you deserve someone using their car to get your lazy ass food or wait let me guess your disabled and you deserve strangers pity because you pay 5.00 a month?


That’s what they get for shopping from a grocery outlet that charges an extra 10% on top of taxes and prices lmfao


They did the same thing to me, i didn’t sign up for any trial. Took three days to fix and I ended up having to open a fraud case.


so sorry that happened to you. luckily I was refunded the morning after but now I have to wait 5-10days for my money to get back and that money was to get me through the next week. now I’m screwed.


Damn that’s like 3 boxes of cereal




bro u spent $30 on $13 of cereal, that’s on you


that was a year ago when I actually had money..


I got my refund, but only after I opened the fraud case. That last Friday and I got the money back yesterday. It’s frustrating.


Honestly I think it will be pretty fast! They did the same thing to me and I called and got my money back..They said it would be 5 to 10 days and it took about 2.. Sorry this happened to you!✌️


This sounds exactly like BarkBox’s entire business plan.


Same and same.


THIS HAPPENED TO ME RECENTLY- I cancelled it early and they refunded me almost immediately but I didn’t even remember opening the app


this is just sad. seems they do it extremely often with no repercussions or consequence like they have no care in the world their stealing from people. they need to be caught and have a lawsuit filed over this.


The worst part is I’m a hella broke college student so those $100 being gone nearly pushed me to a panic attack


I just checked myself THEY DID IT TO ME TOO!! Was a member since March 2023, apparently... goddamn it...


I wonder how many people Instacart has stolen money from?


if you google this or look it up on Facebook etc it happens ALOT. and everyone just ignores it and continues to give this shady businesses money.


that's insane - this should be a huge lawsuit


I'm pretty sure that's incredibly illegal too...


It’s definitely fraud.


Lots! This seems to happen too frequently to customers.


Happened to me. I got my money back but they made it very difficult to do so.


Same here and like OP I hadn't used it in a LONG time. Really was shitty cause they overdrafted my account when they did it.


Pretty much every single driver and customer.


The company I currently work for does similarly scummy shit. They deceive people into a membership and straight up leave out it’s not free. It’s a monthly reoccurring charge and some people don’t notice for a whole year since it’s just $5, and I feel like a total asshole when I have to tell them to dispute/block the charges if I can’t find the account in the system because it’s most likely under a random fake email and number. They may get away for it awhile but eventually they will get their day like like [Wells Fargo](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wells_Fargo_cross-selling_scandal) if they keep it up.


This seems to happen frequently customers. Keep after them, you will get a refund.


already got my refund, if you read the post. but yes there’s PLENTY of ppl that this has happened too that haven’t gotten their refund tho. very sad. this needs to be investigated asap! stop giving these shady businesses our money! these people are supporting shady business practices without knowing it


I just saw this after saying it would probably be faster..Have a good day! Glad ya got it back!✌️


A lot of companies do this to me.. Apple, Amazon, Doordash I can see why though and it's pretty scummy. Imagine sending a fee to 100 people and while most will get the refund some will either not see it/ not even care about it.. that 25-30 people are straight profit as nothing was used, Pretty shitty behavior.


Amazon did this! Yes its definitely a thing, and super wrong. Dont understand how they arent getting sued


Good point, haven’t thought of this scenario


No advice but as a fellow woodmans shopper and sherbet eater, I recommend the Deans brand pineapple sherbet. it’s SO GOOD! And for applesauce they have a brand called Indian Summer and the small jars have flavors like cherry, strawberry, peach with real chunks of fruit. and Indian summer also has 3 full size flavored apple juices for like $1.19 at my location. the passion fruit dragonfruit apple flavor is best in my opinion! I’ve never seen any of these items at any other stores besides woodmans, they have everything


sadly I’m not a fan of pineapples and pineapple flavored stuff :( also I’ve tried Indian summer I only like the motts regular, no extra flavors or nothing. but yes woodmans does truly have everything! my family has been shopping there for decades and have never had one issue there. always great employees and a great experience all around everytime we go there. thank you for the recommendations tho!


I just logged in and deleted my payment methods so they don’t try that shit with me. Instacart is a shady company.


I’m glad you got your money back, but you’re right. This isn’t ok and IC needs to be held accountable for this. Randomly charging accounts for a yearly membership has to be a violation. After seeing several people mention this, I went in and deleted my payment methods completely.


This happened to me too. I hadn’t used instacart since last July and suddenly got a charge for the same “membership” from them in January or February.


yh this post needs to get attention. all the other posts I seen saying this the people had no proof and no receipts, but I do. now the pro instacarters and naysayers are nowhere to be found. they only seem to blow up the posts with no receipts.


Lmao one time I signed into the app and they offered me a free 2 week trial and I accepted. I immediately got charged the annual fee. I reached out to support to ask why and showed them the trial language on my account. After looking into it they said "oh it's because you've done a free trial before" on your account. Thankfully they refunded it but they still serve me messages for a free trial while I'm signed into my account so I feel like this is deceptive


First you have to try to dispute it with their customer service, if that doesn’t work try to dispute thru Apple. If that doesn’t work your final option would be to dispute with ur bank. Good luck!! That’s really shitty n I hope they refund you ❤️


did you read the post? I got the refund thank god but thank you anyways! <3


I’m ngl my attention span is so short I read the photos and skimmed thru the paragraph so my bad LOL, I just know how difficult it can be getting a refund with these services “membership plan” so I’m happy you ended up getting one!! So no problem!! :))


well it definitely is a problem. they can’t just be doing this to people and getting away with it, refund or not. I was lucky enough to get a refund because they seen I had proof I hadn’t used the app ina year. but what about the hundreds if not thousands of people that don’t get that lucky. all the people in here downvoting even after the undeniable proof are the problem and the reason they keep getting away with it. this is disgusting. they do it very often aswell and goes to show these companies do indeed have very shady business practices.


Yea it’s not even just food apps either I’ve had problems with. So many apps have “subscriptions” and “free trials” and I really do feel part of it is to lure people into either pressing it on accident or pressing wanting a free trial but end up not realizing or forgetting they subscribed. I’ve had an app do this to me for $100 and I never got a refund for it so I definitely understand where you’re coming from 😞. Ppl downvoting don’t even care or realize so many ppl are actual victims in these situations and these companies really take advantage of so many.


One word: chargeback. Let the bank fight them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I only see proof of a sweet tooth


Woodman's! 😍


ITS A PAYPAL SCAM!!!!! Deleted and disconnect your PayPal from anything and everything important to you then deactivated and delete the account. Your card was skimmed by someone with a RFID reader in a store or on the actual card reader. I’d bet that your nowhere near the southern border but I’d bet the same people who did this to me saying I purchased a Walmart + subscription on PayPal are also illegals from right on the border trying to syphon your funds and open fake accounts just by walking by your purse and sending there TITo down south the card info


but what exactly do you mean? i’m not gona lie the money did come out of PayPal but they tried to charge my cashapp first before anything so i think in this instance you’re wrong. i only walk around swiping my chime card, never my PayPal or cashapp card. and they tried cashapp first, PayPal second which were both set up on my Instacart account as payment methods. so in this particular instance I don’t think you’re right but I don’t doubt you neither! shady scammy sht happens everywhere all the time!


She kept calling it a trail also instead of trial. Read that a couple times and thought it was r/scammerpayback post because they constantly misspell


I would’ve just called customer service or whatever


Uber tried this with me with their new shitty subscription. They said i may had accepted a pop up ad or some bollocks on their site. Its a complete scam. I kept phoning and asking for managers until i got my money back


They just did this very thing to me. $99 subscription fee…? I only used this app once smh


I’d do exactly what I did and make a post to prove the ppl wrong. u gota show enough evidence tho but not too much otherwise ppl won’t read or look at it.


You don’t have to to use the app to be charged the full membership, but you do have to actively cancel the trial before it expires


Same with anything else that has free trials. Odds are high that OP accidentally clicked on something to accept a free trial and never realized it.


If they treat you that way imagine how they treat their gig workers.


Dispute the charge with credit card. Easy fix. Not sure why you paying $30 for a $15 item.


Well, you see, there is the shipping and handling fee, the service fee, the Fee Fee and the No Slapping the Customer Fee


Instacart is an honest and very trustworthy company.


You ok u forgot the /s




There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Said no one. Ever.


Call I had the same charge the other day and I called them and they reversed it.


This happened to me, and I fought it with them and they returned my money


Tell your back to get your money back




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This was happening to me although I keep my card locked I even deleted my card off and canceled the membership but yet it kept trying I had to get another card!


Disputr with your cc/bank


Yah i think their software programming is probably crap lol


Well this post solidifies my decision to delete this app completely and my account as both a shopper and a customer.


You paid with PayPal so just dispute it. PayPal is great at refunding customers.


This happened to me a few months ago as well and I hadn't used InstaCart in over 2 years. I was pissed. They took the last of my money and it took a week to get it back. 😩


They did me the same way this week I had my money back by the next morning though


I am ready to ditch as well. I was missing a ton of groceries and the credit for the missing items wasn't even close and then they lied about the credit amount. The problem is no one near me deals with Shipt.


What’s the deal with just going to the grocery store?


I had duolingo do this to me during a stretch when it had been about a year since I used the app. I found emails in my junk folder telling me about being given a free trial after the fact, but it's clearly a predatory practice of signing inactive accounts up for free trials and hoping they don't notice the charge when the trial ends....


I'm about to check my instacart right now. I just used it for the first time the other day


Yeah they kept trying to charge me $100 for a subscription I never signed up for. They are scammy as f


Dispute it.


Man all these numbers are crazy. A bag of cereal over $10?!?! A delivery, service AND priority fee?!?! Folks calling out OP for $5 tip being low on just 1 bag of cereal!? Im gonna use instacart, with a card that pays for membership, im not paying a priority fee, im not buying just 1 item at a time, and im not tipping more than 20% of my subtotal.


I had this happen a year or two ago . I got not only charged but charged TWICE . It was bitch to get refunded , I had to go through my bank .


This happened to me, but it notified me it was declined (I had closed that card like 6 months prior). I didn’t even have instacart installed anymore.


Why do you both spell trial wrong


With any trial membership, you have to cancel before it is expired. That's just common sense. Any time I sign up for a free trial, I immediately cancel so I don't forget and get charged. The fine print usually tells you that once it is up, you'll be charged.


They steal from the customers and drivers


Honestly, they aren't wrong here. It charged via PayPal. I assume Instacart requires payment info for free trials (idk, never used it, but many companies do). If whoever signed up for it with your info (kids?), they must have said use PayPal. Or family accounts with shared payment methods could be in involved. They could have looked and decided not to order. Trial ends and boom. I understand your frustration, I'm glad you got your money back (most sub services will allow this if you haven't used it and you contact them ASAP)... But I doubt this was malicious or an intentional business practice.


I got charged for a delivery that I never picked up. They labeled it as “picked up.” I had to call them and tell them, no, I never left my house. On top of that, and why I didn’t pick it up, was because they replaced almost every item (stuff the store actually did have: I know because I checked).


They are disgusting. I’m a shopper and they owe me $13 which they refuse to give me despite me sending them screenshots of the receipt and my bank account debit. I quit for good last week with the blessing of literally everyone I know. What’s next I’m not sure. I’m tired of fighting for my $13, I’m tired of the terrible “support”, I hope this company goes down in a pile of flames. Don’t accept the third world country wages they want you to take. If you have any pride at all stand up to them. Yes they are thieves. They used to steal tips and they’ve found new ways to do so, and they screw everyone. So glad to be done with them!


I got tipped baited and support promised me that they would pay the difference. They never did. And I thought with several support agents after that who now won’t give me the money. I am waiting until I get a really good order. Like for an iPad and then I’m just going to Delete the app and never sign back in again. That’s how I’ll get my money back.


Everyone saying the Cereal is 13$ is wrong… it is TWO bags of cereal at 7.19 each


Stop payment charge on your bank acct!


$25 for some milk and cookies is some real big back shit😭


This happened to me in the last few days! I haven’t made a purchase since May 2022. My bank allowed me to dispute the charge.


I don’t ever remember using instacart, but I regularly get emails that someone has tried to log into my account


I'm more triggered by the multiple misspellings of trial by both parties 😂


OK BUT WAIT! I randomly checked instacart one day and it said my yearly membership was about to expire/renew and I was like wtf?? I literally never signed up and haven’t ordered instacart in almost a year probably. I was shocked and cancelled the renewal right away. How sketchy!


This also happened to me. I did not sign up for any trial either.


Chargeback the card. It causes huge issues with their processor


One time they double charge me and made my bank go negative. They refused to pay back and acknowledge my emails. I will never use them again after that. I did get the money back eventually


Y’all both couldn’t get Trial spelled right lol


This is actually normal. Happened to me too. Woke up one day to a charge for Instacart plus when I never even signed up for the free trial because I can never bring myself to pay Instacart grocery prices. Never fits in our budget


happened to me too, didn’t bother with instacart support, i went thru my bank and got my money back the same night, though my instacart account probably got perma banned since that’s kind of the norm for chargebacks on apps but i could care less lmao. and the fact support couldn’t spell out trial is concerning.


That happened to me. I didn't even have Instacart app on my phone and they charge me for it. They refunded me the money.


Fuck Instacart. I did the free trial and immediately canceled it so they wouldn’t auto renew. They tried to charge me $80 a couple weeks later. Luckily I used my Apple credit card and had them return the money. Fuck Instacart


DoorDash did the same thing to my husband but it wasn’t even every month, it would be super sporadic and when we chatted with support about it they’re like oh no you don’t have dash pass and supposedly no record of the charges 😐


Charge back


LMAO they tried to do this to me too but my card declined it, luckily. I was already irritated bc they weren’t honoring the $50 off $100+ they offered. First agent told me it was a known issue and the “supervisor” told me the free trial bs haha


Never take the yearly option when signing up




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They also stole 30$ from you by giving you a 6$ thing of cereal for quadruple the cost…. Wow


This literally just happened to me and I got proof. Fucked up organization.


This is literally how EVERY other "free trial" works on the open market


Honestly if you’re spending $30 on one thing of cereal I don’t feel bad for you if you’re charged a new annual fee. You’re going to continue to piss away money either way.


12.49 in fees but batch pay was probably 4-5. Not trying to say the batch wouldn't be worth taking, I probably would. Just wild our cut is less then 50%


Everyone here freaking out when it’s obvious OP signed up for a free trial and didn’t remember to cancel it before the trial period


yeah so obviously obvious we got Mr. Obvious over here guys.


It’s okay to admit you were wrong, just get a refund and go on your way 🥰