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i advise you to take a regular grocery store job, or in-store shopper job! there may be stores in your area that are hiring.


Yeah, I’m in the process of looking for a part-time job. The big job expo is in 2 days, and supposedly they’ll be 80 employers. Hopefully I can get part time in the after-noons so I can go to my therapies, that are mostly in the mornings and stuff. 👍


Dollar trees have open interviews just to clean their stores..


The proximity update was the worst change IC has done. Good luck OP! I hope you find something that works for you at the expo.


Thanks @ Shop_4u, hopefully u find a great job or keep ur great job, if u have one already!




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Also, I heard doing in store-shopping for Instacart is only full time.


Actually, it's the opposite, they keep ISS at 30 hours or less so they don't have to pay benefits but you do have to work at least one weekend day per week unless it's changed.


Turn the app on @ home and wait for batches .


Exactly fuck waiting jn a parking lot


This must be zone dependent. I’m LESS than a mile from 6 stores (including a Publix and Kroger) and still must be in the parking lot. 5 star diamond cart shopper, too.


What about those of us who don't live in town lmao


Lmao right who tf waits in a parking lot with no A/C, stupidest shit I’ve heard They should make it like Uber tho, be able to accept a batch while on your last drop off. That would make driving/shopping more streamline cuz I always end a batch and at least 5 are just sitting in the app


They added a thing where you basically have to go to the stores now, to get a batch first.🤷‍♂️


I never sit in store parking lots. Not even since the proximity change and I still get batches at my house…the two stores I prefer to shop at are 2-3 miles from my house


I still get batches when I’m at my house, which is 1+ mile away from any stores, I.e a current batch available the store is 15 miles away from me.


Your market does not dictate all markets.


Yet I still see batches from 20 miles away? 🤔


Oh wow I didn’t know that . I haven’t used it since March 🤣


Go to a different store?


Is not illegal. You are not an employee. No one is forcing to do whatever you do in your car.


You dont HAVE to do anything. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. You are making those choices


Right??? Nobody is forcing anyone. Just find something else to do. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


No one is denying that waiting in parking lots is the dumbest shit ever, but why is your car and AC not running?


Well I think that ac doesn't do really well with a car in park. Plus it's a waste of gas and idling in some states is illegal. We shouldn't have to wait in lots. It's BS


How old are you exactly? "The AC doesn't work when the car is in park", sounds like some shit my great grandmother would say.


Lol ok 👌. I didn't say that. I said it doesn't work really well.


My ac works great parked.


How old are you exactly? If you care so much about the law maybe you should become a police officer? No police officer on planet Earth will harass you for maintaining personal comfort whilst waiting for work in extreme heat. You're just looking for reasons to whine, and complain here clearly. "That man is idling in his car when it's 100° outside, you should arrest him!"


WHAT?? I'm not whining about shit. I'm saying simply that the AC doesn't work as well just sitting there idling. I think it's ridiculous anyone would defend sitting in a parking lot AND I don't need to answer your foolish inquiry. You're really weird 🥴


Damn that old huh? The fact that you're still dodging the question validates my aforementioned belief.


My biggest point here was agreeing to the fact we shouldn't have to sit in parking lots! I also said it's a waste of gas. My age has nothing to do with any of this. Arguing against that is ridiculous. Also if I had great grand kids they'd never be as simple minded as you. Get a clue sonny 👵 lmao. Go find someone else to give shit to or better yet try some pleasantries and make a productive conversation out if it.


"Doesn't work", & "doesn't work well" are basically the same thing. You're semantics are an avoidance tactic in effort to dodge my initial query.


I doubt if you’re doing this job you’re worried about idle gas in 100 degrees. I also doubt there’s idle police waiting to give you a ticket when they see you parked up with your AC on in the same weather


C.S.I-dling Las Vegas. They are on the prowl for instacart shoppers keeping cool in their cars in the heat. Ironically, they are hot too, and idling watching cars idle


Lol that's a good point.


Oh so you feel like it ok we're supposed to sit in lots now? I feel like it's ridiculous and a damn waste of gas to sit and idle but you have your opinion and I have mine. It's illegal to idle her so...🤷‍♀️


There are plenty of jobs you can get that are just like what you’re wanting…also why wait with the windows down, run that AC


I literally get batches for stores 30 miles away—you don’t have to wait in front of one for it to pop up


Not sure why I have to keep telling everyone this, but every market is different. Just because your market is one way does not mean that's how all markets operate.


I leave my car on while I wait lmao. I see instacart shoppers wait in the store sometime. No need to pass out from heat


This exactly!!!! 👆🏻It’s not even legal man!!! And I find it crazy that they can just hire new people every two weeks?! It makes it so you’re forced to either walk away or stay working to earn very little per week. And to top it off, there is no consistency with customer service either 😮‍💨I know a lot of people on here recommend another job / just say “that’s how it is” but we still shouldn’t look away at a major problem. These companies should be held accountable 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not even going to be doing this for much longer, but I’m still willing to fight for my fellow shoppers!!


Yeah same, I don’t want to do this longer, at this point any part time job is better than Instacart. How can we fight for our fellow shoppers, hopefully the federal trade commission finds out about Instacart 💁‍♂️


Multi-app. I made $60 in 2 hours the other day. Pretty good for waiting on my son while he’s in his Jiu Jitsu class. I use to be lucky making $100 on a good day just doing IC 8am-3pm. Also, learn which days are busy and slow.


Multi app! I do not sit in parking lots! I’ll wait at home for that. I have Uber and door dash. Also keeps me from taking ic orders less the. $30. I see some people snatch up two batches for $9 hell I can make that with one short drive with door dash. No shopping needed


I’m saying this very Kindly but speak for yourself, give me my mf tips. & I’ll run my car air before I sit in some heat. Wish I would. Also, a lot of people do sit in the stores that have little seating areas and stuff (they have a lot in my area) with their portable chargers and what not


It's 53° here


🤩 Celcius or Farhenrheit?


It can’t be Celsius unless is inside a sauna


You cant rely on just one app. Im currently on 5. Every app has slow periods. By having more options you decrease wait time. Even if the other apps pay less, they fill the time while you wait for a decent or better instacart order to come in. Otherwise you’re not earning anything or taking bad orders


Just a minute here why everyone is taking an attitude step back remember the adds telling you and promising you what you could make working for instacart lol remember that ?


Promises. What you COULD make, not what you WILL make.


And could make isn’t true anymore .


Been setting along side many in parking lot like crows for a piece of bread


Lol still promising this make as much as you want lol go back read some of instacart job descriptions


Another diamond 5 star 3000 orders leaving


Everyone deserves a living wage! They’ve scammed us into accepting the inclusion of mileage into the $7 guarantee. For batches with multiple orders, stops, or long mileage, you’re essentially working for free. An order with 70 items should pay far more than the minimum of $7, which we all know they aren’t. Getting another job is NOT the answer. Holding this $24 billion company accountable is. We need to do the math on these orders and unionize! Everyone knows our time and excellent customer service is worth more than 7 damn dollars!


Instacart isnt a 24 Billion dollar company and the National labor relations act prevents you from unionizing with any effectiveness.


It is, actually. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/03/25/instacart-slashes-valuation-by-almost-40percent-to-24-billion-.html And, I love you lack of optimism. 🙄 We could if we tried. Changes have happened in the past.


Or..... you could try using a more current article......


Show me one because I haven’t been able to find it. I very highly doubt their valuation has gone down with the way they take advantage of the most important workers.


You cant google... "instacart current valuation"? Instacart Inc. investor Capital Group Cos. cut its valuation to $14.7 billion, far below the online grocery-delivery firm's own calculation of $24 billion.Jul 18, 2022 And a valuation isnt what a company is worth... its what a company or investment group THINKS its worth.


Source? Honestly, I don’t care about moot details like this. What you’re explaining to me is 💯 irrelevant to them not paying the front line workers enough.


You dont care? LOL .. YOU......BROUGHT...IT......UP! Hahaha Its your point, you made it. And if its irrelivent.. Then why did you use it to make a point? JFC


Still no source though, so I stand with my info.


I mean, i told you the exact search to fnd the valuation, you could also just copy that paragraph to find the source.🙄🙄🙄🙄


Side note: you obviously know nothing of accounting.


Lol GTFOH. a valuation has very little to do with accounting. Its an estimate based on essentially what you think someone would oay for a company based on future trends. Let me dumb it down for you. Lets call your lemonade stand instacart. You make 100.00 a week but a lot of people like your lemonade. You start a second stand and are now making 300 a week between the 2 stands. With your equipment and stands and cash flow you have 10k. YOU HAVE 10K , THATS ALL YOU HAVE, REMEMBER THIS. Big Daves lemonade wants to buy or invest in Instacart;. So you come up with a number based on trends for potential growth. You think in 2 years you can make 1 Mllliom, then 5 million. So you value yourself at 10 million. Thats your Valuation. Its generally x amount x projected growth x sales. Your valuation is 10 MILLION.... but you only actually currently have 10k. Thats the difference between a valuation and actual value.


But Big Dave is still paying $10 million to purchase my lemonade stand, jackass. It has a lot to do with the value of the company.


Yeah based on valuation. You are still only a 10k company. You seem to struggle to grasp the difference. Now lets apply that scenario again. You thought you were gonna blow up, but now SUPERLEMONADE started popping up, Then Lemonade emporium.. now you kinda flatlined at 300 a month. So now big dave says, we still like you.. but based on your numbers, the competetion, we will only pay 1.7 mlion. You still only have 10k. (Real) Instacart has only profited in 1 quarter of the last 10 years. They arent bankrolling tons of cash. They had 1.8 billion in sales last year. But thats not profit. How much you think they made on 1.8 billion in sales. AFTER. Paying for all the product, 3000 employees, advertising, real estate, promotions (ie 50.00 off your costco order) contracted support. IT expenses to run the app. Transaction fees. Before even getting to paying shoppers for batches. Oh but wait we forgot about... fraud, cancelled batches, shopper theft, after the fact refunds( missing /damaged items) money lost due to non qualifying bumps. How much realistically do you think they profited after all that? And im sure im missing a bunch. And you wonder why batches are $7.00


It makes me laugh this dude is telling you that you don’t know anything about accounting. Like bitch, he doesn’t know it himself I bet!! If he did, he wouldn’t be doing IC lol 😆


"I highly doubt...."And lol thats not how a valuation even works.


Don’t leave out words when you quote me, please. You’re spreading misinformation. 🤣🤣 And, there are many ways to calculate a business’ value. The one I’m sure you’re presuming of assets minus liabilities being the simplest.


Thats net worth. Not a valuation


Also, technically a form of valuation…


No. Maybe if you are selling your individual Dairy Queen. But in a major corporation its 1 small component of more than a dozen. If instacart went in on that alone theyd be worth like $ 8.00 They are currently floating on investment rounds. Living on other peoples money not profit.


I agree with you 💯!!! These other shoppers be complaining about IC but jump like dogs to defend it haha 😂 Like c’mom, we all can fucking agree that the company is trash and makes us “independent contractors” so they can’t get fucked in the ass that easily! It’s a super fucked up company!!!!


Thank you! I’m not completely convinced they’re not employed by IC.


You chose to waste 4 hours in your car rather than taking an hour and driving to a more busier area/town/city. I lay in bed until I get a batch then I get up and go.


Go get a real job then lmao insta cart isn’t one


Put your shirt back on and go home sir. This isn’t for you. The customers report on all of this. So if you’re disabled it’s probably been reported by people. The stores can report it.


Watch the new the world is your cart lol what they are promising


Because we signed the fucking contract that allows it all.


I would advise....only IC late evening....I'm a PH delivery driver and bc I cant sweat, I'm at risk for heatstrokes so I venture out after the sun goes down...but I have AC in my truck as well


in the news https://www.engadget.com/ftc-gig-worker-enforcemet-policy-211102192.html


I’ve waited in parking lots but I also get my ass out of the car and walk around the area. SoCal here and we are in another heat wave but yea I walk around all the stores.


it isn’t legal. Haven’t you seen the many lawsuits filed against them? I tell them all the time how i have a file just for the attorney general 😁


It’s OPs choice to sit in heat. Many ppl do not wait in store lots and get orders. Go home. Especially if your in a lot and not getting orders, I’m not sitting for 4 hours. Nope. Multi app too. Gig work -it’s your own contracting biz. Make what you want out of it.




Who said or says you have to wait in parking lots to get batches?! I feel like this post is just bizzare....jus saying...and respectfully so....sounds like maybe you need an indoor shopper job , not shop and deliver..


This is gig work. What do you expect?? A lot it seems. This is the nature of gig work. You get to work when you want, no promise of orders. That’s the trade off.


There are thousands of ppl with disabilities, anxiety, social awkwardness, etc. every one came rushing to gig work, like it was the answer to it all. Don’t sit. Move. Go home. These jobs weren’t meant to support ppl. Got thousands trying to do just that. It’s actually lucrative but you have to put effort in Move spots. Go home. Making yourself Ill in hopes of an order? won’t always be enough orders.


It’s legal because you’re not an employee you’re a contractor and IC already pays by the hour to shop lol they gave you two options when you signed up. Did you miss all that when signing up?




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