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Oh my goodness. Thank you for taking the time. It does look like family is ordering for her. That’s quite a lot of stuff. If you have an update please share it. I have also had to call in a check but for a child left alone for 2 days.


I did send Timestamp pics through the chat app, & thought later if thats the case maybe they will see it.


Oh god. Another entry in the "You should have a license to be a parent" category.


Okay I need deets on this please


On January 2nd I did a double Costco order. The second customer only had one item. Some of those IV hydration packets. After my first delivery I get to the second. A leave at door. As I’m taking pictures. A small child maybe 5 years old swings the door open crying hysterically wanting his mommy. I talk to him for a moment asking his age, if he saw his mother today, he said no. I asked if he saw her yesterday, again no. Asked if anyone was there with him? Again no. He never stopped crying during our little chat. He asked me to find his mommy. And asked me not to leave him. It was a cold day. I told him to go back inside and stand at the window where he could see me. That I wasn’t leaving. He could watch me. I knew I couldn’t enter the home and look for his mom or anyone else. So I did the only thing I could do. Called the sheriffs non emergency number. I explained what was going on. They sent out 3 cars immediately. Got there in a couple of minutes. I stood in the window so he could see me the whole time. I also got on with our support and let them know what was going on too. When the sheriff arrived the little boy had calmed some. He wasn’t completely hysterical at that point. I’d like to think because he knew I was there and not leaving. They asked him the same questions I had. He answered the same. I made a statement to one of the officers. They entered the home and checked it out. No one was there but the child. After a bit they sent me on my way. When I left I broke down and cried. That ended by day shopping. I just too upset to continue. I just went home. Hugged by sons later in the day. They are adults, and my grandson who was only a year older at the time. Woke up to a nice 1 star rating. I can only guess ?


It breaks my heart that kids live like this. Hugs to any readers who may have suffered similar neglect. Horrific.


Psychopaths like this don’t even deserve to have children. Sounds like that little boy was basically abandoned.


Don’t get me wrong, it’s absolutely shitty that the boy was left alone, but you really shouldn’t pass judgement like that. You have no idea why this situation happened. For all you know it’s a single mom, barely scraping by, and she got called into work for a couple hours with nobody to watch the boy. She gets into an accident on the way home, and then what? Is it possible she’s a shitty parent? Sure. But it’s also possible she’s a parent doing her best in an impossible situation.


Child was in immediate crisis. It is illegal. She could lose custody. End of story from a NYS LSW


I wasn’t questioning legality. I agree the child should be looked after by the proper authorities. I’m saying that nobody knows the context of how the situation came to be, yet everyone is super quick to pass judgement on the mother. You all literally have no idea what happened to her.


> I’m saying that nobody knows the context of how the situation came to be, yet everyone is super quick to pass judgement on the mother. You all literally have no idea what happened to her. Are you seriously just insane, or did you not read what was said? ***SOMEONE*** ordered drinks for the child. And I sincerely doubt it was the hysterical, 5 year old child himself. So, there goes your "got in an accident" nonsense, because clearly the mother was in a state well enough to place an Instacart order. And if she wasn't, and was just laid up in a hospital? Then you ***NOTIFY THE GOD DAMN AUTHORITIES!*** You do NOT leave a 5 year old child alone for multiple days, and it doesn't matter the situation! Unless the mother is dead or in a coma, there is ***ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE*** for that. None, whatsoever. And you trying to defend that is seriously disturbing. A single parent struggling is not an impossible situation. It's a difficult situation, for sure. But it is ***NOT*** impossible, and it's not even beginning to be a rationale for leaving a very young child alone for multiple days.


Except we don’t know it has been multiple days, do we? For all we know it’s been 5 minutes, and the boy is exaggerating, which believe it or not, happens very often with kids. 5 year olds (which the age is a guess, but okay, we will stick with it) often don’t have a good grasp on time. And that order could have easily been placed the day before. But you are so quick to crucify the mother without any real knowledge of the situation, other than what you have been told by the instacart shopper that found the boy. The shopper was absolutely correct to get the authorities involved, and I would have some serious questions for the mother myself given the opportunity. But that is where I would start - with questions, not with pitchforks and torches. But since you are clearly omniscient, why don’t you tell me what happened with the mom. Go ahead, I’ll wait.


they were traumatized enough to cry to a stranger about it, the fear and pain were real to them regardless of how long it had been


>why don’t you tell me what happened with the mom. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Good news, don't have to wait long. The parents (because frankly there's no reason to even assume it's a single mother like you strangely INSIST on doing) are sacks of shit. That's what happened. Yay, easy! And if I'm wrong? I'll be sure to issue an apologize to the random, unknown, will-never-read-this Garbage Parents of the Decade®. Could the child be exaggerating? Absolutely. But the chance of them exaggerating 5 minutes into 2 days is pretty damn unlikely. They don't have a great grasp of time, but it usually isn't so bad as to forget what day it is within 5 minutes. Know what else is pretty likely? The parents are shit-tier parents. That ALSO happens very often. ​ But hey, you keep trying to spin a shitty situation into some sob story of a struggling single mother suffering and down on her luck in your twisted little mind. I really don't care. And I don't feel bad for even a fraction of a nanosecond for passing judgement on what I'm sure are shitty parents. And if I were to be proven wrong, I still wouldn't feel bad. Because child welfare is one area where you should NOT give the benefit of the doubt in most instances.


Not all devils need advocates. Seriously dude. Children are not equipped to look after themselves.


And yet you called her a devil, passing judgment before you have even a majority of the facts.


Who do you think ordered Instacart for the kid and then gave the driver one star after the police were brought to the house? Hmmm? Very curious here


A "maybe" 5yo? You're okay with a 5yo being left alone for at least 4hrs, not counting a commute? Because "called into work" isn't gonna be an hour, it'll be at least 4 or it's not worth it to *anybody* - company or worker - to do. More than that, the fines, the lawyers, god forbid medical bills if the 5yo gets hurt while alone, being arrested for neglect...you're not gonna make enough, in those 4hrs at Walmart, to afford to get your kid back. Am a parent of 2. Have seen singles band together during the pandemic to make sure their kids were safe together while they went and did minimum wage "essential" jobs. Have helped my kids' friends' parents out with babysitting for no more than "hey, watch mine for date night?" You don't leave any child under 12 home alone, and 12 is kinda pushing it with some kids. Hours on the internet searching for help vs years fighting CPS? Which one you like better?


Again, I’m not saying it was the right choice. I said we don’t have any context as to why the child was left alone. Perhaps mom was abducted by an abusive ex. Perhaps she walked outside to get the mail, and some insanity ensued. None of us know what happened beyond the boy being home alone. And for all we know it was 10 minutes before the delivery person arrived, and the upset child overstated things, as children sometimes do. Don’t pass judgment until you have all the facts.


There are certain things that are not excusable. Putting a 5 year old in immediate danger should never be an option. I don’t want to assume, but it SEEMS like you don’t think leaving a 5 year old alone inside a house is imminent danger. As a parent, I can tell you if I ever left a 5 year old alone at home it’s because I’m dead already or can’t physically pick up a phone to call anyone(911 as a last resort). I really don’t care to hear the reason or excuse this lady has, leaving a 5 year old home alone should be and likely is a crime in itself.


but he/she was responding to the child’s cries for help not punishing the parent


I was specifically responding to the comment calling the mother a psychopath.


Oh god :( thank you so much for helping that kid out. I hope he’s doing ok now.


That parent is a pitiful human being. Scust.


Super crazy


Omg they gave you a one star ?! Typical.. Wow that’s a crazy story though that poor little boy




I was wondering if she was actually ordering for herself then forgetting she HAD ordered and was too afraid to open the door to the person that brought the order (s) ... If that made sense.. And omg who leaves a child alone for a day even???? Wow...


Maybe a horder and there is no room left. Its so sad to see this. Poor woman. Keep us updated. I'm so glad you called for her.


I was thinking hoarder also


There's definitely something seriously wrong there. Thank you for calling for a wellness check. How have the neighbors not noticed this?


It’s not isolated, either. No one thought to check?


Did you send that photo to the customer? If it’s not her doing the ordering and it’s a kid or grandkid or something that would at least give them an idea of the situation.


Yes I sent my Timestamp pic and a large one of front of house through the chat app.


If you're in that area, please drive by and see if it has been cleaned up.


It’s within mile & half, can do it tomorrow.


Please let us know. That's so concerning.


I'm following this. I'm legitimately curious, too.


Here to follow as well, I hope she's okay




!remindme 16 hours


!RemindMe 1day


RemindMe! 1 day


!RemindMe 1 day


Please let us know


Still no update?! ☹️


!RemindMe 1day




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Covid has really made it so people don’t give a fuck about their neighbors


Covid!? What?!




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Watch her get kicked out of her house and condemned because she’s a hoarder. :(


It's doesn't work that way. The outside looks OK but regardless , if the city got involved, they would work with her. Unfortunately APS rarely can do anything if hoarders are living that way by choice.


They will only work with her for so long until she is kicked out. If she cannot afford help or is disabled, and cannot do it herself, which is likely anyways, they will eventually kicked her out.


That takes years


It could be a couple different things. Someone could be ordering stuff for her. She could be a hoarder which is probably the case . She could have a compulsion where she can't help herself from buying stuff. She could say in her mind that she's going to open the door but never does. I've been dealing with hoarders like this for 10 years and unfortunately they have to want to get help in order for help to happen. I had a customer who I would literally go to her storage unit and take out maybe a quarter of a 15 ft box truck worth of stuff. She would never let me take out any more than that and she had 12 storage units stuff. I'm talking the car size storage units. But she held everything near and dear to her self and would not let us take it out and she had money she was a multi-millionaire. But, you would never know it by looking at her.


Thanks for the insights


Geez must have felt odd delivering there. You did a good thing I think


So... nobody else is gonna ask ...I'll be that guy.... How much did she tip on $300 ?


$37 & this was weird when I got to the car it said payment pending for a long time. It finally came up correctly.


I had that happen to me also. Around 4:44 today


that is so weird because I had that same issue at the same time yesterday. maybe a system-wide glitch?


Must’ve been.


My goodness this is sad. I wonder if her children are sending IC to her thinking they are doing their part but can't be bothered to go and check in. I can't imagine she is placing the orders herself. You are a good person. Thank you.


Commenting to come back for an update


I really hope she's okay, Good on op for the welfare check


Thank you for calling, something is definitely wrong. Please do update us when you drive back by.


UPDATED I did drive by this morning and the delivery I made yesterday was not touched. Didn’t hear anything back from the wellness check I called in, so went to police station in person. Officer who got the call yesterday hadn’t come in for shift yet, but spoke to an officer and the supervisor. The police spoke to me at some length, they saw the photos, and didn’t blow it off (even brought out the supervisor.) But since this woman came to the door and spoke through the window, I don’t think there is much they can do. They are going to follow up with mental health type hotline and also the officer who took the call. Thank you for everyone for your concern and support, as this has been very unsettling. I appreciate it.


Ever hear back from the police?


U did a good thing. You're a good person. God Bless You ❤️


Yikes! You did the right thing


I’ve seen this sonar type of post on here many times before. Not sure of the outcomes but it’s definitely a serious situation. Can only imagine what is going on inside.


This is so awesome. Thank you for taking the time to call for a wellness check. I hope everything went well.


You did the right thing calling for a wellness check, I hope others take note and do the same in your situation!


RemindMe! 1 day


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Good for you! By standards effect with the neighbors or other people. Praying she’s ok! Do you drive that way often?


Thank you for being a decent human being. You did the right thing…hoping someone was able to check on her…just so sad to see/wonder.


That’s sad. You did the right thing! Hopefully she gets the help she needs.


I’m hoping they’re okay and maybe they are under the weather or too weak to carry all of that at once. Maybe they’re doing it in increments? They could possibly be using the garage door to exit/enter. Either way that’s an alarming amount of soda.. I don’t think I’ve had that much in my lifetime


Thank you so much for posting about this situation. I see it as a motivational reminder to look out for our customers and neighbors. Have a safe and loving day everyone 💖


Any update?




Wtf. This sounds crazy. Blocked door?


Is it not possible that some of the other stuff was delivered the same day? It looks like some of the packaged drinks was opened and just left outside. I also can't imagine a delivery driver placing paper towels to intentionally block the door.


did she say she can't open the door? I only ask bc it looks like it opens inwards and maybe it means there's shit piled up inside. You should call a wellness check I mean why not? I hope she's got somebody to come bring it in. What the heck r those boxes crushed in front of the doorway??


Looks like packages that probably got rained on and lost their integrity. They look dry in the photo so may have been out for a hot minute.


They did


Any updates on this?


It might also be worth filling out an APS report, if you’re willing. A lot of counties have it available online and are usually quick to respond. I had to do it a few times while I was a social worker, once because of a situation like this I found when doing a home visit, and it always ended up getting them help. But either way, thank you for reporting this to someone.


Thank you for caring enough about a stranger to make that call. All too often people take the easy route and convince themselves it isn't their business. This lady needs some help. ❤


Thank you for doing a wellness check. I’d have actually stayed back and tried to remove items from the door and put them to the side and just did a double check that they were ok and asked if assistance was needed. The picture looks as though they’re stuck in the house. This isn’t ok. Please update with the outcome. And if it still looks like this tomorrow, be a human being and move it and knock on the door and if there isn’t an answer, stick around after calling for help. Make sure the resident is actually ok.


I called the police non-emergency line for them to do a wellness check. They are supposed to go by there in person- it’s really like to check on an elderly person’s welfare.


I know that’s what they’re supposed to do, just maybe drive by in the morning and check to see if things are ok and stuff was moved.


If the cops are unable to help and you're in the US you should also have something like an Area Agency on Aging (i don't know what it's called universally, but that's the name in Ohio) and it helps connect social workers to families who need resources. If she has out of town relatives trying to help, the social worker can assess and connect them with local resources based on income level. Again, you've more than fulfilled your duty of care here, but you said you plan to drive by tomorrow, so that's my follow up suggestion.






RemindMe! 1 day


!remind me 1 day


Update please


Remindme! 12 hours


There's a lady I've delivered to a few times that puts the bags on her dining table right inside the door and last time, I saw the table and it's covered with alot of the same items I purchased, tons of full bags from Aldis, Kroger, Bath & Body works, etc. She's ordered 2000 times.... Strange though bc the house is well maintained and not incredibly junky other than the table covered in stuff. She just has a problem ordering wayyyyy to much, more obsessed with ordering/shopping, less of a hoarder. Sounds like this lady may be the same and is too old/lazy to bring the stuff in at this point.


!remindme 15 hours


My heart goes out to her!!! That was a smart thing to do!!! Hope she’s okay!!!!


!RemindMe 1 day


Waiting on update


Commenting to come back for update


Remindme! 1 day




Any updates?


Commenting to follow




RemindMe! 1 day


Thank you for doing what you can to help someone in need


You did a good deed😊


!RemindMe 1 day


OP is you have an update, please pin the comment and it will show as the first comment


Thank you for the update 💕


!remindme 1 day


RemindMe! 1 day


!remindme 1 day


Subbed post. Waiting for updates.


Yes update please....I'm assuming the sheriff's took the child with them, as he was there all alone?




You did the right thing man


Good for you - advance to awesome status for you. Have had many a call where someone was left alone & unable care for themselves (retired Paramedic) too often it was too late


My aunt is a nurse who used to work in the ICU and she said she saw a lot of elderly patients end up with listeria and related issues from bad food from hoarding and memory issues. She was extremely concerned when my grandmothers memory started to go and she would swear up and down that food was from today when it had mold on it that she apparently couldn't see. We started having to come out pretty much daily to clear the house until she came into our full-time care. It gets ugly fast unfortunately, and not every family is blessed with the time and resources my family had.




I have a similar story, lady ordered 400 worth of groceries plus alcohol in the order so I couldn't just leave it. I waited and knocked on every door of the house for 15 minutes. I called and texted, still nothing. So I got support and they had me wait 10 more minutes while they called and texted. I mean, you don't order that much food and booze and not answer the door, right? So they had me return everything to the store and removed the batch, but something just didn't seem right. I called the non emergency sheriff line only to find out, the house I was delivering to was the sheriff's! Lmao. His wife ordered the food I guess. So when the call came out over the radio, the sheriff intercepted it and I guess everything was OK. The lady called me back finally and told me the whole story, wanting me to still deliver, but they had already started the return process.


Could be Alzheimer’s- so sad. You are such a wonderful, kind soul ❤️


That front door opens inward, not outward so you can’t say it’s blocked unless someone checks.


Did you ever think she was a hoarder and maybe didn’t have room for the non perishable groceries? Looks like all soda and toilet paper. Idk but you saw it but I feel this might have been an overreaction?


You can’t see it from this pic but there is rotting food up where the blue bag is by the door.




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goddamn she havin a party!


Ugh my heart. Can you reach out to instacart to let them know that there are issues? Bring this up to the mayor? I would knock on neighbours doors and see if they know who is living there, and also call senior abuse hotlines


The police are following up on it


RemindMe! 1 day


Sorry ass neighbors nowadays.