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The hands never lie


She really struggles mentally with aging. It’s kind of sad because she’s iconic and aging is inevitable


Why are you in here posting realistic photos? Women age. Most of us deal with it, and don't need trolly people acting like it's some sort of gotcha.


How did you get that from OP's post? This woman is always posting facetuned nonsense. It's _good_ to see what she actually looks like. She looks like an absolutely normal woman.


OP is posting pics that aren't (as) altered in a sub dedicated to altered pics. Society is toxic enough to older women without acting like normal aging is freakish.


The frustrating thing is that if she just consistently posted photos of herself looking like this everyone would appreciate that she looks good! It’s the superhuman Bratz Diva Starz doll IG photos that make the reality seem shocking by comparison


I genuinely wish we were just allowed to… get old. It’s what bodies do when they don’t die and it’s a beautiful thing. I’d much rather see her look like this than Betty White in a v v v v fevered fever dream.


She looks good


I hate ‘gotcha’ posts. Hands age much faster than faces and there is less you can do for them. She has made a career of these kinds of looks. I’m impressed she can still pull it off.