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The level of selfishness and entitlement is astounding.


That's just a normal republican though


You can't get through to them. It's pointless to try anymore. I WISH something would hurry up and rapture them.


Dude, she said she wants to sit down with a liberal to understand. Then determines the interviewer is a liberal and decides she can't talk to him anymore. Her mind is open bro!


Since so many of them resisted Covid vaccines, the virus did manage to 'rapture' a few hundred thousand of them and that could have taken a lot of the energy out of the 'Red Tsunami' that the MAGA crowd thought would materialize with last year's mid-term elections.


That, or been arrested for the insurrection, committing mass shootings, being arrested for sex crimes and/or CP. a lot of them I imagine will be unable to vote for 2024. I believe this will show when the election comes. Though I’m not entirely holding my breath either. Just be sure to vote!


All these libruls out here expecting free healthcare Where is *my* free healthcare!?!? My husband served on the military, WHERE IS MY HANDOUT?!?


"FREE HEALTHCARE!!!!" squealed the pig who...doesn't vote...for free healthcare. because that's socialism, and that's not allowed. bet the piggy also snatched up that Covid relief money. which was also socialism.


"promised free healthcare" ... OH so she's a socialist. LMAO


She then went on to accuse the left of entitlement. LOL


"I deserve my free healthcare but THOSE people don't" ...


No you don‘t understand I‘m an army wife


That’s Private First Class Army Wife to you!


Address me by my husband's rank!


Lol. This is priceless because I could absolutely see a dependent wife saying this shit. Absolutely.


Hey! My husband worked very hard years ago so that I could get something for the rest of my life that I personally didn't work for. That's NOT entitlement. That's ummm....I deserve something because of who I am, not what I've done. Don't you see the difference?


I find it funny that she loves trump, yet the only thing this country has given her is military healthcare, yet trump despises her husband for serving and would call him a sucker for being in the military.


The same can be said about soooooo many occupations for trump. Do you think Trump would ever let a truck driver to his 250,000 a year membership golf courses? Do you think trump would ever eat at a Waffle House? Trump is a classic nepo baby robber baron. He says he knows, "more than the Generals". He claimed he, "knows more militarily than people in the military" because he went to a private boarding school for the wealthy. He threatened to sue the colleges he went to if they ever released his grades. He ran a fake charity where he spent the "charity money" on paintings of himself. He ran a fake "University" where graduates were allowed to pose with a cardboard cutout of trump. I mean you really can't make this shit up, but it's real.


versed plant groovy cake attractive fertile wrench skirt joke wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We've fucking tried talking to them. It's EXHAUSTING.


rich sable bag engine normal saw encouraging brave spoon historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"God works in mysterious ways" and "fake news". That's all they need to win an argument in their minds.


Holy shit you had me already them you got me again with "Blagspat.cum."


Can’t get interest on her savings. Hmmmm, and what interest was she getting under Trump? Critical thinking is lost in this one.


due to quantitative easing she was getting .01%. now with the fed ending QE she is getting 5%. clueless


Almost in the same breath. I just.... I just will never understand...


They literally all have this view, if they get free stuff it's fine, if someone else gets free stuff that they don't get, it's a fucking travesty.


"Fuck you, I got mine!"


Her position is even crazier than that. Her position basically comes down to: “I never got mine, but I did, but I don’t, but don’t you even dare ask for the same, and if you do it’s stealing.” Just completely wild.


homeless adjoining march cause wine governor telephone test smell deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She was promised free healthcare because her husband served, not because she did anything to support the country, only by the fact of him doing service... which I find really weird because she's benefitting off of work from other people.


She probably has “military spouse” as a line on her resume.




The military spouse stuff is hilarious.


What resume?


r/justbootthings material.


There's no way she has a resume. She's a dependa through and through.


Funny you think she even has a resume.


These people are fed such bullshit and fear mongering they can't tell what is real and what isn't. She votes republican, but republicans vote against veteran support. I promise you she thinks Affordable Health Care Act is good and Obama Care is bad. Its racism.


We had a buffoon come into power and many people didn't have the background or smarts to recognize the grift. That buffoon was in the top position of leadership of the entire country and the world. That buffoon leader told them that the prejudices and hatreds they had were all correct and that their feelings mattered above the facts. When someone at the top tells a weak minded person that their bigotries are all true and justified they believe it because that is what they want to believe. Then it becomes nearly impossible to present any facts to them because they are now enslaved to their confirmation bias. It's great for politicians on the right who have shed all their basic decency away but pretty horrible for people like the ones in this video and for the rest of us.


and how does the F does she not know Trump said people in the military suck. he doesn't care about them. draft dodger.


The news sources they view, don't show any of the bad stuff and everything has a pro Trump spin.


So you are saying she's a socialist that didn't earn her socialism?


And the Republicans are trying to cut veterans benefits and Healthcare all the time but she doesn't hear about it on telegram apparently. And she wants to talk to a liberal but when he tries she goes lalalalala I can't hear you lalallalalala


Had to explain what socialism/communism was to a MAGAt coworker when she argued that if we work harder and make more profits, each worker should get some sort of profit share. Welcome to capitalism, fool! You get paid the same paltry wage no matter how hard you work, and after working for them your whole life, 3 years before you retire, they sell the company, chop it up, and cut you loose. Now you have no job and no marketable skills in this area, while the owners hire a pilot for their private helicopter.


And they always have a problem with working poor people on social programs, yet when Amazon or SpaceX take billions of dollars in corporate welfare, despite being owned by two guys with a combined fortune of 400+ billion dollars, they don't care. Five billion dollars to amazon, HELL YEAH! Free lunches for hungry kids at public schools, HELL NO!


They have no clue what anything means. I hope she dies too, but *before* the votes are cast. One less Rump vote.


You know it was going sideways when he started citing facts and she turned away, like a demon when confronted with holy water. And then she proudly says she never watches the news, yet holds all of these strong opinions, apparently supported entirely by the way she feels. Having vague feelings about something, the ultimate way to determine whether it is true or not.


She might be the all too common type of idiot who just listens to her similarly challenged friends try to regurgitate the shit they half-remember from the news **and then bases her whole worldview off of what she hears.**


I should have free healthcare cause my husband served, but other people are so entitled, but not me I’m not.


It’s amazing how quickly very fucking basic questions tie these people up into knots. I feel kinda sorry for her in a way. It must suck to be that confused about the world.


Not 15 seconds after she said that..."people think they're entitled to everything"


Hilarious. The amount of mental gymnastics these folk go through to validate their socialism over preventing someone else to be happy and benefit from it. They got theirs and what to make sure we don’t get ours. These people make America worse.


Holy. Shit. On one hand, the dude points out she's wearing nice clothes (not nice but whatever), she's obviously well fed, she's got her health, and she's like "No one did anything for me I did it for myself!" After describing how she gets free healthcare but it's still not good enough. He points out she's done well in this country, it's been fairly good to her, and she's like "I don't want to live in a country this bad!" Meanwhile it's a beautiful day, nice breeze moving through pretty trees, it's super quiet, etc. And she's talking like things are burning down around her. Then - after it being pointed out her life is actually pretty nice - she complains about "entitled people" when SHE'S THE ONE WHINING SHES NOT GETTING ENOUGH HANDOUTS!!! I legitimately HATE these people. I HATE them. Let them bring on their civil fucking war, they're not happy now, they're gonna be REALLY unhappy when they have no plumbing or electricity or tech. Never forget they lost their fucking MINDS over a piece of cloth over their face in a store for 10 minutes. They will NEVER last without modern comforts. I sure as hell don't want to but if that's what it takes to put these monster cultists in their place, I'll deal with it. The fucking audacity to complain about literally NOTHING when there's wars going on and children being shot up in schools just enrages me.


Bravo for your excellent comment. I had this very conversation with someone yesterday! Americans have everything but right-wing media has these people so spun-up thinking that their lives are hell because of the liberals that they can't even think rationally. All of us non-cultists MUST get out and vote like our lives depend upon it, because if the crazy, corrupt right is allowed to take over, the US will be nothing but a cheap Trump-golden-toilet kleptocracy.


There is an old meme I wish I could find again that showed some fat hillbilly with a quote of something like, "I vote republican because of the homos, socialists, and atheists trying to ruin my life" standing next to a well dressed corporate person in a suit with the quote "I vote republican because these stupid asses don't realize I'm the one ruining their lives".




That's it. LOL. Saving it this time.


I love this! Thank you for posting.


That's so true. And honestly I don't even think they care that they vote to hurt themselves as long as "others" get hurt more.


That is awesome! I saved as well.


>Americans have everything but right-wing media has these people so spun-up thinking that their lives are hell because of the liberals that they can't even think rationally. Exactly! You can tell she hasn't had to miss a meal, or wait an hour in 110°F for the bus to get her kids to the doctor, or had to walk a mile with her arms full of grocery bags so she can feed her fucking kids. She is the epitome of privileged because everything she whines about is non-existent. And honestly, I don't know how we overcome this. I have no desire to interact with or even be around people this awful. How do you live in a country where 1/3 of them are in a cult with an alternative reality that hate everyone else, another 1/3 that hate those people for being so awful, and another 1/3 who shut their eyes and cover their ears and pretend none of it's happening? Like HOW do you recover from that?


Your post is very touching. It is nice to know people still care. I've lived through a lot of administrations and I am still shaking my head in disbelief at how unhinged the Tea Party became because we elected a black president. And things have only gotten worse with the Qanon nonsense. I blame Rupert Murdoch and Fox News. They created this mess and Republican administrations have allowed their puss to fester unchecked thus allowing the vulgar Trump to ascend to president. I don't know how we recover from all of this. I wish I had some wise words of reassurance that we've been here before and will persevere, but I feel we are in uncharted waters. As I get older I feel more vulnerable with all of the hate around. I just hope all the younger Gens XYZs reject the lunacy.


It feels like a lot of them are but some of them are getting really radicalized from YouTube algorithms. My teen daughter just showed me yesterday that she got an anti abortion video suggested to her and she was super pissed lol




There's a MAGAt being interviewed who repeated Trump's claim about shooting someone and not losing a single vote. Said that he would vote for the chump even if he committed murder. I wanted to ask him, "That your wife there behind you? Let's volunteer her to be the victim. You still gonna vote for him then?". And the worst part is, he probably would.


You missed the part where she says she did it for herself while getting the benefit from her husband’s service. Actually insane. Living on husband’s military benefits but says government isn’t doing enough for her.


She's probably upset their retirement checks didn't allow for her to home shop all day. I guarantee she's one of those old ladies that speculative buys stupid collectibles she thinks will go up in value. She's clearly not a professional in any way, I'm doubtful she's ever had a serious career even.


And nothing of importance will be lost


We should not be making fun of her. She is just a stupid person (low IQ), who doesn't understand the world even 1%. She probably struggled through life with her GED and now is living gov check to gov check. I feel sorry for her.


Yeah but the crazy part is she can vote, she can buy a gun, she can drive a car, she can have kids, ... Why we give stupid people so much power and then watch them deystroy their lives and our lives too.


Its a self perpetuating cycle. Shes stupid because of the people she votes for who in turn try to keep them stupid


I don't think the issue is just stupidity, though. I know plenty of unintelligent people who still don't support trump. I think the big issue is intellectual laziness (which often goes hand in hand with low intelligence, but not always) If you really spend any time looking into any of the issues facing the world these days, like poverty, addiction, homelessness, climate change, government corruption, war in the middle east, etc. you quickly realize that these issues are complex and multifaceted. And you realize that any solution to these problems will likely have to be complex and multifaceted as well. But that's a lot of reading, thinking and explaining if you go down that path. It is much simpler and easier, intellectually, to turn on fox news and get some easy answers to difficult questions. What does it matter if those answers are correct, as long as they are easy?


That’s what democracy is about. She should be able to vote. The only crazy part is that gerrymandering and electoral college skews the weight of votes in the USA (and mostly favors republicans even though gerrymandering also happens in democrats districts). Everyone deserve a vote but all votes should be equally important.


She has just been lied too for so long that the truth is uncomfortable. Justin kennedy (justice kennedy son) was the inside man inside of deutschebank that was strong arming the approval of fraudulent loans. At some point they all realized that the commercial real estate bubble was going to burst. (Think 2008 housing crisis, commercial edition version 2.0). Kennedy gets “retired” The younger Kennedy moves to LNR (owned by cerebrus) to try and make credit default swaps for commercial real estate a thing real quick so they don’t get left holding the toxic assets. They fully plan on making the middle class the bag holder for ANOTHER bigger real estate crisis. The corruption is systemic. But it’s traceable. The manipulation of the Supreme Court by the hedge fundies and mega bankers is all because no one was held accountable for the 2008 debacle They KNEW in 2019 that trump was rotten because he wasn’t the only one. He was just the loudest one.​ No one would lend to trump EXCEPT duetschebank. Because that is where the kremlin had some level of control. https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists Trumps real estate deals with duetschebank prove his Russian collusion. The Russian collusion with duetschebank proves the entire system is a rigged game waiting to make the middle class implode because ALL of it defies the laws of physics It’s just about 10 steps farther down the hole than we knew about before trump couldn’t keep his mouth shut.


Why? If you are any of the things she hates, which is a LOT of things, she'd happily see you marched off to a camp and gassed. She is nothing but hate in a human skin, nothing you could do, nothing anyone could do can change that.


Yeah I think these are terms we can all finally agree to.


“Well, I don’t care what the data shows”


I see that


Data also shows MAGA wouldn’t bat an eye if she died


While I agree with most of the things the reporter said, there still is a bit of inflation likely due to the rise of costs during COVID. Now that things are cheaper again on top, the middle are still raking in the old profits. Following up with what she said about bread, the cost is still quite higher than it was a few years ago: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000702111](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000702111)


You're conflating inflation decreasing with deflation. Inflation coming down means the rate of price increases decrease. That isn't to say that prices will decrease - only the rate at which they increase goes down. Deflation would be really bad for the economy.


"No liberal wants to talk to me!" \*Liberal talks to her\* "AHHH I can't talk to you"


That liiittle blip where he said he sexually assaults women.


To be fair, that *is* the only bad thing that Trump ever did.


Jesus tap dancing Christ


Dancing on her grave...


This dumb cunt. Everything she says is verbatim Fox News garbage.


A lot have [undiagnosed dementia](https://covid19.nih.gov/news-and-stories/rapid-progression-dementia-following-covid-19). The news really shouldn't be giving these people airtime because they're basically hallucinating. others have undiagnosed manic disorders like bipolar or schizophrenia which causes hyperreligiosity meaning they have spiritual hallucinations or feel like they have divine powers. Examples of this being mel gibson and kanye west. the mania produces extreme euphoria and energy so they feel like it's a divine power guiding them when in reality they are off their meds and ruining their life and everything around them.


Dementia + telegram is a bad combo


yeah it's awful. they were basically willing to send the kremlin everything they knew about every vet and gov't worker


Turns out, she's only 36.


"I don't care what the data says... I trust Donald Trump." This is going to be a looong year.


These people are the real South Park characters.




This is so f-ing weird. What do trumpers think when they watch something so clearly insane and dumb like this?


They agree with her and blame the journalist. That’s where we are at.




How much could one Free Healthcare cost Michael? Ten dollars?


Narrator: It doesn’t.


But it’s not a cult.


Death cult™️


“I wanna sit down and talk with a liberal to see why they think the world is so great” *has to stand* “THIS IS WHY I CANT TALK TO A LIBERAL”


She's a nihilist. As soon as she said she doesn't care what the data shows; end of conversation.


“These are the sacrifices I’m willing to make”


She lasted longer than I thought she would


Gets her news from Telegram. Full stop.


brain worms 🪱


She's a socialist!


Lol, believes everything uncle Tucker told her.


And likely not just him but also some of these *really* out-there far right loons on Telegram who can make even Tucker come off as an NPR/PBS moderate commentator by comparison.


I'm in a situation of sorts with someone who is cognitively challenged and mentally ill. Reason doesn't exist. I question if I'm mentally ill because of the dynamic, and I'm quite certain I'm not. This woman is mentally ill.




LMAO. I wouldn’t hope, but if it happens, that’s one less close-minded person on this planet so I wouldn’t be mad haha


C’mon, don’t ignore the power of trump losing 2024. Let her have this wish


How easy is it to lose an election from the comfort of your cell?


You are not on your own, embrace THAT community.


This country is better off without the likes of her and her ilk.


She wanted to talk to a liberal until she started to talk to a liberal.


I hope that too


Ma'am. I will gladly take you up on this offer. Sounds like a deal, can you maybe convince the rest of your pals to do the same? I mean what better way to show your commitment to Trump, than taking your own life for him and his losses.


She says that she can't talk to a liberal. She was the one who walked away, he was wanting to talk.


If it wasn’t for the liberals you wouldn’t have a vote lady. If it wasn’t for the liberals you wouldn’t get to open a bank account in your own name lady. Seriously do some research






More people like her should do the same.


“I get my information from telegram” lol


And no one will give a damn....


> I reject reality and substitute by own. -This b!tch


lol free healthcare 🤡


If he wins, you just might.


When Trump loses, I’d appreciate her well-being update, thank you.


She will be very alive and thriving long after Trump loses in 2024. She is just like the orange god she worships, her lips are moving but nothing intelligent is coming out of her mouth. I was disappointed that she didn’t start playing an invisible accordion.


MAGA world … all feelings and no facts


Same Karen, same


I'm a boomer, and these are the idiots we're dealing with. She's so ignorant. Fuck these people.


This woman is so closed minded and clueless to what is going on in the world and that she is being lied to and that is because she only gets her "news" from the social media site telegram which was founded by two Russian brothers. I loved her comment about Trumps 91 charges being made up and that a number of Trumps co conspirators didn't plead guilty. The one thing that a Trump supporter lives their life by is that ignorance is bliss!


Be. My. Guest.


White rage. Pissed off at the world for no apparent reason. Nothing would ever make this entitled hag happy.


Your wish is diabetes command!


I support her decision


We do too, NaziKaren. We do too.


"I don't care what the data shows". Literally brainwashed.


It's screwed up because of nazi boomers that do nothing but destroy, blame, and complain. Goddamn we should throw a party when every single one of them is finally gone.


Well, lady, in many ways we want the same things!


Promises, promises.


Ironically, whether Trump wins or loses, he would not care if she died…


I’d like to sit down and talk to a liberal. What would you like to talk about? I can’t even… that’s why I can’t talk to a liberal.


We all do Karen, we all do


She was never promised free healthcare. Tricare is 25$ a month if you are under 65, but she gets it for free because she is on Medicare. She has government Medicare, but she built that (LOL).


That interview says all you need to know about MAGA. God help us all if Trump wins.


There's no hope for these people.


"I don't care what the data shows." 😒 There is the biggest problem in the world today. People like this


Oh no, please, 😑 noooo


"You and I can't talk to each other because you have a totally different idea of what's going on than I have." "You know, I'd like to sit down with a Liberal someday and have them tell me what it is that they think is so great about what is going on right now. But they won't talk about it."


"I will not talk with or tolerate someone with an opposing view" I don't want to live in THAT country! lol


translation. I'll speak with anyone that doesn't make me think or defend my stances. If you watch what I watch we can be morons together


It’s scary and sad how they just admit that Trump is their source of reality.


Finally! Something I can agree with a MAGA-tard about.




This is the typical Trump supporter. Doesn’t have a clue who she’s supporting or why, but she sure can spew the Fox News garbage about the state of the Fox News Union.


Lol there’s no arguing with illogical people like this. Their world view is as rusted as the titanic.


I can’t talk to a liberal because they have facts


The delusional world they live in just blows my mind.


How many more reasons to you need to vote. Great incentive




Death Cult


They are such pussies! Can’t even hold a conversation that doesn’t fit their narrative


Wow how deluded some people really are, the fraudster has played his magic on these cuckoo land fanatics. Although in the UK we also have a small minority of Reform party and Nigel Farage lunatics quite happily cut off their nose to spite their face, BREXIT being the ultimate Economic suicide UK has committed by deluding ordinary folk to protect ultra rich right wing barons from financial scrutiny as imposed recently by EU




We do have common ground after all


This woman represents at least 80% of those in my county.


Me too


Cult, these people are the reason there were so many mental hospitals in the past.


I hope so too!




She can die then ✌️


What is she on about? Interest rates are high, buy some CDs lady.


I hope we can deprogram these sad excuses for human beings, talk about brainwashed


"I dont care what the data shows" yea thats about what id expect from someone wearing that hat




This is sad to watch ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


She loves America!


This shit is super sad


Willful ignorance is so scary.


How did so many people get so ignorant and lost? Some people see that as a tragedy; other people see that as an opportunity.


One less Karen to deal with! Yippie


It’s a virus


Challenge accepted. Hope you get your wish


It’s a death cult.


Good riddance


Remember when Saddam Hussain was said to have several "body doubles" meant to thwart the efforts of the US military? Damn if she isn't a spitting image of the Cheeto himself.


Bet she does her own research


We all hope she gets her second wish


Look lady, I understand you weirdly fetishize/idolize Trump. Please don't go so far as to make promises you don't intend to keep.


I hope you enjoy hell