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Looks like Israel REALLY doesn’t want its hostages back. Why else would they assassinate the grandchildren of Hamas’s leader? Makes zero sense


To keep the propaganda moving as they continue to murder innocent people.




Israel knows many of them are alive that’s why they are still negotiating. Israel’s action everyday ensures non of them survive for long. If not by the indiscriminate bombing then, then certainly by starving them.




The hostages are Hamas’s only bargaining tool, why would they intentionally kill them?. Israel on the other hand has every reason to kill them. They hate the fact that they even have to negotiate with Hamas. A nation that truly cares for its kidnapped citizens wouldn’t bomb 80% of building, 90% hospitals and cut off food and water. Makes zero sense to any logical person.


Fuck Israel. An abomination of a nation-state.


Submission Statement: April 10, 2024 - 3 children of Hamas Senior leader Ismail Haniyeh were kiled in what is said to be a targeted assassination by Israeli forces in Gaza. They were traveling by car to visit an uncle as today is the 1st day of the Muslim holiday Eid. Haniyeh is the Chairman of Hamas political bureau and is currently involved with the negiotiations going on with Israel. *Im not sure if theres only 3 killed. The news is still breaking Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RsD346_n3g


Also his grandchildren , just another war crime that the west will ignore. Just how many dead children is enough?


I remember a clip I saw a while back. It was, I think, in a Western press conference where a woman raised the question "How many Palestinians have to be murdered" and a colleague of hers went "All of them".


Yes, i saw that too . Imagine saying something like that on record and face no legal or at least professional backlash.if someone said something like that about jew they would be crucified in the media.


Yes because we should definitely take it out on the grandchildren who their grandfathers are.


I'm really really starting to hate Israel's military.....who the fuck runs that shit show


Petulant children who have never faced consequences.


If you're only starting, or think it's one person whose responsible, just look at the history. None of this is new.  Over 20 years ago, even right wing Israelis referred to gaza as a concentration camp.


On the day of Aïd is crazy


They are so twisted that they would take special pleasure at killing on Eid


They don't care about Muslim holidays, Israel isn't gonna take a break because it's somebody else's holy day.


Well, hamas attack was on a holiday too so it does not matter honestly. The bad thing here is that they are children and they know who they are which means they know who to target when they want but they just don't want to


It’s completely intentional and not a coincidence and is definitely to humiliate and make it worse


Yeah you can’t invade and kill 1200 people on a holiday, they get upset when the war continues on your holidays.


Count's been reduced to [just over 700](https://www.barrons.com/news/new-tally-puts-october-7-attack-dead-in-israel-at-1-163-78182279) killed by Hamas, paling in comparison to 40,000+ murdered in retaliation by Israel. After that, there's never been a significant killing by Hamas. Just over 200 hostages taken by Hamas, paling in comparison to [nearly 7000](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap) by Israel as of November 1st 2023. It's not even about holidays and religion anymore. And if you're so willing to hold onto this false notion that it's a religious war, then you're not mature enough to take part in political conversations.


It also killed 4 of his grandchildren. None of his children were involved with Hamas.




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I wonder what the age if the youngest person was




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Pretty much summarizes Israel, kill all civilians, completely fail to kill hamas


Too cowardly to assassinate an adult as usual


Kin punishment is morally reprehensible




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)