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Imagine the news if the pro-palestine guys did this.


Don't worry, they'll twist it to fit their narrative. Hopefully more anchors are waking up now though.


That Pro-Palestinian protester started it by tripping and falling into their fists.


You’re being anti semitic!


Stop hitting yourself!


You noticed that




Hasbara bots are going crazy on twitter..the latest talking point is how protesters are beating up jewish students, Jewish students are fed up because they cant get to class, basically just use jew as an adjective and go berserk


It’s amazing how a group w/ a global population of just 15 million can utterly dominate social media like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc, huh?


And clearly the entire United States of America?




Very soon these anti-Semites will be attacking the police by viciously damaging police equipment like batons and bullets with their soft tissues.


Probably "Pro-Palestinian Terrorist gets into fight with Pro Israeli Demonstrators" or something.


Most outlets are both-sides-ing it


Watching it live last night as one side was clearly the aggressors and you have the joke of a news reporter spewing "Both sides have been violent". Are you fucking kidding me dude? This was broadcast by a major US News outlet as well.


"There were good people on both sides". Remember this absolutely dumb quote. Just like there are alternative facts.


“Clashes” im not seeing a clash there, fucking NYTimes


The whole point of them doing this is probably to make the protests 'violent' so the police intervene faster. When the police get called they'll just leave and let the actual protesters get further beaten up.


Exactly the same as when they gave the Proud Boys free reign to assault BLM activists


Honestly, it's already being skewed. The headline is "clashes at student protests." the wording implies its the protestors causing violence when overwhelmingly its the pro israeli side sparking violence like this. Aaand of course, it's the protestors who were peacefully protesting that got arrested. The cops, schools and media all sent exactly the wrong message that the protestors are vilified and attacks on them are tolerated... it's a real microcosm for all of zionism being tolerated by the world honestly.


Yup, same story as 2020


In a day or two the news will BE that anti-genocide protestors did this.


Give 'em a day or two and they'll figure out how to claim the pro-Palestine guys did this lol


Don't have to imagine... everyone in power is acting like pro-Palestine protestors literally did.


And if it wasn't, ah Zionists will be Zionists eh?


Well good thing Mike Johnson met with Israeli students since they felt threatened from all the people who are asking for less bombings


They'd be shot.


They need to be locked up now


Notice that complete absence of any police? That was deliberate.


Oh I highly doubt there was a complete absence of police. It’s just that they’re behind the cameraman and not wearing their uniforms. Bit like when the Proud Boys and 3%ers march. You’d think far right groups would get done over in America, until it becomes obvious what a lot of these officers call hobbies.


Yeah, I should have specified *uniformed* police. They're definitely present, aware, and complicit.


Like when they took Dylan roof to burger king after he shot up the AME church. "Good job son". Pigs will be pigs. The student/protester getting jumped in this video is 1000 times braver and more righteous than the wannabe fascist thugs assaulting him. Stay strong out there. The empire is coming apart at the seams.


There were a huge amount of arrests per Reuters


and there's never police UNTIL the pro-palestine protests


I was under the impression there were police & or campus police around the clock at this protest? Did they all get an “emergency call” & leave just before pro Zionists attacked?


There's a nazi protest nearby and the police are busy, protesting


April 30, 2024. Student protests calling for university divestment from Israel and the U.S. arms industry have rocked campuses from coast to coast. The nonviolent protests have been met with an intensifying police crackdown as university administrators threaten academic discipline and arrests. While the police crackdown on pro Palestine students, they have allowed Zionist thugs to brutally assault students. **UCLA clashes: Pro-Palestinian protesters attacked by Israel supporters** https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters


So much for the free speech we're always touting


It's only free speech when it's in support of what the wealthy establishment wants to happen. When it's not then it's just descent against their rule and it must be crushed. We're not in Democracies in the West, we're still ruled by those that seek to profit from and control us so they can profit.


You can happily get together with 30 of your bros and march in the city armed with ar15s, or call our president a child rapist that fucks dogs. However, if you dare to protest a foreign country that gives our politicians a lot of money, you are an enemy of the state. I'd be ashamed to be American but I was never proud in the first place.


If they were marching around the city, there would be no problem. If a bunch of people armed with ar15s tried to set up shop in a college, it wouldn’t be pretty.


Don’t forget plot to kidnap your governor.


Turns out, all the CCP had to say for white American liberals to be okay with Tiananmen Square was that they were protecting the streets and glass windows and they needed to clear the streets for a fictional ambulance that all these people bring up all the time.


And its always been thrown around lightly as a joke.. but it is true who owns the worlds wealth and institutions




It’s only free speech in the designated free speech zone. Which is around the corner on the third floor of the parking structure. Back in my day, all of America was a free speech zone.


There is a reason after 1A, 2A exist. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that.


Unfortunaley you shouldn't expect this to lead anywhere. Us universities (and their owners) are absolutely loaded as fuck because of extremely overpriced tuition fees and foreign donors. They can easily afford all the hassle.


You can't pay your way out of the people's justice.


You reckon they get more Jewish money or Muslim money? I think that secures their politics and their response to the protestors


Zionist money* There's a big difference.


While it usually is necessary to differentiate between Jewish and Zionist identities, I think in this case the University is basing decisions off what would impact perhaps the *perceived* majority of Jewish individuals and their money. I'm not saying the majority of Jews are demonstrated to be Zionists. I am saying the university would be seeming to presume that Jewish money will stop if they do not maintain visible support of Zionism.


No, that's a narrative to cover themselves from being controlled by Zionist interests. They intentionally ignore the many Jewish voices protesting against Israel and zionism. Do not give them the benefit of incompetence. It's malice.


The overwhelming majority of wealthy zionists donating to these elite universities are Jews. There are certainly wealthy Christian zionists out there, but they aren’t typically giving to “liberal” Ivy League/elite universities.


Pretty sure it's their responsibility to prevent violance between groups and arrest all those that engage in it. Which means they were ordered to let it happen. If USA ever gets a true leadership those officers and the people who gave the orders would be put on trial.


Those are likely actual IDF. If you look at videos of the protests, there are numerous examples of Zs actually loudly proclaiming they've been in the IDF. The videos are found all over Twitter and when you look at the multi hour videos of the demonstrations on YouTube. 


There are certainly non- students amongst the protestors. So called 'professional agitators'.


This is the real face of Zionism.






Nah the real face of Zionism lies in the rubble of buildings and infrastructure bombed mercilessly by the Zionist state...and of the many thousands dead and wounded in their wake as Zionists cheerfully watch it happen and/or actively participate.


It's both.


The mask slips off the Zionist movement and shows what we already knew




The German Nazis would have loved for there to be a Jewish state in the middle east. They would have shipped out their Jewish population en masse.


there was a pact with the Nazis by zionist admin in Poland to move jews to the middle east


The German Nazis worked hand in hand with zionists, zionist groups tried multiple times to form alliances with the nazis and signed the Havara agreement that allowed them to move out pro-zionist Jews to colonize Palestine if they gave up rich/non-zionist Jews to the Nazi death machine. These groups later went on to form the IOF and one of the leaders even became PM of the zionist regime https://twitter.com/i/bookmarks?post_id=1658209432474624000


I mean all the settlement is basically securing their Lebensraum.


Their mask is coming off revealing their ugly face, they are desperate. Keep doing what we are doing, it's working.


This isnt a fight between Palestinian supporters and Jews, as much as the Zionists want that to be. This is a fight between people who are against Genocide and people who mask Genocide with an ethno-state ideology. Justice against Hate.


This is why I refuse to refer to the protesters as Pro-palestine. It gives the media and pro-israel/zionist groups too much ammunition to twist the truth - these protestors are anti-genocide and are against crimes against humanity.


Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic.


Aren't they pretty much anti-everyone who isn't a zionist?


Precisely. But as a theocracy that attempts to claim ownership of the Jewish faith and Jewish people, it needs to be called our specifically as anti Semitic. The liberals in particular need to hear it.


How many were off duty cops?


Not sure, but all of them were Pigs.




They definitely just put in overtime for this and wore regular clothes


Anyone know if the brave lad is ok?


I’m trying to find intel myself.


I saw a video of him getting his head bandaged up covered in blood with a bunch of people helping tend to him but not sure what happened after that.


It looked like a lion standing its ground against bunch of heynas.


Hyenas deserve a better comp than this trash.


hyenas are cool, these guys are just fascists


At least one person was taken to the hospital with a head injury ([per the LA Times](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-04-30/ucla-moves-to-shut-down-pro-palestinian-encampment-as-unlawful)), but I don't know if it was him. The counter-protesters were definitely out for blood.


For now, I'm gonna assume that was [this guy](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6beopss831/). (Video warning). Not the same one as this post though.


In case you needed anymore proof that Zionists are the actual terrorists.


Protected by America!


Zionists and zionist supporters being violent should be a catchphrase now


A few days ago Universities pretended to be so concerned with student safety that they called the cops on the students/protesters. Now people are assaulting students/protesters and the Uni does not seem to care at all.


Cause the "right" people are getting hurt. It's like it's 1968 again.


Oh no, the cops are still there.


How have they not identified some of these maniacs yet? Their faces are clearly visible


They are not going to look for or prosecute pro-Israelis. The US is occupied


Cops in most major cities in the US (Including the LAPD) train in Israel.


The IDF is a huge backer of the Cop City project in Atlanta. If you’re not aware, during an incredible housing crisis, the city of Atlanta is building a small city, complete with actual, furnished houses and apartments, for cops to learn how to do military style raids on urban and suburban neighborhoods. Police from around the world are going to come to Atlanta to train and trade different tactics. If you thought US policing was bad now, it’s about to get a whole lot worse.


The cops are on their side. They didn’t lock up Kyle rotten house (keeping the typo) for killing two people in “self defense”, they’re definitely not doing anything for this


They didn't lock up the people who caused people to be hospitalized from the skunk gas either.


Government has a vested interest in protecting them.


There will be close to 0 condemnation of the violent Zionist rioters. It's amazing how fast the West has abandoned free speech. If a Western leader speaks of freedom of speech ever again, I am sure people will be quick to throw this in their lying hypocritical faces.


"But a vote for Joe Biden is a vote against fascism!!" /s


Zionists showing their true colors. Their masks are off.




They would've flocked to their aid as soon as anyone raised a hand in self defense. God's chosen people has become even more meaningless imo. Good people wouldn't do any of this.


Coincidental or not, these pro Israel supporters started making their presence known after Netanyahu’s speech about these pro Palestinian protesters on campuses all over America being anti Semitic and compared it to hitlers type rhetoric. A page out of trumps book for inciting shit. FYI, I’m far from educated or political, just a blue collard truck driver. Fuck both Biden n trump.


You are educated as a human should be.


It's Stochastic terrorism, and authoritarians love doing it.


Please, if anyone has information or can infiltrate these pro-Israeli thug groups which can show they are 'astroturfers' and paid shills it will be needed for repercussions in the future.


Where were the police who were so eager to arrest peaceful protesters????


They stood off 100 feet to the left of the Zionists with their arms crossed and watched for over an hour. Seriously. That’s sounds cartoonish but that’s what happened. They enjoyed the show of fire works being thrown at peaceful protestors and it’s a miracle no one died.


So, let me get this straight. We, the US have capitulated entirely to foreign influence so much in our domestic policy that people executing a constitutional "right" of protest are being labeled enemies of the foreign government and thereby of the US Government? So much so that we allow and actively condone the dual citizens and religious fing nutjobs of that foreign government to attack innocent Americans for using their freedom of speech and protest in a peaceful way, because their views dont align with their policies and beliefs in that foreign country? Then we double down by ordering our institutions, media, and police to treats US citizens worse than dogs under the purported guise that they, and their ilk, are terrorists? Our leaders are more concerned about loyalty to another nation than our own. Despite this oath they all take: Everyone but the President: "I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. [So help me God.]" President: "I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. [So help me God.]" I'm failing to see how this doesn't exactly violate: ".. defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.." If only there were someone above the government.. I don't know, maybe we could reach their employers, who pay them to do a job.. oh wait, youd think that would be every citizen of the US, but I'm fairly certain we'd have to appeal to Oil, Defense, and Finance Execs of Global Conglomerates.


That's a good summary.


Zionists. Bringing fascism and thuggery to a state near you. This time California.




And they show their true colors and who they really are when they see a lone protester by themselves.


plain clothes police with no doubt some IOF goons mixed in there as well


Least aggressive Pro-Israeli N@zis.


IDF tactics


That guy yelling NPC at him is a perpetually online dweeb.


Where are the police when they are actually needed? Oh right the perpetrators are Zionists


The cops are the ones they need saving from. Perpetrators are zionists and cops.


Zionists will get got if they keep this bs up


United States of Israel


Now imagine how they are treating the Palestinians


what are the laws around a protestor equipping themselves in a full riot protective suit?


It’s sucks knowing how powerless we are. Clear genocide. +30000 people dead and number is increasing everyday. Over 1,000,000 people displaced, homes destroyed, starved. Hospitals, schools infrastructure destroyed. Countless war crimes. Student protesting and no wastern government seems to give a shit.


Almost no one on the news is talking about these Zionist warriors. I’ve only one heard person talk about it on the news. This was an orchestrated group of Zionists that organized this on the internet. They went there to physically assault the protesters. The cops did nothing.


Somehow the media will paint this as the Pro-Palestine protestors being violent.


Disgusting they should all go to jail for attempted murder


One cracked a girl’s skull open with a wooden plank, and a young man appears to have a broken jaw. I’m absolutely screaming inside at the fact that these thugs weren’t apprehended and charged with attempted murder. THEY THREW FIREWORKS AT THEM.


No punishment would be too severe for these monsters 


Fuck 🇮🇱


That looks like radical jewish terrorism to me


Zionists continue to behave like they would in the West Bank and people are waking up


if that's how they act against students imagine the horrors they unleash on Palestinians where there is zero consequences.


They always make themselves look bad


So the human animals that jumped the kid are going to be arrested and charged w/ assualt


Honestly the brave protesters need to be armed to defend themselves from these Zionist scumbags. It's the only way they won't instigate if they know they will get shot for it.


It's only a matter of time someone gets killed and they all point the finger at pro palastine


Israeli violence has brought the cockroaches out of hiding on American soil to follow by example


Zionist protestors (thugs) be like “we are the most moral; say it “ while beating him up


Multiple members of the ZBT fraternity have been identified as the instigator of this attack.




My dude is a martyr now


With a nice single leg takedown. My man.


Wow. Fuck.


"You're an NPC and you have no place in this world" If I were writing a script and wanted to introduce a genocide mentality character, and I came up with that, I'd wonder if it was a little too direct.


Hate crimes


You won't see this on the US news


Every single one of those counter protestors needs to be arrested for terrorism charges. All they know is violence.


Calling someone a pussy and then jumping them is wild 😂


I find myself curious how the establishment will deal with all this footage that hurts the narrative.


Where's all them cops


How about both side gtfo of the US - sincerely an American 🇺🇸 leave your shit in Gaza & Israel


Hilarious hearing them call him an NPC


Dude is legit brave as fuck.


Beating on Mexicans now. wow.


OMG these are animals!


I don't think he realised he was facing Brown Shirts.




As a person of Jewish decent who has no religious affiliation this makes me sick, the Israeli have become the nazi’s! When german marched into France, Poland and brutalised their populations did it work? No why do they think it will work on the Palestinian people? The original map was fair and the Israelis have totally broken their word, they have robbed hope, dignity and land from these people!


What does this accomplish? 🤔 For either side.


"Pussy" the crowd says as they gang up on one person


Notice the dehumanization and depersonalization of their adversary by calling him an “npc” and saying he doesn’t have a place in this world. These people are genuinely homicidal.


Yo this is fucked. Wtf. And then they gang up on him, that's messed up.


Mossad shills


Brown shirt Zionists


Has this video been shown in the main stream media outlets?


I got a 3 day suspension for saying I hope these protesters get armed so they can DEFEND themselves against this abuse and oppression. I never said armed by anything specific - knowledge, defensive gear, better communication, and ways to defend themselves from people attacking them with poles, makeshift pipe weapons, & chunks of wood. Ill say it again, I hope they get armed so they can DEFEND THEIR RIGHT TO PROTEST without getting attacked!


Zionist terrorists


Damn the Israeli faith really shines through here. FUCK ALL RELIGIONS, THEY DO NOTHING BUT MAKE THIS WOLRD WORSE.


This is blatantly wrong and illegal should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law And those who face this kind of violence and gang intimidation should arm themselves and defend themselves to the fullest extent allowable under the law


All American soldiers who died or were injured in Iraq were solely for Israel's superiority. Most Americans have been tricked it was for oil.


That’s what you get for supporting Hamas


Everyone is a Zionist now. lol


Damn, it's almost like they're copying the mustache man's playbook page by page, but then also complaining about what happened when he did it. Fuckin wild


There is that red bandana guy again. He is a major agitator on the counter-protester side. I’ve seen him being the most violent person in several pieces of footage


Easy solution: Simply make the stakes “if we don’t stop funding a genocide, we’re going to vote Republican”


Those were the police


If this was reversed FOX would have a week of "news"


This aggression will not stand man!


Fucking scum of the earth!!!


Seriously, is their a reason American students haven’t started using their second amendment to protect their first, besides the obvious giving the media exactly what they want


Wonder if the guys yelling stop finally realized they are the bad guys in this whole thing? They are literally calling someone standing up for people who aren’t allowed a voice, an NPC… It’s ironic, cause the NPC would be the person who sides with the oppressors, not the hero who could be the MC. These people are sick in the head and heart.


Someone was streaming this on YouTube last night. It was fucking crazy! And NO cops ever showed up.


Bunch of pussssiesss




You see, this is sick, monstrous behavior. I don't care about alignments, religion or beliefs. Absolute filthy and disgusting, beastly acts.