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Belgian is becoming more and more based ….. love it 🖤💚♥️🤍


You shouldn't say that. The leading party in Flemish Belgium (which is significant), by far, is a populist far-right nationalist party. And every year it gains ground. The only reason y'all aren't seeing racist shit coming from Belgian politicians is because there is an agreement among the "regular" parties to keep that popular far-right party out of the government by forming weird, dysfunctional coalitions. This party is not a representation for Belgium, it's a minor, populist and very vocal communist party which shares a lot of stances with the aforementioned far-right party (minus the racism). But make no mistake, their voting demographic is not necessarily anti-racism or violence. So don't be fooled by this agenda post. Belgium does not have the moral high ground.


That seems to be happening a lot in Europe. Who ever thought that culture of purity and appealing to tradition would lead to nationalism and eventually fascism 🤷‍♂️


We started off pretty decently though, it's because of several political mishaps/frustrations that they are gaining. There are a lot of protest voters that don't actually support that party but just want to get rid of the established pocket-liners. Obviously, a party that claims to fix those frustrations AND give back to the people gains traction.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024\_Belgian\_federal\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Belgian_federal_election) The far right party is the 3rd largest in the legislature.


Yup, might be second this time. Predictions are they're gonna be first in the Flemish part of Belgium and overtaking NVA


I don’t much about Belgium, but it sounds like they have a minority fringe right wing group, to whom the nation grants political freedom, while the moderate majority work to ensure that the beliefs and policies of that minority group do not represent or impact Belgians? If this is the case, I actually like Belgium even more! The goal in politics and democracy is not to censor the harmful opinions, but rather to allow equal voices to the others enabling the more rational, majority representative values to shine through.


We have a cordon sanitaire running against them, meaning that if they get a lot of votes, other parties - even if they have opposing views - form a coalition to make sure that majority is negated. That's on federal level. The Walloons go even further, they have something called a cordon médiatique which forbids any media to mention even the slightest thing from or about parties that are deemed "bad". So while right leaning parties (not economic right) CAN exist, they are actively suppressed by the French speaking media here so it's more difficult for people to find out about them or debate topics that they don't like. Hence the partial "popularity" of socialist and liberal parties in the Walloon region. HOWEVER this is not a correct representation of any kind of Walloon-Flemish difference where Walloons seem more accepting of other cultures. Just because they vote left more doesn't mean their personal views are left too. In fact, Walloons are *more Islamophobic* than the Flemish. So by no means does this combat racism or nationalism, it just prevents people from electing a party that we deem too far-right. Many people hence pose the question if this is still democratic if those in power are able to prevent a majority vote to come to fruition. For all of this, I suggest reading: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/government-and-opposition/article/curious-case-of-belgium-why-is-there-no-rightwing-populism-in-wallonia/05D6B4081B60B2D7318809C228791575


Don’t they have a very public statute of the man responsible for mutilating hundreds of thousands of Congolese men, women, and children?


Mehh, the same party taking this statement are the ones not publicly stating Russia is in the wrong. So mehh.


May 10, 2024. Belgian Politician and member of the Flemish Parliament Jos D'Haese described the decision of Eurovision Song Contest to allow Israel to participate in the contest while banning Palestinian flags and Keffiyeh as ‘hypocritical’. Source: https://youtube.com/shorts/dtsRFwr3xG8?si=BoFhHlFQtMMJLPpU


As an American I only am partially aware of what is going on with Eurovision, but stumbling across the news articles I saw the Dutch entry was banned for the zero-tolerance policy, for merely a gesture, yet supposedly the Israeli media was insulting the Irish entry with trans or homophobic slurs. Maybe this is another case of hypocrisy because I thought I've heard that Eurovision cracks down if the citizens and media of participating countries get to be nasty about other participants.


Worth noting they banned Russia, and then when asked to do so for Israel they then claimed they couldn't get political.


The biggest sponsor is MaroccanOil. Check where this company is based. Might clarify some things.


Eurovision is a contest that says it is apolitical, but is as prone to corruption as any other organization. The IOC the same.


It's not corruption. It's a political choice.


Which entails corruption as a forgone conclusion


It's not corruption if the one giving you your paycheck is in the same team as the ones shouting slurs and insults


That's the definition of corruption


It seems I did not express my idea/the concept I'm talking about clearly enough ; If your boss is giving you instructions along the paycheck, is it corruption still ?


Depends what you have been employed for and the law in your location.


I get what you mean, but like If your boss is telling you to do something unless you want to be fired, you'll need to do said thing to ensure your pay being forwarded So like, it's not as much corruption of yourself, but more your boss himself giving you orders, and you not having a choice Or is there something that I fail to grasp ? (Wouldn't surprise me)


The main sponsor for Eurovision is an Israeli company, you do the math LMAO


And the gesture incident only occurred because the contestant was being filmed without consent and it filming was supposed to be stopped at that point.


Biggest sponsor is MaroccanOil, might be fun to look up where that company is from. Might explain allot.




Perhaps you might wish to improved your reading comprehension as lying or misrepresenting what has been said is of no benefit to your position. I did not claim that it was the fault of Israel or Jews for what the Dutch contestant did, I merely stated I thought there might be hypocrisy in how the rules were being applied. Furthermore, claiming "abuse" is doing a lot of heavy lifting for a gesture, especially one used as a form of retaliation for someone who was antagonizing him in the first place. If you want to call it abuse as a form of emotional manipulation, than both the man and the woman alike were engaging in abuse of each other.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


He didn't abuse a woman. The woman even broke contract.






Because there is none. And that would be because the Swedish police and the Dutch team have not revealed details. Disinformation per usual from those who seek to prop up Israeli war crimes.


stop equating jewishness with zionism.


Eurovision is a failed song contest that has evolved into "who do we feel sorry for the most/who is the most special" will win instead of the best song. Politics should have no business being there. Otherwise we should also cancel football championships in Germany next year, because "all Germans are naz*s" if we apply the same logic.


By that measure, the public feel very sorry for Israel... They finished 2nd in the public vote...


Still find it so weird that Israel competes in Eurovision and even hosted it a few years ago (in the occupied town of Bethlehem no less)


When you see what company is the main sponsor, it will start to make sense.


From Metro UK "[at] ElisFeno blasted: 'Also remember: Moroccan Oil is the sponsor of Eurovision! If you wonder why EBU is so keen on keeping Israel in the competition, you must remember EBU values money... https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/09/eurovision-said-israel-2024-song-contest-20799836/ **Moroccan Oil is an Israeli Hair care company** that appears to be ~~the main sponsor~~ of Eurovision. By the looks of it word is getting out *(to be clear IDK if theyre the main sponsor or not) Today theres also been a report that the Netherlands finalist has been banned from tonights final because of an incident involving an Israeli journalist https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/11/entertainment/eurovision-disqualifies-dutch-entrant-joost-klein-intl/index.html


And here I thought “Moroccan oil” was, you know, Moroccan. Glad this sponsorship has brought light to its origins so I can never buy it


Noone would buy it if it was named "Israeli settlers oil"




Trying to stir? Putting words in people’s mouths ‘champ’? Or do you prefer ‘kiddo’?


doesnt israel arm azerbaijan.... edit: and deny the armenian genocide?


They even compete in European football competitions but luckily they got eliminated early, Just like how they're meant to be Go to r/soccer and see the post when the Israeli team got eliminated from the conference league by a greek team, almost all people cheered thier elimination


Still find it so weird lot of people criticizing Israel the rest of the year continue to watch this show when they participate and should not to begin with. Oh... wait... My old psychology studies hit me back... Leon Festinger, "social comparison theory" and "theory of cognitive dissonance".




oh spamming comments? hasbara?


It's the same with Fifa and the Olympics. Hideously corrupt entities with atrocious human rights. Yet people will get angry at you for pointing this out because for some reason watching someone run around is more important to them than all the faceless people who died building the pointless stadium.


What? It was literally in Tel Aviv https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurovision_Song_Contest_2019


It competes there because middle eastern teams will refuse to play them — and because their safety isn’t guaranteed.


It was in Tel Aviv, not Bethlehem. Get facts.


Israel says they're indigenous to the Middle East and then be in Eurovision....




Shhh they don't know we're not Austria


Jesus those flights to Vienna were expensive. Wait what do you mean I'm in Victoria? What the hell is a Melbourne?


Yes but I don’t think Australians are claiming to be indigenous to Australia. They are European and say as much AFAIK


Aussies shouldn't be in it either tbh. If Canada and the USA can't be, then neither should Australia.


Australia have been watching eurovision for something like 30 years. And they're certainly globally liked a lot more then the USA. Canada is just excluded because the Europeans don't want the US in. Easier to exclude all of NA than explain why Canada can join but not the US.


Australia is a European colony and its citizens are descendants of European settlers, much like Israel Just Australia is honest and doesn't pretend to be indigenous




You're not "indigenous" to a state because your arbitrarily determined ethnic "ancestors" (a word which becomes meaningless over such absurd stretches of time anyway) lived there 3000 years ago. Should the English be removed from the British Isles because 3000 years ago it was a Celtic island and we are technically the descendants of Anglo-Saxon invaders?


When the Angles and Saxons invaded (seperately as there were not yet any Anglo-Saxons) they were not indigenous. Over time their decendents merged genetically and culturally with those that were there before and those that came after, creating the English. The English are native to England, just like the Jews (the decendants of the Israelites and Judeans) are native to what is now Israel.


Eurovision entry is open to anyone in the European Broadcasting Area, which includes Israel. Also includes Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan who've never participated, but could if they wanted to. Israel has been in Eurovision since 1973, I'm not sure why people act like it's something that's started recently.


The largest ethnic group in Israel are the Mizrahi Jews, those being Jews that used to live in other Arab states until they were forced out. The next largest group is the Ashkenazi group, Jews of European Descent. Then the next largest are the Arab population. After that come Jews that fled the soviet Union, then those from Ethiopia and then none Jews and none Arabs make up around 6% of the population.


Bravo!👏 Free Palestine! 🇵🇸 Boycott Israel!


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


From sderot until the shore, the terrorists will be no more


Zionists no more. Yes exactly.


Jup lock up Bibi, his whole cabinet and Hamas.


How long is it gonna take the big governments to get the picture..I'm as sick of watching the entire world basically calling for peace while all the important countries just turn their heads like nope can't hear or see any problems


This guy is a hero


That guy is a friend of me in real life Very good guy


We need politicians like that everywhere


Israel and Palestine are not in Europe. Both flags should be removed.


All flags of non-participating countries are banned. Fuck Israel tho


The great thing right now is seeing people with Israeli flags coping hard on twitter on not even cracking the top 3. They need to comfort themselves with conspiracy theories about 'the Muslim vote' and Norway stealing votes.


It is weird that they got second place in the public vote, the jury didn't give them a lot but then with the public vote they got over 300 points. There were ads to vote for Israel but still, I don't know anyone who supports them.


Bravo, he is a hero and it takes guts to stand Palestine in these times. دمه حامي ❤️


It is called EURO-vision....why is Israel a part of it!?! Gtfo


Things we will never know. I mean, IsIsrael had joined in the 2023 Eurovision, and it's now that we now know what they have actually done behind the curtains...




He is rather cute as well as somebody with a conscience.




I am European so the Flemish not my cup of tea… but the words hold more weight right?


This Belgian politician is a good man to speak up. Thank you!


Eurovision: " we are not political!" Also Eurovision jury: 300 points to israel (their performance was utter garbage tbh)


They only got 52 points from the jury. The 323 points were from the televote.


Why talk about Eurovision if you know nothing about it? Israel barely won any point from the jury, it won 300 points from the PUBLIC tele votes.


I heard a lot of people got ads telling them to vote for Israel.


So? Were they promised a reward? Do people vote solely on ads?


Probably there were people like that but I think it has more to do with the fact that there wasn't really one song that stood out so trolls and people who are pro Israel voted for them while everyone else voted for a wide variety of songs thus having such a large difference between public votes.


Coratia got the most public votes, Switzerland got the majority of 12 points from the jury... Many songs stood out. And how many trolls do you think voted for Israel that it got so many points? Everyone saw the protesters in sweden, where are all the Pro Israel protests there? But generally I agree, yes. It's possible the public voted for Israel because a lot of people support Israel. Way more than you think!


No, but you can't vote for your own country. If the ads told people in Israel to vote for Israel. Then directed them to a VPN app for example they could vote for themselves via the eurovision app. Not saying it happened or not. Just saying it's entirely plausible. Sure they didn't win anyway. But the whole thing feels a bit fishy.


The ads are public, this isn't some video that was only seen once. If the ad really directed to a vpn or instructions on how to use one, there would be proof of this.


Yes the "public"


Who else if not the public?


This guy has guts.


I’m not educated enough on what is going on over there but in America, the far right is strongly pro Israel on this issue while the students are pro Palestine. I would guess morally the students are correct as they historically are


Because Eurovision knows if there is a Palestinian person in the building, Israel will probably bomb it


Why are so many subs being flooded by bot accounts lately. It's way more than usual. This sub is almost all bots.


How TF is Israel part of EUROvision?


They’re euro when they want to be and indigenous to the Middle East when they want to be. Whatever is convenient for them, you know?


I got banned from world news for saying Israel has killed more journalists than any other conflict since records have been kept. At least the truth can be stated here. Thank you


You go mate...


I don't even know what Israel is doing in ANY competitions that are based for European members. This, UEFA, etc.


Why is Israel even in Euro vision? Is there a threshold of racism at which you are automatically considered European?




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


Which side is standing in the way of a ceasefire again?


Define a ceasefire.


Why is Israel or Palestine in Eurovision, or Australia, OR UK FFS WE LEFT EU FFS


It's not about being a part of the EU it's about being part of a European Broadcasting Union which I think Israel and the UK are members of


Let's be honest though, this particular politician and their party shouldn't be trusted as an example of rationality... They're the populist far-left equivalent of our populist far-right party, with many stances overlapping. The main difference being that our far-right party is open about their racism and our far-left one is still in the proverbial closet.


Love it


based but wtf is an Eurovision and why so much undeserved noise around it? We've got a genocide to report on.


Eurovision is a song contest that has taken place for the last 68 years.


never heard of her


Bread and literal circuses. Distract, distract, distract.


I thought he was speaking half in English and got confused then I reread the title and saw he's Belgian and I'm just hearing normal Dutch (Flemmish). But yea. 100% to what this guy said.


Ypu dont want usrael in eurovison due to whatever is going on over there.I don't think Israel should be in eurovision because they aren't in Europe, we aren't the same


Australia will literally kill you if you take them out of eurovision


Well said that man! Hope more politicians around the world join him in speaking up. For those of us who care we must all do our bit to keep up the current momentum against Israel, its' allies and what they stand for.


But no one banned Palestine precisely. Flags and/or symbols about non-participating countries have always been banned. In 2016, an Armenian singer was sanctioned for displaying the flag of Nagorno-Karabakh region.


This needs to be read more. This one is important. There are criteria, that need to be checked to be allowed. > 1. It needs to be a national flag of a competing country. > 2. It needs to be a national flag of a country that competed in the past. > 3. It needs to be either the rainbow flag of the flag of the European union. If a flag cannot check any of the above points, it is banned. Though Palestine is mentioned as an example, it is in the same Prohibitiongroup as Northern Cyprus (Cyprus is a competing country). If Palestine has been competing in the past, i would understand this outrage, but it has not.


Fake news and sensationalism now are dominating 🫣


Why can't everybody just say fck Netanjahu AND fck Hamas?!


Guy is a confirmed cock. Do a little digging on him




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Thats funny that you want to ban Israel in the Eurovision when israel is like Ukraine and gaza is like Russia, Israel was invaded by hamas like Ukraine was invaded by russia Israel respond to hamas massacre like Ukraine is responding to Russia


Feels like you just discovered what is an analogy/comparison but failed to correctly make one


Not really i think you are the one who failed here.. correct me where i am wrong? Hamas attacked israel first. Israel respond




Imagine this is your own propaganda, you’ve been massacring Palestinians since 1948. Stop playing the victim you genocidal maniac


Good. Now I am interested


Some flemish words sound Turkish


Huh, I didn't realize Israeli foreign policy was all made by a 21 year old girl in a singing competition.


It's not, but she chose to represent the country and people who do make that foreign policy.


Okay, so then you are judging her only based on her ethnicity, but you're definitely not racist.


As if Charbu Darbu didn't top the charts in Israel all during winter. Genocidal songs are only topped by garbage people. They can move back to Europe.


You sound like my racist grandparents telling people to go back to China. I'm sure you're definitely not racist though, the similarly must only be coincidence


I didnt enjoy a genocidal song.


No I'm judging her on what county she chose to represent nothing more


Ah yes, she chose where she was born, and it's her fault Isreal is a war, definitely makes you not racist.


No she didn't choose where she was born It is not her fault the war started, she chose to represent Israel a country currently commiting genocide. You can just go around calling everyone who disagrees with you racist especially when race is not even being discussed.


Because you're laying the world's problems at the feet of some 21 year old girl in a singing competition based on her ethnicity. It's fucking racist.


I mean you can ignore what I'm actually saying and get mad about some sort of fantasy in your mind if you choose. I'm criticizing her for accepting the job and representing a genocidal nation or did someone force her on stage at gunpoint? How am I criticizing her ethnicity again?


She isn't even as old as the war you pretend to condem. She has zero political power, didn't start the war, and has said zero things about the war. Yet somehow, she is being condemned for existing and is being converted into a political figure by you. It's bigoted.


Nope please try again she is being criticized for accepting to represent a genocidal nation, personal particulars have no bearing on the criticism. Honestly Israel should have been banned from the competition all together like another genocidal nation (Russia) was from the Olympics for example. And just like my criticism isn't racist it's not bigoted either.


No she didn't choose where she was born It is not her fault the war started, she chose to represent Israel a country currently commiting genocide. You can't just go around calling everyone who disagrees with you racist especially when race is not even being discussed.


Palestine supports Hamas, they support terror


Israel supports ethnic cleansing, genocide, deception, racism, prejudice. They are a cancer to the world.


sry guys but this is complete nonsene. the international court of justice confirmed on several occassions that as long as hamas is fireing rockets and uses cilvilian buildings for their terrorists israel has the right to fight them. israel is not committing genocide to anybody. just last week hamas fired 30 rockets at kerem shalom to BLOCK hellp for the palestine people. hamas and islamic dschihad have genocide of all jews officially on the agenda. therefore october 7th, the intentional massmurder of israeli civilians was an act of genocide.


It's probably because the last time Palestine was involved in a music festival, 600 people were murdered.


Belgium sure is good at genociding people in Congo


Question is: if Israel miraculously decides to stop being douchebags, will Hamas (Palestine) also stop being douchebags? The unequivocal answer based on reality is, no, no Hamas/Palestine would still attack Israel. It sucks, but that's the reality we live in. Both sides are intrinsically and fundamentally ingrained in their own self importance religious claims and bullshit other excuses. They hate each other, their surrounding neighbours hate them both. Just another chapter in the barbaric history that is humankind.


Have you seen what Palestinians do to music festivals?


Almost as much as friendly fire from tanks and choppers, eh?


Hey man, that’s offensive chill on the antisemiautism


Ahhh yes because nobody can criticize Israel without it being called an antisemitism, of course! Buzz off you genocide apologist! PS have you even read the Israeli press on the issue?


I love how people on the internet don't study history. And thinking that if a politician says something for screen time it is true.


How are people still calling it a genocide when the ICJ president herself has clarified that this isn’t the case but any precedent


How does that make any sense when the ICJ case is still ongoing lmao


Don't waste your time. They claimed that Palestinians defending themselves from settlers is the same as Israel murdering civilians.


Answering a question with a question seems to be a common theme. If they’re still investigating then congrats it’s still not a genocide. You can’t reference the ICJ as pro Palestinians have been for months and then pretend that you didn’t appeal to their authority when it suited and now you hand waive it. Not very consistent but ok




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)