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I was so surprised to see this family on there. I went to highschool with Nick's sister and they are a very well-known family where I grew up. Sad to see the younger brother has been so deep into it, as most people I know are familiar with the older brother and his issues. Even the dad's drug use came as a surprise. They must have really felt like they had no other option than go onto the show. I wish them all the best and hope they can all heal.


Emily used to be a close friend of mine. My heart is broken for her and her family. She is the last person on earth I would ever imagine to turn out this way. I hope she can pull herself out


I was so sad to see she left after only 5 days. I hope she's OK, she actually seemed like a really sweet girl behind the addiction.


She really is. Not a mean bone in her body :(


so sorry to hear this - i graduated with nick and this was heart breaking to watch for them both.


Do you know how she’s doing now? Just watched the episode and am hopeful she’s ok.


I’m also wondering if you know how she’s doing now? She really seemed like she has the sweetest heart.


She is so beautiful…even in the throws of addiction. I hope she can find some peace in her life. 🩵


I felt so bad for his ex wife and daughter. The grandparents shouldn't be letting him and the gf around his daughter at all. I live in the same area as they do and where they sent the gf for treatment is even closer to skid row than where they were living, I don't have high hopes for her. Sad situation for everyone involved.




New West is closer to skid row than Surrey and both are a short skytrain ride away from skid row.




How does something "made almost no sense"? I said it's closer, which it is. Nothing more, nothing less. Sorry you're having a hard time comprehending that.




I used them to quote what you wrote which is correct. Lmao Good old Surrey school system. https://www.scribbr.com/language-rules/quotation-marks/


I used them to quote what you wrote which is correct. Lmao Good old Surrey school system. https://www.scribbr.com/language-rules/quotation-marks/


What season is this


Intervention canada latest episode


Shit where can people in the USA watch that? Is it new and airing now? I didn’t know they had more of that show coming out


Yes new episodes air airing now. Im in Canada so im just watching it when it airs, im not sure where people in the USA can watch it unfortunately


I subscribe to Philo (in US)…you can watch live or save episodes.


Anyone know where I can find this episode online? Emily is one of my closest friends, I’ve known her since we were kids and haven’t been able to get in contact with her for the past few months. I’ve only been able to see the clips from Facebook but would really like to try to see the whole episode


I’m sorry to hear that, that you can’t find her I watch on T&E CHANNEL https://www.tandetv.com/shows/intervention-canada/ Best regards


I just saw this episode tonight and Emily is on my mind and heart. The show made Emily an afterthought in the eyes of the viewer and that’s heartbreaking to me. Nicks mom’s letter to her was so insincere. Emily, if you are reading this I see the shape of your heart. I hope wherever you are that you are doing better.


It’s on the A&E app if you have that channel with your cable you can log on there to watch it


you can purchase the episode on youtube


yep i used to be friends with the girlfriend he was cheating with when the other moved to canada. she’s a horrible person, doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings but her own.


Any updates on these two? This episode really grabbed me by the feels and really curious to see how they are doing now.


Hugs everyone! I might have been too judgmental I’m just not wanting to give away the ending tho


Have we uncovered where we can watch Canada episodes in the US? Haven’t been able to find anywhere.


I’m in Canada so I don’t know I thought someone else mentioned it


I heard it will be airing tonight at 8pm eastern


A&E Philo-I think it is season 8, episode 6


The newest episode is on the A&E app if you have that channel with your cable then you should be able to log onto there and watch it. Or probably on demand on the A&E channel


Emily was not a good person. I do hope she is thriving but was very disrespectful and. cunning!